Pokémon Emerald #55 Capturando Relicanth e Wailord!

Estamos aqui pessoal com a 2° Temporada de Pokémon Emerald, iremos nos aventurar na região de Hoenn depois de ter vencido a liga Pokémon, Iremos capturar Lendários e Completaremos a Pokédex… Será??
Download do Pokémon Emerald totalmente em português: https://www.4shared.com/rar/MTmWG-1Y/pokemon_emerald_por_zambrakashtml#_=
Meu twitter: https://twitter.com/felipetectoy.
PokeAmino: http://aminoapps.com
Видео взято с канала: Felopey

Продолжаем проходить игру Pokemon Emerald в назлок челлендже, сегодня мы уже добрались до пятого стадиона, лидером которого является наш отец, кто же выиграет в данном забиве, сын или отец?
Nuzlocke Challenge ряд условия, которые я должен не нарушать во время прохождения игры, при желании автор может добавить свои условия..
Условия нашего прохождения:
1. Если показатель НР покемона опустится до 0, то данного покемона я не могу никаким образом лечить и использовать в дальнейшем, он убирается в ПК и больше не достаётся..
2. С каждого маршрута я могу поймать лишь одного покемона, который попался нам первым. Исключением является первые маршруты, где у нас нет шаров..
3. Каждому покемону я должен давать имя/ник подписчика..
Рандомайзер для оригинальных игр: https://pokehacks.dabomstew.com/rando….
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#Meflsto #nuzlockechallenge #pokemon #pokemonemerald
Видео взято с канала: Meflsto
How GOOD was Aggron ACTUALLY History of Aggron in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 3-7)

Aggron is this week’s Pokemon for our competitive history series! Join False Swipe Gaming in this brief overview of Aggron in competitive Pokemon!
PATREON!: If you want to support FSG even more or just feeling generous, please go here!: https://www.patreon.com/falseswipegaming.
The Official False Swipe Gaming Twitter:
Directed by Kellen.
Follow Me On Twitch!: http://www.twitch.tv/kellen_fsg.
Edited By CDK.
VFX Intro By.
Ryan Gonzales.
Written By.
Kevin aka BKC.
This Bread Needs More Jam: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz9rsc9ZPW9WfADydF5CeIg.
Kevin Cronin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuFJa-IMBq4wOVeZFQHvTmQ/videos.
Sound Designed by.
Ryan Gonzales.
Game Capture Artist:
Follow Him: https://twitter.com/DjagoUnchained.
Notice I said POPULAR formats, meaning a format where there is a significant amount of people who compete in it for tournaments and so on and so forth. Now Popular does not mean official even though two of the formats I will be covering were official formats being Japan Nintendo Cup and VGC, but it is an indicator of what a good portion of competitive players thought was “optimal” at the time. Also sometimes the Pokemon Battle Historia doesn’t provide enough information to talk about certain Pokemon so I add Smogon analysis to make sense of it. This is pretty rare though..
To the people asking why I don’t cover Smogon Singles for Gens 1 and 2: It wouldn’t really be a history video if I covered those because online Smogon gen 1 meta to my knowledge wasn’t actually played until late 2000s. I wanted to cover tournaments/competitive battling that was actually played during the early years of Pokemon (late 90s)..
To the people asking why I cover Smogon at all for singles: To my knowledge, Smogon was the most popular format for Gens 3-5 and held a number of tournaments throughout the years. As for Gen 6, I am not covering Battle Spot Singles because there is more information and explanations about sets being used relative to their own meta on Smogon. In other words, there are few written analyses about Battle Spot Pokemon besides the Top tiers and I would like to avoid theorycrafting because it may have a hint of bias (though I theorycraft if I REALLY couldn’t find information on a certain Pokemon). The keyword here is explanations. Though I did find statistics of most Pokemon used and most moves used, there wasn’t really any explanations on why. Also the few Pokemon I did find analysis of for Top Tier Battle Spot Singles had very similar move sets to the Smogon OU sets anyway..
For the record, I do not care what rules or formats people play their battles by nor am I saying these formats are the only formats that should be played. The way you play Pokemon is between you and your opponent and I will not fault you for using evasion or whatever, I just like examining popular tournament formats..
Songs Used (List of ALL Songs used for this series. Some may or may not make it into the video):
My Twitter:
Resources and Historical References.
History of Rule Variants: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rule_variants#Nintendo_Cup2799.
Smogon University:
Aaron Cybertron Zheng:
Pokemon Battle Historia:
Nintendo Cup 2000 Team Construction:
Nintendo Cup 2000 Tier List:
Pokemon Japanese Battle Wiki:.
Sprites From:
Видео взято с канала: False Swipe Gaming
Can You Beat Pokemon Emerald With ONLY A Relicanth?? Coach Max Entertainment

You’ll be glad to know I fought off every impulse to sing baby shark during the entirety of this video. Even though this isn’t really a shark, that would be better for Carvanha… Well now I know what the next video is gonna be….
Watch the first part of the Weedle Saga: https://youtu.be/lHoDsoY9TQw.
Stay on the channel!
Top 10 Pokemon Stadium Mini-Games https://youtu.be/IX0QBy3CeD0.
Top 5 Best/Worst CTR Tracks https://youtu.be/5P6t2IJKbKw.
Follow on social media!
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/coachmax19/.
Twitter https://twitter.com/CoachMaxYoutube
Видео взято с канала: Coach Max Entertainment
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