Вопрос: Как диагностировать липедему?


5 Types of Lipedema

Видео взято с канала: the Lipedema Project


About lipedema A hereditary fat disorder

Видео взято с канала: the Lipedema Project


LIMPHA TRAINING: Шишова Ольга Ивановна отзыв о базовом курсе

Видео взято с канала: lympholog


My Failed Weight Loss Journey? | Diagnosis: Lipedema (Signs I missed, signs I ignored..)

Видео взято с канала: Deniz Ece


Diagnosing Lipedema Part 2 Physical Exam

Видео взято с канала: Fat Disorders Resource Society



Видео взято с канала: myra snöflinga


Как лечить ЛИПЕДЕМУ?

Видео взято с канала: Vascul Clinic Group

75 комментариев

  • I have had this since puberty. It has been a life of avoiding many social events and fun times. I know that I cannot bare my legs in public because of the rude and hateful reactions when people see me and the ridicule that follows. Men who previously considered me beautiful will acted shocked and embarrassed when they see my legs. I live on a Mediterranean island where life takes place on the beach and poolside. I have to avoid people and can only go alone if I want to a beach day. Yes people still stare and young people say rude things but because they don’t know me, shame doesn’t come into it. I’m close to 70 now and that helps as people tend to overlook old people. Life could have been so much better if I’d just had normal legs. When he wanted to hurt me, my husband used to stare at women’s legs. Then I felt deformed.

  • Thank you for the video. I’m from the Czech Republic, suffering from lipo-lymphedema and there is very little treatment over here too. Mainly just the conservative one, although you can get skin tightening, abdominal plastic etc., but only for lymphedema. Lipedema is still not classed as a disease. Keep up the excellent work. Well done and thank you again.

  • ın turkey, many people do not know about it. I have had a lıposuctıon 2 years ago. But now I am 70 kgs and ı am 1.55 height. I have sometimes pain in my legs, sometimes ı do not have any pain. I do not know how to not to have any paın.

  • I’d love lipo but just too vain for me..I’m doing it for looks and that is not truly making me happy..I also can’t afford it. I havent been diagnosed but seeing photos I’m likely stage 1. I noticed my off legs when I was 13/14 maybe younger but I was overweight previously. I am now healthy and still stocky. Never knew this condition existed

  • im only 6 years old when i noticed unextraordinary fat? in my thighs im now 12 years old and my thighs just kept getting bigger and bigger everyday, im not sure if i have lipedema because i only have fat thighs but i dont experience any kind of pain in my legs, im gonna turn 13 soon so that means im gonna be a teenager in a few months, i cannot do anything with my thighs anymore, i would lock myself always in my room and cry or search on youtube or google about «fat thighs» because im clearly skinny from my upper body but in my thighs its just like completely from another person, im getting so insecure about my legs, im gonna turn teenager in a few months and i cant even shorts or mini dresses, im scared if i will have this lipedema because im only 12 and my thighs looks exactly like yours in the picture you showed in the vid pls help!!����

    edit (after 1 month): i started to do more exersise than before, and i slowly understood why i have this huge thighs, its because eversince corona came, im always sittng in my room whole day WITHOUT anykind of exersise for 6 months! but now im slowly losing the fat in my legs ����

  • This story is SO relatable! Your legs look so much like mine. My legs get that pain and I would just get so down on myself that the pain was because I was fat, even though I work out 6 days a week. I could NEVER lose weight in my legs, even though everyone else in my family has thinner legs, even when they’re heavier! In Canada, it’s like impossible to get diagnosed with lipedema unless you’re like a stage 3. I DON’T want to get there. Thanks for sharing your story!!

  • Thank you for posting this. I definitely have had suspicions that I have this disorder, because my lower half is proportionately apt bigger than my upper half. I’ve always had really big legs and calves. I’m definitely going to have to talk to a doctor.

  • Myra! Love it, love it, love it! Thank you so much for making this video. German healthcare is way better than the UK for lipoedema. In the UK some ladies get no conservative treatments whatsoever! Others get one pair of compression every 6 months! We get no MLD therapy and privately it costs £75 an hour! We do not have healthcare insurance unless we buy seperately, again big £££££, our NHS is supposed to be there for us when we need it and we ALL pay into it though our taxes, but no lipoedema ladies can get surgery. I started a petition to change this and we need UK adult citizens to sign it to make the government tell us why we must wait to have our knees fail and use a wheelchair and they STILL wont help us. Please UK adults seeing this wonderful video and wanting to help sign and share, share, share this video and the petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/118076 and help 3.5 women in the UK have a pain-free future x

  • Thanks for sharing your story! It is a real battle to get a diagnosis and treatment here in the UK, in most areas. Considering the long term costs of conservative treatment measures versus liposuction, it should be an option, not to mention the effects upon mental wellbeing, self esteem and the real possibility of needing joint replacements and facing decreasing mobility as lipoedema progresses and worsens as we age. Sadly, fat tissue disorders are equated along with obesity which is seen as something that could be controlled with diet and exercise which this condition is unresponsive to. And liposuction is viewed as purely cosmetic, as you say, it is the nearest thing to a cure so far for lipoedema but we are constantly being denied it, unless we can pay for it ourselves, which few can.

  • I have nodules in almost all of those locations, and have always struggled to lose weight, even when extremely active and eating very healthy. I also have scars from multiple abdominal surgeries that ruined the muscles in my abdomen, and fibromyalgia. Fighting for disability for damage to my body and joints from things I’ve been through.

  • I have the exact same problems. And my mom fat shamed me too. I am from Somalia with very conservative Muslim parents. But I feel you. I didn’t know if my mom was just being conservative or fat shaming me. Either way, it still hurt. I am going to see a doctor about Lipedema. Your story helped me realize that I’m not crazy, I work out 6 times a week and I still have cellulite and fat legs like a column (fat knees and cankles). I’ve never really been athletic. I finally wanted to have beautiful legs and started working out for two months straight. But some nights something weird would happen, my lower body would be super swollen. I looked huge like if you took a needle to my thighs and legs I would pop. But the next morning I was ok again. That is not normal. Thank you for your story. You are beautiful!

  • thank you for sharing!! i literally have been looking at this disease for so long and i havent found someone who has legs that arent gigantic but still have the characteristics of the disease. this confirms all my problems down to even the same awkward stance. ive been killing myself to eat healthy and exercise more than i ever did (i play soccer and hockey) and ive lost weight but my legs are still the same. its so frustrating knowing something out of my control is stopping me from being prettty and no matter how much work i put into it i’ll never look like how i picture myself

  • Thank you for this. Here in the states most providers aren’t educated about it and want to ignore it, tell you there isnt anythi g that will help it or send you for bariatric surgery. Why insurance won’t cover even a one time treatment to help someone feel well and at their best is beyond me. I’ve suffered for years too and it is so hard to have people stare at my legs so I hide them most of the time.

  • This video really resonated with me. I just learnt what Lipoedema is through constant googling to try to figure out my ‘abnormal’ thigh fat, even when I was very skinny elsewhere. I’m in the process of getting properly disgnosed (Doctor is ruling out thyroid and hormonal issues like yours did). I want to get liposuction too but my doctor doesn’t think it’s a great idea because it’s so invasive. Do you happen to know if liposuction can prevent it from advancing to future stages? By getting rid of the excess fat early? Will it always progress further over time or can it be ‘mild’ and stay at stage 1? Honestly now that I know I can live with it cosmetically but the huge fear is it advancing to the later stages:’( it was a relief to know there is something medically wrong when I, like you, was so confused and tormented. But the fear of it advancing scares me so much.

  • Thank you Myra! I have a few clients who may benefit from this information about Lipedema. It mostly involves their legs they are having trouble with. It was extremely helpful. From DC with much peace and love on your journey to success. Great work!

  • Thank you so much for sharing I was just diagnosed today. I wasnt expecting it. I am feeling really down about the whole thing since I have been dieting for a year and not seeing any changes. Hopefully now I can figure this out and work on my legs. Thank you again!

  • So I am hyper mobile with thyroid disease (both types up & down) my lower half is waaay bigger than my upper. I always just assumed I was plain fat but now this helps me understand what is up with my body. I’ve also had lipomas removed. Where can I seek more info?

  • Thank you for this video. I hope to make some noise here in Canada about getting Lipedema recognized and Covered here. I would love to keep in touch with you about your progress for recognition in Germany I haven’t had surgery yet but I am stage 3+ and disabled, only 31 years old! We need to get people educated on this condition! Thank you for making videos in English!

  • Yes. I had to stop the wheat. When I do eat it my lipidema gets worse. I have good days and bad days. Its mostly in my lower legs. And I do calf excercises to make them bigger than my ankles. But my legs look like yours right above the ankle.

  • I’m learned about this yesterday and it makes me so sad. I’ve always been skinny but with really fat legs. It makes me so insecure and someone pointed to out last night which causes me to do research. I wish there was more you can do besides liposuction ����

  • My legs look like yours, but bigger, i think yours look good still. Im desperatly trying to find out if i have lipodema or myxodema from my hypothyroid. I have also heard you can have both:s my friend just had fatsurgery for hers and im kinda hoping i wont have to:( i dont have the pain tho and my arm are big too more like myxodema and the skin hurts if you pinch it. What is the clinic you went to? There is no help at all here in sweden:( i dont even get much help with my thyroid.
    Thanks for charing your story!

  • Thank you for this video. I am from South Africa and I am stage 4. I wish I could have liposuction. Our medical insurance sees it as an asthetic procedure too, and must be at our own cost. Many people are uneducated on this subject. I have been made to feel that I am fat because I don’t have self control and my husband’s family, who are into their health and fitness, have mocked me, taken pics of me without knowing and laughed at it. It is so difficult emotionally to deal with this disease alone.

  • wurde noch nicht diagnostiziert aber bin mir sicher dass ich das auch habe. bin auch türkin, btw. hab diät versucht, sport, und ja sogar gehungert (hatte bulimia). und erst als mein gewicht extrem niedrig wurde (genau an der grenze von untergewichtig) sah ich ein klein bisschen unterschied in meinen beinen und hüften. hab auch diese ekligen reiterhosen und hasse sie am meisten (auf englisch heißen die dinger «saddlebags»). und zu der zeit hab ich am tag nur vier eier und zwei äpfel gegessen…
    body dymsorphia hab ich auch krass wegen den beinen und hüften weils einfach fett aussieht, obwohl ich oben rum einfach super dünn bin. hab sehr kleine brüste und einen relativ flachen bauch und sonst auch obenrum fast garkein krass sichtbaren fettüberschuss. aber meine beine sehen halt immer so aus als ob sie zu dick für meine starur sind und iwie gleich platzen.. hatte beinübungung über drei monate gemacht, vorallem für die reiterhosen, und muskelaufbau nur an der vorderseit meiner oberschenkel, die seiten und hinten waren immernoch krass schwabbelig..
    ja dein video hat mich auf jeden fall mehr überzeugt, dass ich das auch haben könnte. habe zwischendurch schmerzen an meinen beinen oder ein brennendes gefühl, dass meine beine sich sehr heiß anfühlen. hab auch diesen drucktest gemacht um zu sehen wie das fett unter meiner haut aussieht und es sieht auf jeden fall so aus, wie es bei lipodämen sein soll.
    ich denke ich gehe zum arzt damit jetzt:/
    ist so doof dass die krankenkasse die liposuction aber nicht bezahlt. bin auf jeden fall, wenn ich das habe, erst im anfangsstadium.
    und noch was: habe das denk ich von meiner oma geerbt, weil sie auch diese extrem dicken beine hat. so elefantenbeine. und jz wo sie älter ist sieht es richtig richtig schlimm aus

  • Hi Karen, i do have small lumps in in thighs with have extended to side of my knee, i have visited few doctors as i have pain in my legs, however these doctors dont seem to understand. i watched your video and i think i have lipedema i live in UAE however i am from India Mumbai can you please suggest what kindly of specialist i need to visit and if you do know of a doctor you can recommend that will be helpful

  • Lipedema is called painful fat syndrome. I have it too. When I learnt it I was depressed for whole week. During overseas holiday / hot summer/ I had horrible pain in my ankles. I could not walk. My legs were swollen all the time.I did not know what is wrong with me. Now I stay at KETO diet and drink water when hot. Avoid flower and sugar in diet. Try fast during the day 5-6 hours. Bad news is that my mum had it too.
    She stopped walk at 83.NOBODY diagnose her properly /she complain about leg pain/ and I did not had idea of lipedema existens.

  • This is very informative. I’m 40 and my body shape almost look like hers except on the the tummy. I have a normal lipid profile, a1c is 5.0. I’ve been weight training at least 4 times a week. Even though I Iost weight,my lower body would still be heavy and it’s very frustrating. I stumble upon your video because I’ve been looking for a better exercise to decrease my lower body mass. Your video made me rethink about what might be my REAL problem. Thank you very much for the information.

  • 1. You are a beautiful young woman, and your legs are really quite thin. 2. Weight loss surgeries are dangerous. Most people live longer without them. 3. Just eat your vegetables, avoid sugar & processed food, get a reasonable amount of exercise, and ACCEPT YOURSELF THE WAY YOU ARE. It’s not easy with all the fat hate, but it’s the only way.

  • Thank you thank you for this video! My legs are exactly the same along with all the women in my family. My family thought I was crazy to complain about them because thick legs and big butts are what make us so desirable. I on the otherhand tried desperately to lose weight from age 11 to now. I dieted, exercised and nothing could get rid of these thighs. After my first baby I basically starved off my baby weight. I just stopped eating and didn’t really exercise because exercise made me bigger. Now during and after my second pregnancy my legs are the worst they’ve ever been and the pain at night has been awful. I had no clue anyone else had this problem. I thought I was imagining it.

  • I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the lady who volunteered for the exam. This video helped me alot as I have EDS Hypermobile Type and am suspecting I have lipedema. My mother has a fatty liver so I am going to get checked mow too. This video is life changing. Thank you to the Dr and the brave volunteer!!

  • Ich mach mir mal einen Arzttermin:D Vielen Dank für’s teilen! Als ich das Foto von dir aus Izmir in Shorts gesehen hab dachte ich mir so: Ey, das sind doch meine Beine!
    Ich hab jetzt nur irgendwie die Befürchtung, dass mein popeliger Hausarzt mir da nicht weiterhelfen kann. Bei welchen Ärzten warst du?

  • Is it possible to have lipedema on one hip? My right hip has unexplained protruding fat blob, my left side looks normal. I’ve had MRI/CT which doesn’t show tumors or anything. No one can tell me why I have this issue. I am hypermobile with suspected EDS hypermobility.

  • Your gynecologist was ABSOLUTELY WRONG about the pill not affecting your legs. Lipedema is hormonally induced. Researchers know that lipedema often presents at puberty, with pregnancy and/or menopause. Also, stress may play a role as well. The fact that you have been unable to lose weight in your legs may have been prompted by birth control, but it is most likely something that would have progressed anyway. This condition needs more awareness in the medical community. I have stage one and my mom and sister have stage 2. I am hoping for better treatments and eventually a cure for this. Thank you for making this very honest video about your struggles. Body image can be challenging for everyone, but there is an additional psychological impact on women with lipedema because we are not in control of this. We have been told diet and exercise is the solution for our large legs, but despite heroic attempts (and often starvation diets), the legs remain the same size or actually increase in size! Not being able to control this is almost like being held for ransom in our own bodies.
    You are very brave to share your story in such a public way. It will certainly help others.

  • Hello my name is Christina Serrano I live in Philadelphia PA but I am originally from New York. I have been suffering for 7 years with an issue doctors aren’t paying attention too. After I had my daughter in 2010 in Suny Downstate Hospital in NY I swelled up. And as the years passed it has progressed from my waist up I’m fine from the waist down I’m big even though I’ve always been big from the waist down but not like I’m now. I weight 267 pounds the biggest I’ve ever been I don’t feel like I’m fat. Waking up my legs hurt soo much and I’m getting lots of ripples on my legs to the point I’m loosing my shape I can’t wear dresses or shorts anymore because people stare. I also have this bulge one side bigger than the other above my elbows. I’m just really concerned the pain is really bad I try to ignore it and massage myself but it really hurts. I don’t have ankles no more they’re gone. I’m also having cardiac problems already had my first stroke and I’m 36. I have 3 special needs children that need me I am a single mother playing both mom and dad I need help. I have spoken to my doctor they laugh tell me I’m just fat go on a diet and exercise which leaves me confused. Is fat supposed to hurt?

  • im trying to find a doctor in Decatur are Atlanta area or anywhere in the area that can be able to do the surgery for me I was in an automobile accident and I developed trauma and 3 years later I was diagnosed what lymphedema in my left leg its hard for me to stand and walk

  • Thanks for your video. Here in Spain there is very few people who hardly know about lipedema. The first time I heard about was at my 40s! Unbelievable. After watching your video, I am prevented about the interest of insurances over the conservative treatment.

  • In the beginning when I first found regarding this cellυlite trick I was truly confused. At that time I desperately required therapy for this cellυlite condition, and so I tried it. Right this moment, it has significantly smoothed away all the unmistakable appearance of that unattractive cellυlite from my new, soft skin. The smoothness and gentleness of my skin have enhanced. You gotta appreciate it as I love it also. I hope you will get it also, research on Google. Tip name is Thomas Kane†ozo
    Good luck

  • Amazing video, fantastic Doctor and explanation on palpation. I really admire the patient openness and bravery shown by the patient. It’s videos like this that will change the world’s understanding of Lipedema. Thank you for creating this!

  • I got big legs when I was around 12 but I thought it was just me getting fat and since then no matter how much I exercised or ate healthy I never got thinner on my legs after 8 years full of self-hate and no confidence I discovered that I had lipedema and the first thing I felt was relief because it wasn’t my fault I was always blaming myself but it wasn’t my fault! Then I got frustrated because unfortunately there are not many treatments for it other then liposuction which is expensive and still risky:( But I was kind of lucky because I live in Turkey and in Istanbul there is a famous Cardiovascular surgeon who has specialized in lipedema and does treatments I got treatment for 1 week and he told me to fast walk everyday for 45 mins and to kind of eat like a vegan except I’m allowed to eat fish

  • Thanks. I’m a year late, but this was interesting and possibly applicable to my life too. Your English is beautiful, but the bloopers are great too, haha! I can appreciate them after struggling to pronounce words in other languages and feeling so alone in it.

  • Thank you for making your video and for then translating it in English for us. I am personally very grateful.
    I’m 52. My heavy legs were diagnosed as having lipoedema not long after my first son was born, but we are sure that I was first showing signs of it from the age of about 16.
    But I now have a much bigger issue to deal with and I need as much help as I can get.
    I have another chronic condition called Enteric Neuropathy basically my digestive system doesn’t work properly. I have a stoma bag and a catheter bag to disguise/ conceal.
    Please can someone tell me where to go to find clothes that will accommodate my oversized arms, legs and rear-end as well as taking into account a stoma bag that’s sited on my stomach and a catheter bag that’s strapped onto the lower end of my thigh.
    I know that in the grand scheme of life as a whole it’s not a major problem to have to deal with, but I am desperate. I just want to look feminine. Does ANYONE have a suggestion as to where to look?
    Thank you
    PS: I live in the UK

  • Du hast schon fast 6.000.000 Abonnenten.
    Ich sage nur du hast es erreicht das dir so viele Menschen zuhören und dich unterstützen und,und,und…
    Du gibst dir soooo viel Mühe ♡
    Du hast sooo stark gekämpft!

    Ich hätte dich wahrscheinlich nieeee selber entdeckt♡
    Ich habe es dir schonmal gesagt wen du dich erinnerst:)
    Das du mir auf Insta gefolgt bist und so…

    Ich habe mich immer mehr für deine Videos, deiner Krankheit…interessiert:)

    Ich hoffe wir dürfen dich weiterhin begleiten:)

    Das Ende war Außerdem sehr witzig:D

  • lipedema in the groin and lower abdomen for men, who can help with this? where to turn as my general doctor does not even know what this is to begin with. no one take men seriously in the health care today! I have so much pain I cannot sleep

  • Thank you for the vídeo.
    I’m from Brazil and here not even the conventional therapy is covered. And no doctors know anything about lipodema. It has been a real strugel for me to find out about treatments all by myself. Keep postinho in english. Thanks ❤️

  • i cried so many times through the video iv’been through everything you said like the exact same things and i was trying to lose weight just because ofmy thighs i tried everything i’d lose everywhere but there and i thoughts it was my «body type» but i read that there is NO CURE this is so sad

  • This is me �� I work out 6 times a week, 3 of the days i am a black belt in taekwon-do martial arts which if you don’t know it is mostly kicking and jumping leg work and still my legs are SHOCKING and pain �� omg I bruise so easy in my legs I also have this in the tops of my arms, only the tops tho which they look bigger then the lower half of my arms. I saw my doctor and bawled my eyes out I feel like I’m going crazy and she told me basically it is in my head and gave me the «you don’t get to choose where fat comes off your body when you lose weight» �� I have lumps under my skin which are incredibly painful to apply pressure to, anywhere from my waist down including my lower back, tops of my arms my thighs, calf’s all of it. ��
    Do you have flat feet? Mine are incredibly flat and I hear it can be a symptom also

    You are stunning

  • Very informative. I wish I had a doctor like you that knows what to look for. What kind of specialist should I see to get properly assessed for lipidema? Also what should one do to get rid of it or reduce it if you find you are retaining fluid? My body has become alot like the patient’s in the video in the past year or so. After being on a medication for my RA I gained 20 Lb. which went mostly to my hips and stomach and even after going off it I could not lose more than a few pounds of it. I have never been this heavy in my life!

    I have hypermobile elbows and fingers (especially the last joints near the fingernails) and stretch marks but was ruled out on the Beighton Scale by a rheumatologist because I couldn’t touch the floor, touch my wrist with my thumb, or touch my tongue to my nose. I’ve always wondered though whether I might have vascular EDS because I found out later that I have venous insufficiency pretty badly and some sort of problem in my carotid and vertebral arteries that two ultrasounds have interpreted differently; one saying I had plaque, the other just months later saying it’s not plaque but thickening of the artery walls. I don’t know what to think of it and have an appointment to see a Cardiologist in March to find out more. I have pitting edema in my lower legs which may be fully due to the venous insufficiency but I wonder whether it might be a combination of things.

  • I am 65 years old and was just diagnosed by a Physical Therapist. I went to her for lymphedema and she told me my more important condition was Lipedema. So much makes sense now. And like you, I shamed myself and didn’t listen to my body. Thank you so much for this video!

  • I’m Romanian and have the same problem. My skinny mum and dad shamed me for it when I was at ideal weight. Ffwd 15 years, I became obese after going on the yo-yo roller coaster and completely lost any hope of losing weight, having decent thighs, ever going swimming again… And ever being loved (romantically) and considered attractive. I think I have lipedema. What kind of doctor does one go to? Dermatologist?

  • So I am not 100% sure if I have lipedema. But the symptoms are all similar with me. But recently massages help me a lot Idk. I started doing a lymphatic massage routine on my legs as a night ritual with some baby oil and they look so so much better. I have the same body type and same issue when it comes to losing weight. But massaging, having vegetable soups for dinner and drinking lemon water seems to work for me when it comes to slimming down my legs:) hope that helps.

  • Has anyone here been diagnosed with pots ( postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and Dysautonomia and it’s symptoms??? I’m wondering what is done for lipedema on the scalp. I’m experiencing burning sensation with draining sounds when I can position my head perfectly. Chiari malformation has been diagnosed as well so I’m not sure what or where I need to start with more tests.

  • I have only recently realized that have had lipedema since puberty. None of the Dr.’s ever addressed it even when all the signs were in plain view, and complaints were voiced. I have never been obese, and always reasonably fit. Yet, when I repeatedly complained about, and even showed photographs of my incredibly swollen ankles and feet, along with the fat folds in my knees that never went away even when I was emaciated (weighing 94 lbs), I was dismissed by my PCP as being «dramatic.» Recently, I was diagnosed with lipedematous alopecia. Even with this diagnosis, nobody connected the dots. I am 66 years old, and thanks to this information, I finally put the diagnostic puzzle together.

  • Really glad to see this condition being highlighted. God bless that wonderful patient for so generously modeling her body for us to see how lipedema can be diagnosed. As well as hypermobility spectrum disordrers, which for as yet unknown reasons I’m finding very highly comorbid (coming with) it. I think the latter lends to a lot of also highly comorbid lymphedema (note spelling, not to be confused with lipedema or lipoedema, the primary condition in some) in some patients as I think faulty collegen lends to weak lymphatic tissue and valves, so that it’s hard to keep your fluid circulating up and out of the body as most people take for granted. (This patient doesn’t have much yet thankfully, hopefully never does. I have a friend with a very bad case, is how I know.)

    The hypermobility spectrum disorders are only newly recognized as a sort of subclinical diagnosis to the easier to spot, more rare forms of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (there are now 14 in 2018, up 1 from the 2017 nosology). Here’s a bit one when to suspect those here: http://ohtwist.com/when-else-to-suspect-ehlers-danlos-syndrome

  • I am getting liposuction on june 17th to get my ankle, calf, and knee complex done. I have always had large legs and fat ankles. I could never go shoe shopping with friends because nothing fit. The straps dont fit. Boots dont zip over my calves. I dont wear shorts, dresses, skirts.

    Im athletic and no matter how much weight i lose, my legs do not budge. I am always hiding my legs because of how fat they are.

    I finally took a loan out to get this done because my circulation in my feet are very poor. Im also super excited to be able to wear the things i wanna wear lol

  • I m also suffering from lipedema stage 1..but my family don’t notice me n they said its fine… My legs are increasing day by day.. I never wear a shorts bcoz of this n I feel like what to do cuz no one care for me n even I told them it is like elephant legs but they just ignore me… ��I did exercise.. Running diet but my legs are not getting thin… ��I m totally exhausted n like I don’t want to live.. Even this big legs making me everyday crying n upset… N my friends always gave Me a comment ur legs are too big why ur legs are like this… N I feel shy n I never went out of the house…

  • Danke dir, dass du so ein Video machst! Es ist so ein Dreck diese Krankheit. Man hungert, man macht jede Diät, dann wundert man sich warum nichts passiert. BEI EGAL WAS DU MACHST.
    Hab im Fernsehn nachts um 1 Uhr eine Reportage gesehen und dachte eigentlich immer, dass wenn man zu dick ist die Beine einfach so aussehen, mit den ganzen Dellen die bei mir sogar bis zu den Kniekehlen gehen… Auf jeden fall haben die dann über die Krankheit geredet und ich saß da so wait what dicke Leute sehen so unter Hosen nicht alle immer aus? Oh shit
    Mache jetzt seit letztem Sommer Workouts und es tut sich ein bisschen was also dachte ich heute Nacht ich guck mal auf YouTube �� Aber leider kommt man irgendwann an einem Punkt an, da ist das kranke Fett und das wird halt wie du sagst nur durch eine OP weggehen. Allerdings wird Stadion 3+4 ja bereits bezahlt und man arbeitet daran, dass 1+2 auch bezahlt wird!
    Das mit den Beinschmerzen kann ich sooo verstehen. Man läuft mit den Freunden ein bisschen und es tun einem sooo früh die Beine weh! Ich hab mich nie getraut was zu sagen und wie du sagst, bin mit Schmerzen rumgelaufen wo es sich anfühlt als wenn man Messerstiche im Bein hat
    Ich find es so verdammt mutig, dass du deine Beine auch zeigst! Ich war oft am überlegen ein Video darüber zu machen und dachte mir so «Oh gott…die sind so voller Dellen und ich hab so hässliche Beine das darf niemand sehen» aber DU MACHST ES EINFACH ����

  • Hi Myra,
    I am a plastic surgeon from Israel, great video!
    I really loved the way you explained the uneffectiveness of exercise and diet and the progress to social shaming.
    Just started treating this phenomena in my practice, and I learned a lot from your video about the struggle of my patients, thank you.

  • Hi! Thank you for sharing your story, I have a similar story to you, although Iv been overweight since I was a child. But I spent my entire 20s starving myself and nothing! You get jokers who cut out junk food and they lose weight and for me…. nothing! I often thought I was going crazy so when I was finally diagnosed with lipoedema it all made sense! But it really does suck! Thank you for giving such a detailed and honest story! I was watching thinking, oh my god yes! I hope you get it all sorted soon! X

  • Wow!your video is just great! I’ve learned so much. I’m aware that I suffer of lipoedema but here in France it’s very difficult to have the diagnosis. Like you say it’s a very unknown disease. Since 10 years old (puberty) I’m very depressed about my legs and I’m 40 today. I’m trying to find a competent surgeon in France but…Thank you again. Iris

  • I have it also… Stay away from HIGH FAT foods. No red meat. Only lean meats with low fat. No dairy and no sugar. Intermittent fasting is also extremely helpful. It’s all in what you eat… Cut high fat meats, cut dairy (no cheese) & cut sugar… Fasting helps

  • I have not been diagnosed with lipedema, but, after research I think this could be my problem. I’m due to have DIEP flap breast reconstruction in 9 days and an wondering if relocation of involved tissue (abdomen) to the breast area is wise. Later, will also have fat grafting for the other breast using involved fat taken from thighs. I think, good for the abdomen/thighs, but wonder about possible consequences to the breasts.

  • I can self diagnose with thanks to you. I have type 4. 5″3, weighing 96kgs and a really small waisr/stomach. I can never loose weight no matter how hard I try, and it’s getting so much worse. people often ask me what’s wrong with my legs, it’s really embarrassing. I can’t wear a skirt or go swimming, or even walk at times. the constant aches and swelling are unbearable. people assume I’m lazy or over eat, they couldn’t be further from the truth. I will not allow anyone to see me like this. it’s a celibacy for me.