Why GoodReads is Bad for Books

There are a lot of frustrations readers have with GoodReads and I only use it minimally. Here I respond to an article which suggests GoodReads might be dead and it’s time for a new online platform for readers! Click ‘Show More’ for info..
New Statesman article by Sarah Manavis: https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/social-media/2020/08/better-goodreads-possible-bad-for-books-storygraph-amazon.
The StoryGraph: https://beta.thestorygraph.com.
Get in touch.
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Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/hfkkhus.
Goodreads: http://tinyurl.com/h8uus5t.
LetterBoxd: https://letterboxd.com/lonesomereader/.
Email: lonesomereader@gmail.com
Видео взято с канала: Eric Karl Anderson
Goodreads Stalker gets a Book Deal

With the news of a new book that’s coming out soon, I thought it would be appropriate to raise a bookish controversy from the dead..
(Open Me).
My Books: http://bit.ly/2plnja9.
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2FBGWmb.
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2EXpVpn.
Goodreads: https://goo.gl/7MYvEY.
Instragram: http://bit.ly/2Cq3jMr.
Email: cam.wolfe@wolfshotpublishing.com.
(Please don’t ask me to read/review your unsolicited work. I’m sorry, I get about 10 emails a week asking me to do this.).
Music from soundtrackuniverse.com.
#kathleenhale #goodreads #booktube
Видео взято с канала: Page Nomad
Get more book sales from Goodreads DO THIS!

One of Goodread’s most powerful tools for authors is their purchase buttons that are front and center on each book profile page. But often those links go to general retailer search pages and not to the book’s sales page. This video will show you how to fix that issue..
Covered in this video:
a live example of a lost sale.
how to quickly fix this issue.
different ways your sales could be affected by this.
Watch this video if:
Goodreads Amazon link points to the wrong place.
Goodreads retailer links don’t work.
Want more help with Goodreads? Check out my channel (and subscribe!) or consider my How to Market Your Novel course, which has an entire section on Goodreads marketing and promotion!.
My channel: goo.gl/kY5oEg.
My course: goo.gl/AWckV5.
About Alessandra:.
Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of eighteen novels. Her books focus on romance and suspense. Torre has been featured in such publications as Elle and Elle UK, Dirty Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy, as well as guest blogged for the Huffington Post and RT Book Reviews. She is also the Bedroom Blogger for Cosmopolitan.com. Two of her books have been optioned for film, and her books have been translated in eight different languages, in over twenty countries. Alessandra is a self-publishing advocate and speaks frequently to universities, conventions and author groups. She has online classes available and has built a community of over 9,000 aspiring and published authors through Alessandra Torre Ink.
Видео взято с канала: Alessandra Torre
How to Add a Book to Goodreads | Authortube (Writing Advice)

Hey Guys! Today’s video is a tutorial on how to add books to Goodreads which you’ll have to do to get your author badge. This is a walk through, so I’ll do everything in browser as demonstration. If you have any requests for Goodreads topics you want me to cover, let me know in the comments! Next episode will be how to get your author badge and access to the author dashboard..
For more videos on using Goodreads, check out the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa7kNT8drSDT0CKjCsXEl0AaMWJtKB8jM.
Or the individual videos.
How to add a title to Goodreads: https://youtu.be/ktmcC6TJg8M.
How to get become a Goodreads author: https://youtu.be/XWO3hMpRWwI.
Tour of the Goodreads author dashboard: https://youtu.be/YS_5ONOx_dw.
Self-serve advertising on Goodreads: https://youtu.be/OEI2aUNIbSI.
How to run goodreads giveaways (2019 version): https://youtu.be/iFr5Nn8nlfM.
Are Goodreads giveaways worth the money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovo3xAKN7LE.
***Join the Kitten Coalition***.
***Featured Cloud Kittens***.
Courtney Levet.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnkETrjb2RjfMwqFKBPQksQ.
Twitter: @CourteneyWrites.
Jennifer T. Jarrett.
Twitter: @JennTJarrett.
***Aletheia is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook***.
Signed copies: https://www.megantennant.com/shop.
Amazon: http://bit.ly/buyaletheia.
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/BNAletheia.
More External Retailers: https://megantennant.com/external-retailers.
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/grAletheia.
***Products used and recommended (contains affiliate links)***.
Indie book lists: https://megantennant.com/indie-book-lists.
Our Amazon shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/cloudkittenchronicles.
Production Crate: https://productioncrate.grsm.io/cloudkittenchronicles.
***Social Media***.
Website: https://MeganTennant.com.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Megan_Tennant.
Josh’s Twitter: https://Twitter.com/Tail_Tied.
Bookstagram: https://instagram.com/_megan_tennant.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/meganitennant/
Видео взято с канала: Cloud Kitten Chronicles
How to Set Up Your GoodReads Account (The Right Way)

Setting up your Goodreads account the proper way will, in the long run, help you with your book sales. So in this video, I will show you a step by step process on how you can set up your Goodreads account to not only use it as a great social media platform in selling your book. But also making sure you don’t get into issues with Amazon removing your comments..
Check out my Resources: http://kindlepreneur.com/resources.
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Kindlepreneur
Видео взято с канала: Kindlepreneur
How to become a Goodreads Author and Add A Book

Goodreads is… a hot mess. And figuring out how to get your author badge, and add a book can be a complicated process to say the least. In this Goodreads tutorial I’ll show you how to add your title, and get that writer badge on your profile so readers can find you and your book. I’ve also made a few other Goodreads guides, which you can find below..
***Related Videos***.
How to add a title to Goodreads: https://youtu.be/ktmcC6TJg8M.
How to get become a Goodreads author: https://youtu.be/XWO3hMpRWwI.
Tour of the Goodreads author dashboard: https://youtu.be/YS_5ONOx_dw.
Self-serve advertising on Goodreads: https://youtu.be/OEI2aUNIbSI.
How to run Goodreads giveaways (2019 version): https://youtu.be/iFr5Nn8nlfM.
Are Goodreads giveaways worth the money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovo3xAKN7LE.
*******Aletheia is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook*******.
Barnes and Noble:.
Signed copies: https://www.CloudKittenMarket.com.
You can also find Aletheia on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34746355-aletheia?ac=1&from_search=true.
*******Social Media*******.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Megan_Tennant.
Bookstagram: https://instagram.com/_megan_tennant.
Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/MeganITennant.
Видео взято с канала: Cloud Kitten Chronicles
How to Manually Add Your Book to Goodreads

In this video, I show you how to manually add your books to Goodreads, a social media for readers. I recommend doing this so your reviewers can post reviews to Amazon, other retailers, AND Goodreads..
Here is the direct link to add a new book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/new
Видео взято с канала: Training Authors
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