Вопрос: Как использовать ЭпиПен?


Автоинжетор Эпипен. Анафилактический шок

Видео взято с канала: Baby Health & Dr. Maya


How to use an EpiPen

Видео взято с канала: Boston Children’s Hospital


Epi Pen Injecting into Ballistic Gel

Видео взято с канала: Anthony Ricci


How to use an EpiPen

Видео взято с канала: MassGeneralHospital


How To Use an EpiPen

Видео взято с канала: NationwideChildrens


Почему важно купить Эпипен или другой аутоинжектор с адреналином? | Укол, который может спасти жизнь

Видео взято с канала: Ольга Жоголева


How to Use an EpiPen

Видео взято с канала: DoctorOz

41 комментарий

  • Насколько я понимаю, анафилаксия может возникнуть вообще у кого угодно и на что угодно. Например, на лекарства. Например, у меня была очень сильная аллергия на какой-то антибиотик, когда я лежала в больнице, но я не знаю, на какой именно антибиотик, и теперь боюсь всех. Показан ли в таком случае автоинжектор или шприц на случай приема подозрительных медикаментов не под присмотром врача (дома)?

  • Actually, you don’t have to plunge it at all. It just looks dramatic. You simply press firmly and hold. If you jab it down, there’s a good chance the injector will bounce off. By the time you hear the «click» of the injector, the epi is injected.

  • I am grateful I do not have life threatening allergies everyday. I am very needle phobic so I would be terrified to use an auto injector, but then again I know that when you’re going into anaphylaxis you don’t care too much about pain because you can feel your airways closing

  • In the yard trimming the hedges and a wasp stuck me in my thigh. I just used the trainer EpiPen and I then shot myself in the thigh with the real pin. It says to seek medical attention afterwards so I will go to Baptist East later or I’ll see how I feel later and go in the morning. Ses you later.

  • My kid’s school keeps it in the nurse’s office, that I have to turn in. They don’t even have an emergency one for kids with unknown allergies. I don’t know what she does, but it’s hard to get a hold of the nurse at her office. That’s potential life saving time, so I try to keep another in my daughter’s backpack. Every time she’s caught with it, it gets turned into the nurse. It’s very frustrating as the parent. I think she’s inept in her job as well. I had to pick her up from the office one day with hives and had to head straight to the emergency room.

  • Asian Hornets

    People of the United Kingdom
    This news is not a hoax,
    If you suffer from anaphylaxis
    Make sure you have antidote.

    The Asian Hornet is coming
    One sting can kill it’s true,
    For those with anaphylaxis
    Keep Epi Pen on you.

    Epinephrine autoinjectors
    Are hand-held devices you see,
    They can save a persons life
    If they are used properly. (ee)

    Carried by those who suffer
    From severe allergic reaction,
    If you suspect anaphylaxis
    Then you must take action.

    In short they’re called Epipen,
    If not given person may die,
    The ideal spot is in the middle
    Of the outer side of thigh.

    It can be used through clothing
    Don’t get yourself in a flap,
    Take Epipen out of the case
    Now pop off the cap.

    Place in hand and make a fist
    Now you must be bold,
    Whilst Epipen is in your fist
    Press into thigh! Click! Hold!

    Make sure you hear the click
    Hold for seconds ten,
    Ask the person if they have
    An additional Epipen.

    For a better understanding
    Please follow link below,
    This will take you to youtube
    For life saving video.


    William Mckechnie
    Health in Rhyme from Amazon Kindle

  • Thursday 4/4 my son got the hives and uses epi..it was our first time using it.. he tried using the impax epi,but we are not familiar with it so he just took of.the blue cap on both ends for maybe 3 hours but we didnt use it.. is it still good to use? We ended up using the other brand that he had. Please I need to know. And friday evening he forgot it in the car under the aeat and got it until saturday 4/6 around 4pm.. can he use it still or we need a new one. Please. He gets bad hives.

  • Well here’s the problem. I have trypanophobia REALLY bad. Annndddd, I am deathly allergic to the world’s most popular scent… yup, you guessed it.. I’m allergic to lavender. Anything lavender scented, anything that has lavender in it. My throat starts to swell, my eyes swell, I can’t breathe, I can’t speak. It’s horrible. It’s come to the point where I have to carry an EpiPen with me at all times just Incase someone has lavender near me. Soooo, yeah. I’m terrified

  • Спасибо за информацию! Получается, когда у ребёнка (4 года) с аллергией на берёзу возникала и крапивница, и насморк, мне следовало сделать такую инъекцию? Доктор назначила нам курс зиртека и в случае затрудненного дыхания Пульмикорт. Этого не достаточно?

  • Shout out to AUVI-Q an auto rescue Epinephrine injector that talks you through the process……you barely can get this epi pen (like in this video) the brand name and or generic pen approved by insurance but you can get auvi-q for free through their website

  • ОЛЬГА, добрый день, у меня уже на протяжении 3 лет, каждый день бывает крапивница, преимущественно вечером, я принамаю фексадин(180 гр.), его хватает на сутки, и еще мне помогает атаракс, 0,5 таблетки хватает на 2дня. потом опять и так уже 3 года, сдала большое количество разных анализов, аллерголог поставила идиопатическую крапивницу и все, так я и мучаюсь, Ольга, может вы подскажите где могут поставить от чего она выступает и как её вылечить. Заранее спасибо.

  • Скажите пожалуйста, гуглю уже есть Эпипен в продаже в России, 8-10 т.р. Это же не подстава, можно покупать?
    И второй вопрос: у ребенка отек гортани возник сильный на нектарины (сложно дышать, плюс боль в груди, возможен отек внутр.органов), скорую не вызывали, дали супрастин, отек сам прошел. Т.е. предпочтительнее в след. раз адреналин вколоть?

  • В России адреналин продают менее 100 р, вы рекламируете эпипен за 100 евро. В чем их разница? В российском он тоже указан как противоанафелактический и врачи не назначают. Плюс ни слова о побочках, некоторые тут уже с крапивницей и лёгкими отёком готовы его вколоть…

  • EpiPen training was not mentioned when I went to nursing school in 1993. When I was shown an EpiPen I had no idea on how to use it, as the device was confusing and not user friendly. This video cleared up a LOT of things about it, things that nursing school and the EpiPen trainer never shared with me. The importance of this medication should compel EpiPen makers to make them EASY to understand and use. How about two large red arrows pointing towards the injecting end? This was a major point of confusion since no one ever trained on which end was the injecting end. Also, in this day and age EpiPens are VERY expensive and VERY hard to obtain, with most pharmacies not having them at all. I’m just saying, they really need to get their act together on this life saving medicine.

  • i remember playing rust and using a epipen when fighting, and then i saw this video and i was like «Whaaat? it does hurt you?» and then i learned u need to place it on your thigh and then i was like «What? i saw the rust character inject to its arm!»

    i was a stupid kid back then

  • Big Pharma, Big Food Companies, Congress, The ungodly Big Corporations who are bent on Profit at costs ARE the ones responsible for these NEW AGE Allergies. And this doctor and others like him want to have us believe that this is NORMAL?
    1 out of 20 Kids? that is 5% if my math is right, but the truth of the matter is that the number is much higher much like %10 to 20 Percent. The criminals now day wear suits, they talk nice, and they have Doctoral degrees and PhD’s. The common denominator between these so called white collar criminals and knife wielding psychopath is that you both don’t have a conscience.

  • It’s not just in America that people have allergies or anaphylaxis, there are people all over the world who carry an epipen and not know how to use it, this video can help parents of children and also adults learn how to administer the epipen carefully and safely, people can get confused when watching these videos because they only talk about individuals from America who may have allergies, in conclusion all individuals should have and could have a ID bracelet letting Emergency personnel what they have on them and what happened.

  • i am allergic to wasps and i have been prescribed with the first one you demonstrated. i have one question. if you take that blue safety thing out and not use the injector, can you put that blue thing back and keep the injector? or is it no longer usable?

  • I wish these were cheaper:( I don’t have insurance rn so I can’t really afford one. Yesterday night I had a really bad allergic reaction and my whole body broke out in bumps and my skin was burning and red and my throat was closing up. It was so scary and thankfully I got to the ER on time. The ER visit was so expensive so I can’t afford to pay for this I have to pay for the ER visit first:(

  • We just recently found out that I’m severely allergic to bees and I was stung by 8-10 of them. I broke out in hives all over my body including my face and I threw up. The doctor said it’s good that they brought me into the ER and that he’s really worried about the reaction I’ll get if I’m ever stung again. I have to see an allergist. I’m watching this video so I know exactly what to do.

  • I was watching a video of doctor Mike talking about the need for epi pens on flights. And it just made me realize I don’t know how to use an epi pen, or even what it does. But now I’m educating myself and thinking I should carry one for just in case. I have a mild food allergy but it’s nothing that I would need a pen for. But now I can feel better prepared should the need arise to ever use one.

  • Its very scared that knowing that u could die from allergies. I personally get stressed knowing that u can get stung or anything at any time. I went to a trip today and i was so shook i didn’t go. I hate allergies because i have like 34 please be couscous of what u are doing and if ur face swells up u go to a doc and they will check u out by doing a blood test.

  • Funny story I was doing a peanut allergy test because I was allergic and was doing a test to find out my allergy went a way but a few weeks or days after finding out we took test just to make sure I wasn’t allergic anymore which I’m not but just later to realize I now have an allergy to shrimp lucky me ��

  • Literally watched this as I administered my own epi pen into my brother tonight. He’s getting allergy shots done and he went into anaphylaxis. So scary and so glad you put this out there, life saving…and slightly embarrassing but I guess that’s what happens when you start panicking over someone you love who’s in trouble ��‍♀️ thank you for putting this out here! I’ll definitely be more prepared the next time something like this (hopefully doesn’t) happen

  • Подскажите, пожалуйста, адреналин заменяем декзаметозон? У ребенка был один случай реактивного коньюктивита, антигистамин не справился, только укол декзаметозона. Вот в таком случае тоже нужен адреналин? Врач в больнице сказала, что 4сли бы был не на базисной терапии, то и удушье было бы.

  • Good video, but I just need to let everyone know one thing, when you come to a point when you actually have to use the real Epi pen, not the trainer, you don’t wait til you hear a click. You literally jab it into your leg because waiting to hear a click could mean life or death. Also, I’m pretty sure you just have to wait 3 seconds; not 10.

  • I am really glad you are showing the right way. I learned quite a few years ago. I am deathly allergic to peanuts. The EpiPen saved my life two times. We need to spread awareness about how deadly these allergies are. Going into shock will put you in a panic. Thanks for showing others about the right way to administer.

  • Спасибо. Как понять что это может случиться, если никаких отеков раньше не было? Просто у человека астма средней тяжести, сезонный аллергический ринит и коньюктивит. А у другого аллергические ринит и коньюктивит на домашнее животное (одновременно) и подозрительный кашель периодически. Ведь когда-то это может случится впервые? Или может не случиться никогда?

  • Добрый день, назрели 2 вопроса: считается ли отек+крапивница анафилаксией (по моему нет, ведь задействована 1 сист органов, но хочу уточнить)? Сработает ли Эпипен через джинсы или какие либо другие ткани потолще?
    Буду очень благодарен за ответы.

  • It’s not 3 seconds it’s 10, I wouldn’t want u as my school nurse jeeeees. Edit: to everyone saying it is 3 seconds, it’s not it is still ten, I have a peanut allergy so I carry epipens and I confirmed with my doctor that it is still ten seconds so please stop saying it’s 3 because it’s not, unless you have an allergy or u know someone who has and it’s been confirmed my a medical professional, then stop saying it’s 3.