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This video covers the method to install QT creator 5.9.5 on Ubuntu 18.04. Qt Creator is a cross-platform C++, JavaScript development environment for the Qt GUI application development framework.. For more explanation on this video: https://www.linuxhelp.com/how-to-install-qt-creator-5-9-5-on-ubuntu-18-04/
This video provides you with a walkthrough as to how you can install Qt Creator in your Ubuntu 18.04 desktop.. I will be uploading more videos on how to use this framework along with the new features added to it.. Download Link: https://www.qt.io/download-open-source?hsCtaTracking=9f6a2170-a938-42df-a8e2-a9f0b1d6cdce%7C6cb0de4f-9bb5-4778-ab02-bfb62735f3e5
Installing and Configuring QT Creator Ubuntu. Installing QT Creator. Installing Qt Windows Mac Linux. How to install and use the Qt SDK. How to install Qt SDK and Qt Creator. Qt4 tutorial for absolute beginners. How To Install Qt4 / Qt SDK Under Ubuntu