Вопрос: Анита Перейр — кто такая, чем знаменита?



Видео взято с канала: Repzilla

Анита Перейр кто такая, чем знаменита? ХартБит [40.4K] 5 месяцев назад В честь нее был назван великолепный сорт роз. Мария Певчих – 33-летняя россиянка, давно проживающая в Великобритании. В последнее время она часто. Что означает имя Анита?

Происхождение имени Анита. Значение имени Анита и ее таинство. Характер женщины с именем Анита. Анита Цой — главные новости 2020.

Это полный крах! Анита Цой пожаловалась на тотальный неурожай. Знаменитые женщины маленького роста Если верить дошедшим до нас свидетельствам, раньше средний рост людей был намного ниже, чем сейчас, и женщины в целом были невысокими по нынешним меркам. Перейра.

3 ДОЛЖНОСТИ «Кто не видел, тот не помнил», Благодаря более чем 6 миллионам обращений в год, мы предлагаем вам качественный, бесплатный контент. siga-nos. У Аниты, не смотря на её характер, широкий круг общения, но общается она только с теми, кто её лично симпатичен. При всех её недостатках, у Аниты доброе сердце, она обязательно поможет, чем.

(Pereira), город в Колумбии, в 334 км к З. от Боготы, в долине р. Каука, на зап. склоне Центр. Кордильеры, на высоте 1457 м. 382 тыс. жителей (1999). Основан в 1863 г. и назван в честь Ф. Перейра Гамба, даровавшего городу эти земли. (порт. Pereira) португальская фамилия Перейра, Альваро (р.

1985) уругвайский футболист. Перейра, Аристидиш (р. 1923) политик Кабо Верде и Гвинеи Бисау. Перейра, Гильермо Ариэль (р. 1980) аргентинский футболист.

Оксана Бода, Ижевск, Россия. Окончила школу Школа искусств № 12 в 2007, Ижевск. Войдите на сайт. Есфирь (прежде Гадасса) была родственницей, а потом и приёмной дочерью еврея Мардохея (Мордехая), жившего в Сузах и однажды спасшего жизнь персидскому царю Артаксерксу.Когда царь выбирал себе новую жену, вместо.

I Перейра (Pereira) Аристидес Мария (родился 17.9.1923, острова Зелёного Мыса), один из руководителей Африканской партии независимости Гвинеи и островов Зелёного Мыса (См. Африканская партия независимости Гвинеи и Островов.

45 комментариев

  • Sorry dude but you are clearly of low intelligence with zero grasp of the law. It’s fine, but with titles like «lawsuit rightfully explained» when all it is, is your bias and opinions and zero actual factual law, it’s embarassing to look at. You need to take a seat with the «fans» and not pretend like you know about the law. Are the Mars Argo and Poppy projects very similar? YES. Is it illegal or grounds for a lawsuit in any way? Nope. Especially when the same producer who is part creator of BOTH projects is involved in both.

  • It might be good for you to clarify “allegedly”, when speaking of these accusations against Mr. Mixter and Ms. Peirera. I’m not doubting that they’re true, but Titanic Sinclair is one vindictive SOB, so it would be smart to protect yourself.

  • 2:08 while I do really appreciate finding a YouTube series that really goes further into depth on the lawsuit, what you said right here is utterly ridiculous. Yes, what they set up may have been demeaning of this particular situation, but in no way does that mean they’re degrading the entire metoo movement. Kinda sounds like a causation fallacy to me.

  • As a woman, thank you for focusing on the human/abuse issue. Wearing the same clothes is one thing, but using that (along with other things) as a form of long term systematic abuse is a bigger issue. You’re the first YouTuber that I have seen to make that point.

  • Have you guys figured out the mistake in the lawsuit yet? On page 31 of 39, number 114. The one with a white bodysuit, they put a screenshot of Poppy’s Computer Boy and called it one from “Lowlife” LOL will this cause a problem in the future like will the entire set of evidences be compromised because of this mistake?

  • They do not have the same voice, nor the same singing style. Poppy’s videos are completely computer plastic. Mars has soul. If in an argument, Poppy would not speak. Mars would stand up. The Computer Show videos are not like Poppy’s videos. Poppy and Titanic copy many other people besides Mars, myself included. There are parodies on parodies on parodies. Some people copy people who copy them.

  • That you for talking about this topic! As soon as the lawsuit details went public I immediately read the whole thing, and it was upsetting to see how almost nobody (at least youtube-creater wise) was paying attention to the abuse allegations. Good man.

  • Also, I truly fear for Poppy in all of this. I have seen the Internet unleashing their wrath and hatred on her on Twitter. (Including DEATH THREATS).. I am afraid for her, and I would not be surprised if she too is suffering abuse at the hands of Titanic’ Sinclair sometime in the future. As I wrote on Martanic Sincargo’s vid, she was probably thrust into this whole mess when she was barely 18 years old (a mere child!)….A young, impressionable, naive young woman, looking for her big break in Hollywood. A (fairly) successful much older man comes along, and promises to make her famous… So she goes along with just about everything he says, which in turn makes her an accomplice in his harassment of his ex. Remember, Moriah was a sweet, kind girl back when she was doing her covers. Do u really think she maliciously and vengefully would abuse Mars Argo on purpose? It’s ironic, bc what Moriah did in real life in essence is the exact notion of the entire Poppy character! Innocent girl sells her soul to the devil for fame. She has become his puppet, going so far as to commit crimes for him! Can u imagine how freakin scared she probably is right now?!? She’s stuck in this mess, and how the heck is she going to ever get out of it??! I bet the poor girl wishes she could just breathe, press stop, and be herself again. “Poppy” might have been complicit in these crimes, but I don’t believe Moriah ever would have been. So I feel she deserves people’s support just as much as Mars does.

  • You can’t understand why most content creators are viewing the copyright aspect of the lawsuit as more important than the abuse and harassment aspects because you actually have a soul and you haven’t let your heart shrivel up and die by going morally bankrupt in exchange for views and success, so you don’t think like them you’re physically incapable of understanding the way they see the world (which is a good thing). You’re a good and kind person and you understand and appreciate the importance of things; it’s a trait that will most likely hold you back in certain aspects of your life (ex. notoriety, finance, etc…), but it’s such a rare and good trait and will do you so well in the long term. Out of all of the YouTubers I have ever seen literally every single one of them you’re the one that I have such a great amount of respect for.

    I know this all sounds so corny and lame, but it’s so true… you’re a great person:) ♡.

  • Rep, it’s like you dyed your hair and suddenly lost your ability to think critically. Mars did not get trademarks. You MUST file for trademark, it’s not like copyright. She has NO copyright claim on anything she presented in her complaint, with the exception of the specific videos she made and the music she made and she shares this with Titanic. And PTSD??? Really? Today if your cat gets lost you can go to a Psych and get a diagnosis for PTSD. You want to know about PTSD, try losing your leg to an IED in Iraq watching your bros get blown the fuck up. IF THERE WAS ABUSE SHE SHOULD HAVE COME FORWARD AT THE TIME. SINCE SHE DID NOT COME FORWARD, THERE WAS NO PROVABLE ABUSE!!! Remember that crazy chick you told us about the other day? What if she files suit against you, claiming she wrote your content and you physically abused her??? Huh??? #MeToo

  • What are your thoughts on Titanic Sinclair dramatically losing subscribers, I can only imagine poppy is as well �� #PoppyIsOver #TitanicSinclairIsOverParty #MarsArgoReturns KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS -> https://twitter.com/zillarage *BY THE WAY MY ANALYTICS SHOW ME THAT MAJORITY PEOPLE ARE RETURN VIEWERS BUT NOT SUBSCRIBERS, GET YOUR BUTT OVER THERE AND CLICK THAT THING LMAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING WE TRYING TO HAVE A PIZZA PARTY �� *

  • I have an ex boyfriend that is EXTREMELY similar to Titanic (down to making music together, him writing a song about how ‘awful’ I was, abuse, constant infidelity, using my work as ‘inspiration’ for his side projects, I could honestly go on) and if she wins this case it’s only going to make it easier for people like me to have a case if we have to deal with something similar. She’s doing a wonderful thing to free herself and let others know they aren’t alone. This is so awesome to see, I’m so proud of her.

  • Abuse should have been reported! You don’t know what she did to him. She’s got no right to try copyright anything! I like Mars songs better! But she a jealous little rich white girl! She’s probably pooping green she’s so envious!
    Why if she’s so talented have we heard nothing….
    I’ve done everything mars did 25 years ago! So I should
    Sue her! ������ ALLEDGED ABUSE! NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE AND I don’t even like the poppy project! Mars is a spoilt little rich girl (who s always in pitch������) she robbed Titanic of his seven years work! And her dad shafted titanic giving him only 8% lol RICH PEOPLE MONEY HUNGRY

  • I think you nailed it right on the head, Rep. I think many people are missing the point of this lawsuit. Mars Argo is not claiming copyright to blonde hair, blue eyeshadow, bunny ears, etc…she is saying that Poppy does all these things INTENTIONALLY, to copy her character. It’s not a coincidence that Poppy shares all these similarities. Poppy is copying all these things that were unique to the Mars Argo character. The whole Poppy project seems to be used solely for the purpose of mocking Mars Argo. It’s to add to her abuse because she can’t escape it, due to Poppy’s growing fame and people shouting her name at Poppy concerts and in comments on her vids. To all the people saying “her claims are ridiculous”, look a little deeper.

  • Okay, so the copyright thing is fine, but where’s the proof that she ACTUALLY has these things trademarked and copyrighted? Common law only works if you can prove SHE created this, not him. If HE created it, then HE holds the Common Law and anything else if he filed it.

    PS: Stealing the look of something you created isn’t fucking psychological abuse.

  • A part of me is saying who cares
    Sorry for being rude
    it’s just that i have this song stuck in my head while i was listening to music on my phone while walking my dog and to make matters worst i can’t even find the name of the song
    God damn

  • I don’t think common law would apply, Mars Argo’s stye is not specific enough, It would have to be something more specific tahn bleach blond hir and high pitch voice. For example if someone tried to copy Melanie Martinez (she has too high pitch voice and creepy esthetics) her looks with teeth and hair is distinctive enough, but bleach blonde hair and wings, even the blood rom mouth are commonly used props. (Morally and logicaly i can see the copying but I’m not sure f it would hold in the court of law)

  • Well Titanic is the mastermind, and I feel like Poppy has no control over it and is secretly facing abuse from Titanic herself. I mean part of me thinks she takes part of the blame because she knew she was copying Mars Argo and didn’t do anything about it because she wanted fame. But I personally think Titanic was abusing both of them, and told Poppy what to do, not to tell anyone, etc.. that’s just what I think I’m trying not to be biased but I personally feel like Titanic made her do all of those things to hurt Mars Argo and she couldn’t do anything about it so I feel like whether or not they win the lawsuit, Poppy should break free of her contract, go back to her normal self, and start making videos as Moriah, not Poppy.

  • I felt the exact same way when I saw some of the other videos made on the topic, this should absolutely, 100% be taken seriously. To me, Poppy is just as sad and pathetic as Titanic, I mean imagine dating a guy/girl who wanted you to be a literal mimic of his/her ex! Would you stick around?? She’s a sociopath

  • A couple things really bothered me about the lawyer who poured himself a scotch… 1) he kind of laughed when speaking of the PTSD 2) when bringing up Titanic calling Mars «too old» he stated that it wasn’t wrong to say that because people get less attractive as they get older. I couldn’t believe a lawyer would even say that. That blew my mind. I was really looking forward to his analysis, but had to tune him out after that.

    Repzilla, are you going to look at the entire docket? I think it would be important to look at Titanic and Poppy’s answer to the lawsuit which should be online soon if it’s not already on ecourts.

  • I noticed many of the similarities a few months ago and thought they were mocking mars argo with the similarities. I thought the point of some of the nearly identical videos was so show mars argo that shes over and they are thriving with her ideas.

  • So i guess were just gonna forgot that mars entire discography is rip offs of other music to the point where i have found every song they have ripped off together. Than again thats not exactly uncommon with music. Guess were also gonna forget the character poppy wanted to be was created before corey but fleshed out more with him. And were also gonna forget that hes just copying the style of david lynch a man he idealizes and frequently steals concepts and symbolism from as well.

  • I Just found this channel bc of these videos, and I subbed/liked purely for the fact that you’ve focused on the abuse and mental manipulation, as well as the tactlessness of the channel who did that «battle», making a farce of this serious matter. Thanks for bringing more attention to the most disconcerting part of this story.

  • I know exactly what she must be feeling as I have been stalked and harassed by someone since I was 15 and I’m now 28. It went as far as my actual life style and clothing style was copied by this person as I used to make my own clothing. I was abused very badly psychologically by this person as well as other things to the point where I have panic attacks and anxiety and ptsd. I see titanic Sinclair as someone who is totally manipulative and controlling because I’ve been manipulated and controlled. I hope that Brittany Sheets wins and gets closure. Good for her!!!

  • You can’t have it both ways
    You’re either suing him for
    Copyright violations,
    Or you are suing him for domestic abuse.
    A domestic abuse Court will not listen to a copyright case.

    Well it’s true she can sue for anything it doesn’t mean a judge is going to listen to it.

    Because the copyright allegations have nothing to do with domestic abuse.

    And the character of Mars Argo the dumb blonde character
    Is not copyrightable

  • People choose to be more involved with the copyright infringement issue because it weights in more on who is responsible for the original creativity that a lot of fans have grown to love. Poppy’s image has been intriguing for a few years, and if we learn that this image was never a product of her own creativity, this might be one of the most transparent case of violating intellectual property in the entertainment business.

    As for the issue of domestic violence and abuse, I’ve learned that people still choose to turn a blind eye. Some have grown “jaded” at the fact that women are coming forward and speaking out, and refuse to take the matter seriously. I think people choose to deny that Mr Titanic Sinclair is possibly an abuser, because he doesn’t “looks” like one. I think people fail to see that there’s a reason why Mars Argo stepped out of the limelight. She needed to regroup and build a case, meanwhile Titanic and Poppy skyrocketed with success. I’m sure it was traumatic for Argo to see her creativity and ideas flourish in the hands of others. People don’t like to think of the nitty gritty pain that goes down in the background.

  • I’m so glad you’re not caught up in the whole copy right thing and that you’ve made it your point to push that this is actually a domestic violence case. I’ve had some horrible shit happen to me in my life and I still can’t even imagine what poor Mars/Britney went through! I’m so glad she’s finally come out of the dark and I certainly hope she wins this and takes them for everything they own!

    Thank you for your awesome content Mr. Repzilla ♥️

  • I loved titanic and poppy so much it’s hard to all of a sudden hate them… I do not support abuse as all and I even grew up in an abbusive environment and I feel so horrible for Brittney… and logically I understand that I can’t be a fan of poppy or titanic anymore but it is hat for me to throw away a huge love I had. Part of me hates them for what they did but part of me is still trying to defend them and I just don’t know how to feel… if that makes any sense… I went to see poppy in concert and I was so excited about it and now this is tarnishing my good memories of poppy…

  • Thank you! A lot of videos of so called «Lawyers» were absolutely nauseating to watch and none of them seemed to understand the severity of the situation. THIS IS NOT ABOUT COPYRIGHT PEOPLE! Not entirely. Its about domestic abuse and harassment from one artist to another. Yes Mars doesn’t own wings, posture, her voice, and certain clothing that Poppy is outright copying. But the point is Moriah and Titantic are both guilty of purposefully mimicking Mars Argo to intimidate her, to threaten her, and to boost their own popularity! They are using copyright as a form of abuse even if its a minor infringement most would over look. What’s disturbing is that it seems like Moriah is practically obsessed with making Mars extremely uncomfortable and Titanic is being a controlling freak. I do hope Mars wins the lawsuit, at least for the domestic violence and harassment.

    I do hope though that whatever happens to Moriah is minimal. Look I totally get when you’re young and you have someone like Titanic whispering in your ear to do something horrible. I’ve known manipulative jerks like Titanic in the past that was stupid enough to influence me to to do horrible shit I regret now. Some people are impressionable and its hard to do the right thing sometimes when someone offers you more, especially if you’re a struggling artist. I think as Moriah gets older she’s gonna understand the person she was before Titanic was better than Poppy and regret her mistakes as she wises up. In a way, i do feel sorry for her but she should be held accountable for her actions. I just hope it does not destroy her career because she had potential to be good before Poppy.

  • I’ve been in an abusive relationship before and the reductive discourse surrounding who’s the ‘better’ pop star makes me feel queasy as heck. It’s like people can’t see them as humans or something. The ‘versus’ videos comparing Poppy to Mars as if it’s some sort of game are so freaking ignorant and insensitive.

  • I think in many ways it is about the copyright, but that the copyright is also being defined as an extension of abuse which points out a different motive than most traditional copyright lawsuits. It eliminates the ability to explain it away as coincidence, and provides grounds to explain the actions as both deliberate and with the intent to cause harm. She can show why she was unable to continue, how it impacted her reputation and further how Poppy and Titanic gained from her loss. This case is strongly tied to abuse in that way, but it is a copyright suit.