Вопрос: Как использовать TweetDeck?


How to Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts with TweetDeck

Видео взято с канала: Wade McMaster


How to use TweetDeck

Видео взято с канала: TradingLearning101


Tweetdeck Quick Tutorial

Видео взято с канала: infinityplusone


Introduction to TweetDeck

Видео взято с канала: Larry Snow


A quick guide to using Tweet deck

Видео взято с канала: James Kieft


Twitter: Сервис TweetDeck

Видео взято с канала: Бугайчук Константин


Все аккаунты Twitter на одном сайте! TweetDeck

Видео взято с канала: Beatmaker FM

6 комментариев

  • Hi Larry, Thanks for the great tutorial. I had a question.

    I am using commune it for twitter and whenever i try to send promotional message to people it keeps locking my account. I had to unlock that every day.

    I want to switch to some other software could you please recommend me best one?

  • TweetDeck is probably one of the most used media tools I use to manage my Twitter social media. I maintain a directory for bloggers and business owners (www.jybdir.com) and twitter is pretty much the only social media network I use for it (as of this comment anyway because I just favor it for it’s straight forward simplicity over other networks). TweetDeck has made it very easy to keep up with not just the accounts I follow, but it gives you the ability to stream searches for keywords or hashtags and it will automatically pull in tweets from across the network pertaining to your search (handy for monitoring competitors, or automatically searching out reference material). I have a column just for members that are listed in my directory (handy for keeping up with them so that I can give them a retweet when they post something, or even keep up with how active they are on their social media). I have a column set up that shows me my newest followers, and it’s just great watching all these streams coming across the screen on my second monitor. I refer to it as «NASA control for Twitter» whenever I tell people about it. It works great in Station too (getstation.com) which is another awesome media tool if you don’t know about it which pulls together all your things such as TweetDeck, Google Drive/Sheets, Gmail, Google Keep, Trello, and the list goes on.

  • Thank you. No BS straight to it. No twenty minutes spent thanking sponsors before actual content starts. BRAVO to you sir…. Long May you reign! �� PS: Your microphone made you sound like this tutorial was over the PA system of a 737…. You did well to fly and type! ������

  • Hi. I’ve been given permissions for use of another account using tweet deck. Is there any possible way to just switch between the 2 easily. I just want to see the direct messages and the notifications from the other account.
    I’m having trouble doing that right now.
    Any help is appreciated,
    Best regards, incog