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President Trump holds a news conference

Видео взято с канала: Fox News


Fox News Shuts Down Newt Gingrich Over Soros Conspiracy Theory

Видео взято с канала: HuffPost


Undecided Wisconsin voters talk to Fox News ahead of Trump campaign event

Видео взято с канала: Fox News


Who are the women on Trump’s SCOTUS short-list? Fox News breaks it down

Видео взято с канала: Fox News


Forbidden Topics on Fox News

Видео взято с канала: Lets Fix Stuff


President Trump goes one-on-one with Chris Wallace | Full Interview

Видео взято с канала: Fox News


Is Biden losing his lead over Trump? | FOX News Rundown

Видео взято с канала: Fox News

140 комментариев

  • trump is a Communist Putin supporter.
    trump failed our American economy. trump is Incompetent ( 204,000 covid Americans already DIED ). trump is a Liar. trump is a clown…supported by a clown network. How could any good Christian support trump…?  Fake ones…thats who.

    Vote Joe Biden & Kamala Harris,
    to ensure that trump shall not win.

  • We are sick of hearing about the covid flu because its nothing but a common flu just like all others. We should of not shut down. Trump may lose my vote for being to liberal and not fighting back against Democrats. We should never of shut down or done the first stimulus package. It didn’t go to the people government stole our money. Trump should never of closed the government or private sector down. His job is to make money and make us all wealthy. A few people will have to be sacrificed for the good of all. Since there is no cure we should have just let things run their course. That’s my personal opinion.

  • 3 days later Taken from FAKE NEWS, but here is a quote: “When a reporter pressed Trump about his timeline given the April date he had just offered, the president deferred to Dr. Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist advising the president on the virus.

    Atlas reiterated Trump’s point about having “over 100 million doses manufactured,” by the end of the year. People on the “prioritized list including high risk, including first responders, will have the ability to take the vaccine, no one’s being mandated to be vaccinated, at the latest in January.”

    “And as we said….there will be hundreds of millions of doses delivered for people to take it during the first quarter and so that by April every single American who wants to be vaccinated will have the ability to be vaccinated,” Atlas said. “It’s not a forced vaccination of course.”

  • Wanda, what in the world are you going on about. «I’m a victim, he’s a victim, she’s a victim wouldn’t you like to be a victim too». Wanda isn’t undecided she’ll go democrat, again. She’s a democrat success story i.e. falling for the lie, wanting government to take care of her and her family for life. Eviction prevention = legalized house theft.

  • 203,819 covid deaths 6,966,232 covid cases and counting even after the WH took control of hospital data from the CDC and test centres being closed down, 1000 americans are dying every day from the Trump virus, ‘it is what it is’ says the impeached ‘i dont take responsibility at all’ bone spurs grifter of a president who is responsible for 40 million people being evicted from their homes due to his incompetence………….

  • The «Right to Life» Guy, that downplays and mocks the Coronavirus so «his great economy» can continue thru the election cycle
    The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
    The “stable genius” who hides his college grades / brags about passing a cognitive test
    The “smart businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
    The «Most Least Racist Man» that said «there were fine people on both sides» in Charlottesville, filled with White Supremacists
    The “Christian” who doesn’t ask for fogiveness /cheats on his wife/ lies constantly/ Bullies people/ plays on people’s fears
    The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
    The “patriot” who dodged the draft /attacks dead Veterans as «Losers and Suckers» / doesn’t like «captured» veterans/ knows more than our Generals
    The «president» who supports protesting, then gases and attacks innocent protesters.
    The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
    The «Art of the Deal» guy that can’t get anything done because of… «Democrats/Obama/Liberals/Women/Weak Governors/Fake Media/»etc…
    The «honest» president, who insults the constitution, with republican senators who look the other way!
    The «Drain the Swamp Guy» that is totally complicit with Russian Interference in our Elections!

    ********…if you are a US Citizen, you should be appalled!…. We deserve Much Better!********

  • ****…….. ONE…… MAKES THE TOTAL SACRIFICES OF THEIR LIVES TO SERVE AND HONOR THE MASSES………………… That is our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP AND VP PENCE…. THEIR AMAZING TEAM AT THE WHITE HOUSE……….. I can’t imagine the weight on their shoulders at night while they hope to get some rest/sleep……………….. GOD KEEP THEM ALL WELL AND SAFE………………………….. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND HER PEOPLE OF ALL COUNTRIES OLD AND NEW……………………………..

  • Exactly Judge Napolitano> RBG was a glowing socialist liberal, Who wanted to change our Constitution to represent the deviants of society. But she did have great righting skills. I’m quite sure her views changed as soon as she met our maker.

  • «God is the only heavyweight»
    «knows it all and gets it right all the time».
    That should keep things in ‘perspective’
    for all of us.

    May we all be reminded of our ‘national motto’,
    “In God We Trust”
    «be faithful to Him only «,
    «the temptation to trust more in
    a politician,
    party, or

    Be faithful to God only!


  • Every GOP Senator who refused to give Garland a vote & now agrees to vote for a Trump SCOTUS nominee will forever be remembered as a monumental hypocrite. And McConnell will live in infamy as the man who destroyed the Senate & the Court through his own lust for power.

  • Joe Biden could not have done no better if he was in office over the covid-19 pandemic, but he wants the people to act like he can do better, there would have been a lot more deaths, if I’d was in charge. We all got hit by surprise we have to remember that.

  • i got called by a biden supporter i asked her id biden takes money from blm who wants yo defund police…she said no… insdkedcznout act blue… she said who then said biden has nothing to do with them… when i told her blm funds act blue who funds biden she put me
    on hold then came vacknon and said goodbye
    (they dont even know they are supporting socialism folks….sad)

  • Can I l please say America is not being divided. ����������������2020. Our President has finally given us conservatives a voice. Even still, in Los Angeles if we say we are republicans we can get attacked by democrats. But people are finally standing up for their believes. Thank God for our President. We can not loose our freedom again.

  • If people would fight as hard for ARE President of the United States Of America. And give him the respect a president deserves. And get of his back and let him do his job we are already so much better off than we were before. GOD BLESS HIM!!!! I PRAY TO GOD that he gets back in.

  • Fox News, along with the rest of the MSM, (with the exception of OAN), can all be damned. This is now all going to come out in the next 4 years. Because Trump and the Republicans are going to experience overwhelming victories across America… Not just in the White House and Congress. But in state and local elections across the country.

    They can’t stop this, and they all know it. Hence all of the violence, burning, and looting. They are all showcasing who and what they actually are. As their whole plan of a, «secret takeover» monumentally explodes in their faces. They all dismissed 1 single person in all of this, that they should have paid more attention to. Donald J. Trump.

  • Staged questions. Fox is appearing to be asking the hard questions but trump knew the questions the night before if not the week before and studied the correct responses to win back votes. Never ever trust mainstream media, the information is all controlled with hidden agendas.

  • People like chris, jaun and cnn are what’s wrong with country. These idiots are putting out fake accusations constantly on Trump but endorse radical racist. And don’t even ask Biden tough questions. They give biden all the questions ahead of time and he still screws it up

  • > JB win
    20 Sep 2020
    America should not only FEAR JB win
    It is his Sidekick KH who will give
    When JB became INCAPCIPATED during his term
    Which is likely to be caused by
    Meantime Kamala
    Is still in the Kinddie Level of World Politics
    Cant imagine HOW
    She is to face those bloody REAL Tuffies and Bullies
    Whom America and the World are having a hard time
    dealing with them
    KH will probably FREAK OUT
    Running helter skelter like a Headless Chicken

  • Shatrunaam: Donald Trump & his family, Sarva Trump supporters, Sarva Republican GOP Party, Sarva Fox News Network.



  • Chris Wallace would never have gotten his first television job were except for the fact that his pervert father who was guilty of misogyny, see Wikipedia article. He would put his hands on fellow women reporters and admitted to this. His father, mike Wallace wrote an article about general Westmoreland that accused Westmoreland, basically of being guilty of treason. Wallace’s employer CBS, issued an apology and Mike Wallace, being a liar and subject to depression apparently attempted suicide over the issue. General Westmoreland was a Republican and Chris Wallace hates all Republicans! He is a consummate LIAR just as his father Mike Wallace. Like father, like son!

  • The swing states will decide the election similar to what happened in the 2018 mid term election. People had enough of the Republican Party. Now, with almost 200,000 deaths due to COVID 19 and hearing that Trump downplayed this Pandemic. Trump chances of winning is very slim.

  • That’s not that’s funny I’m going to be a right eventually LoL ���� he is silly man I’m sorry I know some of the things I should take serious I mean that me and my sister can sit there and listen and some of the things is so outrageous I have to laugh I mean it’s funny as hell and you’re just in so disbelief that he said it and it’s funny I know I shouldn’t laugh about them things but wow

  • He just say you didn’t have to wear a mask again he came back and said well yeah you need to wear a mask because nobody knew how this worked see I don’t blame Dr falchi and president Trump at that time because nobody knew anything about it

  • And that scares the s*** out of me but I will blame it on every one of you newspaper and everybody well I blame it on the president no but you when you guys made fun of the president every one of you say no it ain’t there it ain’t that bad and laughing I think we can blame every one of you guys too the blood is on your guys’s hand is well as the president

  • I actually feel sorry for Donald Trump because no I don’t think he should have ran for president because this is overwhelming him and he’s not very good at it there’s big responsibilities I’ve been a president and no I would never run for president for one I’m not smart enough but that’s all you can do is pray for him

  • That is true confirm cases that is not in the hospital they quarantine at home it’s their contact who they’ve been around they considered them contact cases that’s what most them are people who they’ve been around that’s not confirming really that they have it so if you’re counting you got to count the ones actually got coronavirus not just who they’ve been around they consider them cases you better look into it a little deeper

  • You got it Matt that is true what he said there it’s up to the governors and some governors do not want to lock down they are staying open I seen it on a advertisement with one of them I don’t know which state but I guess I’ll watch it again I mean I don’t know if you would have told us on the 7th how bad the pandemic really is so deadly would they listen and put on mass and social distance or sanitize their hands because there’s sure in the hell not doing it now and they know how bad it is

  • I loved this….precious people who deserve to be safe and experience liberty, and opportunities to be successful. I believe in each of you that you will vote and join in your community to make the changes that are needed. No President can make these changes alone. I can tell you Marxism or the far left wants us dependent on the government and the destruction of the family as we know it. I believe President Trump wants all Americans to have prosperity. I have seen so much change in him for good during his time in office-he tirelessly works, as does his entire family for Americans. That is why the divisiveness and lying tactics of the left have not stopped him from achieving many positive changes for people of all color. I too have a biracial great grandson and want equality for him nothing less is acceptable. Many changes will make America better-we need term limits on our government-they were not intended to be lifers and get rich off their positions of influence and power. They have been asked to self impose term limits but cannot give up their political power and freedoms they enjoy that we do not. Their aides and their children go to college free. They don’t pay fines or tickets. They receive money even after they leave office so really never have to work again. All Americans need to be involved in generating positive changes and that requires mutual respect and a willingness to be a part of the solution. I was touched by your stories. Just do a tally of 47 years against 47 months. President isn’t a politician or attorney. He is really rough around the edges. God uses the simple to confuse the wise. He is though, genuine in his love for Americans. I don’t approve of all of his social media but I asked myself when did I start?. I am white raised on sharecropper farming growing tobacco. We didn’t have an indoor bathroom but were grateful for toilet paper in the outhouse. I had a supportive family and friends that helped me as a single mom go to school and at age 19 never went back on welfare. I found a program that offered childcare, payed for my schooling and books. God provided two precious Hispanic women who gave me a ride to our out of town education. I would pray when they were not available and God ALWAYS provided for the need. I have had much and have had little. There is a war for the very heart of American freedom. If we vote one way the heart of Americans will never be the place we would want our children or grandchildren to grow up in. They would be pawns or have victim mentality. I want them to know with hard work, not giving up and believing in themselves with support they can achieve any goal. I believe together we have a voice with President Trump. One of the most frequent comments about President Trump is his willingness to listen. Hershel Walker, Tom Collins. (I hope that name is right) spoke of that quality. Tom ‘s grandfather was a cotton farmer whose family in one generation went to Congress. I would really encourage you to take the time out and go over both of the Conventions and listen to what and who the people were that spoke, what the people had to say about their candidate. Listen for common themes. Ask what are the party’s platform agenda for the next 4 years. Did they even say what they would do, how they will fund it? I think you will find peace after doing this and have your answer. I pray for each of your needs which I support and pray God will give you direction and peace in your decision making. This is my longest comment, maybe because you each touched a place in my heart. Listening to you-I know it will take everyone working together for positive change but I know that positive change is possible because I heard your messages and I believe in a free America. The only other thing I would check out is Fox News or OAN for a fair presentation on the accomplishments of President Trump and believe me they ask the tough questions and tell the good and bad. God bless each one of you.

  • President Trump please remind America that old Joe Biden is a coward and selfish who voted against the Bin Laden raid as did Gates so old Joe could assure himself of being able to run for President without the risk of a failed raid like Jimmy Carter against Iran. Old Joe Biden is not worthy to be an American President. Old Joe Biden is a coward.

  • Above Soros is Rothschild and Rockefeller. They are Zionism and anti christian, they set up organisation as New World Order to conqueror globalization central bank.The dollars of Fiats is Rothschild dollars they can do whatever they want because they own the paper money. New World Order was set up in after WW2 same time they created the evildoers group like IMF, WHO, UN, etc. Present we are in covid 19 horror situation and it been set up by their organisation for evil reason so we need to wake up.

  • I’m so made at newt, for looking like A deer looking into headlights!
    Newt showed cowardness, why didn’t he expose this evil man for what he has done to bring down countries monetary systems, how he has made his money!expose evil for what evil is!!!!

  • I haven’t heard anyone talking about the concern of the left “owning” all the MSM and all the social media… what happens on Election Day if regardless who the voters vote in, what if the media just keeps blasting the lie that Biden won? How do conservatives, Trump supporters get any TRUE reports? The way the Democrats have been manipulating our society they could EASILY take control of the White House… coup… seriously. What can we do?

  • Jews in general you can not speak to. They are the chosen and are above criticism. They can do what ever they want and get a pass. But you mention all the bad behavior and bingo you are an anti-semite. Epstein,Soros, Wienstein,Bezo, Zuckerburg, RBG, Kissinger etc. I totally expect this comment to be censored.

  • Everything that toxic little Nazi rat puts his fingers on gets infected…. you need to freeze his money and put him in gitmo making big rock into Little Rock’s until he meets his maker! He is like the humpback in 300 he has never been excepted by any society so he try’s to destroy it out of spite and bitterness! Look what he tried to do to Britain and the Bank of England…. little did he know he was doing us a huge favour keeping us out of the Euro! Silver linings!

  • My Questions are> «Where did Soros get the Elixir(potion) that is keeping him alive? Did he get it from the Devil in trade for his soul or did he pay $ to have it concocted?»
    Second Question, «Are one of the side effects of his decades long Evilness, the bags under his eyes that look like empty testicle sacs or because of the potion?» and lastly «Why does FoxNews support Soros Who HATES Trump?»

  • There was a “centrist judge,” his name escapes me, who was considered in those recent SCOTUS nominations. I think Trump should nominate him, because there needs to be a “bridge between the left and right,” that will bring greater unity of opinion in the court. We’ve seen for months a “polarization of political opinions,” that have been ripping the country apart, and turning people against one another. That turmoil needs to stop for the good of the country!

  • Ricky Ricardo would say «FOX, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.» To hide Soris»s contributions to politicians and to BLM is a crime and a slap in the face to all the viewers that counted on your channel(past tense) for the truth and the whole truth. Where the hell do we go now? Shame on you.

  • Thank you for backing up some of the things I’ve been saying for years Walmart quit selling AR rifles and pistol ammunition after George Soros bought interest into Walmart when you go and dig in the layers you find it in 2012 I believes when he bought in it took him that long to work it around to where he told them what to handle and have for sale George Soros is an evil reprehensible person that the world would be better off without

  • Wanda you had a black President for 8 years and he did nothing for you! I am sick and tired of the African American folks complaining about racism, I feel like the racism is against Caucasians at this point. Obama/Biden were in office for 8 years and they did nothing for the African Americans. If there was a racism issue why didn’t they fix it? Everyone should be treated equally period!

  • Talk about biased? 2 hillary voters? 1 undecided? What a sham. We all have a point of view if people look at trump and what hes done. What he stands for? What is there to be undecided about? Freedom or communism. Biden is in deep w China. Learn what has been going on in the past people?. Do your research. There is no systemic racism look at candace Owen’s watch her learn. Learn. Do not vote biden. Trump is far far far from a racist omg. Wake up

  • Biden never had a lead…..just the media’s attempt in interfere with the election….convince the left they are winning with lies….as the election gets closer they actually have to report correctly to save any credibility…and then hope the left voters won’t accept election results. Such disgusting corruption!!!

  • Soros has already collapsed Malaysia, Thailand and other countries. China and Hungary sent him packing. Soros has told NBC that America’s economy will be collapsed after 2020 because of Trumps adversarial relationship with China and other things Trump has done to fix our economy. Soros is negativity financially impacted by Trumps successes and is doing what he can to collapse our country. Trump is in the way! Soros is behind all corrupt politicians, prosecutors, BLM and ANTIFA.

  • Why does he lie soooo much! Literally our fellow conservatives are telldin gn him no these are the facts and yet he’s still handed data and still lies. Cmon man please Republicans my Fellow conservatives this man is uneducated and divided us we are the UNITED started under god!!!! United please please wake up and vote against him this year do it for the republicans we cannot let this man paint us all I as uneducated bigots

  • Glen Beck speaks the truth. When he was forced to leave Fox years ago, it was then it raised questions he was railroaded, just like Bill O’Reilly. Beck left his job at Fox News while under fire over politically controversial remarks he made — remarks that made it difficult for the network to sell ads on his show even while ratings remained high. It was a similar situation for The O’Reilly Factor, as advertisers pulled out while the audience remained faithful.


  • George Soros funding isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s on his website you daft idiots. Why don’t you go do some actual investigating and you will see on his website, it tells you about what he is doing with his money. he doesn’t hide any of it. God you people are imbeciles.

  • Count me in the judicial restraint camp. Voting on the nominee for SCOTUS will be an example of how politicians will not vote for what’s right, but vote to save their political lives. A very good reason why there needs to be limitations(restraints) on the power of government.

  • So for Wanda to say that things were good for her children but not now and she is claiming systemic racism then the systematic racism must have been initiated under the Obama/ Biden administration. Yet she thinks Biden who is still racist and has been for his 77 years will now change like the former governor of Georgia, Wallace. Difference is is Wallace admires yo being a racist and then apologized and actively stated policies to atone for his previous action. Biden has doubled down and praised his roll in the crime bill claims there was no issue with corruption with Hunter and never acknowledges the corruption of his helping family with his political position. This is who she claims has had a Come to Jesus moment. That’s insulting to Christ our Savior.

  • trump is a Communist Putin supporter.
    trump failed our American economy. trump is Incompetent ( 204,000 covid Americans already DIED ). trump is a Liar. trump is a clown…supported by a clown network. How could any good Christian support trump…?  Fake ones…thats who.

    Vote Joe Biden & Kamala Harris,
    to ensure that trump shall not win.

  • WHY Fox still has this clown on as their top legal commentator defies credulity. This bozo has gotten pretty much everything wrong that he has predicated and given legal comment on. My God, if he is the best Fox can get is it any wonder so many people are fed up with the idiocy of the sackings of Trish, and leftward bias towards Biden? Fox smashes the other cable networks, but for how long? If they stay on their current never Trump and Biden softball and WOKE PC agenda Fox will cease to be anything more than CNN-MSDNC Light’.

  • To any Republican senator who would refuse to vote for Trumps nominee I would just ask, is your problem the amount of time between now and the election, or is your problem with Trump appointing the next justice? The only guarantee that we have of getting an actual Trump nominee on the court is if it happens this year, preferably before election day. After election day, if Trump loses there will be a good excuse for never Trumper’s to say that the people have spoken and Trump should not be allowed to appoint. If Trump is reelected but loses the senate and waits until next year to make an appointment we will end up with a John Roberts type-before or after he is impeached, assuming that the Democrat’s still have the House. One final note, if Mitt Romney or any other Senator who is not up for reelection this year fails to support Trumps nominee this year, I would hope that next year the people of his or her state would hold a recall election. There is no excuse possible for any GOP senator to fail to support Trumps SCOTUS nominee.

  • Soros is not legitimately Jewish. He himself said he doesn’t believe in God, but thinks he is a god. He helped the Nazis to kill people who were legitimately Jewish. I �� Yahweh will bring severe judgement upon him and anyone he has indoctrinated into his evil ways.

  • Collins’ job is to vote up or down on a nominee. It’s not her job to decide when there is a nomination or by whom. If she abstains from voting and becomes an obstruction to a conservative addition to the Supreme Court in 2020, she will be forever remembered for being a total fraud and any good karma she may have will vanish.

  • The argument that a vulnerable senator will not vote to fill the seat if they think they may not be re-elected is ridiculous. If a GOP senator votes to confirm, they may be re-elected. If they do not, then they most certainly will not be re-elected because they will lose the support of the base. Filling the seat is a once in a lifetime vote and the reason they were elected in the first instance…it would be a betrayal to whimp out now.

  • U see how mad he was wen he ask him about wat the new judge can do lol dismantle Obamacare be pro-life proGod pro 2 Amendment oh this is going to be good �������� he looked real upset hurry up Trump put her in there hurry ��������

  • Poor Judge Napolitano looks like someone just dragged him out of bed. He can’t keep his eyes open! But Pam Bondi, former Attorney-general of Florida would be a great pick, especially since since she did such a fabulous job in a swing state.

  • What did our «free thinking» friendly announcer host hear in her earpiece? Such non journalism crap. Big Brother whispered to her. Oh yeah, I forgot, there is a clause in the Constitution that says billionaires are exempt from the Law of the Land, and billionaires are allowed to buy our Congress and District Attorneys. I forgot.

  • Wanda Smith, the democraps are not having a Jesus moment. Just like in previous years the democrats will promise. promise and promise some more and after they gain power there’s no promises kept. Joe Biden has Always been a racist, just read his biography and it couldn’t be any clearer.

  • Just a comment on eviction prevention. Keep in mind that landlords have to pay mortgages, insurance, taxes and maintenance on rental properties. I own rental properties. And I will tell you that as soon as i am prevented from canceling a lease agreement for non payment of rent (and I don’t mean just a late payment or payments) As soon as I face an attitude of entitlement by tenants. I will put the property for sale on the market at the earliest possible moment. Burdening landlords with the cost of unpaid rents is the surest way to remove rentals from the market altogether.

  • Common sense will tell anyone healthy.. duu you had it and didn’t notice. It’s that weak. So. Anyone who forces a mandatory injection will be an enemy if America.
    Btw you all look like spineless morons with your little masks that don’t do anything to stop a virus. The three precent that made this country free wouldn’t be cowering with a yes my owner mask.

  • She’s basing her decision off a movie……actions from «many many years ago» People change!? Bidens racist actions are far more recent and I don’t even know that you could even call the incident she is referring to racism. I’ve never dug too far into it. Either way……Biden «then you aint black»

  • Wikapedia: (Presidents by previous experience) look it up… read (by the numbers)… Trump no experience that qualifies him for President… He’s a reality tv host, shoots from the hip… not qualified for presidency… He attacked Republican John McCain before he was president… never ever should be president…

  • I watch One America News for news and FNC for three commentary personalities. That’s it! FNC has changed. Don’t tell me that it hasn’t, it has! It’s not the same network it used to be 5 years ago. I hate to see what FNC will be in another 5 years. Heaven knows.

  • Wanda already decided she’s voting For Biden, it’s obvious. Because she said Biden had a Jesus moment. Yet he continues with his manipulation, lies, and deceptive tactics.The Caitlin know what Trump has accomplish but fear leaving the Democratic party cuz of fear for her family. Trump is working on thing like, second chance act program & more. What did Biden due for the black people, while he was VP, nothing. As for Chris he should look at what Trump has done in 4 years for farmers, then what Biden did to help farmers in 47 years.

  • To all Trump’s supporters be aware and vote in person to make your vote count same day. Mail ballot will take months to count and if a winner it’s not decided by midnight Jan 20 2021 who ever is speaker of the house will be President until votes get counted.

    Trump 2020 The Lion of America
    Make it count same day

  • It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a lot of these people do not have Common Sense Nor Common Decency. I may not have a lot money but I do have some common sense and decency of who and what I vote for. If a person reveals he is a Bad or Inhumane Evil person and you choose to vote for him then you have revealed yourself to others and the Almighty. If you have no Humanity for others then the Almighty God will have no Humanity for you ��.

  • This is the greatest President ever happened to American people, bad and good to him he doesn’t stop serving us for a benefits. Just here it. He said quite: People needs help with this pandemic it’s not the he people fault. It’s China which is definitely true. Bless our President/Vice President/Administrations/All his administration’s/All his Supporters/Great Billionaires Behind him/All participants/All his democrats Supporters and most of all for their families for making America Great Again. We love you All. Poor people like us we can offer are voting for you to keep us safe from corrupted politicians. We are thankful for cleaning the swamp.

  • I thought it was make America Great Again not the Middle East. America is in Chaos, Millions of Miles of American soil on fire, Pandemic Killed over 200,000.00 Americans, USA is Jobless, Hopeless, and with no direction to a better future under Trump fascism, deplorable management just like all his rundown business.

  • trump is a Communist Putin supporter.
    trump failed our American economy. trump is Incompetent ( 204,000 covid Americans already DIED ). trump is a Liar. trump is a clown…supported by a clown network. How could any good Christian support trump…?  Fake ones…thats who.

    Vote Joe Biden & Kamala Harris,
    to ensure that trump shall not win.

  • Caitlyn your Kids are MIXED. As a black woman with mixed Kids, you only have one choice. Please. Your Kids will be targeted for their skin for the rest of their lives. Vote Republican so they don’t act like victims like Wanda. She is so deranged. Wanda YOU are pressed on every side. Not all black people.

  • The media disgusts me in how they treat our President. Trump 2020. By the way, at least once a month, I write to the WH and tell the President I’m thankful for what he does. I NEVER, ever did that before because I never felt the respect I feel for this one. This President deserves our full support and the Democrats deserve to lose office until they get their brains unscrambled.

  • so Trumps basis is her being latino and female? Oh, from Florida too!! got it. If dems did this, they’d get mocked for affirmative hires like ANY black mayor, gov, etc. pandering to the current what is needed crowd. but see how the dems attack her like Kavanaugh

  • Its interesting that hardcore liberals do not make logical connections and pathways. They take words by how they feel and not by what the paragraph means. They do not care for action they just care about words. Which is a display of their ego protecting it self. They call Trump dumb yet it is him who built a multibillion dollar empire and not them. If Trump is dumb then how would you describe your own intelligence?


  • Why don’t you get more educated individuals to interview. I was a Democrat that now vote for President Trump. Systematic racism.. you know that DOSENT existe. You know the Trump supporters are more peaceful and being bullying buy the leftist and Democrats. Please give news and evoid all the lies and misleading news…

  • Someone should point out to these folks that Trump did not start the hate he exposed it. We have seen more people with a hate mentality more on the Dem side than on the Rep side. This is not to say that any one party is less racial. Also, something that should be pointed out is, in states where the black community has suffered the most, are democratically run. You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome. Also, someone should point out how many times Biden has had to apologize for making a comment that is taken as a racial slur. Can anyone point out a time when Trump has made an outright racial slur.

  • Soros used to be named Schwartz. His father changed their name to escape Nazi prosecution. He did, however, by his own admission, work in a Nazi death camp collecting property from Jews before their death. He said it was the best time in his life. He showed no remorse in the interview on national tv. Huffpo has taken Soros money as well.

  • Really, Huffpo? Ah. You are hoping the masses are still asleep, eh? I think the cat is out of the bag already. You are a fool to not see that. The truth movement is everywhere, and because truth will always rule God’s House, all lies are exposed in time. George Soros is teetering. The Socialist Progressives are tottering. The Rhinos are shaking. Pretty soon, they all fall down.

  • A conspiracy THEORY can’t be proven. This is why it is still referred to as a theory. A CONSPIRACY, however, can be proven. And this one has, many times over. I will always stand up against and perpetuate to others the evil of the Left’s conspiracies. Fix your title, Huff-Poo.

  • Lagoa is probably the choice. She helps galvanize Cuban-American / Latino support in Florida [which Trump is probably already leading in, but would bolster him]…plus picking a Latino female checks off a couple of useful boxes. And for the Right/Conservatives…she is solidly pro-life…and a Constitutionalist/Conservative. She has a bit more Appellate Court experience as well.
    Securing Florida electorally isn’t vital if Trump is indeed doing as well in the Rust Belt as I suspect…but it is actually a situation in which a Trump win pretty much assured Biden can never get to 270.


  • Who hates Tucker? Disney. The company that employs him. They are setting him up to fail since they purchased Fox. Watch how they have recently sabotaged his segments. Many recent «guests» he has had to put up with are suspect at best. ������

  • Soros has funded 27 DA’s running for office, some in cities where the violent protesters are being released. Soros has corrupted America by funding DA’s who protect violent protesters. Other countries have banned his dirty money from corrupting their countries.

  • This is not a conspiracy theory. George Soros is a very rich very left-wing guy who donates to the campaigns of left-wing candidates. Almost every one of the prosecutors it’s been letting Antifa go got money from George Soros. Soros also gives money to Antifa! For some reason we’re not allowed to mention this!

  • That was a scary clip. You can’t bring up Soros? They almost seemed like they were scared to talk about it. Very awkward and eerie silent moment there. Obviously something was done to make them forbid anyone to talk about it. Huffpost is also not allowed to bring up anything negative about Soros. This video is defending him and it’s bullshit

  • Trump is getting our jobs and farming back here for us the U.S what more do you want? China to steal all our money.high taxing unfair. You all need to do your own research and stop watching cnn and far left news. You are clearly confused as the left media wants you to be

  • George Soros is high ranking Illuminati.
    The Illuminati are also known as the Occult.
    Soros is the primary benefactor behind a certain marxist movement disguised as social justice and civil equality and designed to destroy western society and American values, such as family. The Occult is also anti-family. The Occult worship three «gods»:
    Baal Lucifer Moloch.
    Do you believe in coincidences?

  • Uh what «theory?» Soros’s funding of district attorney elections is a matter of public record, as is the actions of those attorneys. They aren’t prosecuting rioters, which is a big part of the reason this went on for four straight months. Everything Gingrich said there is true and verifiable. There’s no theory or speculation. You guys have to stop doing this.

  • the truth hurts, right? Soros is monetizing and sponsoring the downfall of the US… and everyone knows it. It’s essentially an investment like any other, because when the people will be his slaves, he wins it all back. That’s why it’s not allowed to talk about it. Since Fox is owned by Disney it is controlled opposition after all this piece of truth can’t be spoken. In case you ever wonder who rules you, just think of the things you are not allowed to say out loud, and you will know. The democrats are just the ones who think that be feeding the crocodile, they will be eaten last. Conservatives are smarter and don’t believe that. It’s that simple, really.

  • Franklin Graham and the 700 Club,

    God said: «He will not listen to any prayers from the ���� United States of America, until you give me everything».

    The United States of America, will not get away with what they did to my mother and I.

    ���� Reverend Aurelio Bryan ��

  • The truth is, Trump didn’t build the “greatest economy in the world”! That’s just another lie! One of Trump’s many lies! He inherited the booming economy from the Obama administration. Obama put the economy back on the road to recovery after the crash in 2008. Both the economy and jobs had been steadily rising ever since. Trump just takes credit for what Obama did. Trump couldn’t build a wall in 3 ½ years, much less an economy!

  • Man how…how is everyone now in on board with this President…holy man, they spent billions selling our country out by trying to set him up, they found nothing… and he has helped do so much good…and the liberals and media poop all over it… why? Sh*t…idk

  • PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!AMERICA STANDS WITH YOU!!! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY!!WHERE WE WORK, PLAY!!!the lockdown is over. Go back to work!!! 4wks school has been open!!)i refuse outright, the mask. I refuse to accept Marxist mobs. ANTIFA, BLM, HAVEING THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW TO PROTECT THEM.IF COPS STAND AND WATCH ME BE ATTACKED, LOOTED AND BURNED, for us, we Patriots, it is another solid sign that you are with the terrorists

  • President Trump’s polling numbers are going to go higher, and Joe biden’s numbers are going to go to lower, because you’re what the Democrats are doing. Joe Biden can’t get his facts straight, NES dementia and Alzheimer’s, and he won’t make it for years

  • I became a leftist because I was told by leftist that they want to stand up against the rich and powerful to make a better world. I stopped being a leftist when I realized all of our events and media were being funded by the same people we were denouncing. It is disappointing that there are still people trying to carry water for these sorts of people despite all of the evil they do and represent. What is amazing to me is that the left will Carry Water for a admitted Nazi collaborator(this is common knowledge by the way) while accusing everyone else of being fascists. So happy I quit the left, you guys prove that it was the right choice every day.

  • To all those who say…»I’d vote for anyone but TRUMP… I can’t stand him!!» or «I can’t believe you’re voting for Trump!» Well folks listen up! This is not a jr. high or high school popularity/personality election!! I’m not just voting for the person, I’m voting for the platform! I’m voting for the second Amendment. I’m voting for the next supreme court justice. I’m voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. I’m voting for the Police, and law and order. I’m voting for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I’m voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for every unborn soul the Democrats want to abort. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my Country! Google HIDING my comments AGAIN. Trump2020!!

  • Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Assistant Attorney General Derek Taylor are involved in the Organized Crime Scandal by providing assistance to criminals using our Taxpayer dollars… Attorney William Pickett who was the President of the Washington Bar Association and Foundation Member at the Washington State Bar Association Deleted my Posts and is involved in covering up the Organized Crime that I am Exposing… Seattle, WA Attorney DAVID O and David O Defense Firm stole $10,000 cash paid in full from me by abandoning me and breaking our contract in my Federal Court Lawsuit because David O was threatened and/or bribed…See our Contract through Videos or Evidence on Facebook or YouTube because I currently do not have my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree that I earned and I have all the evidence to prove this on Facebook and YouTube…You will see Evidence of how many of these criminals are using illegal software which is proved with Judge Jan Barnette in a Court Hearing that is included in my Facebook and YouTube Videos… Healthcare Insurance Fraud regarding Dr. Blake Perry in Mount Vernon, WA at Perry Family Dental and Dr. Charles Morgan in Ocean Shores, WA at Ocean Shores Dental, the Department of Health and Labor Industries Obstructed Justice by covering up the crimes… You will learn about Discrimination, Retaliation, Fraud, Racketeering/Organized Crime…and how teachers are stealing from Children and Students at Yakima College, Wenatchee College, The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Mansfield School District K-12, and Government Corruption at the Local, State, and Federal Level…Ring Leader Yakima Valley College Teacher and Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Cheri Podruzny put in the order for Wenatchee Valley College English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin to illegally remove, not install, and misrepresent my Assignment Requirements in my English 203 Research Class, so Cheri Podruzny could deny my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree… Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count…The Government Covered up my Federal Court Lawsuit with Corrupt Bias Judge Salvador Mendoza Jr. in the Eastern District of Washington State… A list of some of the other Criminals involved in this Organized Crime Scandal: Yakima Valley College Dean Paulette Lopez, Yakima Valley College President Assistant/Public Records Megan Jensen, Yakima Federal Court Clerk’s Pam Howard and Angela Noel, Richland Federal Court Clerk Debbie Brasel, Wenatchee Valley College President Jim Richardson is involved with this Scandal and other Fraud Scandals see evidence on Facebook or YouTube, Wenatchee Valley College Vice President’s Carli Schiffner and Chio Flores, Wenatchee Valley College Director of Human Resources and Public Records Reagan Bellamy, Wenatchee Valley College Dean’s Joey Walter and Lori Keller, Wenatchee Valley College Dean Lori Keller played musical chairs to avoid accountability and moved to another location after English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin illegally removed my Assignment Requirements, Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges Director of Transfer Education Joyce Hammer, Wenatchee Valley College Vice President Carli Schiffner went up to work with Joyce Hammer at the State Board from Wenatchee Valley College to help cover up the crimes, Mansfield School District WA State K-12 English teacher Leslie Lamkin teaches English at both Mansfield School District Washington State K-12 and Wenatchee Valley College and the Mansfield School Children have missing Assignments through Public Record Proof just like Leslie Lamkin illegally removed, misrepresented, and did not install my Assignment Requirements, United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, United States Office for Civil Rights Seattle Investigator Gregg Hamby, his buddy Seattle Office for Civil Rights Paul Goodwin, and Seattle Office for Civil Rights Manager Linda Mangel, many other Agencies and Criminals involved that are not yet listed or Exposed…

  • Every time I think you are almost credible, out comes the crazy russian accent, the blanket statements of «nazis» coming to crush America, and the call to arms for us to stand strong against an enemy that we have no possible way of confronting.

    In the end I become more convinced that you are the face of crazy propped up by the deep state. Put here by design as an example of what foil hat wearing wackos look like so that by association we are summarily dismissed.

  • The Democratic Party isn’t like it was 40+ years ago! Awww social media is a bust…and isn’t reality! If you don’t want your freedom and your voice as an American and the LAST FREE COUNTRY IN OUR WORLD…what and how hard is this decisions make? There were no systemic racism till the BAD COPS were posted on TV! I’m a brown woman and I WAS A DEMOCRAT FOR 46 years….I’ve researched four Presidents and saw a pattern of say one thing and do the opposite…to me when a man/ woman gives there word and promise it’s key for success. ����������������TRUMP 2020������������

  • Biden has an absolute record of 0% accomplishment he’s done nothing in 50 years. Not one of these so called undecided voter’s can name one thing Bidens done for America, If they could they would be telling us about it.All three of these people are Biden, Harris BLM riot supporters and will vote like they always have. So stop trying to make me think your undecided Wanda and friends.

  • So Fox has these low info Democrats on in front of millions of viewers why?…do these confused people help Trump or hurt him?..Always remember Fox News is turning against Conservatives slowly and subtley everyday. Fox News is not a trusted friend of true Americans…they are beholden to the Globalists. They wud fire Tucker Hannity Dobbs and other America First in a minute but it would blow thier agenda…to decieve

  • They say Trump has done such a bad job with this virus because of the number of cases and deaths. But, if covid is as much more deadly and contagious than H1N1 as they say it is, there should be over 180,000,000 cases and 2,000,000+ deaths in the US alone. Clearly, either Trump has done a very good job with this virus, the virus isn’t as bad as we’ve been told, or Obama did a very very bad job with H1N1.


  • Sedition is not redireck…..what a stupid question!
    Attempting to overthrow our duly elected President continuously since day one needs to be STOPPED…and that includes fake news participation.

    Getting rid of fake news instigators and sueing the Networks is National Security must

  • Fox News, shame on you. I totally lost respect for FOX news which I have been watching for many years, but no more. When Fox News panders a known criminal like George Soros whom has been kicked out of 3 different countries for his criminal acts and doing the same in this country now, then you are not worth trusting nor watching. I thought there was a difference between Fox News and Fake news CNN. Bye.

  • 54:05 douchy reporter alert. They all want to win points from eachother while being ignorant little pricks. They remind me of bratty middle schoolers trying to show off in front of the class. The people filming need to show each reporter and put their name, title, and publication to hold them accountable for their idiotic questions and instating division within our society. The poor president had to repeat himself about 100 times as he always does if the disgusting mainstream media snags some little perceived discrepancy.

  • Hello Dum-Trump, yes we want Fort Bragg and all of the forts named after traitors changed! Just because we have been taught a lie for years doesn’t make it OK to continue teaching lies in schools. I work in healthcare and why would you use a chart from Europe over one from our own top hospital? May God Bless you according to your deeds and may you eat your lies.

  • The «Right to Life» Guy, that downplays and mocks the Coronavirus so «his great economy» can continue thru the election cycle
    The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
    The “stable genius” who hides his college grades / brags about passing a cognitive test
    The “smart businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
    The «Most Least Racist Man» that said «there were fine people on both sides» in Charlottesville, filled with White Supremacists
    The “Christian” who doesn’t ask for fogiveness /cheats on his wife/ lies constantly/ Bullies people/ plays on people’s fears
    The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
    The “patriot” who dodged the draft /attacks dead Veterans as «Losers and Suckers» / doesn’t like «captured» veterans/ knows more than our Generals
    The «president» who supports protesting, then gases and attacks innocent protesters.
    The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
    The «Art of the Deal» guy that can’t get anything done because of… «Democrats/Obama/Liberals/Women/Weak Governors/Fake Media/»etc…
    The «honest» president, who insults the constitution, with republican senators who look the other way!
    The «Drain the Swamp Guy» that is totally complicit with Russian Interference in our Elections!

    ********…if you are a US Citizen, you should be appalled!…. We deserve Much Better!********

  • The constitution is brilliant! It is based on human nature and 100% of the time power corrupts. The constitution is designed to restrict power. It does not matter who or when power has corrupted 100% of the time. If you think today’s politicians who debate more than a hour can come up with better laws that were debated 16 hours a day for months and months your insane

  • I am on Trump’s side but w/ him pushing a vax too just like the dems wanted to do this is NOT a good idea at all. I will NEVER get a vax and I know many ppl that won’t so what gives w/ him pushing this? I get he is into very clever reverse psychology war games w/ the far L, but this vax is just evil beyond…..is this just a political agenda to take control back from the dems or is there more to this? If anyone has any ideas, pls share…

    (PS I AM a Trump supporter, but I do not believe he actually KNOWS what is TRULY going on in America at this time!!). PSS (I live and work in Upstate South Carolina! 8 miles from CLEMSON— GO TIGERS!!!!!)