Создаем Bluetooth шлюз для Home Assistant на плате ESP-WROOM-32 для считывания показателей с сенсоров Xiaomi и трекинга BLE устройств.. Плата из обзора https://ali.ski/5kEkpI ($ 3.88). ESP Home установка -https://youtu.be/t1DWH-dMx2E. Инструкция на сайте http://bit.ly/2KA1iPB. Настройка BLE шлюза http://bit.ly/2ZJptRX. Текстовая версия моей прошивки шлюза https://github.com/kvazis/homeassistant/blob/master/example/bletracker.yaml. Обратная связь ask.kvazis��gmail.com. Мой канал в телеграмм @smarthomesell https://t.me/smarthomesell. Посильная помощь на развитие канала https://www.paypal.me/greatkvazis. Конфигурация Home Assistant https://github.com/kvazis/homeassistant. Таблица (обновляется) по экосистеме Xiaomi http://bit.ly/2EzbLca. Каталог моих обзоров с ссылками http://bit.ly/360DVYk. Получить кэшбек и экономить на покупках http://bit.ly/2U9ENEP. Русифицированный MiHome c переведенными сценариямиhttp://bit.ly/2El5Fe0. “Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound” www.epidemicsound.com. #kvazis #xiaomi #ESP32S #ESP_WROOM_32 #esphome
Hi, this video shows you how to inexpensively stream your music from your Amazon Echo Dot to all the rooms in your house using existing equipment like TVs, CD players and computers. Unfortunately if you buy multiple Echo Dots you cannot stream music on them all at the same time, they will only stream on one unit at a time (this may change in the future). The video also shows you how to use a Bluetooth Speaker with the Amazon Echo Dot.. The objective was to use what I already had in the house to save money. If money isn’t an issue then you can get much better setups using for example a Sonos system but the idea was to do this as cheap as possible.. The audio signals are travelling down network wiring such as cat5e and cat6 cables but you can also make them travel down numerous 3.5mm audio cables which you can buy very cheaply with long lengths and they are very thin so easier to hide and install than network cables but network cables provide more flexibility as they can be used for other projects like HDMI over cat5e etc.. My setup could have been more straight forward but I wanted to include the PC and the DATA/VOICE economisers to give more ideas and variety of how you can set things up in your own property.. Many thanks Vince
The Amazon Echo Dot is a fantastic bit of kit and it doesn’t just support wireless, it also has Bluetooth built-in which means you can use it as a wireless speaker by pairing it to your iPhone this also works on Android phones. The pairing process is really simple and it just works, hope this video helps anybody trying to figure this out.
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Set Up Bluetooth On Amazon Alexa Devices. It’s easy to connect your amazon products to cellphones, bluetooth speakers and headphones. On this video i will show you how.. Links for Products In Video. Echo Dot 3: https://amzn.to/2T4L04q. BenQ treVolo S Speaker: https://amzn.to/2W38GrN. Mpow H5 Headphones: https://amzn.to/2TXXzyn. Get Some TechSteve Swag! https://goo.gl/CYrG5Y. Leave A Tip. https://www.patreon.com/techstevehd. Join My YouTube Community. https://www.youtube.com/user/techstevehd/community. My Current Production Setup On Amazon. https://goo.gl/7X2Jtu. Products From My Videos On Amazon. https://goo.gl/i1zNiY. Check Out My Playlist. https://www.youtube.com/user/techstevehd/playlists. The Amazon Links Are Affiliate to help support My Channel. The products cost the same I just get a small percentage.. Subscribe, Like & Share Hit The Notification Bell to see videos 1st. #techsteve #amazonecho #bluetooth
If you’ve ever wanted to set up your Echo or Amazon Alexa device to use as a Bluetooth speaker, and wondered how to go about it, fret not. We’ve put together a quick guide on how to do that as well as showing you how to connect your Echo, Echo Plus or Echo Dot to another Bluetooth audio system to stream music to a better AV system.
Alexa Echo as Bluetooth speaker.. This video will help you to show how to use your Alexa Echo as Bluetooth speaker.. if you like this video please click on like and share with others and subscribe my channel.. Here is the link of the product from amazon. https://amzn.to/3dQ9cC0