Вопрос: Как играть в кикбол?


4th Grade Kickball Rules

Видео взято с канала: Kathryn Mellor


SSK Kickball: Kickaholics vs FlowerNades

Видео взято с канала: 25AndOlder


SOCCER BASEBALL! | On-Season Kickball Series | Game 2

Видео взято с канала: dodgerfilms


How to play kickball

Видео взято с канала: Paige Heinen


How to Play Kickball

Видео взято с канала: John Weisbarth


How to Play Kickball

Видео взято с канала: The Rayfords


How to play kickball

Видео взято с канала: Paige Heinen

18 комментариев

  • Yo kickball is so easy.i pitched on my schools kickball team and made all stars for kickball.there is only 20 games in a season and if u are a pitch u still get to hit and I hit 30 homeruns and in all stars u had to win 4 games before any other team won 4 games and my team won 4 games in a row and went to championship and won 11-10 and in all the 5 games I hit 2 homeruns

  • Well I here cause I know how to play like kick the ball and run to the base and stuff but the the problem is the when your out of the field trying to get someone out when ever I catch the ball I dont know what to do and my teammates shout at me ����

  • Hi, my kid was so upset and sad one day after school and it was because she didnt know how to play kickball at p.e. Im sure you know the rest of it. Kids can be mean. And then today again, she has p.e. and while we were getting ready for school she began to feel upset and anxious again. She even said her stomach hurts. I knew it was because she has to play kickball again. So I suggested «lets learn how to play and the rules!» And then we started watching your video, even from the very begining I noticed she was smiling and liking your video. She said she feels more confident and the rules are not so confusing anymore. I cant thank you enough for making and sharing this video on youtube. I believe super heros are someone like you! Helping kids and people feel better and making them feel safe and more confident! Youre amazing! I hope you have a wonderful day! ♡

  • I kicked the ball n ran to first base but everyone was screaming at me that I did something wrong. I asked my friend about it and he said that I didn’t say which base I was going to or something. Like I was supposed to say “first base” before I kicked the ball or something. Or maybe after I kicked the ball. I actually have no idea, but my teammates are sooo encouraging.

  • Kickball? Why don’t you just play football like the rest of the world? You know, the number 1 sport worldwide.. not soccer, it’s football. Americans suck at football lol. What the hell is kickball anyway? It looks like baseball but you kick the ball.. how lame is that. Not hating on you Americans, but come on now. In my entire country, we have about the same amount of people living here as the population of New York, and the Netherlands will whipe the floor with America in a game of football lol.

  • If we have inside recess at my school, we go in the gym and play kickball. AND IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY YOU CANT PLAY! They are just too lazy to teach us. Or maybe they just want us to have recess time…..WHILE ME AND MY FRIENDS WANT RECESSS BUT WE CANT JOIN!!!!
    Thanks for this btw but your putting your mouth too close to the mic and it hurts my ears a little not to be rude

  • Thank you for this!! At my school, we play kickball and stuff EVERY SINGLE MONDAY, I HOPE IT DOESN’T GO ON UNTIL SCHOOL ENDS, anyways.. I barely knew how to play, and in defensive, the ball went to me and I purposely didn’t catch it, and they started yelling at me, it’s so annoying af

  • Thanks you saved me! Today was my first day playing in my whole life and today my teacher was leading because my P.E teacher wasnt there so we had to play kickball and i didnt have any clue how to play so i watched this video and thank you!

  • Thank you for the video and the RULE not throwing at the runners! I like that rule, as no throwing at baseball or softball runners, and kickball is a lead up game.
    everyone kicks is another great rule, due to time wasted in class on the exchange of sides!