Вопрос: Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́. Чтот о нём известно?


Adam Savage: My obsession with objects and the stories they tell

Видео взято с канала: TED


Урок 5. Влияние антропогенных факторов на живые организмы. Почему исчез дронт?

Видео взято с канала: Образование для всех


Вадим Титов: «Взаимоотношения человека и животных в Предкавказье и Приазовье»

Видео взято с канала: Центр Архэ

Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат. Raphus cucullatus), — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus.Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий.Первое документальное упоминание о дронте появилось благодаря. Маврики́йский дронт[2], или додо́ (лат.

Raphus cucullatus) — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus. Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий. Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат. Raphus cucullatus) — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus.

Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий. Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат. Raphus cucullatus), — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus.Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий.Первое документальное упоминание о дронте появилось благодаря.

Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат. Raphus cucullatus) — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus. Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий. Первое документальное упоминание о дронте появилось благодаря. Маврикийский дронт или додо (лат.

Raphus) — нелетающая птица семейства дронтов, эндемик острова Маврикий. О поведении додо известно не так много, а самые современные описания очень краткие. В них упоминается, что птица.

В ходе обсуждения может быть принято решение о её номинации что статья или тема статьи не В ней отсутствует плавность перехода. Возьмём абзац: Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат. Маврикийский дронт, или додо (лат. Raphus cucullatus) — вымершая нелетающая птица подсемейства дронтов, эндемик острова Маврикий в Индийском океане.

Эта птица была около метра в длину и весом около 20 килограммов. Маврикийский дронт — статья из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. Wiki.Moda. Маврики́йский дронт 1, или додо́(лат.

Raphus cucullatus) — вымерший виднелетающей птицы из. На монете изображен маврики́йский дронт или додо́ нелетающая птица с острова Маврикий. Обитал в лесах Маскаренских островов. Маврики́йский дронт, или додо́ (лат.

Raphus cucullatus) — вымерший вид нелетающей птицы из монотипического рода Raphus. Являлся эндемиком острова Маврикий.

28 комментариев

  • 0:54 Как картограф не могу не отметить крайне небрежную карту степей. Если бы такую карту нарисовал бы студент не видать ему зачета. Это я говорю ответственно, все-таки более 35 лет научно-педагогического стажа. Это тем более странно (я снова о карте), что тема очень хорошо проработана, ничего изобретать не нужно, просто перерисовать. Про украинский Крым на данной карте умолчу. Очевидно, что карта старая на ней еще Черногория от Сербии не отделилась.

  • And then maybe, then I’ll achieve the end of this exercise. But really if we’re all going to be honest with ourselves, I have to admit that achieving the end of the exercise was never the point of the exercise to begin with, was it?
    Thank You Adam!

  • I know what this feels like. A story: I’m a drummer who plays a bit of guitar. I love the Beatles like crazy. I love George Harrison and especially his solo work. I love his psychedelic painted 60’s Fender Stratocaster he named «Rocky» that he played until his death. I can’t own the original, nor would I want it. It’s in the hands of Olivia and Dhani as it should be. But being a Beatlemaniac I wanted one. So I decided to replicate my own. Other have done one so why couldn’t I? Plus my bother had the infamous «Guitars of the Sixties» book that had a three page photo spread of the guitar all blown up and even a back view. Knowing I could screw up painting an electric guitar, even though I’ve done lots of painting in art classes, I bought the cheapest Squier model (Fender’s affordable import line) Stratocaster I could get. The one I got came from a pawn shop on Ebay. It was in rough shape. Rusted screws, replacement parts, and a punk sticker all over the back. But it had a rosewood fretboard and the small headstock and a full width body the new beginner models don’t. I stripped the red paint off of it right down the wood, which took forever. I sanded for even longer. I got acrylic paints (another fan had painted one using craft store acrylics so why not?). I mixed the colors and tried to get the right day glo brightness ( I didn’t). It turned out okay, but the electronics were crackly and the tuners wouldn’t stay put. Plus nicks and gouges I couldn’t smooth over. It looked rough. The clear coat yellowed. (ugh!) And the colors looked to dull and flat.If someone wanted play it, they would not be digging it. So I recently re-did it. I bought a still stock newer Squier SE model. It is the last model Fender did that had full thickness body and neck, and had the small headstock shape. Got the whole thing all shiny and well taken care of with barely any wear on it. I used Testors model paints with a glossy sheen. I took much more time painting it. Dhani Harrison even did an iPad app with George’s guitars you can view 360 degrees! And on someone’s build page they screen grabbed every angle!! I was in heaven and put it all to good use. But I’m still not satisfied. I think I want to age the hardware with rust, nick and relic and wear the guitar body, and get period correct tuners and rust those as well. Use period correct sounding pickups. But that’s for another day.. heh.. This guitar is my Maltese falcon.

  • One of my favorite things about the Maltese Falcon movie prop is that there is one that is damaged. It was dropped by Bogart on set and forced them to make a new one. It’s on display at Warner Bros. and has a wonderful feeling of authenticity because of that very damage.

  • 14:40 На карте ареала тарпана показана точка последнего убитого тарпана (1918 год), автор при этом говорит, что он убит на территории Польши. Однако на самом деле это произошло не в Польше а во всем известном Миргороде Полтавской губернии и конь не был убит, а умер от старости.

  • Damn, Adam just went straight up my ladder of appreciation. His focus on details is so amazing it’s almost obscene. However was wondering about the complete Dodo skeleton/mummie. Adam mentions this to be from the British Museum, however Wikipedia says it belonged to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Anyone knows the correct details?:P:D

  • this is a man with way more money and time than I have, I have to spend a lot more time at work so I can pay bills and that leaves me to wore out to ever bother with a project for «fun», I don’t even know what fun is anymore, maybe in another decade I can retire but with the money I make I’m going to be working till I’m 80 or dead

  • The passion Adam has for just the process of perfection is amazing. Its not about the end result, its about getting to that end and this is awe inspiring to me, the want and vigorous attention to detail. Fantastic is an understatement for this attitude. Thank you Adam Savage for the inspiration to achieve this enthusiasm!

  • I love how Adam keeps saying how he wants objects with a story, the act of making gives it that story. I also love how he keeps saying he isn’t a sculptor, well, you did make things by sculpting them so yes you are. I myself am artistically inclined, and I have so many friends that say they wish they were as good as I am at making things, but I can never seem to get through to them that it’s not the end result, but the act of creating that is what makes it art. Art is a verb, not the end product. If you make things that come from your inner self, that reflect something, that can stand as an object or idea with a story, you are indeed an artist.

  • he actually does a lot of youtube photos, he actually doesnt have really that much time, he is actually really busy. got to testcom, he does a lot of videos on that. most of the stuff he does take him years cause he doesnt get that much time.

  • Живя в этом самом Предкавказье и периодически рассекая сотни километров этих степей часто задумываюсь: а как тут было 500 лет назад, а тысячу, а десять тысяч?

    P.S. Очень зашла игра Far Cry Primal.

  • Having recently finished my first DIY prop replica (also my first DIY project ever),
    I had never considered the impact the process could have on me.
    Stretching my actual limits in woodworking as well as my perceived limits. Then coming to terms with NEW limits. Dealing with my strive for perfection. Needing to work within a set time limit.
    But also the joy of discovering things for the first time, techniques as well as simple joy from just holding something I created.
    Giving it away, while part of me wanted to keep it for myself:P
    Seeing the joy it brought to the person I made it for.

    All this makes it so much more gratifying then buying (even a perfect) thing on ebay or wherever.
    Not to say my project is perfect, because it’s actually pretty crappy.

    It’s weird now that I think about it: For me, Adam explains away some of the magic of creating things, by showing how it’s done, but replaces that with a new magic, of enthusiasm and understanding.