Вопрос: Почему птица дронго защищает животных?


Зоопарки Чехии. 1 серия / Диалоги о животных

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Птица дронго. Читать описание.

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Почему птица дронго защищает животных? Павел F [7.7K] 9 месяцев назад тэги: животные, птица дронго, птицы. Райский дронго считается агрессивным и смелым и атакует также крупных птиц, если те представляют угрозу его выводку.

Дронго (лат. Dicrurus ) — род воробьиных птиц, единственный в семействе дронговых [1] (Dicruridae) [2]. Представители рода обитают в тропических и субтропических регионах Африки, Азии и Австралии. Почему важно беречь животных земли? В мире много чудес, и одно из них это царство животных.

Большинство людей думают, что в мире обитает множество диких ж. Энциклопедия всех видов живущих и вымерших зверей. Оригинально, эстетично, доступно.

Связь с автором проекта — magnus122@yandex.ru Реклама на канале — hello@den-zen.ru. Как сохранить животных. С течением времени на земле остаётся всё меньше диких животных.

Животных защищает от холода шерсть, под которой также вырастает пух. почему птицы так упорно улетают и так же упорно возвращаются, причем в одни и. Траурный дронго не пугливая и очень агрессивная птица. Она не боится атаковать больших птиц, даже дневных хищных птиц, если, к примеру, его гнезду грозит опасность.

Защита животных (зоозащита) — вид деятельности, направленной на улучшение содержания и обращения с животными, предотвращение жестокого обращения с животными.. Среди современных концепций защиты животных различают. Африканская птица вилохвостый дронго копирует тревожные крики других птиц и млекопитающих, чтобы воровать их добычу.

Новые наблюдения и эксперименты показали, что чередование правдивых и ло. Чёрный дронго: Часто птицы сопровождают стада крупного рогатого скота, разыскивая насекомых около животных и на их спинах. Почему мех, пух, перья на теле животных и птиц защищают от холода? Leona-100.

На самом деле от холода защищают не только мех, пух и перья.

17 комментариев

  • Yes I had a rotty who lied to me about the location of his bone trying to keep it and get a new one, his smell would have made it like you and me seeing it! so he must have also known I could not smell it…. The location where it was, was 3 feet away and perfectly covered with ground cover and plants, when he said it was there I did not believe him as it didnt look possible But it was perfectly hidden!

  • When my three dogs are eating, occasionally the smallest one (Pablo) sends an alarming signal to tell the other dogs that something is outside, when they’re really isn’t. They all dash towards the door to get ready to chase it. But, Pablo only steps out a few feet then he runs back in to eat the other dog’s food while they’re distracted. It works about two-thirds of the time, and when I first saw this, I was convinced that Pablo was a cunning genius. I still love the little rascal.

  • Given how orangutans are known to outsmart their keepers and escape their enclosures, I’d say it’s a definitive yes. They pretend that they’re fine, bu are actually analyzing their keeper’s behavior and their surroundings for opportunities and escape points. One orangutan even fashioned multiple lock picks out of wires and twigs and them in his mouth; whenever he escaped, was caught, and had his tools confiscated, he always had a back-up that they didn’t know about and would escape again. When he finally ran out, he found other ways to escape, even coercing his fellow orangutans into masterminding his escape.

  • is evolution equal to random genetics mutation? If it does, how does a RANDOM mutation creates something as specific as that orchid that mimics the looks and the smells of a female wasp? there are many other examples like in your video but my favorite is the caterpillar that mimics a snake head when being threaten. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always love and believe in science and evolution ever since I was a kid and been enriching myself with them every single day, but this animal mimicry got me confused as much as it amazes me. In my own theory so far, somehow the animals or the plants has got a «master plan» all along (the individuals could be unconscious about this themselves), and they evolve knowing what and how they would become. Would the orchids evolve to mimic female wasps if there was no wasps at all on that area just out of pure random mutation? I don’t think so. I don’t have any back up to my own theory but at least it «answers» my question somehow. Would be great if u can explain this in detail, since I can’t find it anywhere on the internet regarding mimicry evolution and its development over the years. PS. Great video as always:D

  • Yes, but obviously not to the full extent we humans can. And there’s only one answer to that and that is we have a conscious. That factor alone makes it a ton of difference.
    Better yet deceiving someone, deceitfulness and consciousness are inextricably linked to each other in our understanding.
    In short that’s not how it works with animals.
    Furthermore the video is easy to perceive but your interpretation of the definition is not as clear as you would’ve hoped it is.
    Behavioral biology, not as easy to understand apparently.

  • Arent we already knew they those behaviors are intended? Since there is a main purpose of that action? Like for getting an additinal food resource etc etc. Or do we need the real evidence such as brain activity? I dont quite get that part tho.

  • Our cat once caught a mouse. She wanted me to open the door, but I closed as soon as she tried to bring in the guest. Then she wanted me to open again, but this time, she had the mouse on the ground behind her feet. She walked halfway through the door, turned around, took the mouse, and walked backwards in.

    She knew exactly what she was doing. Maybe it wasn’t deception, but it sure worked and tricked me.

  • И не круто,и не смешно.
    Идиотывзрослые до заикания пугают детей и сами при этом глупо гогочут.
    Никогда не видела более идиотского поведения взрослых.
    Вы думаете откуда берутся неврозы?
    Вот от этих детских страхов.

  • Another example of deceiving within a species can be found with some snakes. They come out of hibernation and males are ready to mate. If one weaker male happens to wake up late to the party, he can emit the female pheromone and trick competitors into spending time with him, while he looks for an actual female.

  • ЛЮДИ, пишите норм коментарии! Типо вот комментарий «нет», КАК ВООБЩЕ ОТНОСИТСЯ К ВИДЕО?! Или вы пишите тупо свое ФИО, или то что вам не нравится это видео, ХВАТИТ