Вопрос: Как одеваться, как девушка скейтер?


Avril Lavigne Sk8er Boi (Official Music Video)

Видео взято с канала: Avril Lavigne


Yulia Lipnitskaya’s Phenomenal Free Program Team Figure Skating | Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

Видео взято с канала: Olympic


I Am A 9 Year Old Pro Skateboarder | Anomaly | Refinery29

Видео взято с канала: Refinery29


Skateboarder is World’s Youngest Olympian | Sky Brown

Видео взято с канала: Jordan Matter


✰ Skatergirl Aesthetic ✰ Find Your Aesthetic #22

Видео взято с канала: Taliaxbro



Видео взято с канала: SHKOLN1K


Построили СКЕЙТ-ПАРК на ДАЧЕ!

Видео взято с канала: MORGENSHTERN

15 комментариев

  • Отсутствие стабилизации, не качественная съёмка, проблема со звуком, а именно: Нету петличного микрофона и слышно звуки ветра. Надоедливая музыка перед переходами, отсутствие хороший анимации текста, не смешные шутки. Я, конечно, не самокатер, но видео по монтажу, звуку, съемки хромает однозначно. Пытался быть объективным, но это тяжело, т.к. это, откровенно говоря, говно собрало 200к просмотров, в том время, когда некоторые хорошие каналы умирают от нехватки подписчиков и просмотров, ютуб — помойка, именно в данное время.

  • Ive finlly found my aesthetic EVERY singlr quiz or anything says im a soft girl and then I found the skater girl aesthetic and…Im a skater girl Just that i cant skate cuz of cororna rn but im literally a mix of skater and soft…Ive finally found myself:D anyways lmao that sounded so emotional

  • it ain’t a fuckin aesthetic stop ruining people’s hobby by acting like its a clothing style. if you like skating then ya are a skater you ain’t a skater when ya just dress up with an edgy and grunge look. most people who actually folow this aesthetic only skate for attention jeez

  • She inspired me to try to start to skate I am 13 so I am just starting so a little late but since I have no money I opened an Etsy shop to try and raise money to help my mom with the bills and if I have some left over I will buy my first skateboard my Etsy shop is MaddieBellz I sell peeler beard art coasters and keychains and pins please check it out it would mean a lot to me.

  • I don’t like it. She is is brilliant and great talent and technically superb, but this was a)wrongly chosen music and b)really terrible choreography. Whoever did the choreography does not understand how to create powerful performance. The whole thing is too busy, too urgent, she never pauses to give impact to anything, it’s just constant manic moving and skating as if all that matters is the amount of metres skated.

  • Beanies

    Striped long sleeve

    Checkered long sleeve

    Thrasher t shirts oversized

    Thrasher hoodie oversized

    Flame shirt

    Vintage crewnecks/hoodies really oversized

    Vintage mom jeans

    Cool chains on pants/necklaces

    Bucket hats

    Air force 1s

    Doc martens


    Vans old skool


    GOLF merch

  • lyrics

    [Verse 1]
    He was a boy, she was a girl
    Can I make it any more obvious?
    He was a punk, she did ballet
    What more can I say?
    He wanted her, she’d never tell
    Secretly she wanted him as well
    But all of her friends stuck up their nose
    They had a problem with his baggy clothes

    He was a skater boy, she said, “See you later, boy”
    He wasn’t good enough for her
    She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space
    She needed to come back down to earth

    [Verse 2]
    Five years from now, she sits at home
    Feeding the baby, she’s all alone
    She turns on TV, guess who she sees
    Skater boy rockin’ up MTV
    She calls up her friends, they already know
    And they’ve all got tickets to see his show
    She tags along, stands in the crowd
    Looks up at the man that she turned down

    He was a skater boy, she said, “See you later, boy”
    He wasn’t good enough for her
    Now he’s a superstar slammin’ on his guitar
    Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?
    He was a skater boy, she said, “See you later, boy”
    He wasn’t good enough for her
    Now he’s a superstar slammin’ on his guitar
    Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?

    Sorry, girl, but you missed out
    Well, tough luck, that boy’s mine now
    We are more than just good friends
    This is how the story ends
    Too bad that you couldn’t see
    See the man that boy could be
    There is more than meets the eye
    I see the soul that is inside
    He’s just a boy and I’m just a girl
    Can I make it any more obvious?
    We are in love, haven’t you heard
    How we rock each other’s world?

    (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’m with the skater boy (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I said, «See you later, boy» (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’ll be backstage after the show (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’ll be at our studio (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Singin’ the song we wrote (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    About a girl you used to know (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’m with the skater boy (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I said, «See you later, boy» (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’ll be backstage after the show (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I’ll be at our studio (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Singin’ the song we wrote (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
    About a girl you used to know

  • Это чистый шедевр, такого никогда не было и не будет. Будет много Олимпийских Чемпионок и программ. Это же было навсегда. Это полностью, абсолютно переданное пронзительное чувство, которое наполнило все вокруг. Легендарно

  • Именно эта Олимпиада открыла для меня Юленьку. Такого катания я раньше не видел. Настоящее искусство и волшебство, а Юляша чудо! Ее Господь поцеловал. Недавно пересмотрел это выступление, и мне захотелось наконец посмотреть фильм «Список Шиндлера», после чего меня еще сильнее поразило выступление Юли. Юляша, солнышко, спасибо тебе большое! Как же тебя не хватает сейчас на льду. Храни тебя Господь!

  • Прошли года. программа своей красоты не потерял и второй такой программы не будет. браво Юлия, браво тутберидзе!!! Всё свободное время пересматриваются все выступления липницкои.Юля ты великая, ты чудо. жаль так рано ушла из спорта. спасибо за все!!!