IWHBYD Skull Halo 2 (Fast Route) ClearlyMe

ISHBYD Skull Halo 2 (Fast Route) ClearlyMe.
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Halo: The Master Chief Collection Skulltaker Halo 3: IWHBYD

Skulltaker Halo 3: IWHBYD Halo 3: Find and claim the IWHBYD Skull on Normal or harder..
Witch Doctor Halo 3: Find and claim all Skulls in Halo 3..
Throne of Bones Find and claim all the campaign skulls in Halo:CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3..
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Halo 3 Skull: IWHBYD

Located on: The Covenant.
Must be playing on Normal or higher difficulty. Must start the level from the beginning, not a rally point..
This skull (along with getting the rest of the skulls) will not only give you access to the Hayabusa Helmet, you will also get to hear different dialog throughout the game from many characters.
Видео взято с канала: Joe H.
Halo 3 Skulls IWHBYD | WikiGameGuides

NextGenWalkthroughs.com presents: Halo 3 Skull Locations!
This is the IWHBYD skull (I Would Have Been Your Daddy), on the level The Covenant..
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Halo 3 All Skulls Locations Guide Witch Doctor Achievement

Halo 3 All Skulls Locations Guide Witch Doctor Achievement Halo 3: Find and claim all Skulls in Halo 3..
NOTE: Skulls only available on Normal of higher difficulty..
Halo MCC Playlist:
Support Maka91Productions on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/maka91productions.
[0:09] Skull: Iron Mission: Sierra 117.
[0:34] Skull: Blind Mission: Sierra 117.
[1:27] Skull: Black Eye Mission: Crow’s Nest.
[1:54] Skull: Grunt Birthday Party Mission: Crow’s Nest.
[2:33] Skull: Tough Luck Mission: Tsavo Highway.
[3:24] Skull: Catch Mission: The Storm.
[4:02] Skull: Fog Mission: Floodgate.
[4:42] Skull: Famine Mission: The Ark.
[5:40] Skull: Cowbell Mission: The Ark (Grav Lift Required).
[6:27] Skull: Thunderstorm Mission: The Covenant.
[7:19] Skull: IWHBYD Mission: The Covenant.
[8:38] Skull: Tilt Mission: Cortana.
[9:20] Skull: Mythic Mission: Halo
Видео взято с канала: Maka91Productions
Halo 3 IWHBYD skull guide

To clarify a few things:
1. You must start the level FROM THE BEGINNING on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary difficulty, OR THE SKULL WILL NOT APPEAR!
2. DO NOT touch the rings. This may cause the skull to not appear..
3. Jump through the rings AFTER the cut scene with truth and AFTER fighting the flood. DO NOT TOUCH THE RINGS!
4. Jump COMPLETELY through the rings in this order: 4 6 5 4 5 3 4.
5. The skull should now appear on the bridge..
6. Finish the level! It only takes about 30 seconds from this point to get to the end..
Thanks for watching, and good luck!
Видео взято с канала: seejaylaugh
Halo 3 IWHBYD Skull Walkthrough Achievement Guide How to find iwhbyd skull

Halo 3 IWHBYD Skull Walkthrough Skulltaker Achievement Guide How to find iwhbyd skull (Schädel) Masterchief Collection.
Mission: The Covenant (works in co-op as well).
Difficulty: Normal or higher.
Mission has to be started from the beginnning..
||||||||||||||||||||| DESCRIPTION |||||||||||||||||||||.
The IWHBYD Skull will be at the very end of the mission «The Covenant». When you first come to the room ignore the 7 rings and fight your way to the end where you have to extend the bridge. This will trigger a cutscene and you will have to fight your way back. Once you are back at the beginning of the room you will have to jump through the rings in a specific order..
The rings are numbered from 1-7, starting at the beginning all the way back to where you extended the bridge..
Always jump through the rings facing the extended bridge. If you make a mistake you can simply start at the first ring which is 4..
ORDER: 4 6 5 4 5 3 4.
Long Version:
If the short combination doesn’t work you will have to try this sequence. (Could be necessary in co-op but i’m not entirely sure).
4 5 6 5 7 6 5 4 1 2 3 2 7 2 1 3 4 6 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 4.
Thanks to Breadly Weapon, Pokutescurse and shelbygt5252 for the heads up and confirmation of the long sequence:).
If you did it correctly the rings will light up and you can collect the skull at the extended bridge…
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It helps the Channel a lot and it’s also fun for me to talk to you guys and hear what you think about the Game, Trophies, Achievements and my Guides.:)..
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