Урок 41-8. Google Groups форум. Как создать новую тему/вопрос на форуме.

Google Groups форум. Как создать новую тему/вопрос на форуме..
Это видео курса «Администратор блога на WordPress»..
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АВТОР ВИДЕО: Анфиса Бреус.
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Создательница клуба «Мастер WordPress»:
С 15 декабря 2011 года обучение в клубе прошли.
более 4000 пользователей сайтов на WordPress..
Сайт-визитка: https://AnfisaBreus.com.
Профессиональный блог: https://AnfisaBreus.ru.
Блог-личный дневник: https://FreelanceLifestyle.ru.
ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО И ЛЕГКО: https://ab-inspiration.com.
УСЛУГИ СПЕЦИАЛИСТОВ: https://WPplaza.ru.
Видео взято с канала: Анфиса Бреус
Урок 41-2. Google Groups форум. Как войти в сервис Google Groups. Как занести группу в приложение.

Google Groups форум. Как войти в сервис Google Groups. Как занести группу в приложение..
Это видео курса «Администратор блога на WordPress»..
Получить доступ к полному курсу по ссылке: https://wptraining.ru.
Клуб «Мастер WordPress» [прежнее название ТЦ «Вдохновение»].
АВТОР ВИДЕО: Анфиса Бреус.
разработчик программного обеспечения.
для сайтов на WordPress c 2007 года..
Создала и индивидуально настроила на заказ.
для клиентов более 500 сайтов на WordPress..
Создательница шаблона-конструктора «AB-Inspiration»:
Спикер и создательница курсов по WordPress:
Создательница клуба «Мастер WordPress»:
С 15 декабря 2011 года обучение в клубе прошли.
более 4000 пользователей сайтов на WordPress..
Сайт-визитка: https://AnfisaBreus.com.
Профессиональный блог: https://AnfisaBreus.ru.
Блог-личный дневник: https://FreelanceLifestyle.ru.
ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО И ЛЕГКО: https://ab-inspiration.com.
УСЛУГИ СПЕЦИАЛИСТОВ: https://WPplaza.ru.
Видео взято с канала: Анфиса Бреус
Google Groups Complete Overview 2020

Ever wondered what Google Groups is and how you can use it? In this video we look at the new and updated User Interface for Google Group sand why you should definitely consider using it for your Professional Learning Community!
0:00 Intro.
0:20 Where to find Google Groups.
0:40 What is Google Groups?
1:15 Create a new Group.
1:50 Permission for your Group (Privacy Settings).
3:55 Invite Members and message them.
4:50 The user interface.
5:05 Start a new conversation or discussion topic.
5:40 Interacting with conversations.
6:25 Change your group settings.
7:10 Find groups to join.
8:40 Summary.
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Видео взято с канала: Flipped Classroom Tutorials
How to create a Google group

How to create a Google group?
You can set uo Google group using your Google account. Google Group is an online community o which users can connect with one another and discuss a specific topic. Watch this simple video:).
LINK: https://groups.google.com/forum.
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Видео взято с канала: HowtoCreator
Как использовать сервис гугл группы (groups google) для оповещения партнеров Вашей команды.

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Видео взято с канала: Ольга Александрова
How to Create a Google Group

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Thanks again and never stop learning!!
-Tyler (aka Tarver Academy Math).
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Видео взято с канала: Tarver Academy
How to Create a Google Group

In this section, you learn how to:
3.1 Choose your group type.
3.2 Create your group and set basic permissions.
3.3 Invite members.
In my previous video we had learned how to Post Topics to Groups you can see that video here https://youtu.be/N22cUga_Q1o.
3.1 Choose your group type.
You can create any of several different types of groups, depending on the group’s purpose. The most common types of groups are email lists, web and Q&A forums, and collaborative inboxes..
Email list.
Email list groups are mailing lists. Create a new email address so anyone in your organization can send messages to everyone in your group at once..
Send messages, share files, including Google documents, sites, videos, and calendars, or invite group members to meetings..
Web forum.
Create a Group on a particular subject that anyone in your organization can join..
Online communities for people in your organization with similar interests, expertise, or work functions..
Q&A forum.
Product experts and savvy customers can help answer common questions about your product and mark the best answers to the web. Responses are archived as a knowledge base for other customers..
Online forum for customers to ask and answer questions about your products or services..
Collaborative inbox.
Members of a group can receive and respond to email requests using a common address, such as support@your_company.com. Assign incoming messages to group members, track status, categorize posts so they’re easy to find later, and more..
For teams that use email to process support tickets, sales inquiries, or other requests from colleagues or customers..
3.2 Create your group and set basic permissions.
Note: (For G Suite accounts) To find or create web forums within your organization that are not public, go to Groups and click My Groups and then Switch organization view to «yourdomain.com» before doing the following tasks..
After you know the type of group you want to create, you’re ready to create it..
On the Groups home window, click Create Group..
Fill out the information on the page, such as your group name, the group’s email address, and your group type..
Under Basic permissions, specify who can view topics, post messages, and join the group by assigning roles:
Member—Can post to the group..
Manager—Can post to the group. Can approve, add, or remove members..
Owner—Can create the group and add members. By default, the group’s creator is an owner, but you can add other owners, too..
Click Create..
Set up a group.
3.3 Invite members.
After creating your group, add people to it either by inviting them to join or adding them yourself..
On the Topics page, click Manage members..
Under Members, click Invite members to invite people to join, or click Direct add members to add them yourself..
Enter the email addresses..
Note: If you can’t add people outside your company, see your G Suite administrator..
Write an invitation message..
Click Send invites to invite new members, or Add to directly add members..
Select «manage members» to open a window to add or send invites to members.
Check out my next video on How to Collaborate with your team with Google Groups.
Видео взято с канала: Lee Sapara
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