Nintendo Wii Wifi Setup
Video on how to setup a WiFi connection on the Nintendo Wii the easiest way to do so..
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Видео взято с канала: BeetelBite
How To Set-Up Internet on the Wii (Wireless)
A brief tutorial on how to connect the Nintendo Wii to the internet. The easiest tutorial I have ever made.
Видео взято с канала: levelguide2
Nintendo Wii. Распаковка б/у консоли
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Распаковка Wii U:
Давно хотелось попробовать консоли от Nintendo и вот, наконец, мы решились на покупку Wii. На удивление консоль порадовала разнообразием игр и своим оригинальным управлением. А уж для любителей поиграть в 2-4м за одним экраном в разнообразные платформеры это просто находка. Эксклюзивы просто шикарны! Цена за данный набор более чем оправдана учитывая то, что консоль прошитая и видно, что использовалась она не очень много. Без проблем подцепился терабайтный внешний жесткий диск, на который я предварительно по инструкции скинул игры. Немного расстраивает картинка, конечно же, именно наличием интерлейса (480i), а не качеством самой графики (тут геймплей все оправдывает), но эта проблема должна решиться заменой кабеля на компонентный (который я уже заказал на Али). В итоге если хочется попробовать что-то совершенно отличное от PS3/xbox360, то данный вариант по цене-качеству практически идеальный. Соответственно оставшись в полном восторге от данной консоли уже заказали Wii U)).
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Видео взято с канала: Unboxing & Review
How to Connect a Nintendo Wii to the Internet
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Get your Wii hooked up to the internet and you’ll be downloading games online and connecting remotely with other players in no time..
Step 1: Purchase adapter for wired connections.
Purchase a Wii LAN adapter cable if you don’t have a wireless router for your internet connection, and connect the Wii with the internet outlet or box. Hook up the cable to your router or modem..
If your connection is wireless, you will not need to attach an extra cable to your Wii..
Step 2: Go to Wii homepage.
Turn on your Wii console and wait for the homepage to appear..
Step 3: Go to Options menu.
Click on the Wii circle in the lower left corner of the screen to get to the Wii Options menu..
Step 4: Go to Settings.
Click on the wrench icon to enter Wii Settings, and click to the next page of Settings options..
Step 5: Go to Connection Settings.
Choose the Connection Settings option from the Settings menu..
For wired connections, choose the Internet option, then select Wired Connection. The system will automatically search for your connection..
Step 6: Search for an access point.
Select the option to Search for an access point so the Wii can find your wireless connection, and select the connection you want to use to connect to the internet..
Step 7: Input wireless security code.
Enter your wireless password key, which could be a WEP, WPA, or different code, depending on the type of wireless security in your system. Save your internet connection configuration settings by selecting OK..
Run the connection test to make sure it is set up correctly. If the test fails, go back and retry another connection..
Step 8: Use connection.
Have fun using your new setup to connect with other Wii users and download games..
Did You Know?
In 2010, the Nintendo Wii became the best-selling latest generation console in the world.
Видео взято с канала: Howcast
How To Connect Nintendo Wii to TV
Heres how to connect the Nintendo Wii using the AV cables. Quick and easy to follow.
Видео взято с канала: Team AJ
Моя консоль Nintendo Wii
Это не обзор, а личные воспоминания для проекта «Моя консоль»..
Ссылка на эту передачу:
Видео взято с канала: Дмитрий [Newbilius] Моисеев
How to Install a Nintendo Wii
Watch more Gaming Console Hacks & Tips videos:
A few simple steps will help you quickly install your Nintendo Wii so you can spend more time playing games..
Step 1: Decide if you want to store the console horizontal.
Decide whether you want to store the Wii console horizontally or vertically. Attach the console stand if you will store it vertically..
Have at least 3 feet of space between where you will be playing and your TV..
Step 2: Connect the AV cables.
Connect the AV plug into the connector on the back of the console. Insert the colored plugs into the proper input connectors on your TV..
Step 3: Connect and mount the sensor bar.
Connect the sensor bar plug into the connector on the back of the console. Mount the sensor either on top of the TV or just below the TV screen..
Be sure that the middle of the sensor bar is aligned with the center of the TV screen..
Step 4: Attach the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet.
Attach the DC part of the AC adapter to the back of the console. Plug the other end into a standard wall outlet. Press the Power button on the console to turn the Wii on..
Step 5: Synch the Wii remote.
Synch the Wii remote by pressing and releasing the Synch button located under the batteries. The lights on the remote will flash..
Step 6: Finish synching the remote.
Press and release the Synch button located under the panel on the front of the Wii. When the lights on the remote stop flashing, your remote has been synched. Now you’re ready to play!
Did You Know?
Did you know? The original Nintendo Entertainment System was introduced in 1985.
Видео взято с канала: HowcastTechGadgets
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