Смотрите также. 10 способов завязать платок на голову как повязку или тюрбан http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5QNfAtffqE. 15 способов завязать платок на шее http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wyfgypQIII. Выглядеть бесподобно и при этом комфортно в жару нам поможет эффектное летнее платье трансформер. Покупать его не обязательно, можно его просто завязать. В этом видео я вам покажу несколько простых и быстрых способов превратить платок в красивое пляжное парео или сарафан. При желании, можно взять не платок, а отрез натурального шёлка или другой ткани размером 130 x 180 см тогда у вас получится более нарядный вариант. В качестве пояса, будем использовать ленту длиной 180 см.. ***. Приглашаю вас также на. мой англоязычный канал с более 200 видео http://www.youtube.com/LiliTheDarkMoon. ВКонтакте http://vk.com/LilithMoon. Инстаграм http://instagram.com/LilithMoonLife. Блог http://www.LilithMoonRu.blogspot.com. Фейсбук http://www.facebook.com/LilithMoon. Твиттер http://twitter.com/LiliTheDarkMoon
Sri, whose family is from Sri Lanka, shares 2 ways to tie a sarong Sri Lankan style!. The methods of draping a sarong vary by country. This video explains how to drape it the way men do in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, we call the sarong «sarama», which means «sheath» (women in Sri Lanka do not wear sarongs they wear a seamless wrap called a «redda»).. A real sarong always has a seam. It is different from the Indian «lungi» which is seamless like a redda or dhoti.. Sarongs are wonderful to wear while travelling in South Asia as it helps reduce pickpocketing and bug bites (including those pesky mosquitoes!). It also keeps you protected from the heat of the sun while allowing for amazing air circulation which keeps you cool. We loved wearing them while travelling around, and even use them around the house.. You can also wear the sarong as a pajama. You can even use it to carry laundry in by tying up the ends!. You do not have to use underwear if you are wearing the sarong as loungewear around the house, but men usually do when going out and for functions. Also, if you wear a t-shirt, wear it outside of the sarong (in the video, the t-shirt is tucked in only to show the folds of the sarong).. When wearing the sarong for a function, it is customary to wear a shirt with collar and sleeves.. You can check out the fashion show Sri mentions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5YB6vPVDVo. You can buy a sarong at: https://amzn.to/2IR82Jd. If you like this video and want to learn more about cultures, please subscribe: https://tinyurl.com/y4wukoo3. Don’t forget to click on the bell so you get alerts when we have a new video up! Thank you!. Our travel website: https://www.CultureClassTravel.com. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CultureClassTravel. Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CultureClassTravel. Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/CultureClassTravel. *Affiliate Alert* If you buy the above sarong, we make a small commission, but it will not cost you any more to buy it.
my friend andre explains how to wear a sarong.. my piano music: http://www.facebook.com/romanonthepiano. like my band on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebananaband. my music on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/lost-not-found-ep/id656485522?l=en. on googleplay: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lost_Not_Found_Lost_Not_Found?id=B4phzbpwo3gwslybivcnoviof7q. the mp3’s on cdbaby.com: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lostnotfound
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