Вопрос: Как удалить сохранение в Nintendogs Cats?


ALL ITEMS in Nintendogs+Cats! (100% COMPLETE)

Видео взято с канала: CoffieDog


Nintendogs + Cats 3DS 30 Minutes of Gameplay, No Commentary

Видео взято с канала: avenuedrewtwo


How to delete data of Nintendogs+Cats

Видео взято с канала: Anthony5556


How to delete your save data in nintendogs+cats

Видео взято с канала: SimonCurtis FanGirl


Checking on my Nintendogs for the first time in 14 years

Видео взято с канала: RTGame


Как удалить свои сохранения игр в Steam Cloud

Видео взято с канала: Friends Play Studio


Nintendogs How to delete data

Видео взято с канала: Anthony5556

10 комментариев

  • Some folks seem a bit upset by the title because I say 12 years at the start of the video and list 14 in the title. But if you hop to 0:32 and look at the date when Nintendogs came out, it says 2005. I played this game after it came out, hence why the title lists 14. Didn’t think I’d need to explain that but here we are

  • My friends and I would all share my game and one of my friends got a German shepherd who’s talent was the frisbee mine was a Miniature Pinscher named Daisy who’s talent was the obstacle race then my other friend had a pug and he didn’t have a talent lol we can picked on him a bit like we’re doing all the work and lucky(the pug) isn’t doing anything

  • Remember when people didn’t know we were feeding Germany with £32Billion a year so, yeah, out economy dropped bc of something else! Not because of brexit,they actually found files from 50 years ago saying their plan to take over europe was to make a union, and it worked, for a second until the public found out, boom brexit.

  • I am so desperate for a puppy but my parents won’t get me one. And they don’t realize how sad and stressed I am and that getting me a dog would change all of that. This game would be my only happy place.

    My life:
    I am an 11 year old girl going through mood swings and stuff, my parents are always arguing with eachother, and I live in the tiniest house on the planet and am not allowed to leave the house to go to the park or anything. I am not allowed a dog which makes me upset and makes me cry. I have taken things so far as: writing notes to my mum about dogs and how I want one, having a toy dog and taking it on walks with a real leash and I asked for dog toys and a dog bowl and a bed for him even though he isn’t real. I am losing all my friends and one of them talked about me behind my back and expects me to forget about it, and then they come round my house and bully me for how small my house is and how little belongings I have.

  • Зделал все как в видео, но при запуске стима все ровно все опять сохраняется, не какой ошибки не выдает даже… не могу понять почему.. все повредил все удалил, но каждый раз после перезапуска стима все востанавливается… удалить пытался из первого ведьмака… в чем проблема то…?

  • for the objects that we find with the augmented reality cards, is it possible to have them randomly with the pedometer function? or is it only accessible with the hack? And when the game was released, was there a way to get these items as gifts from nintendo?

  • This reminded me of my pink dslite with my prize agility beagles Fluffy, Muffy and Sam.

    I was dumb and thought a strap on my backpack was a pocket, so I’m pretty sure the local boy scout group snatched it and didn’t notify the church they rented the room from.

    Man I’m losses off now. Especially since I’ve lost the real life Fluffy.

  • I’m not sure if it’s possible to get more than one AR card in your inventory or 99 of each victory item (unless you’ve trained a dog to win the championship, donate them then get a new one, so on.) But I like the fact I can see all items. Thank you.