Вопрос: Как выйти из Marco Polo?


Marco Polo — Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Видео взято с канала: Netflix


Marco Polo с ружьем!

Видео взято с канала: Node


Airsoft: Marco Polo!

Видео взято с канала: Node



Видео взято с канала: Node


Марко Поло (Marco Polo) — Волчонок (Pup) 2018

Видео взято с канала: Марко Поло


Marco Polo Club 5* — ТУРЦИЯ В условиях карантина 2020.

Видео взято с канала: Турагентство Отпуск 24


Mercedes-Benz V Class Marco Polo — ДОМ НА КОЛЕСАХ!!!

Видео взято с канала: Denis Rem

27 комментариев

  • Денис, гритци воль!
    Тачка бомба…но для мажориков. Не на каждый день.
    Есть Горизонд эдишен вариант, там кухни нет, но зато 8 мест, складываются в кровать и сверху кровать.
    Маркиза тоже есть. Как по мне вариант или что-то между. И на каждый день и на кемпинг подходит.
    Всем добра!

  • So I have an Idea, something like that new Resident evil Online game
    There will be 2 teams, One Zombies and the other humans.
    Zombie has an Operator that has set up camera All over the place and can only view from there. There are camera men following too, but the are zombies too. Operator can radio and make one of the camera men into a zombie but He has to see that camera man through his Camera setups.(Can make one camera man into Zombie per minute) He can use those zombies to set up traps(Not sure what but I guess if a human touches the object that was made into trap, He will be hurt or infected or something). Zombie can be killed in one hit and they reset to being camera man. Zombie team will have one of the guys be Mr. X who can be summoned for 1-2 min. Mr. X can be downed after 3 hits and will wait 10-15 secs before moving again.
    Humans on the other hand has to survive for 15 mins or find stuff or keycard or whatever to escape. Each kill gives humans access to weapons and Surviving Mr. X gives you 1 defib to bring back dead human.
    Though I have never played Resident Evil online thingy so no idea how it works, I made some stuff up as I kept writing.

  • Done watching it
    I was looking for tv shows, old tv shows and i saw it
    The cinematography is amazing, great location but…marco polo as the lead character is just… Forgettable
    Doesn’t have that much impact really
    It feels like he’s the support character
    His love story with the blue princess is nonsense ��
    I tolerated it because of the good support characters
    This season 2, Michelle made this watchable.

  • I don’t know how it would work, but make Statues in the Garden with airsoft guns

    One player plays as the gardener and has either a nerf or airsoft gun. If he sees anyone moving, then he shoots them.

    The statues start with no weapons, but there are single shot nerf guns and knives on small tables scattered around. The statues have to make their way to get weapons in order to take out the Gardener without being seen moving.

    (I imagine a moment where the Gardener is staring at one statue seeing if they moved, but the they suddenly hear a nerf gun being racked right behind them.)

  • Play marco polo where one of the players calling polo have a baton and to win the game they have to tap marco with the baton before getting shot. The players can pass the baton amongst eachother until the player with the baton gets shot at which point the game is over and marco wins.

  • Ну какой же это дом на колёсах? А где биотуалет, душ, аккумуляторы, баки с питьевой водой, солнечные батареи, газовый котел и водонагреватель? Нет, это не сухопутная яхта, вроде Helix 4200, не говоря про американские дома на колёсах (эталон уюта и комфорта). А это просто дорогой мерс для 2 дней за городом, и то Fiat Ducato 4×4 Expedition по цене/фичам даст фору…

  • Screw dongeons and dragons. We want historical entertainment now. Even if its not 100%accurate… its alot better than watching a girl with dragons saving the day in a non existant fictional kingdom wich i stopped watching because it was just too exaggerated for my taste.

  • You guys should play Spider, Spider.

    maybe with airsoft guns or something to mix it up?

    Spider, Spider as I know it:

    Best played on a play structure/jungle gym with multiple levels.

    There is a Seeker and everyone else is Spiders. The Spiders must avoid being tagged by the Seeker, but Spiders cannot touch the ground, only the play structure. The Seeker is blindfolded and then spins around for 10 seconds to disorient themselves while the Spiders find hiding spots on the play structure. The Seeker can go anywhere and touch the ground, but can’t really move too quickly since they’re blindfolded.

    Common tactics for Spiders are to climb under or around elevated parts of the structure to avoid getting tagged, or sometimes making noises and taunting the Seeker to bait them away from a fellow Spider.

    Seeker wins by tagging everyone.
    Spiders win by being the last one alive, although a time limit can be used too so that the whole Spiders team can win.

    My friends and I loved playing this, even as young adults. It’s a great workout and really pushes you to think creatively.

  • You guys should play Spider, Spider.

    maybe with airsoft guns or something to mix it up?

    Spider, Spider as I know it:

    Best played on a play structure/jungle gym with multiple levels.

    There is a Seeker and everyone else is Spiders. The Spiders must avoid being tagged by the Seeker, but Spiders cannot touch the ground, only the play structure. The Seeker is blindfolded and then spins around for 10 seconds to disorient themselves while the Spiders find hiding spots on the play structure. The Seeker can go anywhere and touch the ground, but can’t really move too quickly since they’re blindfolded.

    Common tactics for Spiders are to climb under or around elevated parts of the structure to avoid getting tagged, or sometimes making noises and taunting the Seeker to bait them away from a fellow Spider.

    Seeker wins by tagging everyone.
    Spiders win by being the last one alive, although a time limit can be used too so that the whole Spiders team can win.

    My friends and I loved playing this, even as young adults. It’s a great workout and really pushes you to think creatively.

  • It’s not an original idea but maybe try a third person airsoft match. Use a phone that has unlimited data that is hooked to a selfie stick and mount it so it’s several feet back and several feet above the back of your head. Then live stream it. Next, grab an oculus quest and login to the phones hotspot and view the live stream. Another way is to use a Drone instead of a selfie stick. Try in a warehouse because oculus recommends not to use the quest in direct sunlight because the light that passes through the lens can fry the components inside.

  • This would be way more interesting if the people who aren’t MP could win. Like if MP had a feather and something on each shoe and if the other people got them all (you could make it do each person could only grab one thing), then they win, if everyone dies MP wins (or if there aren’t enough people to get all the items off of MP). Then people are incentivized to get close. Right now there is no disadvantage to just getting as far away from MP as possible and just camping out there.

  • Omg, this was the funniest thing ive seen from this channel in years!! i love this so much! so friggin good, im in tears. Wren just fricking one shoting everybody at the end, Nico getting shot first like every single time! omg i cant breath. LOL! please please please PLEASE do more of this!! XD

  • You guys keep asking for airsoft games that would be cool, and I thought of one. Gears of War Horde style airsoft. If you filled balloons with fake blood for head shots and used those Halloween masks for the ones playing locusts, the game would be awesome.

  • Airsoft idea: everyone has a different person who is their designated target to shoot. When you take down your target, they are knocked out, and whoever they were targeting becomes your new target. Last one standing winds. You can pass out papers or playing cards to determine who is targeting who, and when you shoot your target, you take their card.

  • «Волчонок»… Это яркий, мелодичный хит. Но, в то же время, это очень нежная, душевная и трогательная история о добре, привязанности, взаимопомощи и искренней дружбе… Мы чётко видим, что герой короткого рассказа одинок, но готов всю свою душу вложить в маленького волчонка. И это вызывает уважение. Животные могут быть чище слезы. Их наивность, стремления и доверчивость — мы видим сразу. С людьми же — всё наоборот. «Кто ты? Друг мой или Враг? Знает только время». Это сильно… А я… А я что тут, курсовую пишу? Ну, Людмила… Вы своим поэтическим слогом заставляете придумывать вам видео ряд (воображение-то богатое). Зачёт данной песни однозначный…

  • Do a Zombies v Survivors version of TTT, with one card drawn for an unknown carrier who at some point tags another and they openly become zombies (fast ones like World War Z) and can’t shoot Survivors but have to physically touch them, and they in turn become Zombies (transformation takes a count of 10 to allow nearby Survivors the chance to disperse). Zombies have to make a reasonable amount of noise and keep moving. Survivors can only shoot them and they stay down for a count of ten counting out loud and reanimate. Survivors have to keep moving so they can’t just fortify and shoot anyone that comes at them. If everyone gets turned, Zombies win. If at least one Survivor stays alive for the duration of a 10 minute game, Survivors win. Shorten the game time if it seems impossible for Survivors to last. I think Node would make this pretty entertaining and hilarious:) (Also an option to only have 1 full mag in each gun to force ammo restriction, and when a player goes Zombie, they place their gun down or on an object so Survivors can find more guns to fend off Zombies.)

  • Я написал отзыв, но естественно команда Дениса все неудобные комментарии подчищает.
    Позор! Или просто хочет казаться лучше, чем Денис есть на самом деле!

    Я позвонил Денису, он ответил, что он спит и не беспокойте его..
    Делайте выводы…..

  • Had an idea for how to AR this gamemode: add a VR headset that either has obstacles modelled in, or use that «you are too close to something» detection from those vr headsets that has it to display world. Former is probably better to uphold integrity of the game, but latter is easier to use anywhere.
    No more worry about walking into stuff!

  • we used to play a game called «colors» one person on the diving board the rest in the pool. the point is to get to the other end when your color is called with out alerting the person looking the other way calling out colors. if they look and no one has moved that’s another step further away they have to take. if they are swimming away you have to dive and touch them. or in air soft turn around and shoot them before they reach the end. think of it as running away from a guard.

  • Oh my god am so thankful they added the red blips back,

    and also better editing,
    no weird clips.
    get off my lawn reference and clip became somewhat of a signature
    and the camera were easy to follow

    It’s a far cry from what I’ve seen in the last few videos.