Вопрос: Как загрузить скин в Mineshafter?


How To Get AND Fix Your Mineshafter Skin! [2015] (READ DESCRIPTON)

Видео взято с канала: Unknown



Видео взято с канала: Nikitos Play


Как изменить свою кожу В Mineshafter

Видео взято с канала: ImpulsElectro7xp


как сделать скины и поставить скин на mineshafter

Видео взято с канала: Rakhat Painman


Как получить Minecraft и как поставить скин на Mineshafter На сайте Mineshafter

Видео взято с канала: FraiGames


как изменить вашу кожу в mineshafter EASY

Видео взято с канала: lela8460 lela8460


How to change SKIN in MINESHAFTER (with) CAPE

Видео взято с канала: HeroBraine Minecraft

7 комментариев

  • from 2014 or 2015 (i forgot xD) month 6 or 5 minecraft data base url was changed that means that any web sites and mc cracked launcher, skins wont work with out the right link to minecraft website/database skins it’s kinda complicated to tell… Idk how they hack in to minecraft website and make skins work lol but minecraft changes the link r.i.p mineshafter i think thats why they left for 3 years with out 1 update! xD

  • Пишу чесно делала все обсалютно то что и ты прям ставила на паузу и делала и у меня получилось, спасибо тебе огромное я сохранила видео в тайном плей листе, ещё раз спасибо.

    Если чесно я у за многими делала и не чего не получялось, а сяс получилось, спасибо трилиард раз!!!

  • hey there, umm it is still not working, and i did the steps correctly, but i also read the note given down below… but before the note, there is another option and that is character mode
    it says steve or alex and we have to choose
    how to over come this problem? any suggestions please?

  • even using the correct code, i highly doubt it’s gonna fix anything, just think about it: it was born as a shitty joke to fuck people’s pc. and by the way this dude didn’t correct the code until 4 weeks ago… his pc is not blowin up cause that’s not windows…

  • I have a problem. I’ve updated to 1.9, but my skins wont show up. Whenever I log into my server, I either see Steves or Alexs (this includes me) I tried going back to 1.8.9 and my skins worked fine. The problem seems to be when I update to 1.9. My sound also turns off when its on 1.9. I tried many other people’s suggestions, but none of them work. Does anybody have a solution to this?