1984 KP61 Rally Project | Ep 10 [OFF THE RECORD]
![1984 KP61 Rally Project | Ep 10 [OFF THE RECORD] 1984 KP61 Rally Project | Ep 10 [OFF THE RECORD]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ug6TFAqTL10/hqdefault.jpg)
4AGE Black Top powered KP61 Starlet Rally Build..
While there isn’t much Barry Brandon (aka Brandon Barry) can’t do underwater, in this weeks Vlog he runs us through where he is at with his dry land built 1984 KP61 Toyota Starlet rally car. With most of the work so far being done to the rear of the car he gives us a quick rundown on the 4-link suspension and Watts linkage he has opted for in order to squeeze 15″ rims under the car which also required a lot of cutting and the fitment of wheel tubs to accomplish but all of this did allow for an extension of the wheelbase at the same time..
The power steering setup from a 2010 Toyota is discussed including the interesting point of how Toyota still uses the same spline making it an easy fit and why he as chosen to position his RaceTech RT4100HR seat so far back into the cabin. The position for the Life Racing D5 Dash is already good to go while the car waits for the front end to be finished and a Black Top 20 valve 4AGE to drop under the hood..
At this stage the 4AGE was chosen due to the aftermarket parts support helping keep costs down, the 1.6L capacity keeps the car in a class relative to the level of the build and they’re quite simply great engines..
An ECU hasn’t been sourced yet and there is a lot of wiring to be done down the line too, but it’s all starting to come together for Brandon and he’s looking forward to hitting some rally and Hillclimb events around New Zealand..
00:00 Intro.
00:25 Barry, Brandon, Brandon Barry.
00:43 1984 KP61 Starlet.
02:35 Shock and Turret Setup.
03:10 Wheelbase Extension.
03:30 4 Link Underside.
04:30 Watts Linkage.
06:20 Fusion360 Love.
07:20 Adding Strength.
08:30 4-Link Details.
10:00 No Spare? Confident Man.
10:30 Power Steering Etc.
12:00 Seat Position.
13:00 Pedal Box.
13:40 Life Racing D5 Dash Mount.
14:15 Next Episode.
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#4E #ПервыйАвто #королла
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Toyota Starlet EP71 Белорусский учет Новая тачка Глеба Lowdaily!

В этой серии мы уехали в Беларусь за новой тачкой для Глеба. Забираем машину и ставим ее на Белорусский учет! Ваше мнение о #Toyota #Starlet #EP71 оставляйте в комментах!
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Видео взято с канала: Lowdaily Старый канал.

Bulldozer Arts: https://vk.com/bulldozerarts.
В 3-ей серии проекта Стиль-Утиль мы продолжаем делать лук нашего ведёрка ещё более гоночным. Сначала попробуем навести хоть какую-то фитуху, а затем добавим пару гоночных аксессуаров..
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baker x phonk mindset.
Crank Lucas feat. Everybody from down South.
fushou. duntiyuh..
Green Piccolo OCB.
Видео взято с канала: Sick & Low
Restored Widebody Toyota Starlet (With TRD Race Motor!) is the Father/Son Project we Wish we Had

Maybe it’s just us, but we feel like the Toyota Starlet is really slept on. And every time we see one, we kinda fall in love. And this super clean example of one, with widebody work and TONS of period correct JDM details. AND a TRD race engine that was brought to the U.S. via suitcase. As far as KP61s go, this one is clean AND functional. Sick..
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Тойота Старлет Убийца Жигулей 2

Их было много, десятки, сотни. Все они были с правым рулём и неумолимым желанием побеждать. Но все пали под ответной атакой Жигулей и никто не устоял. До тех пор пока не появился он последний герой, призванный остановить ржавое восьмиклапанное нашествие. Встречайте убийцу Жигулей 2 Тойота Старлет.
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