06 Deadmau5 Sometimes (Live at Roskilde Festival 09-07-2011)
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Cómo hacer el casco de Deadmau5 super fácil | NQUEH

Aprende a hacer el casco de Deadmau5 con materiales fáciles de encontrar, la idea es que cualquiera pueda hacerlo en su propia casa, ademas te enseño como hacer pegamento casero, o engrudo, usando la técnica de papel mache con la ayuda de periódico y cubriendo los detalles con diamantina para un efecto brillante. con este vídeo aprenderás a diseñar casi cualquier casco o mascara.
Mira mis otros videos sobre cascos:
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Aquí compre el laser verde: https://goo.gl/rcStwH.
Sitio WEB: www.nadaquehacer.org.
ADVERTENCIA: En muchos casos, estos proyectos son muy peligrosos y presentan riesgos en personas, o daños a la propiedad, lesiones, y en algunos casos, la muerte. Hay muy posiblemente otros riesgos de que no estoy completamente consciente. El uso de contenido de vídeo para proyectos personales es a su propio riesgo..
We have been stalking Electric Joy Ride for sometime now on SoundCloud. ‘Origin’ is the latest of our House releases. Enjoy..
Free Download @ http://bit.ly/electricjoyride_origin.
• NCS Spotify: http://spoti.fi/NCS.
Follow Electric Joy Ride:
►►The Flash Music.
Music: Eternity.
Links: https://soundcloud.com/theflashmusic.
Видео взято с канала: Nada Que Hacer
deadmau5 Talenthouse mau5head winner

The man behind the cheesy mau5head and consequent winner of our Talenthouse competition, Lance Thackeray meets Joel in NYC and enjoys a memorable night on the Meowington’s Hax Tour. Read the full article and check images from the night at TMZ.com: http://bit.ly/pFzbWL.
The guys at Talenthouse also posted this on their blog: http://bit.ly/p6oZlR.
Subscribe to deadmau5: http://bzz.is/ytsubd5.
Subscribe to mau5trap: http://bzz.is/ytsubm5.
deadmau5 online:
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Marshmello VS Deadmau5 Alone Remix (Official Music Video) Ft. Daft Punk

●Subscribe Here: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClm5I5….
●Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/marshmellof….
●TIKTOK @themarshmellofamily.
●Twitter Here: https://mobile.twitter.com/MarshmelloFam.
●FaceBook Page Here: Marshmello Family.
Credit: NEW Mello™️ by Marshmello gear SHOP NOW https://mellogang.com/collections/new….
Download Alone here http://smarturl.it/melloAlone.
Credit to Binh Thach And all the cosplayers.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIwwvHSKYXyyJFsqhM0u3Zw.
Cosplayers Instagrams: https://www.instagram.com/teamsunrisecosplay/.
Music by:
#Marshmello #Deadmau5 #Musicvideo #Remix #Marshmellomusic #Deadmau5music #Music #Dance #Club #Marshmellofamily.
Also Watch:
Marshmello Alone Dubstep Remix (Official Music Video).
Marshmello VS Deadmau5 VS Slushii Happier Remix (Official Music Video).
A lot of people ask me where Alone and its lyrics comes from. Truth is, I had just moved away from my friends and family and I started to feel very home sick and lonely like I didn’t belong in my new settings. Everything was just happening so fast and I couldn’t really grasp where I was or who I was but all i knew was that I felt Alone. With the music video, we really wanted to send a message. Nobody knows how you feel, whether you’re homesick, away from friends and family, or if you simply aren’t like everyone else…its ok. The whole purpose of the Marshmello project and the Mellogang is to bring together people from every corner of the world and create a family…a family that we can all count on to never let us feel Alone. I hope you guys enjoy this video as much as I do. It gives me the feels for sure..
Minimello 4 Years Old.
MarshMello Son 10 Years Old.
Marshmello girl 7 Years Old.
Marshmello mum 28 Years Old.
MarshMello Dad 30 Years Old.
Grandad Marshmello 51 Years Old.
Granny MarshMello 50 Years Old.
Marshmello Music.
DeadMau5 Music.
Daft Punk Music.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marshmellofamily_mellofamily/.
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/MarshmelloFam
Видео взято с канала: Marshmello Family
Экскурсия по студии Deadmau5

Отправляемся на экскурсию в студию Deadmau5..
Известный блогер Линус Себастиан с канала Linus Tech Tips заглянул домой к Джоэлю и сделал обзор на его студию!
Перевод видео с канала Linus Tech Tips:
«EDM Russia» в VK: https://vk.com/EDMRussia
Видео взято с канала: EDM RUSSIA
Making a Deadmau5 head

Here is a link to a very good tutorial. its very near to what i did and has a very good materials list!
A quick
Видео взято с канала: robdogz01
DeadMau5 head how to/tutorial part 1 WITH LIGHTS!

I realized that the audio was a bit out of sync in my last video with narration overlapping each other…. so I fixed it and uploaded this new first part of the tutorial!:D.
Dimension Link: http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab13/tarchinoko/deadmau5_head_schematics.jpg.
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJJ4Mg8fymY.
My FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/KrsProps.
Materials list:
woven fiberglass mat.
a 24 inch beach ball.
felt in a colour of your chioce.
eva foam floor mats.
white womens tights.
large mesh food cover.
LED’s in a colour of your choice.
a switch.
a hard hat.
whatever you will use for the eyes (be that acrylic half globes or fake security cameras).
spray adhesive.
long 4mm bolts and nuts.
a drill.
a dremel tool.
a hot glue gun.
hot glue sticks.
in this how to video I show you how to make your own Deadmau5 head replica. Deadmau5 is a famous Canadian DJ most well known for his iconic mouse headgear that he wears on stage. I’ll show you how to easily build yout own deadmau5 head from simple materials and quickly! This video shows the full process that will end up with you having your very own shiny Deadmau5 head to wear to fancy dress parties or just for display!
Видео взято с канала: KRSprops
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