Вопрос: Как быть идеальным фаном One Direction?


Как изменились беговые лыжи за 30 лет. Михаил Талгатович Девятьяров в Лектории

Видео взято с канала: I Love Supersport



Видео взято с канала: FBE


One Direction Story of My Life (Behind the Scenes)

Видео взято с канала: One Direction


One Direction One Thing

Видео взято с канала: One Direction


Harry, Niall, Liam make crowd sing One Direction songs | Part 1

Видео взято с канала: New Hope Anya


one direction || навсегда

Видео взято с канала: By Banana



Видео взято с канала: Sam Time

37 комментариев

  • 自分用

    I’ve tried playing it cool

    But when I’m looking at you

    I can never be brave

    Cause you make my heart race

    Shot me out of the sky

    You’re my kryptonite

    You keep me making me weak

    Yeah, frozen and can’t breathe

    Some things gotta get loud

    Cause if not, they just don’t make you see

    That I need you here with me now

    Cause you’ve got that one thing

    So get out, get out, get out of my head

    And fall into my arms instead

    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

    But I need that one thing

    And you’ve got that one thing

    Now I’m climbing the walls

    But you don’t notice at all

    That I’m going out of my mind

    All day and all night

    Some things gotta get loud

    Cause I’m dying just to know your name

    And I need you here with me now

    Cause you’ve got that one thing

    So get out, get out, get out of my head

    And fall into my arms instead

    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

    But I need that one thing

    Get out, get out, get out of my mind

    And come on, come into my life

    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

    But I need that one thing

    And you’ve got that one thing

    You’ve got that one thing

    Get out, get out, get out of my head

    And fall into my arms instead

    So get out, get out, get out of my head

    And fall into my arms instead

    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

    But I need that one thing

    Get out, get out, get out of my mind

    And come on, come into my life

    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is

    But I need that one thing

    And you’ve got that one thing

  • Жду тебя в мой группе Вконтаке ���� Я очень стараюсь, прошу, хотя бы посмотри ��
    Также вы можете найти там видео, которые заблокированы на ютьюбе ��
    И много чего интересного ❤
    Люблю вас ❤ Верю в вас ❤
    Спасибо ❤

  • I love the way they try to make everyone be silent and let them sing (for them to hear their audience) from their hearts. They always love to do that ever since One Direction Days. ❤️ And I can see that the Directioners are very much alive even this solo era.

  • Смотрю блогеров когда, часто обращаю внимание, что они готовят тексты и читают их, размещая позади камеры. Сначала думал это лишнее, ведь каналы любительские… Но нет! У ведущего данного канала его «АААА», «ЭЭЭЭ» портят весь просмотр… нужно работать над речью!

  • My favorite quotes
    And I’m Jennifer
    No Jimmy protested
    Thank you Niall
    Why have you done that
    Niall the church boy
    Can anyone hear running water
    Full or buTTer
    Just chilling out me box
    I love me
    We took a chonce
    You sing
    You make me wanna ssssss
    Does it involve the butter sock
    I won’t put it on cause I just did my hair
    Come on Barbie let’s go party aw aw aw yeah
    Pranks, laughs, Oh
    Does it involve the butter sock
    London’s quite big
    I have a son his name is ishmeal He never calls me anymore
    This is a family show or is It
    No fooking way
    Niall just spilled his tea
    Lerrroy Mhmm
    Cute as a button every single one of you
    And Niall do the shimmy the shimmy the shimmy and Zayn pirouette and Louie do the splits and liam you stay exactly where you are cause your perfect
    I have a strange fear of spoon
    Wait just for a sec
    Is that a sock
    It’s zack
    One direction Yay
    You got a dirty mouth
    It’s weird going on a date with a camera
    Vas happening
    I am a really good dancer
    I don’t know how to walk like a woman
    Did she say Bu’’er sock

  • I tried crying guys but i can’t

    Cause i’m happy for them, having their own kind of way, i tried and i can’t so sad but happy, look at them they look sad i know, but inside they were always a member of a big family, the member and directioners ��

    I’m happy for them, and i literally want them to come back together, but Its up to them��


    I LO-VE you guys��������������❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️������������

  • i’m sorry madison, but girl i want to slap you so bad for disrespecting my bebe Louis. when he was in one direction he was the one who wrote most of the songs ���� together or not, they’re all really talented luv. Actually, i wanna slap everyone in this video��

    I’ve tried playing it cool
    But when I’m looking at you
    I can’t ever be brave
    ‘Cause you make my heart race
    Shot me out of the sky
    You’re my kryptonite
    You keep making me weak
    Yeah, frozen and can’t breathe
    Something’s gotta give now
    ‘Cause I’m dying just to make you see
    That I need you here with me now
    ‘Cause you’ve got that one thing
    So get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    And you’ve got that one thing
    Now I’m climbing the walls
    But you don’t notice at all
    That I’m going out of my mind
    All day and all night
    Something’s gotta give now
    ‘Cause I’m dying just to know your name
    And I need you here with me now
    ‘Cause you’ve got that one thing
    So get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    So get out, get out, get out of my mind
    And come on, come into my life
    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    And you’ve got that one thing
    You’ve got that one thing
    Get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    So get out, get out, get out of my head
    And fall into my arms instead
    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    So get out, get out, get out of my mind
    And come on, come into my life
    I don’t, I don’t, don’t know what it is
    But I need that one thing
    And you’ve got that one thing

  • this made me cry,i cant bear them apart..3:02 «you sing» that smile says «i miss the boys» «they were beside my when we wrote the song» » but they are not there right now» » we heard the fans together as a group before, now its just me alone on stage » «why just why?? «

  • I love it so much when the crowd sang fools gold and it literally sounded like a choir like it’s so amazing I wish I could have gone to one of there concerts but I was like 3 when they became a band and I was like 9 when they went on a break so I was never really at the age where I actually listened to music while they were still together but during quarantine listened to one of their songs and I loved it so much and now I know almost all there songs and I am literally a full on directioner

  • Ха-ха! У мну до сих пор эланы! Я их прикупил у сослуживца в году эдак 85-86-м, а он на них бегал лет за десять до этого за лесной техникум поэтому они у него и были… Хожу на них сейчас на лыжные прогулки по целине. Они довольно широкие и крепкие. Пластиковые конечно но сердцевина все-равно деревянная. Маде ин Югославия.

  • if I ever auditioned with little things I know I would accidentally say “im inlove with LOU, and all HIS little things” and if i auditioned with WMYB I would go “I don’t know why, (I don’t know why) your being shy (why you so shy)” and it would be all over.

  • The best is when the crowd actually sings the songs (like in the one fools gold) instead of just screaming them it just makes it that more emotional ��❤️

    And Liam’s you sing, I can’t ����
    I’m actually crying
    (Not in a cool way)

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    කිසිවෙකු හොඳින් සිටින බවක් පෙනෙන්නට නැතයැයි වබ්ස්ලින් පැවසීය ඔහු කොන්සෝලයෙන් ආපසු වාඩි වී තමාටම තට්ටු කළේය ඔව්නැව දැන් යථා තත්ත්වයට පත්ව ඇතඔහු හැරී අනෙක් තිදෙනා දෙස සිනාසුණේය

  • Everyone underestimates the talent of Niall, Louis and Liam they are really talented, and you have many songs that are too good, Harry is also super talented but he was always the most popular along with Zayn, so as sheep they all go with Harry because he has a beautiful face, Zayn is a total other style than the other 4 guys, but absolutely all 5 of them are extremely talented

  • Эээээээ уважаемый ведущщий,аааааа вы ваще, ээээээ умеете формулировать свои эээээээээээмысли? Ээээээээможет вам, ээээээээээпоучиться уэээээээээээ логопеда? аааааааа? Слушать такой диалог не только не возможно, но и опасно для здоровья. Выскочить на экраны легко, оставить хорошее впечатление очень сложно. А запомнитесь вы….вот по этому эээээээээ, вы знаете ээээээээээ…..

  • Thanks for watching! New videos at 2pm PST every day of the week!
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    ඔබට මෙයින් සතුටක් ලැබෙනවා නේද එහෙමද ඔහු කෙළ ගසයි වැසිකිලියඔබදඔහු කැස්සහිස හරවා ඔබ දෙස ආපසු හැරී බැලීමට උත්සාහ කරයි ඔබ තවමත් එහි සිටිනවාද ඔබ දැන් මොකද කරන්නේ වෑන්ක් එකක් තියෙනවා නේද ඔබද

  • «When this song came out i felt like he made it for me»
    Well Harry doesn’t go making songs for people who says «lOuiS iS tHe LeAsT tALeNtEd» and people who doesn’t like his band members equally, like DO NOT EVER call yourself a directioner if you’re gonna not like them equally. DO NOT EVER THINK OF THAT OR YOU WILL HAVE CHOSEN DEATH.

  • Очень, очень интересно!! К сожалению мало у нас таких передач и видеороликов о знаменитых спортсменах и встречах с ними, где они рассказывают о своём спорте изнутри. А ведь в нашей стране так много великих спортсменов! Огромное спасибо Михаилу за рассказ и здоровья ему!!!

  • i only opened this video bc i knew they were going to talk some shit about them and that’s why I want to punch them across the face. they’re all fucking talented, no one is less talented, true directioners support every single one of them equally and if you don’t think like that you can’t call your self a directioner

  • I wanna befriend everyone in the comments because they’re all canceling everyone because they’re saying Lou was the worst. Clearly you haven’t heard some of his best vocals. His voice is special and some of the songs in one direction didn’t do him justice, even though he still sounded angelic.

  • I tried hitting zayn high not in dusk till dawn and I manage to keep it till 5 second.. but stil holding it for 5 seconds was to much and zayn hitting high note for 30 seconds ����. Great he’s definitely not a human. But still that’s the biggest achievement I’ve made in my 14 years of my life

  • God they as a band were good
    But as soloists I like them better. Are you seeing that freedom? Zayn and Harry personally even look happier because they seemed to be what they wanted before.
    How i love those guys ������❤️��

  • Attention, Directioners!!! We may have missed our July 23rd deadline for 1B views, but we can still do this. We can still get the boys to 1B! Don’t give up on the boys! We got this! We’re Directioners! STREAM DRAG ME DOWN AND STORY OF MY LIFE TO GET 1B VIEWS!!!

  • you can’t just listen to the most popular songs… there are so many more amazing songs by them that you have to listen to…

    also liam is not fricken justin beiber, I would totally buy a million whatcha call its by niall, louis deserves the world he’s so talented, harry is a person to swoon over, zayn is not boring and monotone, and one direction is not a fricken bad band. ahhhhhh and no its not you’re the star of the band or you needed the band.and one direction is a band. they still are. one direction is not just a group. they spent five fricken years together and are best friends. they still are best friends so sorry but stop and be quiet. thank you.

  • I Love Supersport, друзья, уважайте своих подписчиков и зрителей. Приглашая такого человека для интервью, подбирайте адекватного интервьюера. Малограмотный, косноязычный молодой человек портит все впечатление от передачи.

  • я очень сильно скучаю по этим ребятам, но их тоже можно понять. когда группа только создавалась они все были молодыми парнями, которые вообще не понимали всю суть шоубизнеса. с годами они выросли, стали умнее и более талантливыми в музыкальном плане и будет вполне очевидно если они все, захотят выйти за рамки дозволеного. я безумно рада за них. они успешны и популярны, все без исключения, у них есть семьи и любовь фанатов. их поддерживают все дирикшионеры даже после распада группы (и да, я уже не верю в этот перерыв) они всегда будут любимы.

    твое видео передает всю суть этих ребят и фандома дирикшионеров. мы все остаемся большой семьей, которая всегда будет поддерживать наших ребят.

  • Помню, 1988 год… Сразу после олимпиады наш тренер привёз Михаила к нам в лыжную секцию! Было очень интересно слушать его рассказы про минувшую олимпиаду! Обе медали «пробовали на зуб». Да и после олимпиады, периодически приезжал к нам на тренировки. Каково было нам мальчишкам тренироваться вместе с чемпионом не описать словами!!! Молодец!

  • Титан! В прошлом отличный спортсмен, сейчас великолепный тренер. Весьма содержательно и интересно.
    Только целевая аудитория не та. Когда рассказывал про икру на сборах, у мажорчика было сплошное недоумение на лице. Мол, что за проблемы? Взял немножко денежек и купил себе сколько нужно.
    Нынешнему поколению не понять, что в совке товар нужно было сначала «достать».