Вопрос: Как добавить свои изображения в Microsoft Office Templates?


How to Add Images and Text to Label Templates in Microsoft Word

Видео взято с канала: Online Labels, Inc.


How to create a template in Word | Microsoft Word Tutorials

Видео взято с канала: Lisa Doe


Вставка изображений в Word из 1С с Шаблоны.doc

Видео взято с канала: Документы Word из 1С


Word 2016 Create a Template How to Make & Design Templates in Microsoft Office 365 MS Tutorial

Видео взято с канала: Professor Adam Morgan


How to add branded templates to Word, Excel & PowerPoint start pages

Видео взято с канала: Kevin Stratvert


Создание пазлов из изображения в PowerPoint

Видео взято с канала: Татьяна Шамарина


Как Делать КРУТЫЕ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИИ — Где брать идеи? + Полезные сервисы, Шаблоны и Макеты

Видео взято с канала: Heyksy

34 комментария

  • Отвечаю на многочисленные вопросы — ДА, я занимаюсь презентациями НА ЗАКАЗ:)

    Дизайн одной презентации — 5000 руб. (10-25 слайдов).

    Обратите пожалуйста внимание — к началу работы над презентацией приступаю после 100% предоплаты, так как я должна понимать, что это реальный заказ и заинтересованное в работе лицо.

    Насчёт срока работы: первый вариант презентации высылаю через два дня после получения предоплаты и брифа. Присылаю вам этот первый вариант, вы можете написать максимум 5 правок, и я исправляю и высылаю финальную версию, которая вам понравится.

    Если вас заинтересовало и вы готовы работать, отправьте пожалуйста запрос на kseytu@yandex.ru ��

    Ответным письмом я вышлю бриф для заполнения и реквизиты для предоплаты.

  • 0:08 Как же я тебя понимаю. Я тоже могу заниматься незначительными для кого-то вещами очень долго. Нам на дистанционном обучении как-то задали по информатике нарисовать паровозик в Paint, и все остальные мои одноклассники нарисовали обычные 2D рисунки за минуту, а я сидела над своим около 3-х часов и выглядел он как в 3D. В итоге я отправила рисунок учителю и она решила мне снизить отметку за то, что там не было вагонов. Я в тот момент: «…..»
    P.s Блин, серьезно? Разве паровоз без вагонов не паровоз?XD

  • Спасибо! Очень вовремя помогли, впопыхах кинулась срочно делать презентацию (по работе понадобилось) и в итоге, балагодаря вам, почти ее закончила! Ведь и правда в canva тоже есть презентации, а я раньше не замечала этого ))))

  • А есть опыт создания анимированной презентации? например как невидимой рукой вырисовываешь схему, фигуру геометрическую, или видимой рукой, или точкой. Или может кто знает в каких сервисах это можно сделать?

  • I have a simple question to those who know what they are at but for me; it’s been a complicated one. When designing a powerpoint that I have for subscription customers, how do I upload it to the paid Subscription URL as WordPress only allows very small files to be uploaded directly. I need to figure this out in how they can download their purchase. Are you able to help?

  • Kevin I have really enjoyed all your videos and hope your new endeavor is going well. This last one is exactly what we need after our new branding went live, so I’m looking forward to implementing it. I would love to see more videos regarding the SharePoint modern experience. For instance, how would I add access to these templates to the «New» drop-down when creating a new doc/workbook/presentation in a SP document library?

  • Wonderful tutorial! This is going to be very useful for me. I work at university that has many faculties and departments. Do you know if there’s an option to push these templates to only certain people / different templates for different departments? (yes, we have SharePoint sites for every department and permissions set to certain people using distribution lists. Or it just works for the whole organization?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Hello, i have a quick question, so i got a laptop yo film my gaming videos but i didint activate windows, im too scaird to because if i activate it and if my laptop breaks, i cant fix it, i know that because it happend to me befor, so what is ur opinion on it, should i turn it on?

  • Great video and interesting topic. Good luck to you on your new endeavor.
    In excel if a program adds products to waste every month, and you have an excel spreadsheet of this from Jan thru May and one from Jan thru July how do you subtract the one spreadsheet from the other to figure out what was wasted in June and July? Any help would be appreciated.

  • Great instruction! Thank you. I keep bumping into limitations b/c we don’t have E3 licenses. Sure wish there were a good list of these types of capabilities to help justify the added expense of E3. Video idea suggestion: how to deploy Excel add-ins to organization?

  • Kevin!
    I have taken you as my inspiration to teach teachers! Being a mom of 2 boys and with full-time job I never knew I would enjoy making videos.
    But after you left Microsoft and started working on your channel, I realized I could use that spirit as well.

    I have come out of my comfort zone and started making my own videos. So thank you for doing what you doing.

    I already have 180 subscribers.
    You are my new Guru!

  • Great Video. I am going to try this tonight. You asked for some ideas on other videos to make. One thing I would like to be able to do is add a folder of URL’s of key websites to Microsoft Edge for all of our employees. This is similar to having templates in Word, PPPT and Excel that are available to all employees except that it would be a folder of URL’s for key websites for our employees.

  • На нашла преподавательница говорила о том, что необходимо вставлять ссылки на используемые материалы: как на научные статьи, так и на картинки. Как решить эту проблему? Вставить красиво, но так чтобы не портило общий вид презентации.

    И ещё столкнулась с проблемой: презентация была просвещений обычаям. Как оформить это море текста? Там не особо вписывается иконографика, а просто текст или куча картинок не интересно.

  • Hello thank you for your video, it’s really helpful.. one request.. can you put up something and create video.. for people who are using office 2013.. but when we upgrade to Microsoft 365.. what is new in it.. and what are the updated.. thank you sir

  • Amazing….
    Great topics, and also simple explanation, so everybody can learn these concepts!
    Here are some topics you can make videos on:
    1. How to use Microsoft Flow (I guess you haven’t made this video. If you have, then please correct me.)
    2. Detailed Explanation of the Different Export Settings in PowerPoint

  • This was kind of helpful but what I really need to know is how to create a template with static text that cannot be changed, together with variable fields that change regularly. For example, I have an agreement between two parties. Most of the paragraphs in the agreement are standard but there is some variable information that needs to be completed when the parties to the agreement change (e.g., name of parties, new party address, contract dates, contract amount, etc.). How do I create a template with both static and variable text? I would greatly appreciate your help as I have looked a dozens of You Tube videos but none cover this scenario. Thank you.

  • love how you get right to it. No bla bla bla…. I learned a lot. was worried after i open my template… add too it… then save… that my template would be ruined. found out… once i open the template it converts to doc. very helpful. also learned that i can just go to open… Personal TEMPLATE. COOL

  • Hello, how do you save a template so that when you use CTRL+N, it shows up as your template and not the generic default template. I have created a template and saved it, however, I have to Open and select my template. When working on word, I can’t create a new document with the template that I created with CTRL+N, it pops up as the default template.
    Thank you.

  • Good day, when I create a template if I want certain area to become popup items to reminder me to input information in a certain area only in my letter. How do I do that? I.e. reminder to change the date, customer name, address, appointment date and time, etc.

  • Hello! great tutorial, i have a question i’ve been trying to figure out a way to have different page designs to use throughout a file, lets say i have a cover, a chapter cover and one inside page that i would like to use whenever i need it (like power point slides on a theme). Is this possible in word? and to apply it on an already made document? thanks in advance PS: i work on mac

  • This video was super helpful though I’m having issues after saving the document as a template and when I want to open it to start a new document, I don’t receive the «personal» option. I’m using Office 365. Do you think there is a different way to save? I would appreciate it if you can advise and thanks again for the very clear and thorough information explained in the above video.

  • Lovely Video! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you ever tried Weydaniel Organized Dominator (search on google)? It is a good exclusive guide for getting 7000 plus project management and business templates minus the hard work. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my close friend Aubrey after a lifetime of fighting got great results with it.

  • Hi! Thank you for this. Here you show where to find my templates when creating a new document on my «personal» computer. What if I want to share the templates I created, with my colleagues on a professional network: how can they find my templates and how to avoid their moving the created fields?

  • Hi there, thank for the awesome quick tutorial:D One questions though, say you are creating the template for a client (wanting to offer them a single letterhead page and then a multipage document for different types of branded communication) how does one get them the template? Would I send them the two.dotx templates and wherever they save them they will become available on their MS Word? Or is there a specific place that they would need to save the files etc? Any advice would be most awesome

  • Thanks Adam, any recommendations for creating a template that can be easily updated? For example, one that the date is current when you open it, and it has the same general (batched) info, but then you can enter specific unique information as you go? Not sure if this makes sense, but basically a letter template for someone who drafts lots of letters with the same response, but different unique properties. It gets annoying copying, pasting and verifying the old info is replaces with new info. Thoughts? Links?

  • Hi, I am a homeschool parent of a child with physical writing difficulties. It is easier for him to type. I am interested in creating worksheets for him that have fillable parts, such as short answer and long answer. I have Microsoft 365. Thanks!

  • Dear Kevin
    I’m haveing an issue that I need some sort of help with.
    I have some names in a list that I wanna make a sheet on Excel (or Access) that shows the arraival time of the employees
    I do this EVERY MONTH and I know that there is a way to take the name from the list and build a sheet with this name ALONE along with these data.
    Can you Please make a YouTube Video that shows this issue?
    Thanks in advance

  • I can only paste my image into my label, and that screws everything up. How can I either: paste my image and make that work somehow, or paste my image somewhere that I can then import it as an image as described here? I’m an idiot and very frustrated.

  • Great tutorial. If only it worked. Followed your instructions to the letter but even though I gave up on my own version of Word (2007) after fighting with this for hours, it didn’t even work downloading the form directly from the recommended website. Used clip art, as in this demo, but the Celtic Heart Knot design I chose simply would not allow text to wrap to the right of the picture. Too bad. These are great instructions if they worked in all cases, but I guess I’ll have to go with plain old boring text.