Вопрос: Как добраться до элитной четверки в игре Покемон Красный Огонь и Зеленый Лист?


Pokemon Fire Red round 2 speedrun in 3:34:33

Видео взято с канала: Exarion


Who’s The Boss?! | Pokemon Fire Red Leaf Green Rival Locke w/ ShadyPenguinn & MrTalent [13]

Видео взято с канала: shadypenguinn


Pokemon Fire Red E4R2 World Record Commentary! (Explaining the Speedrun!)

Видео взято с канала: Gunnermaniac


More Wipes, Brock? | Pokemon Fire Red Leaf Green Rival Locke w/ ShadyPenguinn & MrTalent [03]

Видео взято с канала: shadypenguinn


Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen by JP_Xinnam and PulseEffect in 2:26:18-Summer Games Done Quick 2020Online

Видео взято с канала: Games Done Quick


Pokémon Fire Red Башня Призраков (12 серия)

Видео взято с канала: ПроВектор PV


NEW World Record! Pokemon Fire Red Elite 4 Round 2 Speedrun in 3:32:55! (Beat Champion Twice!)

Видео взято с канала: Gunnermaniac

22 комментария

  • This was an amazingly fun run, even if we spent all of our RNG luck on the very beginning. I’m so happy this was able to be showcased, and super happy to have done it with PulseEffects, who is a great friend. Etchy and Shenanagans were a perfect fit for us on commentary as well. Thanks to everyone that watched!!

  • Dudeee! When your heart rate went up so did mine �� like thats intense! By the way theres a saying that says there is no such thing as luck. You create your own luck. And it seems that the way you master these games its just phenomenal. The fact that there’s a possibility of you getting an even better run is crazy! Good for you man love the vids!

  • Does it get annoying with Twitch chat trying to backseat almost constantly? I understand questions if people aren’t knowing too much like «Why are you doing X?» but the amount of times people were telling you to do stuff would fry my head.

  • I always tune in to the Pokemon speed runs, ever since I watched Shenanigans do the Pokemon Blue glitch exhibition I’ve loved the energy and comradery between the runners and the couch, and this run was no different. What a blast, and a huge thank you to the runners and everyone who put this event together.

  • That was an amazing run to see live. From start to finish it had breathtaking moments! And the Elite Four… well, you will have to see it.

    This run TOTALLY deserve to have as much views as Tyrant’s emerald run in SGDQ2017. Awesome commentary, awersome runners, awesome events. Greetings from Brazil. Hope to see GDQ live when better days come!

    You guys made this quarantine much, much more bearable.

  • Thank you so much for almost 4 hours of pure entertainment
    I love Pokemon speedruns, the thing I dislike a little is that the runs that get uploaded on YT are usually from Twitch and are mostly chat interactions (which obviously makes sense if you attempt to run the game countless times you cant explain everything everytime)
    So I really, really appreciate you taking the time and adding commentary to the whole run

  • i just came from the video he made with dobbs a long time ago

    also, for me, speedrunners are most like bots programed to click the correct buttons, and that’s why you probably won’t see many speedrunners pressing wrong buttons at wrong times, so basically, speedruns are based on luck
    just pointing out that those 2 comments doesn’t have anything to do with eachother

  • Pokemon go has pvp now and its actually pretty decent lol. Its seems really basic at first glance but its got some depth if you start getting to higher ranks. Shame theyre blind battles though so your lead advantage is literally based on luck, niantic always find a way to ruin good things

  • So @gunnermaniac love your speed funs! But would rather watch you play pokemon the old fashion way… Leveling a team high enough to beat the game. Not using all them cheap x items. Kinda wack fr. Glad you get wr! But would be more exciting if you played these games doing what we’ve all had to do before all the things and strats were put out. Still love your style ����

  • b bb @b b b b bb bb bb b bb bbbbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bb bb @bb. Bbb bbb b b. Bbb bbb bbbb bbbbb. Bbbbbbbbbbbb bb bbbbbb bbbb. Bbbbbb bb b bbbbbb bb b. Bb b. bb bbbbb b bbbb. B b. B b. Bbbb. Vbbbbbbb bb. Vbbbbbbb b b b bb bbbbb b bbbb bb bb @b bbbb bb. Vbbbbb bb bb bb bbb b bb bb bbb bbbb bb b b b b
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  • To get Shedinja you need an empty slot in your party and a spare pokeball in your bag. Also I think there should be a rule about attaching items to the Pokemon that you have to give up. For example if Mr. Talent gets a Growlithe he would want your fire stone

  • Love the Pokémon runs at GDQ. In this case, what was goin on in the beginning if you don’t mind me asking? Did I see someone pick a Pokémon but the text said they chose a different one? Or is it all about trainer IDs to get a specific set of stats?

  • This run is fantastic, I’m kind of turned off by the crazy good luck you got throughout the run only to complain about small amount of bad luck you got at the end which only felt so impactful because you were so far ahead, that’s like winning a scratch ticket every day of the week and then on Sunday getting mad because you didn’t win (or a better analogy that represents getting bad luck after getting exceedingly good luck throughout).

  • «I gotta go this way» MrTalent 2020

    runs into a wall
    Edit: Also this series is getting less and less PG with every episode. Also also MYYY MYYY MYMY is the most annoying this you say 20 EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I get why someone used to be a youtuber.