Hey guys, and welcome back to another osrs fact video. Today I will be going over another 10 interesting facts on oldschool runescape. Its pretty crazy that this is like my 9th episode, yet I am still learning things about this game.. H8 Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBpnj7XYU3u3SF7_t3K6Ktg. Runescape is well known for having hidden easter eggs and small mechanics. Throughout the last few months I have been compiling everyone’s discoveries. So here are 10 interesting facts hidden in oldschool runescape.. Thanks for Watching! Flipping Discord. https://discord.gg/ZUNVkhV. Grand Exchange Tracker. https://www.ge-tracker.com/?ref=flippingoldschool. Support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/flippingoldschool. Clan Chat: \»FlippingOSRS\». Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlippingOSRS. — Thank you to my Youtube members! Spencer Sullivan. Swapfiets. Alex Bisson. — Mirza. Herieman. EarthPodcast. Tyler Mccutcheon. Decsjr. Faerell 2000. All Day Ray. Michael
This is every episode of my Plain 2 Main series bundled into 1 for your viewing pleasure! Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EVScapeOfficial. COP THE MERCH: https://evscape.merchforall.com/. SECOND CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/2IQzzKZ. Subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/uD4h8a. Follow me on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/evscape. Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/34xfRp9
Hey guys, and welcome back to another runescape history video. Today I have a three different stories from the last 20 years of runescape. These didn’t quite make enough content for a single video, so I’m including all three in one.. Now first up here I want to talk about an interesting \»currency\» players collected for breaking the rules. These were called black marks, and were meant to enforce rule breaking. However players started to compete to see who could collect the most before getting banned. I also am going to be talking about the time when runescape had captcha codes.. Previous Runescape History Video. https://youtu.be/aEhvejhJP2Q. Music Used. https://soundcloud.com/user-758259680?fbclid=IwAR0DH10dF0A5UXKq0ytoZkpdmkfhSP7M6fkDs5USkl-jd2VC2iAyTDT4dQk. 0:00 — Black Marks Currency. 3:31 — Replay Quests with Erasmus. 5:59 — Captcha Codes in Runescape Classic. Thanks for Watching! — Flipping Discord. https://discord.gg/ZUNVkhV. Grand Exchange Tracker. https://www.ge-tracker.com/?ref=flippingoldschool. Support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/flippingoldschool. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/flippingoldschool. Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlippingOSRS. — Thank you to my Youtube members! Michael. All Day Ray. Faerell 2000. Tyler Mccutcheon. EarthPodcast. — Mirza. Herieman. Spencer Sullivan. Swapfiets. Alex Bisson. Vasil Cholakov. CrimmyHD. Heathenlok Games. Chelsea Main. William Corley. Andrew Nicol. Doubletalk. Brandton Graffin. Nathan Ashworth
Pking at the Wilderness Altar and I stumbled into multi…. Twitter — https://twitter.com/mintmadcow. Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/MintMadCow. — ► Support the Content and get some Merch! Buy Shirts Here — https://mintmadcow.com. • Snapchat — Cow_San. — #OSRS #Pking #Runescape
The Mint Mad Cow Marathon Starts day 2! Daily Runescape Pk Uploads to attempt to hit my goal of 100k subs, hope you guys have prepared your cheeks…. Twitter — https://twitter.com/mintmadcow. Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/MintMadCow. — ► Support the Content and get some Merch! Buy Shirts Here — https://mintmadcow.com. • Snapchat — Cow_San. — #OSRS #Pking #Runescape