Вопрос: Почему кошка постоянно сбрасывает вещи на пол?


Идеальная уборка ������ Кот скидывает вещи Кошки приколы ��

Видео взято с канала: НАШИ ПИТОМЦЫ


Catlateral Damage Пушистый уничтожитель

Видео взято с канала: Ктулха


Почему я не могу притронуться к своему коту? Часть 2

Видео взято с канала: Helpful Vancouver Vet



Видео взято с канала: TomoNews Russia


Что делать, если вы увидели паука

Видео взято с канала: AdMe.ru Сайт о творчестве

Почему кошки любят сбрасывать чашки, стаканы, предметы на пол, почему кошки любят выбрасывать вещи, как отучить кошку сбрасывать предметы. приколы их жизни животных, забавные истории сказки о кошках котах котятах. Запрыгивает на возвышенное место (стол, подоконник, полку ) и сбрасывает с него на пол какой-либо предмет. В таких случаях кошка действует именно с целью привлечения внимания, так как едва удостаивает взглядом.

Кошки почему-то думают, что все вещи в доме должны храниться на полу. А полочки, столики и подоконники существуют исключительно для них, любимых усатых созданий. Нередко кошки сбрасывают вещи со стола. Чаще всего это происходит тогда, когда животное остается в одиночестве.

Придя домой, вы можете обнаружить множество предметов, разбросанных по полу. Почему кошки любят сбрасывать вещи на пол, как отучить. Почему кошки так любят опрокидывать вещи Почему коты сбрасывают вещи со стола. Почему кот любит посасывать мочку уха?

Отчего кошка сбрасывает вещи на пол? Что делать, если кот перестал ходить в туалет в свой лоток, а постоянно писает на диван?Скидывают вещи со столов и полочек Если кошка постоянно сбрасывает ваши вещи на пол, роняет все с полок, то это далеко не всегда означает, что она просто вредничает и хулиганит. В этой статье мы расскажем, почему, к примеру, кошки вытаскивают еду из миски на пол, пьют воду из-под крана или из унитаза и приносят нам свою добычу. Если кошка постоянно сбрасывает ваши вещи на пол, роняет все с полок, то это далеко не всегда означает, что она просто вредничает и хулиганит.

Пушистый питомец – не только всплеск положительных эмоций, нежное мурлыкание. Каждый хозяин хочет знать причину, почему кошка постоянно мяукает и орет, и как это исправить. 11. Скидывают вещи со столов и полочек Если кошка постоянно сбрасывает ваши вещи на пол, роняет все с полок, то это далеко не всегда означает, что она просто вредничает и хулиганит.

Кошка часто сглатывает симптомы, признаки и причины появления болезни, как лечить, какие препараты (таблетки) давать, в каких случаях обращаться к ветеринарам, последствия нелечения, профилактика заболевания.

54 комментария

  • Да и вообще пауки если честно тоже полезные они могут ловить мух но мало эффективно ведь с каждым днём может налететь больше мух чем паук может съесть

  • Най ли. Г.

  • I take my baby to the vet regularly. She’s just turning 9. She’s very cuddly, loving, and active, but she’s never liked being picked up. She makes an odd squeaking sound. I’ve shown the vet how I do it and he says he sees nothing wrong, and I of course only pick he up when necessary. But do you think the vet might be missing something? She’s always been like this and I’ve had her since she was 3 months old. Love your videos!

  • У меня фобия кстати помню случай который не забуду когда я убирался в комнате то увидел паука и который прыгнул на меня тогда можно было делать завод кирпичей у дома

  • My cat always follows us between rooms, and sleeps where we sleep. BUT she does not like HANDS:( and does not like to sleep and cuddle in our laps! But she headbuts us from time to time, but never in our HANDS! With few exceptions when she is reaaaaly hungry.

  • Года 4 назад мне 13, мы были на площадке, а за площадкой было стройка и мы захотели пролезть но не смоли проклали под забором когда полезла я я туть не умерла перед моим лицом был паук �� не не маленький а пипец большой мохнат пипец жирные ааааа

  • My cat, Luciel, was semi feral when we got her. With a little bit of time and effort, she eventually began to not mind head scratches. We’ve now found out it’s just her personality to not like being touched a lot, but she’s still the sweetest, most loving cat I could’ve ever wished for.

  • Your love of cats makes me love you, too bad I’m almost 60…meow…..Anyway my 1 cat has hyperthyroidism, I usually don’t have money for vets, but I love her too much, and she comes before my rent…we can camp in my 10 yr old accent if I’m evicted. Lol Her pills work well.

  • Our cat who lived to be 21-years-old had hyperthyroidism. She was a real sweetheart her whole life, even with hyperthyroidism. What it did do to her, though, was make her so vocal. She was a very quiet cat, only really chirped at birds, but rarely more than that. As soon as she got hyperthyroidism she would scream at anyone she saw. Medication helped her weight issue, but we never got our quiet cat back lol.

  • LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! We have a cat named Charlie. Charlie was given to us at the age of 4 weeks old. He was in an abused situation and the mother and her kittens were abused. Charlie is now 5 months old and loves us, cuddles, licks us, and is rarely left alone. Charlie has a few problems that we do not know how to deal with. He attacks us, not with scratches, but bites us with his razor pointy teeth. Our arms and legs are left bloody and scared. We have called in a vet pet consultant and she agrees he does attack. It gets so bad we have to put him in another room and shut the door until we can gather our emotions and Charlie has a chance to calm down. Then we let him out and he is fine for a while, but either gets too excited and thinks he is playing and grabs an arm and will leave 10 to 20 deep bloody bit marks and scratches. It almost seems like he has a dual personality. Then he will turn around and take a nap with me for hours. What can we do to help him be a kinder, gentler cat as he grows, or will he grow out of this stage. I have to admit, he is better at 5 mos than he was at 4 mos, and so on. He has been to the vet, been fixed, and had a major physical. They had no suggestions. What next? He will let me hold him and rock him in my arms, then he lashes out and attacks.

  • Hi my cat seems to have mildly irritated ears. When rubbing him around the head if I massage the base of the ear he shakes his head. I have been to the vet and they said the ears look clean and gave coerisone drops but it didn’t do anything. They said the next thing is to anaesthetise and look deeper incase some grass seed is there or something. But his ear canal is very clean… What can I do?

  • Что делать если ты увидел паука? 1 зови тех кто может помочь 2 бери тапок и бей!!!!! 3 съежай 4 сожги дом и вещи вдруг он расплодился и потомство у тебя в вещах
    Факт: есть паутина есть и паук!

  • Hi, I’m new to all of this, YouTube etc, I love to watch these fantastic clips, videos. I have 6 babies (kitties) ranging in age from 6mths up to 4yrs and love them all. They are the reason I get up everyday. I just wanted to let you know that I love watching this show it is so informative, interesting and I am learning so much. You are a wonderful host and a great veterinarian I have subscribed and look forward to watching much more. Thumbs up, cheers, from Cazz

  • Я:Ааааа зачем я ето включила я же теперь спать не буду а ночу к маме побегу ������������Я всьо хату осмотрела и 1 нашла посмотрела а ето муха я такая фух…
    Адикватние люди:Не трогай их и они тебя не тронут
    Я: ви гоните они ко мне ноч’ю заползут на кровать покусают меня ааа а если сёдят������Адикватние люди:����Тупица
    Я:я же просто боюсь аааа на мне кто-то сидит
    Адикватние люди: Кто? Воздух ой как страшно��
    Я: ну вообще-то да!!!

  • One of my cats likes his bum scratched, when his hot spot isn’t acting up. If it is though he’ll swipe at whoever is petting him there (without his claws at first; he’s very patient) and now that we’ve had him for over a year we can notice his subtle warnings but at first it definitely felt like he was just attacking for no reason.

  • I’m wondering what role handling by owners (or their children) plays. I guess as well as socialisation by the mother cat socialisation by the owners is a big factor. I think if they got picked up or held too often at times when they wanted to be left alone they develope a severe aversion against being picked up or held, sometimes even to a point where they don’t even allow people to touch them. I got two of those and when I earned their trust (which took 6 Months) and When they were sure that i let them go if they want to,their untouchability was gone, at least i could touch, hold or pick them up, but no one else.

  • I have a Siamese boy and Girl. The Girl is pretty normal, just sticking the ass towards my face all the time (could this be explained?)
    But the boy does not generally like cuddle unless is slaping. He really enjoys being slapped onto his back. He Also asks it from me. I have got many videos like that. I think I have made my boy into a masochists.��

    Love your chanel. The love to animals is recognizable❤️

  • Could you do videos on the topic of having only one cat without a partner and if thats okay for their health?
    And a video on how you can get older cats from a shelter to like and accept you?
    I really want to adopt one, that needs a caring home ��

  • Thank you for saying what I’ve been trying to tell people for years cats ARE BASICALLY WILD ANIMALS. They are NOT dogs! I had a friend who would «,spank» her cat and try to force her to do what she wanted it to doneedless to say, she is no longer my friend; as she didn’t listen to me when I told her you cannot treat a cat like you would a dogit doesn’t work and tramatizes the poor animal. My stand is: leave wild animals ALONE, or at least with great respect and some distancePLEASE!

  • This may be in the first video, idk! But a stressed cat will also lash out. I visited someone last year and their stressed cat gave me clear permission to touch him when I «asked» permission and began immediately purring. Almost immediately the cat then withdrew permission and scratched me. I saw the withdrawn permission but didn’t react fast enough. My bad. The cat seemed to experience sensory overload and needed me to stop. I noticed the cat was EXCEEDINGLY stressed out because of the two toddler boys running around the house constantly yelling. The owner told me the cat isn’t friendly but the responsiveness and instant purr-motor told me otherwise. I felt sad for the poor cat who could not escape the chaos. No one was watching out for the cat’s emotional health.

  • Hi I have ginger twin sisters who I got in January, they were pretty close especially with being rescues, but over the past couple of weeks one has become quite aggressive at times with her sister for no other reason than she walked past or greeted her, they can be curled up, snuggled together & washing each other as normal, then a few minutes later Amina will growl, hiss & sometimes attack Nomsa for nothing, then after an hour or so of time out for Amina she’s all loving again, poor Nomsa is starting to get confused & a bit wary of her twin.
    I’m worried it may end in Amina having to be rehomed which despite this sudden behavior she is the more clingy & nervous of them counting on her sister to check everything out first before she will approach & is more likely to miss & pine for Nomsa than she would for her ��
    They are both spayed, both get on with my older cat, & Amina doesn’t seem to be in pain when check her, could it be some underlying illness or something to just keep an eye on & hope resolves itself?

  • I have a question… I had 3 cats, but now it’s just the middle and younger cat Sasha and Murphy. They had no issues when the elder cat friend Milo was still around, and Murph would ‘plop’ on him a lot. Since it’s just the two now, Sasha hisses at Murphy alll day. I thought maybe it was about her, or maybe pain, until I realized he claims her space a LOT. He gets noticeably jealous quite often when she comes to me, or he will walk right in to her, almost pushing her over while she’s trying to walk. Weirdly, like he wants to be the one she pays attention to. If she’s laying, he will gently creep in to her space (because he learned he can’t plop on her without being smacked). However, she will hiss when he isn’t even touching her now, just nearby in her space. I noticed he ‘locks on’ to her, with some type of anxious energy to go after her and claim her space, but it’s never physically aggressive like biting just space dominating. I’ve tried to squish or distract Murphy, but it doesn’t get him out of this seemingly obsessive behavior and he runs after her like some locked on missile. I read that some cats just don’t like each other… but the hissing is distressing! Is there any hope? I tried CBD treats, more play, and pheromones, but they have not really helped the perceived anxiety, or the growling/hissing/swatting reactions. Sometimes it seems like Murph just wants love but Sasha wants to be left alone. Is there any hope?? I don’t want them to feel anxious or trapped with each other. Thanks for any info ❤️❤️❤️ My cats love the squish, and I love watching this channel with them ��

  • When my cat jumps down she makes a wince whine when she lands. I think it’s from the stress of the spine crimp in her neck from the angle; she’s sometimes forced to jump in an angle straight down because there’s something on the floor getting in the way of her landing further out. Or maybe she’s not landing properly because she’s misjudging the distance; I have nothing but green light in my room because I’m photosensitive and that might be messing with her perception of distance. She used to get up on my bookshelf, but she stopped doing that last year. Even when she jumps off something lower, she acts pensive and searched for a good landing spot; she leans way off like she’s trying to lower herself as much as she can before she jumps because she knows it’s going to hurt.

  • Hi, I want to tell you about James, my orange fat boy friend, who is going on 12 years old and eats only dry food and drinks only distilled water. He passes his medical exams with ease, has all his teeth intact, and loves to groom himself in spite of the usual signs of arthritis. He no longer likes to go far from the house, however, after having a run-in with a roughhousing bobcat. Other dogs bore him, and he discourages them with a menacing stare. I like to think his life is near perfect, but if that is the case he keeps it to himself…too proud for a cat if you ask me. But I am still his loyal bulldog buddy.

  • My in laws cat is 18 years old now, my bf and his parents never really went to the vet regularly, poor Kitty had an old wound that kept filling up with puss and bad arthritis. The old vet was afraid of him, his name was Lucifer and he can still be grumpy as fuck when we’re late with his medicine, so the old vet didn’t want to operate since he is so old and she didn’t think he’ll make it. I knew in my heart he could pull through if we did it ASAP instead if trying to convince her for another year. Sp, instead of my in laws going in, my boyfriend and I went in, I wanted them to operate and do SOMETHING about it. This was a different vet then usually so she agreed and made an apointment again telling us she couldn’t promise he would wake up. I dared to believe he would. So a week goed bye, Lucifer gets his operation and is happy as can be. Less grumpy, more cuddly, but still grumpy as heck. I convinced my in laws to go to another vet. Slightly further away, but great and even free walk in hours. The vet just went to work and picked poor lucifer up who growled and hissed. I saw him do the same tricks as helpul Vancouver vet does and knew we where at a great place. They diagnosed a couple of things all old cats have and gave us painkillers for his arthritis. 40 euros later we where outside with a bloodtest to be sure and a Kitty doped up on painmeds. We had a while where we couldn’t get the meds at the other vet because of snow. He went 2 days without because my father in law didn’t want to make the trip and I had to work, then I decided to walk to the old vet and ask them for the meds. since I couldn’t bare to see poor Lucifer in so much pain. Only because cats are wired to hide their pain, we don’t notice it. If something just feels off about your furball, please go as far to annoy your vet into doing a full check up. Yourfurball is worth it.

  • я конечно тоже боюсь пауков ну то что весь дом в ПАУКАХ я в со стула чуть не грохнулся. Я оди тут кто говорит про тот момент где весь дом в пауках 6:19 вот этот момент кто не видел

  • аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа

  • Thanks for the informational videos! Can you do a video on hyperesthesia in cats, if you haven’t already? My cat shows signs of this (biting and grooming at the base of her tail, suddenly becoming agitated and darting around the house as if something is biting her and the rippling skin on her back. Plus, when she is bothered by it while sitting on my lap, I can feel «pulses» going through her body that she tries to ignore, until she can’t). The vets we’ve taken her to haven’t really been helpful in figuring this out.

    What we do to try to help her is to pet her gently on her side or her belly (to distract her from the sensations bothering her) or gently brush her where she is agitated to try to give her some relief. Sometimes it seems to help and other times it doesn’t. It’s hard to watch her in such distress and not be able to do much for her. ��

    Since hyperesthesia is a neurological disorder, I’ve wondered if it is similar to Restless Leg Syndrome (also neurological) in humans. I have RLS, so if it’s similar, I can feel for my kitty because it’s such an irritating sensation and she’s experiencing it throughout her whole body. Any tips, advice or info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  • Great video! I was fostering cats for a while and we had one peculiar case with a cat that was incredibly stand-offish and only really interacted with humans by swiping and nipping us, he wasn’t interested in cuddles or pats but was highly food motivated. I watched how he interacted with the other cats and found out that he was actually incredibly playful, but he didn’t hold back at all when he played and his swipes and nips were his weary attempts at goating us into playing with him. We got him some more toys and after figuring out some games together along with some food motivation, he became one of the most cuddly and protective cats we cared for.

  • My bf’s Bengal cat (currently deep asleep on my lap) is touchy. I can tell when she is sore because I’ll lightly stroke down her back and she’ll squish herself down to get away from even a light touch. It’s just how I check on her each day. When she cringes away from being petted I know just what to dobe an inert hot lap with blankets. Sometimes she prefers her heated bed, but sometimes she seems to want my actual lap. Don’t get me wrong, she is so not a cuddly cat. But if I settle down on the couch or bed, and only one the sound of a TV or video is on (clearly she has worked out that that sound means I’ll be there for a while), only then will she crawl into my lap and go to sleep.

    Sometimes she’ll yell in the stairway or the living room and it’s essentially, «HEY! YOU SHOULD GO HERE AND LAY DOWN, LAP PROVIDER! PROVIDE SOME HOT LAP!» It works out all right as I’m disabled and often able to spend an hour or so still do she can cook (my term for how hot she wants to become to feel better, before deciding she is done and ding suddenly hopping up and moving around much easier). Having arthritis myself I completely understandI just wish she wanted to lay on the areas of me that hurt so it was more symbiotic. My lap is on fire at this point (she’ll consider herself done soon) but my back and neck could use this crazy heat instead. Ahh, what we do for love.

  • Having been watching videos of psychic animal healer explain the animal’s sickness and watching the animal respond then straight to you then noticing how your cat is so supportive of you and knows exactly what you’re doing……..so sweet intelligent cat. ������

  • Our cat likes lots of petting from me in the morning when I get up and eat breakfast. Sometimes she lays on her back and tempts me to rub her chest and abdomen, but she only allows a few pets and strikes with her paw. Most of the time she is friendly, when she starts flicking her tail, it is a sign of annoyance. My wife clips her nails and often I see our cat lick her feet then grab her claw with her teeth to pull of the outer layer of claw.

  • Audio too soft. right click -> stats for nerds -> volume: -10.1 dB. Ideally it should be between -2 to 0 dB. Turn up the mic gain and move it closer to your face first, if still not loud enough then amplify digitally. Audacity is a free audio editing software that you can use

  • Gimlet is ticklish. He really loves petting. To the point of ridiculous. But not his back. This since just a baby, and he’s eight years old. I’ve seen it before a couple times. They beg for attention, but the back is off limits. Gimlet was in an unusually obnoxious mood, so I tickled him until he threw up. (Five seconds tops.) Until then, I didn’t realize how sensitive he was.

  • My vets discovered my 8 y/o cat’s early kidney disease by accident due to a blood test for something else because he was throwing up. We did wonder whether there was a pain related aspect, or maybe a blockage but it took a bit of trial and error to figure out what wax happening and it seemed to be some sort of stomach inflamation which was successfully treated with steroids. He’s also now on a special diet and his kidney function is close to normal. ��

  • I like how educational your channel is perfect for new pet owners like myself! I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long it took for their kitten to trust them fully? I feel like my kitten likes to be petted but would never come to me when called unless I pick him up:(

  • Could you make a video on how to groom your cat? To teach them that, f.e., brushing is/ can be nice? Would it help brushing my own hair while they’re in the neighbourhood and if they’re curious trying it with them, or is it something to try to incorporate into cuddling time? (Or is that stupid because they’ll think cuddling = that nasty brushing?). I’ve reserved a purebred Siberian who’ll come to live with me beginning of August. While they don’t need to be brushed often, I would like to do it as soon and as young as possible to prevent matting. And well, if he likes it, it might be yet another bonding moment.

  • 6:15 А разве это не косиножки?? Если это они, тогда боятся не надо, они безопасны для людей. Почему они там поселились не знаю, возможно они любят тёмные, тёплые, прохладные места.

  • I was spoiled because my cat is broken. He has obedience and responsiveness levels close to a dog, he will sit, stay, come, stop, responds to his name, speak, doesn’t scratch or bite, will let you pick him up, and he’s smart enough to lead you to what he wants when he meows (incidentally he got second at a competition so good cat). Now i’m away from my cat but my roommate has a kitten and it’s a POC barely responds to its name, doesn’t know any sort of discipline, and scratches when you try and pick her up. I always hear people complaining about cats. Did I just get really lucky with my first cat or am I doing something wrong with my roommates.

  • I’m curious. My cat is so incredibly sweet and loves to rub all over my face and hands, but she hates being held or sitting in my lap. She does not bite, she just meows a lot and struggles to get away. Why could that be? She may have had trauma before I got her when she was 3 but I’m not sure of that. She does get anxious and sometimes depressed due to neglect from her elderly owner before me. I’m not sure of other trauma associated to holding her though. What are your thoughts?

  • Mr. Pirate looks so similar to my departed best friend. His name was Sapphire. He as 7kg, 100cm long (tail to snout) and I swear he was some kind of King reborn. He was friends with all my neighbors (they literally let him in their homes so they could hang with him all of them), he was the leader of all the other cats on my block (if I left the door open I could find up to 10 cats in my house just sitting in a circle around Sapphire just chilling out), he would routinely fight BIG dogs and win (I legit once had to help an old women and her boxer to the vet after the poor dog got too close the Sapphire), and Sapphire just made every moment at home feel special. It’s been 3 years since February that Sapphire left. He got into a fight was a tiger snake. Sapph won the battle, but in the end, they both lost the war… I miss him.

  • Hello! There was one thing I haven’t been able to figure out why it happened: I was a teen when I used to have a few cats at a time in my backyard (mother wouldn’t let anyone bring them inside). This often attracted stray cats coming over to eat the cat food and what not, but most times didn’t really brake into a fight. It was also in an area where my kitchen wall was the neighbors living room wall, so all houses had no gaps or a way to be climbed over by strangers to hide.

    One night I heard hissing, I didn’t pay any mind until I noticed it continued longer than hissing & growling usually would. Once I checked it out, I see it was one of my own cats being very defensively aggressive towards the others. My other cats were just as confused as I when trying to get closer and getting swiped with no provocation. So I had to get a towel and catch it before it tried anything else, and calmed down. It never happened before or ever again (in my backyard anyway, they often wandered off). It was one of the nicer cats too, so I was kind of worried that it might’ve eaten something that created such a behavior. I tried looking up why it happened even today but no answer as of yet.

  • What’s your opinion on those «soft paws» claw covers? I tried them with my cat and most of them didn’t come off on their own like expected we had to clip them off when we noticed they were pressing on her paw pads. Thankfully she wasn’t in any pain from them.

  • скажите а паук каракаут ядовит а то у меня дома один такои раньше я не боялас пауков но когда на даче у нас была огромная черная вдова я испугалас ������

  • I have a question Dr. Uri, I have the most dog like cat ever.. He fetches, LOVES sticks ( which is awesome cause chewing em keeps his teeth clean ) and he can pretty much talk. Hes about 10 months old now and having some teenage madness on occasion ( hes neutered ) I have a stick with a small Flag of duct tape on it ( i dont let him Eat the tape, he can chew on stick, tape is so he can actually claw into something to catch it, that an d he loves red things ) My questions are these: 1. When hes chasing the tape-stick he often becomes static charged, he will come up when hes panting and Trill at me and nose touch me and ZAP! static shock… This sucks for him and I dont want him to associate me with a static shock, especially during pay time. is there any way I can get rid of this by another means? I mist some water on the sofa which helps him not build charge but am wondering if there is a better way? and also, he would run till he dropped dead.. i guarantee it. I never really see him drink water and he pants heavy when he runs after stick, I slow down play but he then Trills angrily and runs off at speed ( this is him telling me to keep up and quit lagging/ playing slow ) is this safe for him? like he will play and pant for 30 mins or more… I have been around a lot during his development and he has always played very fast and crazy… pants a lot. not like any cat ive ever met.. Anyways, thank you for the great videos, and I appreciate what you do.:)