A Bored God Plays 3D Pinball Space Cadet

Otherwise known as \»[TAS] Full Tilt Pinball Space Cadet — Fleet Admiral in 1:43.25\»..
This is a Tool Assisted Speedrun of Full Tilt Pinball Space Cadet, done by running a Virtual Machine of Linux, then running a Windows 3.1 emulator inside of that Virtual Machine and using LibTAS as a TASing application. The goal of this TAS is to achieve the in-game rank of \»Fleet Admiral\», noted by lighting up the entire series of orange dots near the center of the machine. This is done by completing several missions in quick succession, all having different objectives..
There’s an incredibly high amount of \»randomness\» in this game due to how the ball’s trajectory is manipulatable by both the flippers and the mouse position on the screen. I use this to my advantage by brute-forcing a good outcome in scenarios like Attack Bumper hits and selecting missions..
The oddest thing is that the Windows XP version always requires you to complete three missions to go up one rank, but the Full Tilt version varies for reasons I don’t understand. Going from Rank 1 to Rank 2 requires the completion of three missions (Or two of the \»Secret\» missions), but going from Rank 2 to Rank 3 only required the completion of one, and Rank 6 to Rank 7 requires 2..
Regardless, this is what I came up with. There’s still probably some improvements that can be done with stuff like ball trajectory manipulation in some areas, but I still think this is a solid attempt for the first ever TAS of this game..
#3DPinballSpaceCadet #FullTiltPinball #ToolAssistedSpeedrun.
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Видео взято с канала: DyllonStej Gaming
Beating Secret Mission with Tips in 3D Pinball Space Cadet!

From what I’ve heard, learned, and experienced, one of the most difficult and hated missions in the Pinball Space Cadet is the infamous \»Secret Mission\» because of its time-wasting, rigid tasks that players have to send the ball into the yellow, red, and green wormholes respectively, and the players most likely will eventually fail before finishing all the objectives in the mission! I’m also the one of the Secret Mission haters!
I hope this video could, more or less, help increase the probability of beating this mission by studying some of my tactics and tips for the probable approach to beat this mission!
Fingers crossed to those who have never completed this mission before. I believe one day you’ll succeed!
Have you ever beaten this tough mission? Comment below and thanks for watching! Also please like this video and subscribe my channel!
Видео взято с канала: Kitniti Witchayapaisitsakul
Full Tilt! Pinball — Space Cadet Speedrun (Fleet Admiral: 19:13.97) [WR]
![Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet Speedrun (Fleet Admiral: 19:13.97) [WR] Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet Speedrun (Fleet Admiral: 19:13.97) [WR]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6k0c0TdGFEQ/hqdefault.jpg)
![Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet Speedrun (Fleet Admiral: 19:13.97) [WR] Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet Speedrun (Fleet Admiral: 19:13.97) [WR]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6k0c0TdGFEQ/hqdefault.jpg)
And I never thought I’d see sub-20..
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/pinballwiz45b
Видео взято с канала: pinballwiz45b
Full Tilt! Pinball — Space Cadet: Fleet Admiral (42:10.83) [Former WR]
![Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet: Fleet Admiral (42:10.83) [Former WR] Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet: Fleet Admiral (42:10.83) [Former WR]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/98VDDdGYG68/hqdefault.jpg)
![Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet: Fleet Admiral (42:10.83) [Former WR] Full Tilt! Pinball - Space Cadet: Fleet Admiral (42:10.83) [Former WR]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/98VDDdGYG68/hqdefault.jpg)
I hope speedrunning pinball becomes a thing once again. I figure this is something everyone recognizes, so why not? (Run starts at 0:18 in.).
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/pinballwiz45b
Видео взято с канала: pinballwiz45b
3D Pinball Space Cadet — High Score

I’ve now beaten this score quite significantly. You can watch that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDPhiQEWWcw.
That recording has the music switched on too!
Видео взято с канала: Retro Smack
3D Pinball Space Cadet 25M score (strategy in description)

The highest fully recorded score, as far as I can tell..
The strategy:
1. Hyperspace:
Always attempt hyperspace but only if there are less than 4 lamps on, i.e. do NOT trigger Gravity Well. This focuses on keeping Extra Ball Available..
— If you get an Extra Ball this way (the ball goes into the side kicker), hold the ball and wait until the 4-th hyperspace lamp turns off, then attempt hyperspace again to keep the Extra Ball Available. This waiting may not be worth it if you still have a lot of time on the Center Post and have no side kickers at all..
2. Commendation (3 drop targets in the center).
Since it is very difficult to get 3-rd Level Commendation, only attempt to get it if you already have 2 levels commendation by luck..
3. Missions: only focus taking/clearing missions if you have 4 hyperspace lamps on (strategy 1 takes priority). Mission selection preference:
Set 1: any mission, even Science Mission is fine..
Set 2: Bug Hunt (best), Alien Invasion (good), Rescue Mission (kinda bad)..
— Do NOT take the Secret Mission! It is too hard to complete. If you accidentally get it, hold the ball and wait until the fuel runs out to abort the mission..
— Rescue mission is not preferrable. It gets stuck if you have already 4 hyperspace lamps because we don’t want to activate Gravity Well (strategy #1).
Set 3:
— Cosmic Plague (best).
— Stray Comet mission is better than Space Radiation because we can specifically target the right hazard target lights, but have to rely on luck to hit the left ones..
— Black Hole mission might be great or bad (not sure). Upgrading engine is relatively easy, but hitting the Black Hole is hard. You can target it from both paddle (requires bouncing ball if from the left) but probably with very low accuracy..
Set 4: dunno:).
4. Replay balls: You can attempt to get one if the yellow or red wormhole lamp is on. Yellow is easier to hit but be careful not to activate Gravity Well. If you have fewer than 4 hyperspace lamps, strategy 1 takes priority IMO (arguable), don’t attempt replay balls unless you are very accurate..
5. Commendation: Level 3 Commendation is very hard to get (yellow drop targets in the center), so I’d only attempt this if I already have 2 levels by chance. In this case, this takes priority over hyperspacing, because we can directly get an extra ball and have less than 30 seconds to do it! We can shoot the drop targets from both paddles..
6. Hazard lights: if one of the side kickers is used up, you can send the ball up to get the hazard lights since it will reactivate the side kickers. But IMO strategy 1 (hyperspacing) should take priority.
Видео взято с канала: Vincentius Kevin
ШОК! 18+ Пинбол из Windows XP был всего лишь демкой! — «Любопытный факт»

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Музыка выпуска:
Space Cadet Pinball OST.
Ninja Gaiden 2 NES OST — A Long Way to Go
Видео взято с канала: Уютный подвальчик
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