Вопрос: Как добавить надписи в Snapchat?



Видео взято с канала: EeOneGuy


HOW TO add cool yellow text to Instagram photos + videos!

Видео взято с канала: Tashie Tinks


Всё о вебкаме: Chaturbate Как сделать продажу Snapchat автоматической?

Видео взято с канала: CamWork Club

2 комментария

  • tashie i cannot thank you enough for this video, u have the best edit vids, so helpful that other influencers wouldnt even share, i love the blurry pic tutorial also, this and the yellow subs are so aesthetically pleasing. i always wondered how those cool instagram pages insert their quotes in their pics, thank u so so so much!!!!!

  • To the people that don’t have that type of font on inshot

    1. Download picsart

    2. click the purple ➕ button on the bottom

    3. Click the photo you want to edit

    4. Find text and click on it

    5. Click on the archivo black regular font

    6. Click on color and go to the yellows

    7. Click on stroke
