Kingdom Hearts 3 All 7 Orichalcum+ Locations (How To Get All Orichalcum+)

How to get each of the 7 Orichalcum+ in Kingdom Hearts 3..
1Chest on Exile Island (Caribbean World)..
2Chest in The Final World (Use the Red Battlegate in the Keyblade Graveyard)..
3Get the High-Score on all Flantastic 7 minigames..
4Photograph 80 Lucky Emblems..
5(Random)Reward for sending a Postcard at Twilight Town..
6Collect all 10 Treasures in the Frozen Slider minigame..
7Defeat Omega Machine..
All Flan Locations:
How To Fight Omega:
Видео взято с канала: Gamer Guru
KINGDOM HEARTS 2 orichalcum

KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 +2.5 ReMIX.!/pt-br/tid=CUSA05933_00
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Kingdom Hearts II Ultima Weapon & Orichalcum+ Guide

A couple people wanted me to make a guide for getting all 7 Orichalcum+s for Ultima Weapon. So I decided to make one. After finishing it in like 15 minutes, it felt too small. So I made it an Ultima Weapon guide for getting all the items needed to Synth it. It’s not a Synthing guide though, so it assumes you know the basics, such as leveling up a Moogle. It’s mostly text with a few pictures. Some of the wording may seem a bit funny, but it’s only because of the character limit per screen (damn you Windows Movie Maker!)..
Of course, I didn’t gather all this information myself. Thanks mostly to GameFAQs for providing all the useful information. Here are the specific user credits:
gotryce22 For creating a very informational Sticky Topic on the Kingdom Hearts II board for all common questions, some of which were used in this guide.
UltimaterializerX For his VERY specific Synthing guide that can help you Synth everything in just a few hours. He’s the one who mentions the Lucky Lucky 7 Setup along with Bulky Vendor information.
I’m 99% sure everything is correct in the video. If not, please point it out, I can always edit and re-upload the video if need be..
Oh, and if you know who did this song or what video game it’s from before you see the credits, be proud, you’re an old school gamer. ;D.
TWTNW = The World that Never Was, before anyone asks..
I may update the description with more info if I get too many of the same questions..
All 7 Orichalcum+:
1. Finish Atlantica..
2. Finish 100 Acre Wood..
3. Chest on the Brink of Despair in The World That Never Was..
4. Clear the Goddess of Destiny Cup in Olympus Coliseum..
5. Chest in Sunset Terrace in Twilight Town..
6. Chest In Central Computer Area on Space Paranoids..
7. Collect all Synthesis Materials and go to the Synthesis Shop..
Ultima Weapon Ingredients:
13 Orichalcum+ (7 with Energy Crystal).
1 Orichalcum.
1 Mythril Crystal.
1 Dense Crystal.
1 Twilight Crystal.
7 Serenity Crystal (4 with Energy Crystal).
Bulky Vendor Locations:
Land of Dragons: Checkpoint.
Beast’s Castle: West Hall.
Olympus: Cave of the Dead Entrace.
Agrabah: Bazaar.
Halloween Town: Candy Cane Lane
Видео взято с канала: Bizkit047
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX How To Get The Ultima Weapon Keyblade COMPLETE GUIDE (KH2 FM)

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX How To Get The Ultima Weapon Keyblade COMPLETE GUIDE (KH2 FM).
Hey everybody! So in today’s video I’ll show you what items you’ll need to synthesize the «Ultima Weapon Keyblade». First thing you’ll need is the Ultima Weapon Keyblade recipe, which is located in Twilight Town in the Old Mansion’s basement. A detailed list of the synthesizing items you’ll need is listed below..
* 02:07 Dense Gems & Dense Crystals.
Dropped by: Samurai & Berserkers.
Location: The World That Never Was.
* 02:26 Twilight Crystals.
Dropped by: Sorcerers.
Location: The World That Never Was & Cavern of Remembrance.
* 02:38 Twilight Gems.
Dropped by: Assassins.
Location: The World That Never Was.
* 02:46 Serenity Stones.
Dropped by: Crimson Jazz.
Location: Radiant Garden & Beast’s Castle.
* 02:56 Energy Crystals.
Dropped by: Bookmasters.
Location: Radiant Garden & Space Paranoids.
* 03:06 Tranquility Crystals.
Dropped by: Mushroom XIII (Complete.
Location: Radiant Garden, Land Of Dragons, Beast’s Castle,.
Olympus Coliseum Underworld, Timeless River, Twilight Town, Port Royal, Agrabah, Halloween Town, The World That Never Was, Yen Sid’s Tower.
* 04:46 Remembrance Crystals.
Dropped by: Reckless.
Location: Cavern Of Remembrance.
* 05:12 Bright Crystals.
Dropped by: Air Pirates.
Location: Land Of Dragons.
* 05:26 Radiant Garden.
Space Paranoids After getting off the solar sailer at the «Central Computer Core», this Orichalcum+ will be in the first chest to your left..
* 06:00 Twilight Town.
Sunset Terrace After getting off the train head down the stairs. Go to the left and at the first building on your right, use high jump and aerial doge to get to the roof top. Also you can use your reaction command when near the tram to hop on top of it, then jump from there onto the roof to get to the chest that contains the Orichalcum+..
* 06:50 The World That Never Was.
The Brink Of Despair Before crossing the bridge that leads to the Organization’s Castle, look to the left for a little section of road that will have the chest containing the Orichalcum+..
* 07:16 Atlantica.
A New Day Is Dawning After completing the last mini game for this world you will receive another Orichalcum+..
* 08:30 Olympus Coliseum.
Underworld Coliseum After fighting your way to the last round of «The Goddess Of Fate Cup» and defeating Hades you get your next Orichalcum+..
* 09:03 100 Acre Woods.
Stary Hill After retrieving all five of the torn pages for the book and completing the first four mini games, you will unlock the «Starry Hill» section. In this mini game you will have to help Winnie The Pooh get the honey pot off of his head and once you achieve this you will get the Orichalcum+ for this world..
* 09:57 Now for the last Orichalcum+ you will need to get one of each synthesis item in the game. There are 60 different items total and once you find them all, the moogle will then hand over your last Orichalcum+..
Any question leave them in the comment section. I hope this helps and thanks for watching.
Видео взято с канала: Tru-Man Tech Gaming
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX COMPLETE GUIDE: Ultima Weapon / Item Synthesis / FM Materials (KH2 FM)

I worked harder than necessary on this, so I hope some of you find it helpful!.
1. Chest in Space Paranoids (2:07).
2. Chest in Twilight Town (2:16).
3. Chest in The World That Never Was (2:24).
4. Atlantica (2:34).
5. Hundred Acre Wood (2:58).
6. Goddess of Fate Cup (3:49).
7. Collect 1 of Every Material (4:33).
Material List: (6:14).
Synthesizing the weapon: (15:53).
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This is my HD 1080p Let’s Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX for the PlayStation 3. In this let’s play I will fully cover the HD remastered English version of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, now for the first time officially released worldwide. I am doing this Let’s Play on the hardest difficulty the game has to offer, CRITICAL MODE.
Видео взято с канала: Soraalam1
Kingdom Hearts II Ultima Weapon & Orichalcum+ Guide

Link For Which Enemies Drop Which Item:.
Kingdom Hearts 2 Ultima Weapon Guide.
Kingdom Hearts II Ultima Weapon Orichalcum+ Orichalcum Guide Lucky Setup Bulky Vendor
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localização 7 orichalcum + kingdom hearts 2 final mix

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