ScrabbleHow to Play
One of our all time favourite Christmas games..
Prease pless like for Paul’s continuing inability to talk. And the fact that it’s nearly Christmas! May your stocking be packed with board games galore..
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How to Play Scrabble
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In Scrabble, players earn points by constructing words with letter tiles and placing them on a grid. Each letter has a different point value, there are 100 letter tiles, and only one letter tile can fit in a grid space..
Step 1: Draw seven letter tiles.
Have each player remove one tile out of the tile bag. The player that gets the letter closest to the letter «A» goes first. Each player then draws seven tiles from the tile bag..
The first player begins the game by placing a word on the star square at the center of the board, either horizontally or vertically. This star acts as a double-word score..
Step 2: Score each word.
Tally each word score by adding point values for each letter in the word. Point values range from 0 points for a blank tile to 10 points for the letters «Q» and «Z.» Use a paper and a pen to keep track of the word scores for each player..
Some squares on the board allow you to multiply the tile’s value by two or three..
Step 3: Continue play.
Continue playing in a counterclockwise direction around the board. During each turn, a player can decide to place a word on the board, exchange tiles, or pass..
If a player decides to exchange tiles, replace them with an equivalent number from the tile bag. If they choose this option, they cannot do anything else on that turn..
Step 4: Choose new tiles.
After placing a word on the board, draw an equal number of new tiles from the tile bag so that each player always has seven tiles..
Step 5: Continue until game ends.
Continue playing. All letters played must touch at least one letter that is already on the board to form at least one complete word. When one player has used all of their tiles or no one can make any more words, the game ends..
If a player uses all seven of their tiles in one turn, they add a 50-point bonus to their word score..
Step 6: Challenge words.
Consult a dictionary only if you’re challenging another player’s word. If the word isn’t in the dictionary, the player loses their turn. If the word is allowed, the challenger loses their turn..
Step 7: Calculate the scores.
Calculate each player’s final score by adding up the points from all of their word scores. Then, subtract the sum of their unplayed letters. If one player has used up all of their letters, add the sum of everyone else’s unplayed letters to their score. The player with the highest score wins..
Did You Know?
Invented in the 1930s, Scrabble did not achieve widespread popularity until the early 1950s when, according to legend, the president of Macy’s played the game on vacation, and then ordered it for his store.
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Играем в крутую настольную игру #Scrabble..
Очень увлекательная #настольнаяигра для детей и взрослых. Основная цель игры складывать слова из букв и собрать больше очков..
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Игра заключается в составлении слов на игровом поле по принципу кроссворда. При этом каждая буква обладает определенной ценностью по очкам, а цветные клетки поля удваивают или утраивают очки буквы или всего составленного слова. Ваша цель набрать максимум очков.
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Обзор Scrabble (Скрабл, или даже Скрэббл) стал самым сложным в производстве роликом на моем канале..
Это не значит, что он получился идеальным, но надеюсь вы оцените мой труд..
В течение 3-х месяцев я понемногу снимал, писал сценарий, искал информацию и материалы, монтировал..
Думаю, что в будущем ничего подобного больше не выйдет. Предпочитаю, чтобы мои видео были пусть и информативными, но легче по формату и восприятию. Чтобы в них не использовались вставки из чужих роликов и чужие фотографии..
Но я хотел, чтобы в этом обзоре было именно столько информации. Поэтому, считаю этот эксперимент удачным..
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#coldfield, #настольнаяигра, #boardgame, #desktopgame, #скрабл, #scrabble
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Скрабл. Обзор настольной игры от Игроведа
Составлять кроссворды порой даже интереснее, чем разгадывать 😉 Возьмите набор букв и создайте из него слово!
Подробнее про игру Скрабл:
Все игры серии Скрабл:
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