Here are some of my personal tips on how to write a decent fanfic. I’m not claiming that I’m a good writer myself, but as a reader and a writer, I do have some things that might be useful to those of you who are looking for some fanfiction tips. Hopefully you’ll find these helpful or at least entertaining for you to watch! ༄ Mary-sue Test ༄.…. ---- ✿ FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ✿. 1. How old are you? As old as you want me to be ٩(*ゝڡ◕๑)۶♥. 2. Where are you from / What’s your nationality? Indonesia / Indonesian. 3. Why do you own so many wigs? I’m a cosplayer. 4. How come you never blink? It’s a habit of mine that often makes people uncomfortable (ᗒᗊᗕ). I do blink though. It’s just rarely caught on camera haha.. 5. How’s your boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio doing? He’s fine! Thank you for asking! (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ). ---- ✿ Want to send me some letters? Here’s my PO BOX! ✿. RafiRaffee. PO BOX 8003 JKSTB. JAKARTA 12810A. INDONESIA. ---- ༄ Watch all of my videos! ༄. ♡ RafiRaffee Marathon: ---- ༄ What I use ༄. Camera: Nikon D5100. Video Editor: Final Cut Pro X. ---- ༄ Where else to find me ༄. ♡ Website: ♡ Twitter: ♡ Facebook: ♡ Instagram: ♡ Soundcloud: ---- ༄ Help me translate this video༄.…. ----
~My video actually has AUDIO which means MY VOICE unlike other fiction help videos out there so no need to read! Just sit back and listen (: ~ WATCH IN HD PLEASE!! Another video in the line of Fanfiction/Fictionpress videos I’ve been doing. This one will show you how to upload (again) and publish a CHAPTER into your story. This also shows you a new way to write your stories down. Instead of uploading a document to Doc manager you can just write what you want on the site (if you have internet access at the time) and then save or publish the new chapter/story.. Sorry for the nasal sounds, rambling, and me saying \»anyways\» all the time…I can’t help it lol ^-^’.. Link to original video on how to upload and manage your stories: Video response added to this video to correspond with the original video and vise verse.
How to easily edit an already-published chapter in a story on, without having to re-upload the entire edited document. Feel free to ask questions in the comments! Rachel Smith Cobleigh has more than two decades of experience publishing fanfiction, and her work can be found at: This video is not officially affiliated with or any of its employees.
How to (1) upload a new story to, (2) edit it for readability, (3) give it a cover image, and (4) make it available for anyone to read. Feel free to ask questions in the comments! Rachel Smith Cobleigh has more than two decades of experience publishing fanfiction, and her work can be found at: This video is not officially affiliated with or any of its employees.
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