Вопрос: Как одеваться как Джеймс Бонд?


Стиль 007

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Summer Style Tips From James Bond | Dress Like 007 Hot Weather Casual Clothing | RMRS

Видео взято с канала: Real Men Real Style


James Bond Summer Style Essentials | Dress Like 007

Видео взято с канала: Real Men Real Style


The Four F’s of Dressing Like Bond

Видео взято с канала: TheBondExperience


Кто Будет Новым Джеймсом Бондом

Видео взято с канала: Real Men Real Style Russian


Самый НЕстильный Джеймс Бонд (Агент 007)

Видео взято с канала: Real Men Real Style Russian



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54 комментария

  • Looks like some nice stuff, but so far I don’t see anything that fits big guys like me so sadly this video doesn’t help a fat guy like me ☹️ still hoping to see some tips for big guys this summer as we like to look good too but such limited selection.

  • Очень классно! Было бы супер, если так одевались мужчины. Может мода на классику 50-х г.г. вернётся. Был же такой всплеск в мире в конце 80-х. Кстати, в Европе так ходят. Лично видел таких стильных людей в Вене.Так что это не совсем экзотика.

  • Ну тут то понятно, ролик создан про сравнению одежды всех актёров кто был в этой роли. Но на самом деле, Броснан останется всегда на первом месте,если учесть все критерии, по всем параметрам, просто идеально у него всё.
    И с какого такого хера я не пойму,и из-за чего мне хочется вырвать, это когда некоторые берутся утверждать что Крейг это лучший Бонд.

  • Омг, сколько можно одно и тоже, этот RMRS даже не понимает почему подбирали такую одежду и что на разных типах фигур она смотрится по разному. Имхо, Крейг лучший, приталенный костюм подобрали как раз в точку, потому что его образ, по большей части, динамичный и спортивный, взяли бы они на размер больше и он смотрелся бы уже не так эффектно, вот в «Достать ножи» его одели чуть посвободней, потому что и бегать никуда не надо было, он то сидел в кресле, то не торопливо ходил. Короче не понимает что к чему и еще про стиль тут рассказывает

  • Love the advise Antonio. I’m a 32 year old pharmacist and have been listening for about 6 months. Have gotten a ton more positive reactions during consultations thank you for changing my thought process. For the black shirt from ministry I would pair white pants. With a black and white strip belt and white shoes. Just to inverse the look. Most people have black shoes and paints and white shirt. Let’s flip it.

  • Как актер, попавший в образ, Тим Далтон великолепен, а одежда последнее, на что обращаешь внимание, просматривая Бондиану. Джордж в роли Бонда единственный, кто действительно ужасен, да и Роджер Мур не ахти!

  • Боже ну и бред, каких то рандомных людей перечислил и в комментах одни дебилы, тоже херню предлогающие. Единственный кто идеально подошёл бы на эту роль, это Джош Бролин, вот он как раз похож на классического бонда, типа Коннери или Броснана.

  • In the final Roger Moore James Bond Movie, «A View to a Kill» he wears a type of casual golf jacket,…Really looking cool as he kicks ass on the intruders at Tanya Robert’s characters home shooting a shotgun and to his surprise loaded with only rock salt.

  • С точки зрения стиля на мой взгляд Крейг здесь преуспел, вспомните образы из кванта милосердия, лёгкие не стандартные, но стильные.
    Вот бы увидеть Стива МакКуина в роли агента с двумя нулями и он точно знал толк в моде.

  • Необычный разбор агентов 007 ))

    Мне, кстати, образ Джорджа Лезенби очень понравился. В классике придраться не к чему. И дался им этот клетчатый халат и рюши! По-моему, махровый комбинезончик и тот чудо-галстук у Шона Конери зрелище поуматовей )))

  • О чем говорите? Вы сути Бондианы не понимаете! Никаких девушек в главной роли! Ничего не имею против женского пола, но фильм об агенте 007 конкретно мужчине где собран целый образ. А такое решение полностью разрушит концепцию бондианы. И вообще я считаю что лучше Крэйга вряд ли кто-то будет. К сожалению даже сейчас бондиана начинает падать на дно, так как в новых фильмах Бонд отходит от старых своих традиций.

  • Африканец и две девушки? Бондиана это устоявшаяся вселенная которую любят именно потому что она такая какая есть. И финт ушами с таким отступом от канона просто убьет вселенную. Это станет низкопробной жвачкой уровня нетфликс.
    Локи и Доктор Стрендж нет. Слишком интеллигентные образы мыслителей у них. Воспринимать их как Альфу уже не выйдет.
    Лично я за Чарли Ханона (во всяком случае из представленного списка).

  • https://ministryofsupply.com/?utm_source=RMRS&utm_medium=infl&utm_campaign=0627&utm_content=zzmid Click here to discover Ministry of Supply use code realmenrealstyle17 for 15% OFF your first purchase. Offer good until 9/30/2017

    Products mentioned in the video
    https://ministryofsupply.com/collections/mens-shirts/products/apollo-3-dress-shirt-black/?utm_source=RMRS&utm_medium=infl&utm_campaign=0627&utm_content=zzmid Apollo 3 Dress Shirt

    https://ministryofsupply.com/collections/mens-pants/products/going-places-shorts-cadet-blue/?utm_source=RMRS&utm_medium=infl&utm_campaign=0627&utm_content=zzmid Going Places Shorts

    https://ministryofsupply.com/collections/mens-polos-and-t-shirts/products/future-forward-polo-black/?utm_source=RMRS&utm_medium=infl&utm_campaign=0627&utm_content=zzmid Future Forward Polo

    http://www.realmenrealstyle.com/james-bond-style-guide/ Click here to read the article James Bond Summer Style

    Are you ready to up your style? Click here for the BEST style course on the planet! https://www.thestylesystem.com

    Video Summary:
    0:33 Keep It Simple
    0:55 Nail The Fit
    1:07 Buy The Best You Can Afford
    3:27 The Polo Shirt
    3:54 Casual Button Down
    4:33 Dress Shirt
    5:23 Light Colored Sports Jacket
    6:14 Lightweight Trousers
    6:57 Shorts
    7:42 No Show Socks & Loafers
    8:14 Great Shades
    8:30 Straw Hat
    8:56 Bonus: Quarter Zip Sweaters

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/rmrscommunity/ Click HERE To Join our online Facebook Community

  • Идрис, наверно, единственный чёрный актёр, которым можно спокойно можно заменить белого персонажа и будет он смотреться как минимум не хуже. Если и делать Бонда чёрным то только он. Женщины это мимо… под женщин лучше писать оригинальный сценарий и придумывать нового персонажа. А моё мнение, что роль Бонда должен играть британец, всегда! Благо крутых британских актёров много.

  • Can we get a name of all the Bond items mentioned here? I’d like to take a closer look at that expensive bag. I think it’s sad that so much emphasis is put on Bond wearing Tom Ford suits. Really? Surely Bond would not bother with such overpriced tat. Those suits cost over £4000. Surely he would opt for a quality bespoke suit from Savile Row before he would waste so much money. How does it make sense for Bond to buy his quality shirts and shoes from Jermyn Street, then pair those with overpriced fashion brand suits? Makes no sense.

  • Navy sweater, white shirts, chinos and desert boots from Casino Royale. Navy polo shirt, dark jeans, and chukka boots inspired from Quantum of Solace.

    Since, Rolex and Omega are too expensive, a piece of Seiko SKX007 with Nato strap (no pun intended) will be a budget friendly alternative.

    BTW, Roger Moore wore Seiko almost exclusively in his Bond films.

  • I know David isn’t saying one has to buy the Bond Brands. However, if you want to wear the same «Brands» as Bond, then be prepared to open up the bank. If you like paying $200 for a simple Polo shirt then dressing «exactly» like Bond is in your wheelhouse. For most folks, we’re going to settle for «looking» like Bond in fit ect. without having the tag (and $$$) that goes along with it. I wouldn’t mind recommendations on cheaper alternatives (Brands and/or sites) that maintain the look for cheaper prices. Really enjoy this channel.

  • My go to casual 007 look is the navy blue Polo style shirt and the Docker style khaki pants. I accessorize with a black leather belt with a contemporary brushed nickle buckle, a watch with a black leather strap and a dark grey metal bezel, and a pair of aviator sunglasses with smoky blue/grey lenses and silver frames. I finish the look with black socks and a pair of brown/grey no lace shoes. Works every time.

  • I dressed my husband like 007 (and he looks like his brother) and he got hit on by both men and women on his train ride to work, at work and back on the train ride to home. He was not at all OK with it. Sigh…he looked dreamy….and not just to me.

  • When your playing in your sand pit pretending your’re in the Sahara desert under attack. How do you prevent your clothes from gettting all ichy and dirty? Hilarious blog thank you for the laughs. I thought Bond was ‘cool’ for making his own choices?

  • Вы по-моему слишком увлеклись бондианой, и сравнением актёров по их одежде в фильме. Это же фильм, а не жизнь и ошибки определенного человека, и в фильме прежде всего актер наденет то, что ему дадут костюмеры. Упрекать актеров в плохом вкусе, или неверно подобранным размером, по меньшей мере не правильно. Во всем виноваты художники по костюмам, консультанты и костюмеры, если на экране актёр выглядит как-то не так, то все вопросы к ним…
    Можно и обезьяной восхищаться, если её красиво и правильно одеть))

  • great video. Can your next video explore semi-formal dress jackets? Like the one Robert Downey Jr. wore in the first Avengers movie. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F38%2Ffd%2Fd2%2F38fdd224b7674128ae34ed9138fa730f.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F62768988526821419%2F&docid=Va7Odbx_LvkIXM&tbnid=Y8OoM6PibqoHuM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiO6b_t0JvnAhWzjuYKHeJbAtoQMwiTASgQMBA..i&w=848&h=812&bih=907&biw=1680&q=tony%20stark%20avengers&ved=0ahUKEwiO6b_t0JvnAhWzjuYKHeJbAtoQMwiTASgQMBA&iact=mrc&uact=8

  • I like wearing bands shirts for casual events depending on where I go. I think a good rule, at least for me is, cargo shorts with band and graphic shirts, but non-cargo shorts with short sleeve button ups. Not that Bond would wear band shirts.

  • Very well done Antonio. James Bond, particularly Daniel Craig’s version is one of my style icons. I have a light grey linen suit that is crying out for a black shirt when I want to have that big tonal contrast. Great for Summer evening wear here in Orlando. Hint, hint…

  • I love your videos, Antonio. I normally don’t comment on them, but in this one, I have to. I am a James Bond fanatic and I am pretty sure that James Bond doesn’t wear Ministry of Supply. In the recent movies, he mostly wore Tom Ford, which admittedly costs way too much and there are alternatives. He also included some brands like Sunspel, Prada, and other high-end designers. I am not trying to trash your video, my man, I am sure MoS is great, but they have never been in a James Bond movie and I don’t recall him ever wearing the brand. It is inspired by Q though, which is cool in itself.

  • Please Sir, try to refrain from sticking up 2 fingers to your audience.
    Good advice on the fit.
    Addendum: style can go out if fashion e.g. boot cut jeans may suit someone’s shape & therefore their style, but they’re now out of fashion, so said person’s style should/could change.

  • This is one of your BEST videos!! Suggest you tie your videos more to your military officer heritage. Bond was a military intelligence officer.

    And PLEASE get rid of your ppcket squares, as they are totally out of touch with today’s reality. In Seattle, I have not seen one in over five years. They come across as pompous and pretentious. Best wishes!

  • I would like to own this bond accessories:black monkstrap, brown suede shoes, knit tie,smoking, brown sport jacket, aviator sunglasses, bidge coat, blue suit, dark grey and black vest,red flower buttoniere, white shirt with pinned point collar

  • Subscribed
    For the simple fact that you zeroed in on the polo. And I loved the way Daniel Craig’s clothes fitted him in his first Bond film. He had very primal aesthetic athletic build in CS. And I knew that I wanted to emulate that style for myself.

    Bravo good Sir.

  • This is a good video. I have to point out one error that the host makes about the Four F’s: the term «Fashion» as it is used refers to how well a garment has been put together, how well it has been «fashioned». This manifests in the details of construction. It does not refer to «fashion» as an expression of current clothing trends, even though the host makes a good point about choosing what works best for you rather than wearing what is popular at the time.

  • I have that exact bag and have to say it is a pleasure to use. I used to baby it but no morethe more you use it the better it looks. Every few months I clean it gently and condition it with a little saphir lotion. Keep up the great work Antonio.

  • You look like a freakin american dad with 4 daughter and 1 fat wife on suburb with tht j crew ish navy polo.. eventho u buy same brand u still not daniel craigs…
    U probably looks better in leather jacket.. and white shirt… with tht olebar.. u looks shit and average

  • It’s funny about the bag, when I was a kid, my grandfather told me people always want things three ways, fast, great quality or substance and inexpensive… then I should pick two, because NOBODY gets all three. Fast and inexpensive things are usually low quality and fast high quality is going to cost. So yea, I’ll wait for high quality and inexpensive. Probably take less time and money in the long run, anyhow.

  • New subscriber. Loving this Quantum of Solace polo shirt look. Any tips please on how to carry my wallet keys phone and everything else. I see lots of people use man bags but 007 manages everything in his pants without pocket bulges. Perhaps a utility belt but that is Batman not Bond. Jason Bourne carries a red bank bag with his cash and 6 passports. Ethan Hunt wears dark Jean’s and a dark shirt or hoodie for a more Ghost or grey man look. What is your EDC? Maybe I carry too much but I prefer to be prepared.

  • Great video! Love most of it; however, I’ve never been a fan of the blousy polo Bond wears at the beginning of Casino Royale. Sure, it works for his movement, but this look hasn’t aged well as styles have become more fitted over the last 15 years. Bond’s style shows this evolution as well. Skyfall and Spectre were more fitted.

  • I happen to own that exact duffel bag. Purchased it years ago, and I absolutely love it. It has aged really well, it has a bunch of little details you only notice after you use it for a while, and people comment on it. Also, it has quite possibly the best zipper I’ve used.

    Just saying, Antonio is not steering you wrong here. That bag is a great value.

  • I would have to match those black shirts with the light gray going places pant and blazer. The shoes would be a breathable black driving loafer with a touch of silver on it. To finish it, I’d wear my silver diver watch with the classic Bond NATO strap

  • For a long time, I thought no one could come close to Sean Connery when it comes to the Bond style…until Daniel Craig. His tuxedo in «Casino Royale» was absolutely stunning and it got me interested in tuxedos for that truly special occasion. And thanks so much, Antonio, for detailing exactly what makes Bond so great in styling.

  • Авторское Право на ЛИЧНОСТЬ Джэймс Бонда у родственников писателя Яна Флемминга с 1964 года, после его смерти.
    Так, что это пустой разговор без слов понятно.
    Наше мнение никого в Голливуде не интересует!!!!

  • Antonio, I have to say this is my new favorite video. I’ve always loved 007 movies, but particularly Daniel Craig’s portrayal of James Bond. He’s the epitome of «cool». He exudes cool, James Bond IS cool. Your video helps us average guys to look a bit like him. As always, thank you for your diligence and providing good content for your viewers!