Вопрос: Как получить самое сильное оружие в игре Kingdom Hearts 1?


Самое мощное оружие в начале игры. Гайд как получить. DARK SOULS remastered (2ЧАСТЬ)

Видео взято с канала: dzirt team


Kingdom Hearts 3 All Cutscenes Full Movie HD

Видео взято с канала: ProsafiaGaming


Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind DLC All Endings + Final Boss & True Ending

Видео взято с канала: ProsafiaGaming


Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix | Easy Leveling Guide!

Видео взято с канала: Missildine Online!


FROZEN Arendelle Full Movie All Cutscenes Kingdom Hearts 3 (4K-60FPS]

Видео взято с канала: lzuniy


Самое мощное оружие в начале игры. Гайд как получить. DARK SOULS remastered (1 часть)

Видео взято с канала: dzirt team



Видео взято с канала: Силке.

61 комментарий

  • This was only fixed cause I saw that when Annan is talking to Elsa in the castle with the snow storm in the castle they were supposed to be singing a song in that spot and it was different and this wasn’t even a cutscene it is a remake scene

  • Я что то не вкурил.Где тут описание, как выбить МЕЧ чёрного рыцаря?Его можно достать куда раньше чем глефу и никакой отмычки не надо.Меч куда удобнее, быстрее, практичнее и требует меньше параметров.А первый чёрный рыцарь уже в городе нежити в конце коридора слева от сундука с золотой смолой.Походу придётся самому гайд пилить…

  • Люблю меч и лук, их просто и лампово использовать, почти морочится ненадо.
    Зажигалка при правильном использовании тоже неплохое оружие, можно ослабить врага огнём и смело пробивать его. Но, конечно если это не алмазник с зачаркой и зельями на огнеупорность… В таком случае надо просто драпать, ну или если у вас хватает сил победить его.

  • Лук со стрелами на моментальный урон II — это имба в любом виде PvP, ввиду безразличности таковых стрел на любую броню и её зачарования. Арбалет в этом плане хуже лишь потому что его использование в ближнем бою затрудняется, и урон от самого натягивания тетивы не имеет значения (хотя даже тут можно сказать про различные чары на лук, однако). А вот эти, более статистические данные с твоего канала бесценны: оперативно, занимательно, просто и по делу. Спасибо, Боярин

  • Wait huh so what on earth happened? Why did Sora turn into ice? Is he going to participate in the Reaper’s game? Why is Noctis’s long lost twin trying to save Sora? What were the words Sora said to Kairi before he disappeared. Will the next game basically be TWEWY 2? Where the hell is Riku? WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING! I DON’T WANNA WAIT UNTIL 2030 to get answers!

  • И добавлю, что сам механизм и весь край был украденной идеей. В оригинале Край это мир Ксен в халф-лайфе.
    В халфе учёные в лаборатории создали портал, порталом попали в мир Ксен. Там были пленарные вортигонты, которые умели телепортироваться между мирами. Вместо дракона там свой Босс-Нехилант, он сидит в мире ксен и поработил вортигонтов. Главный прыгает в портал, попадает в Мир Ксен и находит там дружелюбных вортигонтов, добирается до Нехиланта и убивает его, после чего вортигонты в других частях игры будут помогать игроку и воевать за него

  • У меня возникла такая проблема когда я зашёл в крепость Сена, упал дамаг у всего оружия. Я уже дошёл до железного гиганта в крепости Сена и урон по нему ВООБЩЕ почти не проходит, хотя бил я мечом дракона. Гиганту наносится максимум 40 хп.
    Меч чинил как порошком так и у кузнеца, менял оружия, дамага всё равно нет. Помогите пожалуйста. Или так должно быть?

  • Оказался тут после слабенького видоса по сбору всех углей.
    Всё стало гораздо лучше и все ошибки уже исправлены. Молодец!
    Но в части про человечности и фарму душ можно было хотя бы упомянуть, что есть баги, позволяющие избежать нудного фарма. Я понимаю, что это ломает огромную часть интереса игры, став моментально имбой, но для интересующихся и ленивых можно и рассказать.
    Человечность. Самый быстрый способ взять любую душу хранительницы огня и дюпать ее. Самая простая для подбора душа в руинах Нового Лондо. После мостика по правой стороне есть арка, а за ней узкий мостик, в конце которого она и лежит. Найти то, как делается дюп, не составит труда. Работает как на душах хранительниц, так и на душах боссов.
    С душами-деньгами дело обстоит сложнее, ибо видео я так и не нашел и делается только на ПК. Дюпаются любые законсервированные души. Но требуется И контроллер, И мышь. В идеале нужно купить 999 любых стрел/болтов. Перезаходим в игру. Октрываем инвентарь, находим стрелы, выбросить, выставляем 999, отменяем выбрасывание. Дальше заходим в пункт с выходом из игры, наводим контроллером (геймпадом) на кнопку выхода, а мышкой на самую левую кнопку (которая инвентарь). Нажимаем сначала подтверждение на контроллере, потом левую кнопку мыши по инвентарю, но задержка минимальная. Можно пытаться просто вместе их прожать, но логика в микрозадержке. Если всё сделано правильно, то откроется инвентарь, но также появится окно с вопросом про выход из игры. Дальше мышкой находим нужную душу и кликаем. Сквозь загородившее окно выхода нащупываем кнопку «использовать» и жмем мышкой. Окно выхода закроется само. Если всё сделано правильно, то одним нажатием стрелочки вниз счетчик сменится на 999. Жмем ок и взрываем выбранную душу 999 раз. Работает, если пропустить всю часть со стрелами, но тогда только 99 раз дюпнется. И технически это не дюп, ибо душа после этого пропадет. Конкретная душа в инвентаре должна быть одна, остальные в бездонную шкатулку лучше засунуть. Если захочется сделать этот баг еще раз, нужно сначала выйти главное меню

  • Прошу помощи у автора. Дело в том, что убил совершенно всех чёрных рыцарей на начальных локациях. Нескольких парировал, но всё что удалось мне выбить это щит чёрного рыцаря. Насколько я знаю, самый близкий рыцарь находится на кладбище, но без нормального оружия я туда даже зайти не могу. Моё положение безвыходное?

    Изменено: играю на ps3

  • 8:30 э-э-э ты забыл про то что незерит три вещи не горят если их кинуть в лаву или в огонь и остаются такими же Какими были так что воду лучше использовать назови а это очень хорошо плюс незерит такой же прочный как и бедрок

  • Cghdgudiejfdjhfdfjjdfjjffikdofkfiffkfjfofjfofjffjjfiffdifudiwheeweơrtwơơudfufjhffhffjhfifjfhffhffhghffgkfjhfgjhffkjfifhffjhffjhghfkfvfjjfgbfhfekduiffuufihijckfifigfkkggkkgkgkfkgkjffjrifiifrirofrfrjfhgjrrhrrirkrifkrotghrfjgjrifjrjhghffjjrjrifgêritiutirigjgoggjfkfoffjgigjfijfgihffijtfojfifjrifeietêuêeueêyêêyêuryeeyerrirrieueueơjrigkguifigigigiggiigiritutohooyeeiiredeieorieyirfuiruiriutorutoriorurei

  • If you need to grind to take on Neverland then just spam the Leon and Yuffie fight from the Pegasus cup and thays a free 700 exp per minute or 2. Im level 41 so it takes roughly a minute to do. Just remember to lock on to yuffie and spam Triangle and literally beat her onto a corner, dont worry about Leon hes not a threat until he hits half hp and even then you can mash X through him.

    Overall Olympus is the best early game farm spot. I tried the traverse town loop and about 30exp per loop isnt fast enough

  • All that and their just trying to endermine roxas Noble sacrifice resetting soras life so that hes never known another world and for a new R2-Type Remastery of the Original game to include all the colabrative games content and characters…

  • best way to farm early on is to fight the jump rope chick, wait till she does her jump attack and parry it.. you get 1 tp and then another 1tp half a second later when the jump rope hits her head…

    Run around her like mid distance and she’ll keep doing that same move…


    (.5 sec)
    (3 or 4 secs till she attacks again)

    faster and easier than the ball guy imo

  • so what I just found out is in kh1 on the ps2 you know the not final mix. you dont get the exp ring for completing the 100 acre woods and I’m kinda mad cause I went out of my way to grr the torn pages before monstro Halloween town and atlantica thinking I’d get the ring then and have more levels for later on but no. the item isnt in the original game and I just wasted 7 hours gather dalmations and torn pages for nothing

  • Ok so in my opinion, we know that Sora vanished from his world, kairi then enter into some kind of coma, Sora still alived but not in his world, he was some how teleported into that world where Sora finds Yozora, when you fight wit Yozora their are two options: The first option if you fight and defeat Yozora, well Yozora vanished and once again Sora is back at the Final world and Sora can return back, the last option if Yozora defeats Sora, well Sora is so dead and their is no way to return him back. The good real ending is to defeat Yozora so Sora can return to The final World and maybe he can return to his normal life with Kairi. When Yozora wakes up in a driving car, he believes that everything was a real and too as a dream, Yozora was so confuse with more questions, if it was real or not, i hope they made kingdom hearts 4.

  • I must admit this looks pretty interesting to bad I’ll never be able to test drive this game because it looks pretty fun and challenging to the mind it starts pretty much like #2 in twilight town but it takes off after that to other story’s I like it myself thanks for sharing the video at least I get that much������

  • For the Rare Truffles id recommend going to where they spawn in Halloween town, the bridge before OogieBoogies and get the one on the right hand side in the corner and just cats Areoga on yourself and keep doing it until it disappears you get so much EXP for that.

  • hey guys ima make this easy. don’t worry about lvl 100 till near end game but this trick even at level 97 will level you up once every 2-3 Minn probably less. so if you beat hades cup on time trial you’ll actually unlock a mode called «choose opponent «. go in with aeroga hot keyed and choose rock titan. immediately uses aeroga and the damage will give you plenty of tech xp on top of the tech xp you get from just hitting Him. I did this on proud mode and even when I got up to level 99 using this easy trick it only took at maximum 3 fights with the rock titan to gain one level. he’s easy to fight and dies quickly. (note that tech boost does not work sadly with this). this is easily the best way to level to 100 imo. if you can’t beat hades time trial just go for Ultima weapon and by the time you’re done with that it should be really easy.

  • At the top of the Jungle climb in Tarzan right before the room you go to the treehouse if you’re high enough level there’s an unlimited supply of small heartless in that room you can have Sora stand right on the tree branch and Donald and Goofy will do all the work you can just leave your system running and level that way

  • Speaking as someone who’s generally not good at video games and needs all the help from levelling they can get even near the beginning, best thing to do is to get a list of all the synthesis mats you’ll need and slog your way through them, particularly the lucid and spirit shards from normal heartless and soldier heartless.

  • I would just recommend unlocking individual matches in the Hades Cup and beating the Rock Titan over and over. With three EXP accessories, each kill can give you up to 7200 exp, not to mention each individual attack you do adding to that!

    I was already at Level 89 or so and had completed everything else in the game prior to doing this, but I don’t think it really matters, the only difficulty I see in doing this at lower levels might be actually beating the HC Time Trial to unlock this option to begin with, but with enough perseverance and attack/magic power it’s absolutely possible.

    However, I would still recommend synthesizing at least two more EXP items before doing this to get maximum payout, and if you’re strong enough to beat The Unknown he also gives you a nice EXP item.

  • Leveling Early on: Once you get the Keyblade, go talk to Riku where he will be consumed by the darkness on the island. DON’T GO TO THE CAVE YET. You can farm off of the shadows that spawn on the beach, and go into the shack, which btw has a save point. This gets you a lot of xp if you do it a while.

  • Easier levelling method: equip 3 EXP boosting items to Sora and then put on the Encounter Plus ability. Afterwards go thru the door to the third district in traverse town to encounter Defenders and Dark Balls, once all defeated go thru the door back into the first district and immediately go back into the third district, with encounter plus on the enemies will respawn automatically, repeat as much as you want, doing this nets you over 2000 EXP each time and you can get to lv 100 under an hour to an hour and a half depending on what level you start this grinding method at.

  • Я дс 1 раньше всегда с мечом и щитом серебряного рыцаря проходил но конечно ппц до них бежать. Пробовал с черных рыцарей выбивать оружие с кучей всякого бякого на шанс дропа и смог тока щит выбить на втором заходе туда от куда игра начинается а бекапи сейфов или как его там я таким не занимаюсь.

  • Meh. I literally said F it and farmed the 2nd to last room of End Of The World and farmed Sephiroth a hell ton on times. Let me say this now: Farming Sephiroth is OPTIONAL. I did it cause it was way faster than any method I was currently using. On top of that, I ended up getting my ass whooped by Sephy a few times, but I got to LVL 100 regardless.

  • Awww man. Now that we have two different endings… It’s just gonna make the story more complex than it is right now. ��

    In the ending where Yozora beats Sora, you can only hear his voice through the ending.
    But in the ending where Sora beats him both voices can be herd. I find that pretty cool.

  • Привет, я, конечно, не вовремя, но.. можешь помочь? Я не могу убить филина отца в хирата в секиро. Есть ли против него тактика какая-нибудь, как, допустим, против Иссина Мастера меча? Твои тактики самые топовые просто)

  • huh, I don’t really know how got there seeing as I never played any KH game, but can someone tell me why there are 2 blond kids who look exacly the same? I thought it was just one kid but then they are actually two different people and I’m confused…
    One of them is running at 35:54 and the other is playing with red hair dude and blue hair dude at 36:01

  • Силке ты про зелья забыл,и да я знаю что не самое ефективное оружие но всеже заряженых криперов тех кого еще трудней использовать ты вставил а зелья где есть интересные представители.(я знаю что зелья лучше подходят для поддержки но туманное зелье урона и отравления очень удобное особенно при осаде и обороне.)

  • I just finished the KH3…
    After finishing KH1 i almost cry,
    After finishing KH2 i cry,
    After KH3, ok khm.
    Favorite word in KH3
    K H M
    Whole fucking script is khm, and uhh, uhh, uhh, Sora you must save ass all uhh
    Uhh uhh, We will save Sora uhh uhh, khm khm, We are all dead khm khm, Sora save ass all khm khm…
    Classic example how to ruin perfect story of emotions KH1 and 2.
    Simple and Clean.

  • Easiest leveling which works on both the original KH and the 1.5 version. (you don’t even need to fight) is beat Tarzans area.

    At around lvl 18-20 go to the «Tunnel» save spot in Tarzan’s world. Use Donald and Tarzan in your party. and head to «Treetop» then «Climbing Trees» (this is the area with the black flowers) turn to your right and there is a little out cove. Hide in there while Donald kills the money like mobs, and Tarzan can auto-heal with a skill called «healing Herb» that doesn’t take from your potions or cure to use. You can leave this running and lvl till your heart’s content, save come back and never have to pick up the controller.

    I have left this running for hours and yes there is the occasional issue where you might be in a bad spot and die, but overall it’s not a real issue. Just every once in a while save, sell gear, and come back. If at any point you feel you are under leveled to kill things you can always come back and do this area. If you set up the game correctly to where your XP gain is the same through out the game then you will have no issue with a less XP gain at any point in the game at all.

  • I like anime and anime’s because is my forget the chew and token time time my progress and I’m a kid the AC my photo I have no world but for nothing and I like one kiss one kiss song pool and the power evil queen is the song is my photograph



    Wouldn’t it makes since that Yozora is Noctis’s Nobody? I mean, Yozora does the same thing as Noctis in Versus 13, they both have the same meaning but different names and Race (Latin and Japanese) plus the driver is probably Luxord BTW. Correct me.

  • I’m getting a terrible feeling when we finally get a solid end to the Kingdom Hearts series it’ll be something to the effect of “So it was all a dream?” with the way this story is going:/. We’re gonna get a last scene with Sora waking up and coming downstairs to his mom’s dinner ��

  • 2 Thessalonians

    Chapter 1

    1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

    2 Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;

    4 So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

    5 Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:

    6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

    7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

    8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

    9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

    10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

    11 Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:

    12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Yozora?
    “No, I’m Sora.”
    “That’s what I said”
    “I’ve been having these weird th…”
    “I know and you and I have a condition”
    “Amnesia?” (Ansem, Xemnas). “Hauww?”
    “Why can’t I remember anything?”

    Namine: “your memories are a jumbled mess. Time to take you back to padded room 104”

    “What about Disney World?”

    Namine: “Not today. Uh ohh. Joshua, you need to…”

    Amanda: Soraaa….time for supper!!! (Go on honey, give him the box. “Reload!!”)

    Ok, time for me to get some air. This confusing game has driven me crazy.

  • «My Key blade is the Life And Death Blade»
    «Life And Death Have A Meaning «
    My Kingdom Hearts Character DarkMarku:
    So the message is saying Any thing, any dream you have is Possible, Like Walter E Disney,
    «keep Going Forward» this ending refers that
    «is any of this real or not» Dude to the fact it was Part of Disney Life as A Childhood.
    he draw for a release of Stress

    «Their is no Darkness. The Darkness comes if you don’t believe the Light hidden in you»
    «Follow your heart and you»ll find the Way»( Follow what you want to Believe)
    The Organization
    13 must be all made up from the mind of a person that Image them to be like it. ( Imaginations Grand)
    as for Sora and Riku those name mean some in Japanese and English and ways

    A man of great strength
    Events surrounding his birth
    both the Sky for many ps2 and remake version

    the one playing the chess is basically the script and roles

    » Is any of this real or not»
    its real if you make it happen but if you don’t then not

    don’t be confused this takes place in our era.

    kingdom = our mind
    Hearts = Our Soul
    = Kingdom Hearts
    123 = the imagination growth over the years

    Due to the ending is to see who can get it
    Yozora= Sora made up Character

    he did this and got older and hire different people for the voices
    I Cried knowing this so story happen in the past with many gone.( key blade wars/ people that Past away and left a legacy)
    Don’t think Twice = Don’t make the same mistake
    Simple and Clean = it works and it will grow big and better
    face my fears = don’t be afraid of the world cause many will Give you Darkness
    Passion= The New era in your Life until you go to kingdom Hearts ( Heaven)

    «I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real or not?»

    Thoughts ( Refers the Dreams and those dreams he faced and made his Dream Kingdom Hearts

    Yozora is a mysterious character whose origins are unknown.
    his right eye being a light blue color, and his left eye being a dark red color.
    His outfit also appears to be a slightly darker version of Riku’s, a notable trait on his outfit being a shoulder emblem picturing a skull crescent accompanied by two Keyblades.

    this Describes As you the human with Decisions of being in the
    light= Success Era
    Darkness= Master Xehanort

    «Follow your heart and You’ll Find The Way «
    «Keep your Heart, Going forward»

    «You hold the most power weapon of All»
    «You Bestow the most powerful Weapon «

    Keyblade= Unlocks

    Every level You See You Beaten Unlocks A new Chapter
    with that
    «The Keyblade is the Key to Victory «
    «The Key to Victory is the Welder «

  • This whole series is now completely fucked!!! Gimme back Squall you cheap fucking Disney! Where is my tournaments? Where is my 4 keyblade wielding powers? Where is the titian battle? Where is radiant Garden? Where the fuck is cloud?! And the ending fight against Sephiroth!! Fuck Disney! Fuck Xbox!!! Ff7 remake is what this could have been! Instead ITS FUCKING KINGDOM HEARTS 1!!! Did any of you every fucking play the OGs?! This game is ruined!!!

  • 2 Thessalonians

    Chapter 3

    1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

    2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

    3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

    4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.

    5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

    6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

    7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;

    8 Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

    9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.

    10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

    11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.

    12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

    13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

    14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.

    15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

    16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

    17 The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.

    18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (The second epistle to the Thessalonians was written from Athens.)

  • 2 Thessalonians

    Chapter 2

    1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

    14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

    16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

    17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

  • This is the first time I’m watching something like this I can’t wait to see. Season 1and 2������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

  • Where you fought guard armor for the first time is where I started my leveling. Id start this after hollow bastion. Those defenders drop a ton of exp and since there’s like 5 of them in that one area plus the massive spawn of dark balls you’ll get around 2,500 or more xp per visit (this includes the exp assesories). After that, I’ll go to where you fought opposite armor kill everything there then go to the hallway kill everything there then go to the Gizmo shop kill everything there then head up top the Gizmo shop kill everything on the roof tops then head back to the first area rinse and repeat. I was able to do this in under 5 hours and it felt fun. Your method works very well though. Keep up the great work:)

  • Omg who else had so many mixed emotions in the last few hours?? The scene where Saϊx died made me cry because I putting myself in Lea’s POV and just imagining everthing he’s been through, and to just watch his childhood best friend die right in front of him, I’m sure that shattered his heart. And at the very end, it made me cry tears of hapness and sadness. Where Xehanort and Eraqus were playing chess.


    And when everyone was eating ice cream, and at Destiny Islands together, it warmed my heart because everyone was back together. I don’t know how to explain it, but yeah, anone else feel the same?

  • In the ending, you hear both Sora and Yozora quoting the line from the very first game that was originally only spoken by Sora: «I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this real? Or not?»

    If you played through the series and paid close attention you will have figured out that this quote is in reference to the dreams Sora was having thanks to Ven’s heart being inside of him and thus those thoughts were Ven’s memories.

    In the beginning of the first game you see the hearts of all the princesses of light, before Sora ever meets any of them. It’s these types of weird events that Sora was referring to in that monologue. And we all know the reason Ven’s heart was inside of Sora was because it needed to be saved or risk fading into oblivion. Sora’s heart repaired Ven’s, and in return Sora had some of his memories (Ven visited those princesses 10 years prior to the events of Kingdom Hearts, and shortly after visiting them his heart merged with Sora and thus the memories became a part of Sora.)

    But why is Yozora now saying this? He’s saying this because now he’s experiencing weird memories he can’t explain. But why? It’s not explained, but it’s very obvious: In the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora straight up dies. But his heart is saved by Yozora the same way Ven’s heart was saved by Sora!!!! so now Yozora is experiencing weird memories thanks to Sora.

    On top of it it seems that Sora was likely playing in the Reaper’s game from The World Ends With You, (The ending to the base game of KH3) made obvious by the way he looks at his hand after what is likely the first scene in which he’s finally back alive. And it seems Riku went after him at some point and was likely in the game too.

  • E depois de tanta história e varios games ainda ficou incompleto kkkkk. A missão do Luxu, a Maleficent aparecendo ali e o Sora que sumiu atras da Kairi e não voltou. Tanta coisa ainda para explicar até terminar o nó que toda essa saga deu na cabeça de muita gente kkkkkkk
    KH forever!!!!!!!!!!!

  • the music is every place in internet to hear so dont make sense the need to mute it. If they really care about these rules them all traces of the music must be removed from the plataform. Here he need to mute the song to not ban the video, but there are a lot of videos out there that use the music and they do nothing.

  • Obs: English is not my native lenguage.

    1 If i play it on the easy mode the rare bosses are going to be as easy as at proud mode?
    2 What are techbosters?
    3 What can i do to maximize at cap my xp bonus? (Eg: Use XP ring on doland, XP Earing at goffy, xp potion, etc…)
    4 Synthesize itens are more rare at proud mode? (Do you recommend me to take the «trophy of synthesizing» at easy or proud mode?


  • Oh Sora. The one who isn’t afraid of Heartless armies/swarms, tornados of Heartless, and sacrificing himself…for others. Just so THEY can live. How pure is his heart? Purer than Jesus.

  • Sora»It’s like when Riku disappeared. He thought he had to push me away to protect me.»
    Mhm he did so he could love you. He’s your yandere. He will die from the heartless for you(something I would probably wouldn’t do). He’s your oppa. Keep him forever in that lightfilled heart of yours. Stay strong, Sora!!!!!!!!!