Вопрос: Как прекратить повторение вертиго?


Vertigo: Ending Explained

Видео взято с канала: The Take


Диагностика по состоянию кожи, волос и ногтей.

Видео взято с канала: Центр Оздоровления Человека


Дальнобойщикам�� Классная песня! Послушайте! Макс Вертиго

Видео взято с канала: Слушай Кайфуй



Видео взято с канала: Канал Экса


Vertigo Exercise for Seniors, dizziness, balance exercises for seniors, fall reduction

Видео взято с канала: Eldergym Fitness for Seniors



Видео взято с канала: MoreGames



Видео взято с канала: PETR1K

49 комментариев

  • Actually it is far from certain that Scotty (Stewart) and Judy (Novak) «made up» just before her fatal fall as you claim. He said to her in an unfriendly way words to the effect that Madeline can’t be brought back. In other words her plea to forgive and forget and love her as she is, not as the made up Madeline wasn’t accepted. In those days a likeable if flawed retired cop character wasn’t going to overlook the past felonies of Judy (accessory to a murder and coverup with a payoff from the murderer Elster).

  • Никогда не понимал всеобщего возмущения насчёт Vertigo и мне карта нравилась, но с этим обновлением они очень перемудрили. По итогу один плент они полностью подарили защите без шансов на заход для терров, а второй плент они отдали террам, не оставив кт шансов на ретейк. Если Valve так понимают значение баланса на карте, то ок¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  • That’s ludicrous! How dare you compare Scotty with a murderer, Elster! Judy jumped to her death because of her guilt from helping to murder Madeleine, making her skittish and prone to seeing «ghosts,» when they are really actual people (a nun in this case).

  • The closing shot of Vertigo has a lot of meaning for me (and I’ve discussed it with two different shrinks). It touches my own life with the thought, «Oh Crap, I already saw this tragedy. I didn’t know I’d have to watch it all over again.» The context is too specific for me to spell out, but it involved seeing a teenager make the same fatal mistakes I’d seen made decades earlier by a previous generation. If you’re old enough, you’ll understand.

  • Ok usually these analyses are spot on, but in this case, you said it’s because of her seeking male validation is why she agrees to change her appearance.

    My interpretation:

    But, that’s not it. She manipulated and lied to him, then made him feel so bad (faking her death) that he entered a mental institution for a year. So the reason she agrees to change her appearance is because 1) she loves him 2) she feels guilty for what she did to him, as she knows that the memory of her is torturing him. Because she feels guilty for lying to him, and continuously lying to him.

    It’s not «she’s putting up with a male fantasy» but rather a man who experienced significant truama (caused by her) trying to cope by recreating his fears with a girl who curiously looks EXACTLY like her, who lives in the EXACTLY same apartment.

    Those are many coincidences that are impossible to ignore, so he was triggered by his disagreeable memory that is now resurfacing in the present (she looks the same/lives in the she place).

  • Amazing movie, buuuuuut your feminist spin on this, and “interpretation” of the nun, is laughable. It is little more than an anachronistic, reading your present views on such subjects into an object that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    It’s simple: the nuns potentially heard the murder confession, which freaked out Judy due to her being an accomplice. It was a mixture of her being afraid for maybe having been outed and also her guilt. For her, suicide was a better option than facing either.

  • My once a year Vertigo post. I know it’s long and most wont read it. There are things about this film that are truly unique to cinema and for some strange reason are never addressed by film experts or historians.
    This video is a dive into Vertigo among many other issues, explores the toxic male portrayed in cinema.

    As all dissections of the film the character of Scotty is glossed over. Scotty is clearly a deviant. He’s a retired private detective. No one, I mean no one in the history of film history has ever delved into Scottys mindset beyond his obsession with Madeline. Scotty chose a profession that satisfied his need to be a voyeur. Coupled with the clear fact Scotty is a high functioning alcoholic creates a character that traditionally is not a protagonist. The fact Scotty takes Madeline back to his apartment,strips her naked and places her in is bed confirms Scotty is not of good moral character. It is so brazen and off putting yet he’d does it like it’s totally normal. It is behavior that one does not just do without thinking. It’s behavior he has done before. Being a private detective would be a perfect position for a predator to have as it allows opportunities to abuse power in order to carry out a fantasy. Scotty is a serial predator. A rapist in a position of trust. The worst kind of offender. He preys on the weak and disenfranchised. Equally disturbing is Judys choices as she pretends to be Madeline. Scotty plucks her out of the bay brings her to his place strips her and places her in the bed all the while Judy is faking her condition. She lets him strip her. She lest him place her in bed. She is aware of what is going on yet totally ok with it. She like Scotty lives with a sexual norm that is not something society at the time would be willing to address.
    The relationship with Midge his long time companion and former fiancé shows Scotty has no desire for an independent partner. Midge has resigned herself to this understanding. She painfully lives her life in “the friend zone”. She finds her best qualities, being an independent creative educated woman as her biggest flaws. This torment would be eliminated if Scotty would just love her for who she is. She is the perfect,ideal woman. She is resigned to be his grand enabler for all of Scottys deviant desires. She knows plying him with alcohol gets him to loosen up. In the film she knows his addictions and reenforces them only to be rebuffed. Midge is a tragic character who seems to always come back to Scotty no matter what happens. No matter what he’s done she will be there to pick him up after the fall. Every time. Without fail. Until…
    She realizes in the hospital there is no way life with Scotty could ever be what she had envisioned. In what is the a defining act of self realization she walks down the hall. Her steps unsteady as she cuts ties and steps off screen, for the last time, into a life she is now responsible for. Her own.
    There is another oddity in this film that makes it unique to Hitchcock films. Every film Hitchcock has done up until this had been steeped in catholic guilt. If you committed a crime, a sin, you will face judgment. A good example is in Psycho. Marion a single woman is having an affair with a married man. She steals $40,000 in the hopes of keeping the man she desires. She pay for those sins with her life. All bad deeds do not go unpunished in the Hitchcock universe. Except here. In Vertigo the villain, Gavin Elster, is never brought to justice. Gavin a man who murders his wife, has relations with the woman he picked up for the express purpose of using her to set up the murder. Gavin sets the ball in motion that will destroy the lives of his wife and Judy as well as permanently scar Scotty who at the end of the film stands at the precipice, staring into the void. If there wasn’t a fade out the fate of Scotty would be the same as Judy and Madeline. Gavin commits the perfect crime and just skips out of the country with his newly acquired wealth.
    My last point I need to make is about the Nun. This YouTube video misses a critical point in completing the spiral these characters have been caught in. The nun who causes Judy to stop back in surprise and fall to her death is not such a representation of purity. She is the representation of Madeline. The real Madeline. An important part of the plot is buried as a throwaway line. The Plot to kill Elster’s wife did have elements of truth. The real Madeline did have an odd connection with Carlotta. Gavin picked up on that and hatched the murder plot around this.The nun rises up like a spirit from amongst the dead. She says “ I heard voices”. The voice you hear is the voice of Judy as Madeline. To Judy this is her greatest fear. She is being confronted with the very woman she helped murder. It’s a moment not of being startled by just the presence another person in the bell tower. It the terror and confusion as to who that person is that causes Judy to recoil.
    I’ve studied this film for decades. It’s characters are so damn fascinating. It’s not so much what they do but why they do them. The choices made by the filmmakers to show just enough of their behaviors to clue you into the real darkness that lies just under the surface.

  • пишу всем кто показывает фишки или раскидки и т.п. пожалуйста скажите, укажите, опишите или еще как-то, на каком разрешении все это показывается?!?!?! я со своим 4:3 растянутым на 23 дюймовом монике не могу повторить не сходится! пока-что ни кто не прислушался:(

  • I’ve seen vertigo a zillion times, yet still can’t figure out the point of the old hotel scene. He follows her, she goes in, is seen in the window, but really wasn’t there..? Key still at the desk, manager didn’t see her.. what was Hitchcock doing/saying there?

  • Петрик. Ну пожалуйста. Ну не позорься. Ну хватит выравниваться по «пальцу», «чеке от гранаты» и тд. Все это становиться максимально БЕССМЫСЛЕННО, если у тебя хоть немного смещено отображение рук (как у меня например). Ищи другие ориентиры связанные с прицелом. Ибо это жесть. каждый раз передергивает

  • Не находишь ли Ты, что карта стала жутко простой и скучной?
    Полноценный сплит любого из плэнтов можно сделать только заняв второй, единственные точки, на которых могут быть нормальные схватки — подходы к плэнтам, а сами плэнты напоминают бледные копии В на кэшэ и инферно. К тому же кт не может отступить с ключевых позиций, не отдав плэнты(занятый банан на Инферно можно отдавать по частям дрова-машина-цемент, а плэнт всё равно под твоим контролем), что уже говорить о линейном выбивании этих самых плэнтов( на том же кэшэ отданные плэнты выбиваются как минимум с двух сторон плюс спина, а на вертиго вся защита будет долбиться всем составом на девятке/хелпе, пока будет ждать спину).

  • ФИШКА для всех у кого не стандартное значение рук что бы ФИШКИ от Петрика работали.

    Прописываем в консоли:
    bind [key] exec PALEC_PETRIKA.cfg и внутрь вкладываем дефолтные значения рук:
    cl_righthand 1
    viewmodel_fov 60
    viewmodel_offset_x 0
    viewmodel_offset_y 0
    viewmodel_offset_z 0

    Не забываем еще:
    bind [key] exec PETRIK_ZAEBAL.cfg и внутрь вкладываем свое привычное положение рук

    не благодарите)

  • Боже, играл на фейсите это новое вертиго, просто неиграбельно, если вы за кт не держите рампу, то А плент отрезается одним смоком, и выбить такое нереально, все теры смотрят 1 выход и все, а зачем ходить на б если на а, при паре разменов изи раунд

  • Самое бездарное и бесполезное обновление за последнее время. Я сначала не поверил глазам, когда увидел. Они не улучшили, они просто испортили почти половину того, что уже было. Вместо добавления точек перетяжек и новых перемычек, они убрали последние, превратив карту тупо в 3 параллельных маршрута без соединений между собой, разве что в точке СТ-респа. Зашел в один, и не перетянуться, пока назад не вернешься и снова не зайдешь в очередную «кишку». Куча пустого безжизненного места типа того же мида, дверь убрали, ни подсадок. ни муток никаких взамен не предоставили. Надо было окно тогда переносить, иначе какой от него смысл, если ты рискуя и прыгая в него с мида, всё равно оказываешься в ещё не отвоёванной точке на В, куда мог и так спокойно подойти по ступенькам. Никакого сплита и в помине. Вместо этого пустой бесполезный мидл, который можно отдавать и за СТ, и за Т на нём нечего делать, разве что в спину заходить одним-двумя максимум. Точка А тоже дурацкая хелпы нет, один выход на плент возвращаемся к первой ревизии вертиго, где игры на А представляли из себя бесконечные заходы и ниндзя-дефузы в дым.
    С удовольствием играл Вертиго вопреки общему скепсису, но сейчас это и правда лютый понос намудрили, удивляюсь позитивным откликам на этот апдейт, он же просто всратый. И без того простоватую архитектуру карты, страдающую от нехватки вариаций, упростили ещё больше, превратив в бесхитростные коридоры.

  • Когда тебя спросят,где провел праздники, ты задумчиво скажешь, как всегда в Европе… Друзья с завистью подумают: лыжи, глинтвейн,сосиски карнавалы… А ты стоял на Total на А10 под Орлеаном и из компании у тебя были пару таких же как ты бродяг из Гиртеки,несколько машин солнышек и три турка….. И все таки МЫ БАНДА!!! Дальнобой,профи,последнее прибежище романтиков и честных парней, люмпенов и политиков маргиналов,имеющих по две-три вышки за спиной и восемь классов,делающих в слове хер,по пять ошибок, офицеры, бизнесмены, бывшие замминистра и руководители серьезных производств, бывшие сидельцы и менты,братва, оказавшиеся не у дел и «доктора», грустные, веселые, компанейские и замкнутые, патриоты и космополиты, музыканты, оперные певцы и писатели, я встречал даже одного попа-расстригу и врача гинеколога:))) Временные и постоянные, рвачи и добряки, пришедшие на годик заработать и оставшиеся, потому что затянуло и не соскочить, и те кто сознательно шел в профессию, и едущие домой после каждой каденции и дающие себе слово бросить и работать дома, и снова едущие на два-три месяца, теперь уже точно в «последний раз»:)) Девчонки и женщины, мало, но есть. И семейные пары:), и ездящие с котами, псами, попугаями и т.д. Субкультура со всеми присущими ей атрибутами. И жизнь, жизнь на дороге на колесах….. Работа,тяжелая и не безопасная. Что дало и чему научило и продолжает учить? Это жизнь и мы пишем ее все вместе и каждый индивидуально. КОЛЛЕГИ,это обращение намертво и прочно вошло в лексикон всех нас европейских дальнобоев и я знаю,что вы многое добавите к этому. Ведь мы ездим там где волки срать боятся:))) Будьте здоровы и счастливы,братья и сестры в кабинах. Мир вашим домам и тягачам,тандемам и рефам,автовозам и бочкам,негабаритам и стекловозам,тентам и силосам,киперам и панелевозам,мелочи пузатой,бусикам и десяткам,одиночкам и сцепкам. Места вам всем на паркингах всегда и дорог без штау,адекватных хозяев и хороших экспов. Когда меня спрашивают,а нахуа? Я отвечаю,что ЗЕМЛЯ ВРАЩАЕТСЯ ПОТОМУ ЧТО ЕЕ ВЕРТЯТ КОЛЕСА ГРУЗОВИКОВ. Кто то же должен это делать:)))) Здоровья вам всем,остальное головой и ручками!!!! Горжусь тем, что я здесь!) Удачи вам, мужики!

  • Ля дядь хватит рекламировать ссаный ггдроп, внатуре это просто сайт калище. Ясно дело тебе с бесплатного колеса выпадет какая нибудь аквамариновая месть.А мне что, я просто юзаю по пять кодов для барабана и все время при полнени от 600 и тд одно и тоже,зачем?

  • Good analysis, except that I don’t know why you’re lionizing Judy as some kind of feminist icon, done wrong by Scotty. She’s an accessory to murder for god’s sake, not some kind of victim! And none too bright, either, to be wearing a «souvenir of the murder,» as Scotty put it, and thinking a man of his observational powers, especially one obsessed with Madeleine, wouldn’t notice it!

  • Карта прикольная, но как мне кажется, вертиго стал более прямолинейным, атаке мало что можно показать перехитрить, да и со стороны спецов немногим можно удивить. Очень хочу, чтобы карта была более динамичной

  • Петрик бро! Зачем ты это делаешь? Ты сам спецом придумываешь все эти фишки и тактики? ЗАчем? Пусть команды этим занимаються, которые получают за это деньги. Но зачем ты это делаешь? Ради просмотров или что? Я бы понял если бы у тебя там была команда и ты показываешь то что вы наработали.

  • Я придумал угарные тактику
    Игра называется Фермер зайдите на любую карту и твои товарищи это куры ты должен добывать еды а куры твои товарищи сидят на базе нож или оружие противника это корм для кур а у кур тольк нож убил противника начит даёш оружие курам и куры должны потратитьпотрон чтобы не было потронов и вот тем самым нужно выйграть раунд

  • I have never understood the fuss about Vertigo far from a great film, let alone great Hitchcock. The plot is full of holes and ridiculous from beginning to end. After the cop falls to his death, how did he get down? Why does ‘Judy’ allow herself to be manipulated into exposing her own lies and manipulation? I never cared about anyone’s fate. The entire plot is based on forced coincidence and even the end is lame with the nun startling her to fall to her death? An interesting exercise in style and nothing else.

  • I find it incredibly shallow that analysts of this movie, feminists in particular, automatically assume that Scotty is just obsessing about Madeline so much that he had to CONTROL Judy and remake her into Madeline so that he can «feel» something for her.
    My theory is that, deep down Madeline’s «suicide» did not completely sit right with Scotty, even in his compromised mental state. As a retired policeman, he would have reacted according to his training when something seemed off, so though it may be in part because of his obsession with Madeline that he made Judy «become» her, it has always seemed more likely to me that his cop instincts were kicking in and relying on a slight suspicion, he was trying to find the solution to why Madeline died. The climax seems to imply that his suspicions were confirmed during the confrontation in the tower. It could be argued that his extreme obsession was a ruse in order to get it all out in the open.

    Of course, regardless, Judy could never have been free to be with Scotty, because she had been an accomplice to murder, and the judgment for her fall from grace was a literal death sentence. At the appearance of the nun, her guilt and condemnation consumed her, and in fear of judgment, she stepped backward out of the window.

  • Tbh Judy was quite stupid. She really thought that he would never discover the true story? This really shows how she was desperate to be loved. And Scotty was responsible for Judy’s death to a certain extent. For this reason, I guess his obsession never ended and he eventually killed himself or died of depression.

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  • I think the acrophobia is a metaphor for fear of looking back the past, or the trauma. The past is where you buried all your guilt, your torment, your pain. It’s the deepest part of yourself. It makes you feel dreadful and vertigo when you try to face it. And you can’t stand the thought of looking down the abyss, not again. You think, like Scottie, you can get used to it, one step to another, but it only leads you to a much deeper and more painful place.

  • Вертиго всегда интересна, с момента ее появления и до этого момента, просто две разные Карты, зашёл в видос и думал, да что там Саня нового может показать, карта сбалансированная, верх низ сделан, раскидки понятны, а тут жили жили бац усрались, опять глобальное изменение)) Пойду гамать в новое вертиго, опять пропал человек на неделю ) Кобблистам привет ��

  • In Vertigo, Scotty feels tremendous guilt because he has failed twice resulting in 2 deaths. First, the policeman fell to his death trying to save Scotty from falling to his death from a roof. Second, Scotty fails to control his acrophobia when he can not climb the Mission steeple stairs to discover whether Madeline committed suicide, or was indeed murdered. He has failed the policeman and the woman he loves. This guilt is made more overwhelming when the audience identifies with Jimmy Stewart’s character. Stewart’s genius lay in his seeming ability to get an audience to «like him» effortlessly. He is a «nice guy». Scotty brings Madeline «back to life» by transforming Judy into Madeline. He allows himself to believe he is «revivifying» Madeline. By so doing he is able to forgive himself from one of his failures. Additionally, he can «recover» the woman he loves. I do not think we can classify Scotty’s actions as necrophilia, though Hitchcock himself allows necrophilia as a possible motivation.

  • Interesting, but towards the beginning the narrator says that at the end of the film Scottie and Judy «kiss and make up.» Kiss, yes, but «make up»? Hardly. Scottie had just said, «There’s no bringing her back.» Saying they «made up» was totally incorrect.

  • 1. Hitchcock give a clear answer to the fear of hights. the filling of the fear of empty space with an artifical creation, the ghost-woman.
    2. the woman is not only thevictim, but the willing subject of pain and suffering, she was not made to kill herself or had to change her identity. she decided to give in to the perverted claims of her loveinterest for HER love and she fall to HER own death without direct impuls of her lover. she is a self-wanting victim, basicly suicidal in destroying her own identity and live for the feeling of her own identity of «love», even if she dosnt represent this love herself. he didnt loved her, so SHE CHANGED HERSELF to fit to his love. she didnt accepted an other solution likea different love interest. she didnt sacrificed herself! dont make her a victim of man, make her a victim of wrong femine goals.

  • This is, hands down, one of the most haunting and intriguing films I’ve ever seen. For many years after i acquired the DVD, I would stop watching at the point when Madeleine «jumped» to her death. The ending with what happened to Judy was so unsettling and unpalatable to me to the point where it was too painful to watch that part. Now, I suppose my tastes have matured a bit and I can watch it from beginning to end without flinching too much. This film is truly an unforgettable work of art.

  • Two things have always puzzled me about this movie. 1). How did her car get back to scotty’s house after her suicide attempt? 2). Isn’t san francisco bay so cold that it would cause hypothermia if you jumped into it with no wetsuit on?

  • Two obvious things are missed here: Vertigo is appealing because it is beautiful. The lush colours, the careful composition, the costumes, San Francisco before they wrecked it, the music there’s beauty that everyone can relate to. The second thing missed is that Scotty is a detective. He is trying to solve the puzzle of why his mind and body aren’t functioning properly. He sets about solving the puzzle in a methodical fashion. I think audiences know this in the back of their minds which is why they tolerate his treatment of Judy but then again, does she not, as an accomplice to murder, deserve it?

  • Great review, except for the feminism propaganda…
    1) Hitchcock was truly catholic, I really doubt that he wanted to show the nun and religion as something harmful for «real» women.
    2) Judy died because of his own sins, not because of men’s power or that stupid stuff.

  • he never physically forced her to changer her. She could have rejected him and moved on but she did not and stayed. So the statement that male power and dominance kills women is wrong. the correct statement would be she wanted male validation even if it meant erasing her self completely that «excess» led to her demise.

  • Выполни задание (если хочешь) пожалуйста в КС ГО: короче говоря у каждого человека кроме главного к примеру тебя есть юспы либо глоки смотря какая команда и вот у тебя инвентарь SSG08 с собой и p250 и гранаты броня на твоё усмотрение. Для хардока можно главному идти в присядку либо наоборот.

  • Ждём предмет «картоведение» где будут подобные лекции с дефолтами за разные стороны.
    P.S. у Fallen’а есть похожие видосы (инферно старое, овер(где он ещё показывал тактическую карту атаки и дефолты) и мираж(серия Game’s Academy), последнее Фоллен наиболее подробно разобрал, ещё кван озвучивал перевод). Нужно больше такого ру контента!

  • Я начинающий ютубер и ищу себе новых подписчиков (ГОВОРЮ СПЕЦИФИЧНЫМ ГОЛОСОМ И Я НЕ ПЛАГИАТ МАРМОКА ИЛИ ТОШИКА, КАК ВСЕ МОГУТ ПОДУМАТЬ), которые будут смотреть мои видосы по играм и радоваться жизни! Заходи и ты не пожалеешь:3 Всех люблю, удачки

  • I have a more practical question. Not symbolic. And obviously I’m assuming there’s nothing left to spoil for anyone reading this. I know there was an additional final scene (removed from the original release) with Midge and Scotty and the European police hunting Gavin Elster, but this was at the insistence of the censor. My question is will John Ferguson be able to explain what he was doing with Judy in the bell tower? Will anyone believe him about the murder and that Judy was a conspirator? Does he have any actual evidence? Does Judy actually resemble the murdered wife beyond superficially? The only corroboration is the necklace. But is that enough? I’d appreciate anyone’s opinion.

  • Тактика: Улитки, каждый берет Негев ставит сенцу на минималку зажимает шифт ктрл и идёт на плент лепить свой панцерь после поставленного плента улитка должна умереть. Выбирается случайным (не случайным) образом человек который будет главной улиткой за которым будут следовать остальные, если главная улитка умерла то все Улитки которые следовали, разбегаются и в одиночку выигрывают раунд. После выстрела всей обоймы в Негеве улитка должна выбросить оружие (Негев и пистолет) и идти в ближнею атаку без шифта и кетрела с нормальной сенцой.
    (В топ чтобы MoreGames увидел )

  • I think one of the things this film most exemplifies is how we can all be fools for love, for whatever Jungian reasons: to be willing to override our own identities to become what someone else will love (Judy) or to love someone who fills the hole in our psyches without bothering to figure out why (Scotty).

  • I always thought the use of green symbolized Scotty’s envy. He is lusting after his old friend’s wife whom he is supposed to be protecting. Then after the wife is dead, he still wants her so his envy drives him to find a girl who looks like her but he has to make her exactly like the woman that caused his envy.

  • There is a big point that you miss, or do not develop much in your commentary. Vertigo is essentially about Hollywood, or even Madison Avenue. Before he changes Judy, Elster first changes Scottie by making him desire someone who does not exist. Whether its commercials for teeth whitening strips or Baywatch lifeguards on 1990s television, what happens to Scottie happens to so many people who consume media. Elster creates the want, the big lie, etc.

  • When elsters wife started having hallucinations and dizzy feelings in the forest i guessed that she was faking it like she was faking the whole thing and wanted to decieve scotty. When the twist came i was still surprised. It was one of the best movies i ever watched. It lingered in mind for a long time with the erie music still playing in my head.

  • What feminist nonsense Judy changes herself to Madeline for Scottie out of guilt, not control. She knows her part in the cover up of Madeline’s death and Scottie is making her confront it. She wants to be caught. And Vertigo has nothing to do with men controlling women. It’s about Scottie’s attempt to reclaim his professional and romantic self by conquering his vertigo, and Madeline is the job he took on, so not only is she his only chance to reclaim love, but also his professional dignity. That is why he is so traumatized by her ‘suicide’ (the second time his vertigo has stopped him from saving a valued friend / lover) and must recreate the scene with Judy so that he can have a second chance at saving her. That Judy and Madeline are one and the same is pure narrative convenience.

  • Mild bitching about «oh no feminism» in the comments section aside this was a great analysis. I’m taking a class on reading film language and it’s fascinating we recently watched this film and are studying film noir genre. I have to do a paper on this movie and you helped give me some direction.

    Question: what do you make of Miranda,’s husband who is supposedly the main character’s «friend» using him as an alibi do to his weakness of hieghts? Do you feel he was looking down on his masculinity? The court scene where the judge lays into him and his weakness shows how little sympathy another man toward has toward his condition and looks down on it.

    Also the main character is put in a villainous light for how he treats Judy and I agree she gets badgered by him, but what about his victimization by both Judy and his murderous best friend? His vertigo gets exploited by them and when he feels he failed to save another person he lands in mental hospital. He gets mind fucked.