Вопрос: Как добавить изображение в Illustrator?


How To Apply Textures with Adobe Illustrator

Видео взято с канала: Design Made Simple


How to Add a Keyline/Outline to Illustrator Graphics

Видео взято с канала: The Design Ninja


How to Place an Image onto your Artboard in Adobe Illustrator CC

Видео взято с канала: Vectortwist


Illustrator Tutorial: Placing Images

Видео взято с канала: IveyDesign


Как быстро встроить прилинкованное изображение в Иллюстраторе

Видео взято с канала: DesignTutica



Видео взято с канала: design school


3D объект в Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop

Видео взято с канала: Atlantis

12 комментариев

  • Остаётся вопрос о применении рисунка, законченного в Фотошопе. А не достаточно ли остановиться на изображении пешки в Иллюстраторе, пусть не столь красивом, без текстуры? Именно вектор и есть суть Иллюстратора, чтобы давать возможность манипулировать с размером печатного рисунка в тысячи раз, а не страдать от пикселей. Или, рисунки растровые востребованы где либо на стоках, даже с малым разрешением? В ином случае, сочетание Иллюстратора с Фотошопом можно рассматривать лишь как развлечение.

  • Great tutorial…I have a question I did an illustration and I image traced it and then expanded it. How can I save it for a client so when they open it up its still vectorize when they zoom in and not pixelated. Im working in AI cc 2017. Thank you!

  • this Tutorial helped me a lot, but I can’t add an outline on the fill boarder. I need the cut line around the whole thing, but it doesn’t let me do it. can it be done? I’m using Roland Versa works BN20 printer/cutter. thanks a lot!

  • When I am placing a photo in illustrator, I resize the photo to my canvas, which is 8.5 x 11, and then I use the pen tool. The stroke is set to 1 and the lines cover the whole picture. How do you get the picture to resize to the set canvas so the stroke isn’t too big? Thanks, I hope that made sense.

  • Привет, Атлантис! Спасибо за Качественный контент.)) У меня вопрос: когда уже сделал всё и нажимаю на просмотр во вращении, вылезает ошибка «Недостаточно свободной оперативной памяти». Как это дело исправить?

  • Is it possible to create that outline but have it in white with a thin black edge. I have a shape that I need to outline in white exactly like you have done here, but I also need a thin black edge around the white outline if that makes sense..

  • This is awesome! Thanks so much. So another challenge might be to figure out how to do this without the color layers and only the outline layers. Logically I don’t think this is possible but thought I’d ask. Say if you are doing outlined artwork and want a raster texture to show through in the open areas in the art, and simply want to find the outer boundaries of your line art and create a heavier outline. Thoughts?

  • спасибо братан, раньше я смотрел только уроки по фотошопу от Алексея Кузьмичева. Благо даря ему я научился фотошопу. Теперь ты открыл мне глаза на илюстратор. Спасибо тебе огромное (уже лайкнул и подписался). Если интересно взглянуть на мои работы по фотошопу, вот ссылка https://www.instagram.com/world_of_photoshop/

  • Hello. I’m currently trying to use this technique for making an acrylic keychain. When I group two layers (the lineart and colour layer) and use fill, nothing covers over my drawing? And it doesn’t creat strokes either. What could I be doing wrong? I followed all the instructions over and over…

  • HELP! First, what a great tutorial! Easy and my design for my client’s logo looks great. I am now exporting the logo for client use but am worried that the photo I used containing the texture will become blurry if my client makes the logo too large. How does one work around this with a vector image that contains a photo?

  • I´m using Youtube for ages now, watching tons of tutorials every week and never commented before. But this tutorial really made me comment many channels make it so complicated with photoshop and lots of steps this one is just on point. LOVE IT! Thank you so much for saving me time and making my day! And even more: I appreciate that you don´t say: Please subscribe Either you bring your A game and get the subscription or not. You deserve times 10x subscribers!

  • I’ve been searching and searching for a tutorial to apply a texture to my object that has a fill and stroke, but do not want the texture applied to the stroke. I want to keep the stroke as is, without a texture; just the fill is where I want the texture. No one is covering that issue. I’ve watched lots of tutorials on this subject.