Вопрос: Как пользоваться neilmed, жидкостью для промывки синусов?


NeilMed Sinus Rinse Helped Me!

Видео взято с канала: NeilMed


NeilMed Sinus Rinse

Видео взято с канала: NeilMed


Чем промыть радиатор? Очистка системы охлаждения. Средства для промывки радиатора.

Видео взято с канала: Avtozvuk.ua — AutoBaza


Kevin Uses the Neil MD Sinus Rinse for the First Time

Видео взято с канала: Tami Dunn


NeilMed Sinus Rinse

Видео взято с канала: NeilMed


How to use Sinus Rinse

Видео взято с канала: NeilMed


Review NeilMed Hydropulse. Multi-Speed Electric Pulsating Nasal Sinus Irrigation System HP-001

Видео взято с канала: Reviews, Tutorials & Tech

45 комментариев

  • The worst nasal irrigator, do not buy it! The NeilMed Hydropulse is cheap, does not go together well, leaks, the off and on switch on the handle does not work each time and the handle gets hot. I have had the grossan brand and loved it and will order it again but sending the NeilMed back immediately

  • I got bad allergies this time of year and it screws my nose up and bought this cause a coworker recommended it. It works good. Not as good as I thought but I have a slightly deviated septum so that affects me too. Overall better breathing till it clogs up again. Lol

  • Thank you, sincerely, for posting this. I’ve been pretty reticent to do this, but seeing someone else truly do it for the first time has already made me much more comfortable and confident. I know it’s not easy sharing our more vulnerable, human moments with the world, but I really do appreciate it! Thanks again, and please take care. ��

  • She definetly enjoys company with Columbian & Peruvian or Bolivian baristas, that expresso is Da bomb bruh! Oh What a feelin, that arabica bean is amazing ah Nescafe Gold blend Gold blend yo are you trippin & colour blind thats pure monotomic Gold pure as the Driven Snow, Slap i cant feel my face �������� you know when you’ve been Tangoed!!! ������

  • Tried it…. but i have chronic sinusitis so it will not work fully (But i have seen a large change in the potency of my allergic reactions to dust, fur and pollen).

    Just be careful when using this bottle, do not tilt your head (and the bottle) at 90 degrees to the side as air(from the bottle) will be pushed into your Eustachian tubes (ear tubes), it is a painful feeling and can last for days.

    I may have to undergo endoscopic sinus flushing as there is a huge build up of mucus in my sinuses, not only that but they and my nasal passages seem to be very narrow and blocked.

    I sound like i have a constant flu, it’s been like this for 2 months and have once again been referred to an ENT specialist in the U.K.

    People who have chronic sinus issues are robbed of living a decent life as they are more prone to suffer with their ENT (ears, nose and throat), this in turn affects their ENTIRE respiratory system which destroys your sleep which means you end up with awkward facial growth (if this has affected you since childhood) due to mouth breathing which should NEVER be a primary function, rather it you should aspire to breathe through your nose.

    To have the customary belief that our ancestors suffered from such problems to the extent that this generation is, is naive and ignorant.

    Our ancestors very rarely had such problems.

    Every year we stray further and further away from a natural way of life with the introduction, experimentation and consumption of «new» products whether they be cosmetics or consumables or whatsoever.

    These health problems are only going to become more prominent in first world countries.

    Only when it affects your children and your grandchildren will you spare a thought for the society we have created — but by then your «thoughts» will be futile…

  • Cheers for this, I been tryin to find out about «sinus information» for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about — Franaar Easy Breath Formula — (do a search on google )? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my m8 got great success with it.

  • Like all natural remedies, it works over time. I have been doing it for 2 months, what difference in breathing. It kills pathogens and helps with allergy a lot instead of taking the chemicals aka drugs that doctors want to give you. I do it whenever I shower, very easy and no mess.

  • Been using this for years,it works well for my Rhinitis and Sinusitis,it leaves my nose and sinuses feeling very clean and fresh,you’ve heard of No More Nails glue? using Nasal rinse means NO MORE BOGIES! REALLY……And it may help in keeping Covina Virus at bay……I haven’t had a cold since I’ve been using this….I.use it twice a day or more.and consider it as important as cleaning my teeth, why go around with a nose full of gunk and bacteria? it’s gross.

  • The simple answer is use distilled water. You don’t know what is in your tap water. Even after you boil it, you still have minerals in it. Distilled has NOTHING but water in it. The minerals you may encounter in tap water may not be the best thing to be snorting when you are experiencing sinus problems. Distilled water doesn’t cost that much. You paid for this much for this product, why cheap out over a dollar for clean water?

  • it’s a damn dangerous thing if not used absolutely right and in perfect health. doctor just told me use it without any instruction or warning. I use mineral drinking water. then u have to tilt head, the blowing nose part I think I’m not getting proper. now I have a different kind of pressure in my ears, sinus and head. Like there is water in there.

  • I’ve used it for more than a month when my flu started. However, it got rid of the mucus just fine but i think (i’m not sure) it created a throat infection due to the tap water I used (boiled tap water). I can’t trust this thing enough to use it long term. Now I am stuck with this infection and there is still sinus pressure in my head.

  • Great video! I liked it a lot better than all of the professional ones, even. You guys made me feel a lot more at ease and you were even throwing jokes in here and there and that helped because I get nervous and didn’t wanna screw it up. >.< I bought myself one of these kits years ago but after giving it two different tries, put it back in my closet and that’s where it has stayed, collecting dust all these years, so this video was a nice refresher. I’ve been having these INSANE stomach issues caused by severe post nasal drip in which my nasal spray doesn’t seem to be touching, so a walk-in doc suggested that I try out one of these and by luck, I still had mine! (Yay for not having to spend money! ������) My first time trying out this rinse, I’d feel like I had been crying for HOURS after I had gotten done with a treatment and I couldn’t STAND it, so I never stuck with it. This time, however, I feel just fine. ���� So weird…. No idea why, though. Last time I used distilled water and this time I used spring water, so I wonder if that had anything to do with it. ���� Either way, I hope that this keeps up and that I get some kind of results because I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. �� Hope all is well with you guys.

  • I hope you are feeling better. If you use anything but distilled water, you should boil it first…even bottled drinking water. Also the thing I like about my neti pot, is that I can put it right into my dishwasher. I add a little bleach to the start of my cycle. I am a little germaphobic I guess.

  • I’m having sinus nasal surgery (they are cleaning it out) next week… I can’t start doing it till after the surgery (right side is completely blocked) your video made me not as nervous and explained the process very well. Also appreciated it was your first attempt! Thank you.

  • Great video — but you really shouldn’t use bottled water. Not for nothing but we think b/c it’s bottled — it’s safe. Not so, many bottled water contain fluoride & you shouldn’t be shooting that up your nose.
    Distilled water or better yet (boiled water) that has cooled down

  • U dont have to use a the whole bottle everytime. Just enough to where u get one side rinsed out. And u can do it again at night. No need to throw away the mixture m. A full mix should last a week. Also just wash bottle with soap and let air dry. No need to replace it every three months

  • Thanks for showing this. I just bought one at Walmart under the direction of my lung doctor and he swears by these. He said the NeilMed sinus rinse ONLY, not something LIKE it, lol that one only. I just need some distilled or boiled water and it’s on!

  • Sometimes you don’t have any snot come out. But many times you will have a big wad of snot come out. Also, If you have a sinus headache, many times you will have a little round bit of snot (sinus channel snot plug) once that comes out then your sinuses can drain. It is amazing how snot can be like a big bunch of glue. If you get it wet then it will finally dislodge from the nasal wall and come out. You can also, mix Colloidal Silver into the salt water and the Silver is a natural disinfectant. Over time you can heal your sinus infection problems with Colloidal Silver in the sinus rinse.

  • Again thank you so much for sharing. After waiting for 2 weeks I finally did it. Well we did it. I had the video going so the three of us kinda did it together. Your right it feels weird. I leaned way over and tilted my head. I did feel a cold sensation in my throat but no water ran down the back of my throat. Which that was what scared me most was having that drowning sensation. But that did not happen at all. And I guess it depends on how bad your sinus infection is. Because mine is I guess severe enough that it’s yellow and green that’s exactly what I had come out the very first time I used it. Thanks again keep you posted if it clears everything up.

  • Thanks for sharing this. I have been so nervous to do this. Explaining what you felt how you felt and then watching you actually do it really has helped. I’m still nervous a little. I may watch a few more times. Does any water run down your throat? I think that is what scares me the most.

  • I actually use 1 full bottle for each side & it doesn’t burn b/c it’s Ph balanced to match your tears
    I prefer warm water & would rather boil the water, then let it cool down.
    The only time you shouldn’t use this is if you literally have a sinus infection!!!

    But other than that… this thing is awesome. Definitely good for allergies, colds, flu & prevention of all these

  • Has anyone had trouble with their eyes after using this. I used it for first time yesterday and since my left eye has been weeping and feels irritated. Several times through the night I woke my both my eyes stuck together with a white crust. Now my left eye is red and puffed up

  • Thanks, I have been seeing an ENT and they told me to do this twice a day. He also prescribed a medication to pour in but it was $400.00. Can’t do that. He told me I could use Rhinocort spray twice a day. This is only for 4 weeks. I go back and see what happens. They did a CT also. I have had terrible headaches always. I am allergic to almost everything. Appreciate the video, it helps!

  • I know this is an older video… but I have used this for years! Tami’s so funny “I’m not seeing mucus…” when I first used it — it took 3 or 4 days, and I had a humongous piece of mucus slide out. And I was like �� “oh sh**! Where was that hiding?!” And once that was out… I felt so much better ��

  • I have used this (the bottle) for years. I have allergies & sinus problems. I do it about 3-4 days a week & it prevents me from getting sick. I honestly believe it’s THE BEST invention ever! The bottle is supposedly more ‘intense’ than the pot. I use 2 salt packages because I don’t think 1 is enough. It’s so refreshing!

  • Yep. I was going to recommend distilled water or boiled and cooled water. You don’t want to get any nasty fungus or infection from tap water being in your sinuses. But these sort of things are a great option! Glad you got some relief! Brett, PharmD hahah

  • Great review! So sorry to hear that Kevin has been having sinus issues:) Also, just a warning (not to upset you): Make sure you don’t use tap water because it is less likely to boil completely, thus occasionally causing Naegleria fowleri a.k.a. «Brain-Eating Amoeba» infections (see article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naegleria_fowleri) You don’t need to worry because you used bottled water, just make sure you don’t use tap water:)… Yikes! Not intended to worry you, just a precaution:) Sorry again about the infection; great review!


  • What an awesome thing to share with us! I’m sure a lot of people are afraid to try something like this…and by showing how it’s done and telling us how it felt….I bet you really helped everyone that had second thoughts of trying something like this!!:)

  • The salt changes the tonicity not the pH i believe. Thank you for educating the public about what is a wonderfully useful, but somewhat intimidating product! As a healthcare professional I know how tough it is convincing patients to try this. You’ve made it look easy and gave good tips!

  • Hi Kevin and Tammy, I had to use this sinus rinse for 4 months after I had my tear ducts reconstructed. I boiled a quart of water every day, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for when I need to use it. Just a little tip… The rinse feels better if you heat the water in the microwave for about 15 seconds. By that I mean the saline rinse should be tepid too warm. It just feels more soothing. Thanks for all your reviews! I love your channel.

  • Hi Kevin and Tami, thank you for another interesting video. Kevin I’m glad your sinus’ cleared up. Just want to pass on this info: before I was first diagnosed as pre-diabetic nearly 7 years ago, one of the things I kept getting was re-occurring sinus infections and I learned that pre-diabetes and an increase incidence of sinus infections sometimes correlate (hope I’m saying that right). Anyway, you probably take care of yourself, but consider getting your blood sugar tested to be sure you’re not pre-diabetic or diabetic.

  • Спасибо за видосик!
    Влад, не сказал какая реакция будет на помпу при промывки данными средствами, адже ними вымывается вся смазка которая находится в антифризе, и во время самого процесса, если она (помпа) уже немного подуставшая, может попросту заклинить как при промывке, так и со временем в после процедуры через 1000 км, 10000 тыс, кому как повезет))

  • Лайк, конечно, поставил, но тема раскрыта плохо. Не хватает реального теста, на сколько эти промывки действены. Очень хороший тест на канале partbox — там видно, что твердые отложения многие промывки не убирают от слова совсем.

  • Действительно, народные методы это от безысходности и безденежья. Была у меня 2101 в 2005 г мне насоветовали уксуса залить и поездить, мол вымоется все, печка станет греть лучше, перегреваться перестанет. Ага, кроме ежедневной вони никакого эффекта не было. Печку сняли потом распаяли, прочистили и запаяли, систему промыли фирменным каким-то средством, только после этого стало все работать как надо, а сыворотки молочные и уксус… не стоит.

  • Please try methods like this before surgery. Sinus surgery ruined my life. I had nasal turbinate surgery and it caused Empty Nose Syndrome, which makes you feel like you are suffocating because the damaged nerves cannot feel the air you are breathing. It is horrible to live with. People commit suicide over this condition. I barely want to live, anymore. I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else.