Импорт изображений и помещение их во фреймы в Adobe InDesign

Скачать Adobe InDesign: https://stylingsoft.com/graficheskij-redaktor/adobe-indesign.
Уроки Adobe InDesign: https://stylingsoft.com/graficheskij-redaktor/adobe-indesign/uroki-adobe-indesign.
Видео уроки Adobe InDesign: https://stylingsoft.com/graficheskij-redaktor/adobe-indesign/video-uroki-adobe-indesign
Видео взято с канала: Evgen Evgen
How to Insert an Image | InDesign Tutorial

In this InDesign tutorial, learn how to insert and place an image. I also show you more about frames, cropping, and resizing images..
Want to learn InDesign? Take this free course from Paper + Oats: https://www.theindesignfieldguide.com/webinar-youtube-spencer.
Oh, and go sub to Kelsey’s channel too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_pDr981kfbR0wle9BUCiA.
Free Illustrator Course: http://skl.sh/2z0MViZ.
Free Photoshop Course: http://skl.sh/2jbp4V4..
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RFclipart: https://rfclipart.com/.
Use the promo-code PIXELBRACKET to get a 10% discount. Discount is valid until December 31, 2019…
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«5 Min Call» by LAKEY INSPIRED.
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«ballet» by Ryan Little.
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Видео взято с канала: Pixel & Bracket
InDesign How-To: Insert Photos and Images (Video Tutorial)

Like many things in InDesign, there are lots of options when importing an image or other graphic into a file. Erica Gamet shows you how easy it is to insert a photo and what some of those options are..
New tutorials every other Tuesday!
Subscribe to InDesign Magazine now at https://indesignsecrets.com/subscribe/oneyear.
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::CreativePro Week: Where Creatives Become CreativePros::
CreativePro Week is the world’s best HOW-TO conference for creative professionals who design, create, or edit in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Featuring 80+ amazing sessions from 40+ world-class expert speakers, you’ll learn techniques and best practices you can start using immediately to improve your productivity..
Raise your skillset to the next level. Learn more at https://Creativeproweek.com.
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Видео взято с канала: InDesignSecrets
Мини-курс «InDesign для новичков». Урок 2 Работа с изображениями в Adobe InDesign

Это второй урок из мини-курса по программе Adobe InDesign. В этом мини-курсе вы познакомитесь с программой Adobe InDesign, познакомитесь с основными инструментами и освоите базовые навыки работы в этой программе..
Автор: Алина Родионова (http://a-2-o.ru/).
Урок 2 из 5.
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Видео взято с канала: VideoSmile
Как вставить и смасштабировать фото в Indesign

Быстрый способ вставки и масштабирования фотографии в Indesign
Видео взято с канала: Алеx
Placing and Formatting Images in InDesign Tutorial

Enroll in our new, 13-hour Adobe InDesign Complete Course: https://www.udemy.com/complete-adobe-indesign-course/?couponCode=YOUTUBELAUNCH and design a poster, lookbook, annual report, and more. Also, learn InDesign essentials and editorial design (specifically, magazine design and brochure design) in this online course by university professor and former magazine editor: https://www.udemy.com/indesign-course/?couponCode=YOUTUBE10.
Create magazines, brochures, and more in InDesign!
Learn InDesign, the world’s industry-standard publication layout program, to create flyers, posters, advertisements, and online magazines. Create magazines to share online or sell online through Apple. Create books to sell on Amazon. There are so many possibilities!
Learn InDesign from Chad Neuman, Ph.D., who has the relevant experience in the field:
-Managing editor at two graphic design magazines.
-Advertising layout specialist and webmaster at a regional newspaper.
-Internet development director at an advertising design firm.
-Freelance graphic designer for 20 years.
-Current full-time university professor.
and relevant education:
-BA in Communication.
-MA in Journalism and Media Studies.
-PhD in Communication.
Enroll now and learn how to.
-place and format text in InDesign.
-place and format images in InDesign.
-add character and paragraph styles in InDesign.
-flow text across pages on along a path in InDesign.
-use libraries and snippets in InDesign.
-apply color themes in InDesign.
-draw and adjust shapes in InDesign.
-add custom corners in InDesign.
-work with layers in InDesign to select objects.
-apply master pages in InDesign.
-package, save, export, and print files in InDesign.
-apply editorial design principles such as proximity, alignment, contrast, and repetition in magazines and brochures.
-design and produce a professional magazine in InDesign.
-design and produce a professional brochure in InDesign.
-do much more in InDesign.
Enroll to get access to exclusive lessons and follow-along tutorials as well as helpful, printable PDF handouts and discussion board access for peer critiques and feedback. Let’s get started creating and designing in InDesign!
Видео взято с канала: Good Creative Academy
Индизайн как вставить картинку в текст или фрейм

Урок Индизайн — как вставить картинку в текст или фрейм. Учимся делать сложный фрейм и вставляем в него картинку. А еще учимся вставлять картинку в текст..
Осознанный Курс InDesign: https://www.granich.ru.
Лучшие работы (изучайте, лайкайте): https://www.behance.net/granich.
VK (добавляйтесь, пишите): https://vk.com/vadim_granich.
Веду блог, для удобства дублирую на 4 площадки:
1 — Основной паблик: https://vk.com/granichvk.
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Видео взято с канала: Granich
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