Geek Tips #1 Как сделать постер

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Видео взято с канала: Евгений Ермоленко
Создание интерактивных плакатов в программе Microsoft PowerPoint

Рассматриваем структуру интерактивного плаката.
Интерактивный плакат – это мощный инструмент в работе преподавателя. Используя прием, описанный в этом видео, можно создать сколь угодно сложный по структуре интерактивный плакат..
Заказ сертификата участника мастер-класса.
Видео взято с канала: ИКТ педагогам
How to make an academic poster in powerpoint

In this video I show you a simple 8 step process for making an academic poster for a conference, specifically in PowerPoint..
Step 1 0:07 SIZE.
Step 2 1:21 CONTENT & LAYOUT.
Step 3 2:47 EXTRA CONTENT.
Step 4 6:10 IMAGES.
Step 5 7:17 FONT.
Step 6 9:18 COLORS.
Step 7 10:44 LINE UP.
Step 8 12:31 PDF.
#powerpointtutorials #powerpointtipsandtricks.
VIDEO INFO: The poster is related to my PhD research..
This video is part of a playlist: PowerPoint tutorials
How to edit a map in powerpoint
Making a diagram in powerpoint
Видео взято с канала: Karina Adcock
Create a Poster in Word

Learn how to create a poster in word using the example of this vintage 1970’s poster design. Simple shapes, colour match, colour swatch resources and text design. A simple 5 minute project which can be printed and framed for your wall, given as a gift or printed onto a greeting card..
Create a poster in Word.
Make a poster in Word.
Microsoft Word Tutorials.
Within all my tutorials I aim to help you develop your skills working within Word, Excel and Powerpoint as well as further your knowledge about the tools which are available within the Microsoft Office Software..
Throughout this channel I aim to cover simple subjects such as page numbers, margins, headers and footers, image, pictures and fonts as well as more advanced themes such as tables, mail merge, table of contents and electronic signatures..
Sharing tips and tricks which I discover along my journey is also an important aspect of this channel. I love the idea of giving people the solution to a problem they’ve been struggling with in Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint..
The channel began all because of a problem I had when I had to insert images into a Word Document. I couldn’t find a way to drag and drop multiple images into a table without them expanding across the page, being cropped or interfering with the rest of the text. It wasn’t until I finally sat down one day, determined to find the solution and developed a way to solve the problem. Having found the problem quite difficult to solve without knowing how to do it I decided to make a You Tube video about it. Never once believing that many people would watch it, let alone be so grateful..
After discovering how helpful a simple tutorial could be I decided to make further videos with the aim of once again helping as many people as possible..
Marketing literature, dissertation, thesis, college paper, reports, assignments, essays, articles, letters, invoices, presentations, school work, posters, flyers, cards, greeting cards, artwork, invitations, certificates, legal papers, etc.
Видео взято с канала: Lisa Doe
Как сделать плакат (постер) из А4 с помощью программы Posteriza

Как сделать плакат (постер) из А4
Видео взято с канала: PΛSSΛTIGI
Как сделать метрику для малыша в программе Microsoft Word

В этом видио я показываю как сделать метрику для малыша в программе Microsoft Word. Такой метод отлично подойдет для тех кто не умеет пользоваться программой.
Видео взято с канала: Anna Good
How to make a POSTER in Word | Microsoft Word Tutorials

how to make a poster in Word. From start to finish I show you how to use design tools, customize shapes, borders, colours and text..
Whether you want to design a poster, flyer or leaflet this video will give you the simple tools and instruction you need..
#makeaposterinword #designaposterinword #createaposterinword.
Microsoft Office 365
The above link is an affiliate link. If you click on it and purchase a product you will not pay a penny more but I will gain a small commission to help keep the lights on!!!
Want to know how to create a poster in microsoft word? Word now provides so many graphic options enabling you to design almost any theme or composition. This video shows you how to work with shapes, icons, images and text.
Don’t forget you can convert a PDF into a JPEG. This gives you options for designing projects that require you to upload a JPEG for printing..
Making a poster or flyer for your business can be a bit of a minefield, particularly if you haven’t done anything like it before. Often you don’t know where to start and believe that you have to call a professional. Well… don’t. This video will help you to start developing your business marketing material, even if it’s just a starting point without having to outlay any money..
If your business needs a quick flyer or poster and you can’t wait days or even weeks for someone to develop the design ideas, approve the designs and then export to print; this is a very simple and quick way to design one yourself within a very common, but powerful piece of software such as Microsoft Word. Having run a number of businesses myself I understand the initial costs of setting up a new business, particularly the marketing material. This video was put together to prove that you don’t need expensive software such as Photoshop or Illustrator to design a professional looking flyer. I’m amazed at the variety of creative options now available in Word particularly when you work with imported images as this gives you a whole world of possibilities..
Of course it’s not just flyers that can be developed in this way but business cards, brochures, t-shirt designs, mug designs, birthday invitations, wedding invitations, party invitations, save-the-date cards, headed notepaper, logos, thank you cards, wedding thank you cards, banners, artwork, mobile phone cases, tote bags, fabric designs, cross-stitch designs, you tube thumbnails (via PDF conversion), coasters, wallpaper. The options really are endless..
boxes. In this video.
; how to make a poster in word I demonstrate how to use the option menu with each design feature such as shadows, transparency, patterns and gradients. I also demonstrate how to use an image as a patterned background which further extends your design options. At the end of the video I also show you how to export the final design for printing..
I also forgot to mention this is a great way to create something for a facebook ad or and instagram ad without having to download expensive software or pay someone to make a bespoke advert. Facebook ads are being used more and more in an attempt to capture the attention of a focused audience. So much so my feed is saturated with them, so if it’s something you need to create for a product or service this is a really easy and creative way to do so. Once you have made the flyer you can simply create a JPEG by taking a screenshot and importing into one of your photo editing programmes. You can then save it as a JPEG and upload it to the various websites or social media sites. #microsoftword #designaposter #designaflyer #msword #word #makeaposter.
I will soon be making another video on how to make a poster in word that will be a completely different design. I love making the different designs and being creative and I have so many deign ideas. Some for the more professional workplace, some for children’s activities, food, cooking, baking, sports, hobbies, events, parties, charity events, lost pets, fund raising, dog grooming, art classes, fitness classes, health and wellbeing, builders, plasterers, gardeners, tree surgeons, electricians, fairs, fayres, firework display, handyman, music teacher, tutor, education, hairdressing, car repairs, caterers, the list is endless..
poster colorful.
design posters.
poster inspiration.
brochure design.
posters design ideas.
brochure graphic design.
graphic design flyer.
graphic design posters.
creative poster.
graphic design projects.
poster layouts.
poster graphic design
Видео взято с канала: Lisa Doe
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