Подписывайся на канал: http://bit.ly/1JPIFxc. Едим дома в facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ed…. Едим дома в Vkontakte: https://vk.com/edimdoma_ru. Еще больше рецептов на официальном сайте: http://www.edimdoma.ru/. 03 01 2010. Миндаль в шоколаде. Ингредиенты: миндаль — 200 г, шоколад — 100 г, какао — 4 ст. л., сахарная пудра — 1 ст. л.. Способ приготовления: 1. Духовку предварительно разогреть до 100°С.. 2. Миндаль высыпать на противень и сушить в разогретой духовке в течение 30−40 минут.. 3. Шоколад растопить на водяной бане, не помешивать! 4. Какао просеять толстым слоем на бумагу для выпечки.. 5. Подсушенный миндаль окунуть в шоколад, затем обвалять в какао.. 6. Положить миндаль в сито и слегка потрясти, чтобы избавиться от лишнего какао. Подавать, присыпав сахарной пудрой.
https://youtu.be/rukd-Zsv5cw. Here’s your next dark chocolate obsessionDark Chocolate Glazed Almond Bark! This may just be the perfect sweet & salty treat…check out the full recipe posting here: http://realhealthyrecipes.com/?p=12376
if you do not have any coloring specifically for chocolate, here is an alternative for you to color your almond bark. it also helps with making your candy melts smoother and more fluid.
Supply List: https://www.globalsugarart.com/how-to-make-chocolate-almond-bark-video-inspiration.html. This is a preview of Chef Alan Tetreaults DVD «Simply Chocolate». In this preview, Chef Alan from Global Sugar Art teaches you how to melt chocolate and make simple almond bark. The full DVD offers instructions in making caramels, bonbons, cream filled, turtles, 3D chocolate pieces, mints, lollipops and more.. Facebook www.facebook.com/globalsugarart. Instagram @globalsugarart. Shop, Save & Decorate With Us! http://globalsugarart.com
For more details, visit here: https://jacksonsjob.com/how-to-melt-almond-bark/. This short video is on how to melt almond bark on the stovetop. If you don’t have a microwave, how do you melt almond bark? Do you need a bain-maire or a double boiler? The simple answer is no! You can melt almond bark on the stove. It’s all about staying at the lowest temperature on your stove that begins to melt the almond bark or compound chocolate and staying there. Most only need to use the lowest setting. You can melt a little or a lot, the difference is time. So if you want to learn how to melt almond bark, candy melts, chocolate chips or candy melts without a microwave, you’ve come to the right place!. This video was made for the those that want to make recipes such as puppy chow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmuZ6Vi9VXc. or white trash snack mixes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7-9EEpgGnk and don’t have a microwave.. Happy baking!
Toffee (aka English toffee in North America) is a confection normally served during the holiday (Christmas) season. This is by far the best recipe I’ve come across and it works every time. I hope you’re inspired to make some for your family and friends.. INGREDIENTS. 1 & 1/4 cup (250 g) granulated sugar. 1 cup (226.5 g) butter. 1/2 tsp salt. 1 tsp vanilla extract. 1 tsp baking soda. 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. 1/2 cup chopped or slivered almonds. 1/2 cup sliced almonds. INSTRUCTIONS. Step 1. Prepare a baking sheet. Brush a 10 x 14 baking sheet with vegetable oil or butter.. Line the bottom of the baking sheet with some chopped or slivered almonds.. Set it aside.. Step 2. Caramelize the butter and sugar.. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, combine butter, sugar, and salt.. Over medium heat, cook for 15 minutes or until the temperature of the mixture measures 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius) on a candy thermometer.. Testing temperature without a thermometer. When you see the mixture turns glossy and pulls away from the bottom of the saucepan during stirring, it’s a sign that it is done. You can confirm by dropping 1/2 a teaspoon of the toffee into a bowl of cold water, a hard ball will form.. Turn off the heat.. Add vanilla extract and baking soda. Stir and mix quickly with a wooden spatular. Note: the baking soda is what makes the toffee crunchy.. Step 3. Assemble the toffee. Pour the hot toffee onto the prepared baking sheet. Spread evenly with a slotted spatular.. Add chocolate chips on top of the hot toffee.. Wait 2 minutes for the chips to melt. With a slotted spatular, spread melted chocolate evenly over the toffee.. Sprinkle with some sliced almonds.. Let the toffee cool down and harden about 2 hours.. Cut into serving portions. Enjoy. #Christmas #carameltoffee #chocolatetoffee