Вопрос: Как прокачать Силу в Runescape?


8 Pieces Of Content That Were Removed From Oldschool Runescape! [OSRS]

Видео взято с канала: FlippingOldschool


RuneScape Edgelord Got 6 Years | A Documentary

Видео взято с канала: Crumb


RuneScape (OSRS) | Classics I’ve Never Played

Видео взято с канала: Critical Nobody


The RuneScape Documentary 15 Years of Adventure

Видео взято с канала: RuneScape


Opening RuneScape’s Lost Time Capsule (OSRS)

Видео взято с канала: Colonello


Who Made the First Account Ever Created in Runescape?

Видео взято с канала: FlippingOldschool


Как качать силу? | Способность СИЛА | Escape from Tarkov

Видео взято с канала: Проходимец

87 комментариев

  • Проходимец привет! Записываю Тарков через ОБС, для последующей нарезки, и в некоторых сохраненных видео файлах пропадает звук. То есть сразу после записи проверяю звук есть, на следующий день в некоторых видео он пропадает, в некоторых остается. Драйвера видимо не причем, плееры разные пробовал. Если знаешь, подскажи пожалуйста в чем проблема, а то я уже заеЪЪЪался искать причину )

  • Needs to happen more…. don’t blame the government for you actions. Say something that should have not been said. A little boy in school told my little sister he was going to kill her. Other kids had herd this too telling teachers. Not a week later my little sister was killed by that boy. He was playing with his grandpa’s gun he has stolen from him spinning it around his finger shot her in the head. That 15 year old boy got 1 year djj, 1 year boot camp and rest in probation until he is 18. He gets to live after killing another human. I don’t get to see my sister. He got to walk away. Basically. What you say and do has actions 6 years sounds like 6 years you needed in there for thinking that way…..I’m 27 now my sister would be 21 this year aug day before my bday, she has been gone for 6 years now doesn’t seem fair. I wish that the laws where still, if you can kill a human. Public hanging. Shootings would go down, “bet”

  • Я ебал все эти выкидоны разрабов. Играть начал 3 месяца назад. Почти докачал 3 лвл до сброса силы и выносливости, не мог из за этого прокачать уебжище. А потом снова сброс. Суки, одно слово. Теперь скоро снова вайп. Заебали. Только начал играть, уже тошнит. Агонь игра. ����

  • Кто-то из стримеров после обновы записал видео на эту тему, при ходьбе с перегрузом прокачка и уменьшение % прокачки даётся после окончания действия, следовательно если выйти с перегрузом и не останавливаться до конца рейда то все пройденное расстояние засчитает по 129% к прокачке, как если бы вы только начали идти. Не знают работает ли данная фича сейчас, но может кому поможет..

  • Не основательно к ролику подошли. Рассказываю как качать силу нормально.
    Смотрите, в таркове такая система что очки прокачки начисляют только под конец действия, и это так же работает с ходьбой. Как мы знаем вначале игры буст прокачки 129% (вроде) + буст от фильтра в убежище если он есть. Так вот, для начала нужно получить перегруз, если у вас подсумок эпсилон то повезло, туда влезет танковый АКБ весом в 40 кг, добиваем вес пустыми канистрами, весят 7 кг, стоят по 1к руб и дешевле, если подсумок не эпсилон или каппа то тогда берём больше канистр. Теперь главное, после захода в рейд, чтобы получать этот самый буст на передвижение 129% всегда, мы начинаем идти, при этом вообще не останавливаясь, таким образом ходим к примеру 20 минут, и останавливаемся, и вам в миг все это расстояние засчитается с бустом прокачки, главное не отжимать кнопку ходьбы, иначе буст пропадет после остановки. За 1 полный рейд ходьбы на локации берег можно за 1 игру получить около 25.0-30.0 очков, а это очень много для той прокачки что сейчас есть. Очень важно не умереть не остановившись, если вы 30 мин ходили, и вас в ходьбе кто то убил, то навык не прокачается вообще. Способ муторный но самый эффективный из возможных сейчас, было бы хорошо если бы сделал отдельное видео по этому способу (именно как иметь буст прокачки навыка на протяжении всей ходьбы). Ну а вообще то как они сделали навык силы это цирк, приходится носить с собой адреналин + красный стимулятор которые в сумме дают 50+ уровней силы и ввнухи на короткое время чтобы выносить лут с карты.

  • Нулик спасибо большое! Я вроде как с Альфы только в EFT и катаю, а всё равно нихера не шарю в этой игре.) Вопрос\предложение есть какой-нибудь короткий, ознакомительный ролик по Резерву? В смысле не конкретно по «спавну квестового лута» или «ключам и закрытым дверям», а общеобразовательный, типа «вот респы тут, вот выходы там, вот тут простел…». Спасибо!

  • Просто тупо пороги веса отмечались разным цветом было бы информативней раз в 100500, чем гуглить эти пороги. У разрабов в голове отсутствует оптимизация… А еще есть вариант совмещать вкусное и мокрое слепить тушку флешкой и долбить его ножом пока ниче не видит.

  • Две локации я использую: завод, фул лут, 7-8 гранат. Соло война против всех, закидываю взвода гранатами, потом настрел диких, война с челоботами и вконце налутываю до перегруза и 2-3 минуты бегаю по подвалу завода и выхожу. Вторая карта развязка. Просто иду ночью лутаю магазин оби. И всё это время (15-25мин) хожу с перевесом. Полезное совмещаем с приятным. Просто так качать как в ролике скучно посоны)

  • Т.е все это время Я избегал использовать нож. Страдал с перевесом чтоб оно прокачалось на 0.3 на 0.4. А можно было просто пойти на завод с ножом

    Просто сделан этот навык убого. Без абуза прокачать этот навык почти невозможно. Имел бы смысл прокачка силы от веса именно вашей снаряги. Т.к условный 6б43 весит от 4 до 14кг и поверьте поносив эту дуру вы знатно подкачаетесь. Даже в 6б45 что весом 7 кило. Бронежилеты часто тяжелые. И ношение их могло бы качать силу. Хоть и по чучуть но качать. Т.к не все будут с перегрузом кидать гранаты. А вот в бронике 4 класса хотя бы будут почти все. А перевес можно сделать и больший вес как модификатор для усиления прокачки.

  • please note that the hiscores is nto 100% accurate. only accounts with AT LEAST one skill level 20 or above were even shown, when the highscores data table was updated (any time someone logged out of the game) your information was only logged in the table IF you had a character that was able to be on the highscores. Sometime later, like mid 2003 or so, this was actually changed to be level 30 or higher, and even though the database has been migrated a few times, and no longer works off being force-updated by each log-out event, it still emulates that behavior. Your information on the data server, or «main» server (we’ll call it,) is updated when you log out (which is why they had the ‘your character data is being transferred’ message when hopping worlds for a while back in the day) by being sent to it from te world server you are on, and the highscores table just pulls from that «main» server the same as the game worlds. That being said, there’s only about 30 or 40 accounts missing from that list that were «players» BUT there are about 450 accounts not included on that list that were simply storage accounts. At the time, banks could not hold items and we made extra accounts to hold our extra stuff.

  • Sad to see I’m slightly out of this list, however, I knew Druid personally. He actually helped me set up my account.

    When herblore was released he was an absolute freak for it as well.

    That’s been decades ago now.

    The memories seem so fresh but I can’t remember anything clearly, except one thing, endlessly sitting in lumbridge dueling all day long.

    My name was originally my name but I was asked later on to change it to James 607. I’d love to one day get that account back.

  • Jetsabre here. yes login + display lol.

    this list of first 2k rs players is from carpentry skill.

    the oldest an account can be is like feb 27/28 or march 27/28 2002 at hans.

    oh also some 1 letter/numbers were free until 2003. I still have one I play on but I sold off the others as displays in like 2010, I just sold the 1 letter/number logins i had left over the past year or two but one of them had a 2003 create date last I checked it.

    Neg balance was most commonly from PBP pins (phone call or text for membership) someone would see the charge and dispute it. We used to do this at local places way back lol.

  • I’ve never really played RuneScape I was more of a WoW guy. But my older cousin and some friends were really into it and had 1000s of hours in-game and maxed out characters. So I’d imagine that you talking about 10,000 and 18,000 gold like it was a lot of money sounds completely ridiculous to most experienced RS players.

  • So my first job was being an office helper for an architectural firm. On slow days I would go to the IT department (2 guys) area and play runescape on a spare computer. Well one of them came up and started talking to me about how he was one of the original people to work on devious mud….at that time I was thinking “dude I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I think you have the wrong game.”……took me a few years to figure that one out…

  • I only came in like a year ago so it was nuts coming into things like the entire Zeah continent and being able to just explore but I’m sad at what I missed, particularly the events. You guys got priff first and I’ll never forgive that.:P

  • this the oneand ONLY game i have returned back to many times over after playing other games for a long time. and this is one old game i always return to….Theres a certain nostalgia to this game that never changes like many other games that have. you’ve kept to your roots you truly did!

  • I subscribed to your channel many years ago when you used to do rs3 videos, I play both and I know you’re mainly focused in osrs for the past years, but any possibility for making new videos about rs3 or just comparative videos about osrs and rs3, like different about quests and lore, items price, etc?

  • I actually just happened to find one of my old emails from back in 2010 saying I owed 2 months of membership and had been banned for breaching «honour rules» aka macroing. lmao. I had an account banned this WAY back in 2005 and had a santa hat. It was eventually unbanned with no santa hat:(

  • The outro music is good and I liked when I saw the phat guy alch. Now I see one fishing but this was hard to see at first, it looks like the guy is sleeping or so lol. If u had a better shot of the fishing animation It would probably be as good as the phat alching guy, imo.

  • I don’t play OSRS, but I do really enjoy theses documentaries you put together. Found you from the Runezeone edition you made (I used to DJ there for a couple of years) and you found quite a bit out, I was impressed with your research. Another good job here, thanks for your effort on these:)

  • osrs doesn’t do a good job at showing players whats so special about this game. going around and killing cows and doing basic quests you might fall under the impression the whole game is just running around and clicking on monsters forever, but things quickly become infinitely more interesting. it becomes a game about setting goals and going through long complex adventures with many steps in order to accomplish them which always leads to a new goal, but the game never tells you what to do or goes out of it’s way to steer you in anyway.. it’s your adventure. introducing protection prayers and prayer switching adds a new layer to combat, and there’s so many complex quests and bosses to learn, items to aim for and things to discover

  • EOC was too much for 99% of people especially the people who actually played a lot (Hardcore players) you definitely were not ‘locked in’ and HAD TO do the update, I feel that’s the problem Jagex really has like free trade it took them FAR too long to reverse the change… ALL the big issues and negative events the game has had are all Jagex’s idea the community had no problem or issue with these systems Jagex just decides to nuke the meaning of Runescape to some basic MMORPG shit that all the MMORPG’s have… why change what made Runescape stand out and shine. They have started to listen to the players and if they continue hopefully it can turn around

  • They need to add raids 3 already and make torva drop from raids 3 im sick and tired of running around in a skirt (bandos) and inquisy is niche bs they shuda just released nex instead of the nightmare. I like my idea though don’t release nex instead make it drop from a zarosian raid in the desert.
    Rsn is Grimmjaww we done a cox before together.

  • Oh man, what a journey this was, so many feels and goosebumps! Seeing all these things that happened over the years, so many things that mean so much to you personally.. wow <3 Thanks Jagex, for producing this and being such a big part of my life!
    Ps: I was so close to being in it, but didn’t make the cut unfortunately:P (I’m in the runefest 2013 cosplay video, but my shot wasn’t used)

  • Quit after the «faster nature runes» update, not too long after lvl 120 dung update. Bots took advantage and crashed the price of nats. I had over a million nats in my bank.
    It was all I could take after grinding to 85 dung and a week later the bots took over frost dragons.
    The bots and Jagex’ lack of foresight made the game unplayable.

  • Гранатами оч оч оч оч оч затратно. 3 лвл апнуть это около 6 лямов уйдет, а может и больше. Ножиком с другом это быстрее и дешевле. Тратим 2мин и 1 салеву (3 оч силы салева, далее антиабуз будет) и все. Идем спокойно рейдить. А гренами 3 оч силы (хз у меня 1 грена 0.1 оч всегда давала. И флехи и ргд и дым пробовал) это 30шт (т.е около 300тыс,а салева 12-15тыс или 8тыс за крафт)

  • Felt so bad when Andrew said he’d made a mistake when he relinquished control of the company. I Didn’t even know he’d left. I’d feel much happier paying him for membership rather than the blow-ins who brought in micro-transactions.

  • Since you don’t like MMO’s (a bit like), did you try Guilwars 2? Playing with friends, getting xp by discovering the land, and doing platform puzzles was super fun!
    I played not so much (like 300 hours) but still more than your usual 2 or 3 days. 😉 Still keeping in mind that MMO’s have to be played with friends, imho.

  • I’m obviously biased in saying this but rs3 has come a long way from when osrs came out, but the bad image it holds and mtx keeps people away from it
    I would recommend to anyone interested to try out ironman mode when creating an account, it removes the ability to engage in mtx and makes you unable to trade other players, but since rs3 is so much faster than osrs, having to get your own stuff slows down the pace to enjoy the journey and explore many activities you would have just bought the end result of on a normal account
    rs3 has years of content more than osrs and qol changes that are definitely worth atleast trying out if you are interested in runescape, membership is shared on both games

  • I had a similar situation with the kid and grandpa fishing.. I have 2 half brothers who live on the other side of the world. We have a 15 17 yrs age gap and they had introduced rs to me and our older sister. We play and talk on rs which opened communication and it gave us a chance to bond as siblings.

  • I’ve played RS for years back in 2005 when I was in the 6th grade, I quit when The EoC (which is the update the game for me.) I came back 3 years ago and I’ve had tons of fun. I like helping new players usually by helping with quests. The other day I helped a level 3 complete a quest. I feel it’s nice when people help you when you don’t know what to do. People helped me when I first started.

  • there you as a player and there is c engineer, woox, torvesta and a friend. just a different level i start playing in 2006 and went i started i just started chopping trees and sold them to the general store in lumbridge, wow that was along time ago. dude do not say the long sword is better to any runescape player, just do not do it.
    do romeo and juliet, Goblin Diplomacy, Doric’s Quest and Cook’s Assistant. are the easiest quests

  • This was a fun and unique way to see this game. With it being so old and having such a legacy behind it it’s hard to see this game from a fresh view point because every other video out there is people who know every aspect of this game.

  • Much respect there Nobody. While playing I just loved the nostalgia trip. While I kinda winged off the MMOs myself I don’t see the appeal to say WoW myself but I can respect it. Games like this truly have left a legacy on the gaming community and you just have to think and say wow what would this genre of game be like without this game to influence others.

  • rs taught me english. As a Kid only reading english texts you just somehow start to learn it, don’t ask me how. Sure school came ub at some place.. bzt for sure I learned the most via the ingame chat.

    The need to understand what you are doing makes it somehow come from alone I’d say! Teachers take a lesson by this living proof and start researching why I could learn a language just by having the intrinsic motivation to learn it for a special, personal need to be covered.

    Start searching for talents not for people that fit in best. because talents are real, while to fit into somewhere means to fake into.

  • Biggest issue with MMORPGS as a 20 something year old is that why even play.

    For example, RuneScape currency is valued at.55 cents for 1 mil.

    Maybe getting older takes away the naive child mentality, but if I can work my job at 22.98 an hour whether it’s overtime or double time (Sunday, I work 7 days a week)…

    Doesn’t make sense how anyone invests time into games like RuneScape.

    When you grind the game and let’s say you can make 10 mil an hour (that is a large amount in the game for one hour), you would still be more efficient to make the federal minimum wage which is 7.25 which would translate to 13 mil in game for an hour’s effort of work.

    Just imagine someone that can make 20 dollars an hour or more.

    People like myself want to grind “real life” and no game.

    Which is why I believe all video games are dying and people gravitate towards games that are not so demanding.

    When I was a child (14), I loved the fishing skill. I really enjoyed fishing sharks but then when I look back at earning 150,000 coins an hour…

    For me to even consider playing any game like OSRS I would do so much RWT because of the money I can earn at my job.

    When you realize what a waste of time all MMORPGS make you feel, just makes me feel old.

    But there is a reason why OSRS feels so empty, people that liked the game back in 2006 are now adults and value their time.

  • I still member when i started runescape classic about 16 years ago it was so nice to see world first time and don’t care if you waste you time doing useless things. it was very fun, i was kid and did’t know any english first word that i did learn was dragon and cow:D

  • This is quite infuriating to watch! Even as a 12yo, was able to discover how to do things more easily than him:P although I have to say, I really admire the openness and willingness with which you approach the game. You undertake a lot more than I did back then!

  • So I’ve also never played runescape so after this video I decided to play so after a few hours in the game some guy asked me to guess a number so I did and apparently it was the right answer cause he sent me a trade request and he gave me 250k gold

  • Great video my guy. It’s clear that the game may have not your thing but I like how you were still able to spot and understand why the game got so popular. It would be nice to see a video where you experience the members stuff, in the same style

  • Hey. You make great content and my favorite is reviewing every game in different series. like hitman or splinter cell. I think it would be awesome if you made more of them. you only have a few and I think if you made more you would get a lot of views.

    like if you agree.

  • As someone who started playing Runescape as an impressionable 12 year old back in 2005, who’s only experience with MMOs up to that point being an MMORPG themed episode of Kim Possible I saw on TV one day, Runescape was everything I imagined an MMO would and could be. I was meeting people on the internet for the first time, figuring things out with them, and having an absolute blast doing it.

    However, trying it again with the nostalgia goggles off, I could never stomach the unprecedented GRIND that Runescape requires (I don’t know how I got past that aspect as a kid) to get to the good stuff. That ‘good stuff’ being the surprisingly intriguing and fun quests available in Runescape. The free ones are alright, but the members quests were something else, man. Unlike every other MMO in existence, Runescape’s quests were varied and involving, with some being being reminiscent of a Sierra or Lucas Arts adventure game, while others might feel more like something out of Baldur’s Gate. They were also extremely varied in theme; while one questline might be an investigative adventure with a Shadow Over Innsmouth style plot, a different quest might take cues from Indiana Jones and involve you on some crazy adventure into a pyramid for some shenanigans, trying to avoid deadly traps while keeping your limited water supply in mind (required for the desert heat, resulting in death if you ran out).

    The writing for the quests often had (to my younger self, anyway) genuinely funny dry British humor, interesting characters and witty dialog. They’re probably nothing to write home about as an adult, but having tried many, many other MMO’s since then (and having the exact same reaction that you have with them), I can safely say no other MMO has quests anywhere near as interesting as Runescape’s, which, for me, were one of the main reasons to even play the game at all (If you don’t have cool quests as the payoff for all that grinding, what’s even the point of playing an MMO to begin with, besides the socializing aspect?)

    An MMO with even more refined quests than Runescape, but without the grind, is where I wish the industry would’ve of went instead of simply becoming an endless horde of soulless skinner boxes. A terrible shame.:(

    But that’s enough of my ramblings. It was highly entertaining watching your first steps in RS, and I think you got a fairly good representation of what it has to offer, minus the good quests that are locked behind an enormous grind and a membership fee. You did a great job putting this all together, man! Cheers for making it.:D

    Also, it was extremely heartwarming seeing someone give you that starter kit of equipment, as I had nearly that exact same scenario happen all those years ago when I first started. It absolutely rocked my world as a kid that someone would give me such wondrous items to help me get my bearings (I felt so guilty when I died and lost it all to one of those evil trees outside that manor you explored). I hope the person you gave your starter kit to at the end was just as psyched as I was at the time. It’s good to see the community is still as friendly as it always was for me.

  • Back in the day Runescape was interesting enough on its own just exploring and talking to others online to stick around through it all until eventually you picked it up. I’m not surprised you didn’t like it given you went in blind there was so much you missed. I don’t blame you for missing stuff going in blind, but going in blind was probably not the most fair chance to give this game. Also if you click on any skill an in-game guide pops up which would have told you about level requirements for mithril gear, what you could craft, and pretty much anything else you needed to know.

    I’d like to see a sequel video but with members content and not being blind. You can grab a 14 day free trial membership from trying the mobile app. Try interacting with other players more, try to play with a group or friend, watch some videos of high level content, and go to worlds designed for specific activites. Many of the areas you went to were empty because you weren’t on the dedicated server for it. There’s stuff like player owned houses, quests requiring 2 players to work together, magic and ranged combat, restricted accounts, and more you didn’t really touch on or weren’t aware of. Members really is a whole different beast and being informed on everything you can do might give you a different experience.

  • I had a ton of runescape accounts over the course of the last 12 years or so, mostly lost them after not playing for a year straight and having to start new, pretty much every time someone helped me out in some major way. I think its definetely part community chill but also how the economy works, as weird as it sounds, that iron set is not worth the time it takes to sell for a serious player so gifting it to newbies is just something players to do pass time and have a nice feeling. Its not a competitive game in nature most of the time

  • This was fun to see and reminded me of when I first started back in 2007. It’s rough to start and really tough to get a grasp on things, but once ya do, it can become one of those games you can find some fun with. Also I wish I knew you were streaming during one of your days, cause I could’ve hopped on and at least helped ya out with a few other mob locations and maybe a quest. Still, this was a fun video to watch and yeah I can understand MMOs not being your thing and this not really changing your mind. But hey, least you gave it a shot and can see why even now it’s still as populated and such.

  • I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Jagex, Runescape as a whole. You were there for every part of my life. I was never into it for the skilling or the quests. I was there with my brothers to enjoy and have fun online with. I remember we would all have to get a public library card and run down to the library to sign up and use their computers for a while since we only had one old CRT monitored Compaq pc at the time, just so we could all play together. The times we would sit there and fish, get a level for two while caging for lobsters and thinking that was the best achievement we could get. Meeting friends at the local library at our little town who also came to play Runescape has always stuck with me and it forever will. I still play to this day, OSRS and RS3. But I’ll always remember back then, all the fun we used to have. It’s just harder when you’ve grown up and your brothers or even myself don’t really have the time anymore to meet up and spend a few hours. I wish I could go back and relive it, but that’s what growing up is all about. Even using the exp to time yourself using math to see how long it’d take to reach your next attack level killing Hill Giants to see if you’d make it before bed time, haha. Those were the days.. Thank you.

  • It was great to see the game from the point of view of someone who’s completely new and not using guides (it gave me nostalgia from when I was playing in primary school), but I worry this might turn away potential players that would have a lot of fun going through the game with guidance. My advice to anyone else that might try the game because of this video is: Get membership (its ridiculously cheap) and follow a guide for the early game. You can get to pretty high level content within that 17 hours if you just have a little bit of help knowing where to go and what do to to start off.
    The difference between free to play and members is honestly quite mind-boggling, they feel like different games at times. I would love to see you revisit Runescape in another video, but this time as a member and following a guide for the start of the game. It would be a really great contrast for your viewers to see the difference between the two.

  • in the beginning of osrs u could smelt ores on the furnace bin, your character would do a burry bone like emote on the furnace bin next to the furnace itself…now you can only do the regular emote on the furnace entry hole… i think jagex wanted to let us deposit ore and receive bars from the bins but that idea got scrapped but somehow u could still use the bin with the ores in order to make bars in a funny manner..:) i dont have screenshots but i used to do this all the time:p

  • Alright but the start of this video isnt what it seems.
    Its one thing saying you’re going to kill yourself and take out the school.
    Its another thing to totally describe a game plan for doing it.
    No shit this dude had to justify himself infront of a judge.
    Empty threats dont seem empty when you provide details.

  • I sincerely hope he sucessfully countered with some civil suits @jagex/arresting police dept/judge after he got out. They took 6 good years of his life for being a teen edgelord / talking crap on a video game. Talk about unreasonable punishment, he could have easily died in prison.

  • I also find it fascinating that a jagex employee had looked at the report in person instead of having a robot just take care of it. When it comes to putting people away they have customer service but when it comes to getting rid of scamming bots they ignore it.

  • Six years is ridiculous, but it was beyond stupid to go into specifics about what youre going to get to shoot up a school. At a time like that he was just asking to get in trouble. Then he thought he could only get 7 months so he decided to taunt the judge? 6 years was too harsh, but he didn’t make it any easier on himself. He got 6 years because his ego was so fragile he needed to stroke it in front of the judge.

  • Очень странные цифры говорит автор, в официальном канале дискорда запись от 25 марта гласит что порог веса при котором прокачивается умение сила 48,75. Надо проверять, надеюсь автор не вводит людей в заблуждение

  • I feel like i’m the only person who thinks that his sentence actually was justified…
    There was a lot of evidence pointing to the possibility that he would pull through with something terrible. And these threats should not be taken lightly under any circumstance.

  • The moral of the story that I can see here about RuneScape is, that it started out as a brilliant student project, but got raped very quickly by its users… When bots came into place, the game was going downhill real bad. Like little demons taken advantage of a free world. It fucked up the game experience, hence the name Jagex «Just About The Game EXperience»…

  • Hey Crumb, question about your merch, sorry about the length I’ll open with a tl;dr as the rest is relevant but not important and it’s totally optional reading: Do you ship to Australia? If so, how much would that cost? (That was it, the rest is there if you want to read it but it’s totally fine if you don’t) Asking because my mum plays runescape and she’s a wonderful lady, but really hard to buy gifts for, as the best present to her is hearing her family is doing well, my car is fucked and she’s been off work due to an injury and is on worker’s comp, and as a 62 year old woman that didn’t finish high-school (she’s technically a boomer but nothing like the stereotype from rural Australia, a country 10 years behind the rest of the world even AFTER the internet, back in her day women were discouraged from pursuing education and her parents had her taken out of school in year 11 to find a full time job not trying to push some feminist / political agenda, we all know things were blatantly sexist back in those times, it’s nothing like that anymore) it’s very difficult for her to find a new job especially thanks to the coronavirus, she voluntarily helps drive me to my appointments because she’s an angel and I live in a very dangerous area, she lives in a much nicer area about 12km / 7.5mi closer to the city, not rich but your typical safe suburbian area, I’m also in a suburb but it’s an absolute nightmare, the inner-city is actually for the upper class over here, the outer suburbs are the ghettos over here, the difference is night and day, as I grew up where she still lives, moving out as someone reliant on the disability pension naturally I ended up in an absolute shithole… She’s been doing it 1-3, sometimes 4 times a week for over 2 years now and I’m 27 years old thought I might add that to give more perspective to what a wonderful and selfless person she is ��. My dad and brother are fucking psychotic, but I still feel blessed to have such a good family member, too many people (especially kids) have no family at all, so I really don’t care about the negativity when I’m lucky enough to have such a caring mother.

    She plays RS3, but she’s been playing since OSRS and was level 126 with a bunch of level 99 skills by 2006, she really doesn’t care for material possessions but the models you’re selling would make a perfect gift for her, at least as a gesture of kindness. We went out to lunch for her birthday and we don’t celebrate mother’s day, as we both know it’s really a commercial holiday, and we already have a major commercial holiday as no one in our family (including extended family) is religious, we’re all either athiest or somewhat agnostic but not about christianity or any major religion, but individual takes on spirituality, xmas was never about Jesus for us, Santa was the «protagonist» if you will during childhood and as adults it’s about the coming together of family. No disrespect towards anyone’s faith intended, if it brings happiness into your life then more power to you / God bless ❤ just providing context I feel is relevant.

    I’ll try to find out which one would be the best by talking about runescape, how I’m building an Obby Maul pure (which is kinda true, I am doing that but it’s on the backburner, much more into Borderlands 3 mainly and also some Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain a beloved childhood 2003 PS2 game I’ve been playing via emulator, like most kids consoles were a shared present, bought for christmas for me to share with my younger brother which is why I got so into it, in 2004 it wasn’t exactly common to see an 11 year old girl obsessed with that type of game haha) of all things, made an internet friend (something really cool to have during the Wu-Flu) who taught me how to mod in BL3 and he plays OSRS too, so I’m gonna be getting back into it when he has the time, he’s American and is really busy as he repairs computers for a living.

    I might not be able to afford it right now as sending one of those high quality models across the planet is expensive and they’re already really expensive (due to my own personal circumstances, I’m not saying they’re overpriced, not at all) as I’m Australian, with the postage and the fact that Dollaridoos are doing TERRIBLY against ‘Mericamoney (normally I’d say «Freedom Bucks» but with the subject matter of the video I think that would be in poor taste) the pricing seems more than fair for the quality of the product and the fact it’s a small business which I deeply respect; so please don’t take this the wrong way it’s just expensive for me due to being 15,000km / just under 10,000mi away, the brutal exchange rate and the fact I have severe insomnia to the point where I can’t work and rely on the disability pension… Anyway somehow I’ve ended up turning this into a novel (I also have pretty intense ADHD haha, got a slew of mental-maladies to deal with, I’m ok though, overall things could be soooooo much worse, I’m grateful for the things I have in life). Peace x

  • I don’t understand how this even happened. How can this be looked at as a direct threat of violence when there was no intent behind it? Telling someone what they meant with what they said is the same thing as compelling their speech. That’s against the 1st amendment which grants everyone the right to free speech.

  • The system is broken not just for black people and as long as we focus in one race it wont get fixed. I thank God my dad taught me how to deal with cops or i would have been in a cell with this guy. So much of our prison system is about convictions. The judge in this case didnt even know what a download is.

  • Regarding the dock being in Draynor, in addition to it being an Unpolled change to a super iconic location in the game, I think that sticking it in the town RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO THE BLOODY PORT TOWN also had something to do with the change. Just… Why. Port Sarim makes more sense in universe, is iconic BECAUSE of all the boats there, and is still in F2P territory. I know Misthalin seemingly has no port town, but they also seem to have completely open borders and free trade with Asgarnia, and the wall separating Draynor Village seems more like it’s there as a reminder for troops to not cross over unless aid is asked for, so Misthalin businesses who need to use a port probably use Port Sarim too. (They might have to pay a slight import tax, but it’s cheaper than setting up an entire new port town in Draynor and then getting murdered by every adventurer in the game.)

  • some more info on bot worlds: some members of the HLC used to play on them. I was in Solace back then and doing abyss rc, and quite a few of our members rced there, including me, because there were no pkers there. There were always quite a few real players there who were trying to avoid contact (such as in abyss rc).

    For a period I actually played exclusively on world 386 (I think it was?) until they got removed.

  • If you find this a good idea, would love to see a video where you cover the things jagex said that would be put in the game and they kinda «forgot» about it. For example the silver jewelry teleports on POH, it was said that it would be added in the game in 2017 and still nothing

  • They removed the fence west of the black wizard circle after a friend and I started luring black wizards, getting them stuck behind the fence. They would get stuck there, we’d stand under the black wizard and it would 2-3 hit unsuspecting lvl 3s. He actually managed to get a party hat, this was pre-eoc btw. I only managed to do this for 2-3 days and get about 2-3m before they removed the fence.

  • so i will try and find the reddit link, but there is someone who logged out on the dock for zeah and hasn’t been moved off, so he is currently floating in the ocean near draynor and has been ever since, he intends not to move for as long as he feels like it.
    which is quite hilarious imho

  • Awesome video, its crazy world hopping was removed from the game. I like it but I feel like the runite ore over in Tzhaar cave is getting overmined by botters. I want to do a video on that on my channel soon, exposing how many botters get away for months without detection. As always, awesome job flipping!

  • When i started playing rs i olayed on the website on the internet. One time i was randomly moved during my farm run to a bot world and then i discovered that i can select the world by changing the world in the link because you were not able to manually select the world on the worlds list. I did that so pkers couldnt kill me in the wild whilest i was killing greens and making my first few mills

  • You should do a video on yhe peek value of super rare items of all time. Maybe even including 1 digit names, but i mean rs3/07scape christmas crackers, hallu masks, pumpkins, and etc. Maybe put it into perspective of how much the cost is in current gp or in USD. Could be a fun idea. ��

  • i remember those secret worlds. I vividly remember leaving my 4 woodcutting bots (back when i use 2 bot) to run in catherby at the yew trees and i would put them all in an empty world. When i would come back, id see like 20 lvl 3s on my screen and when i would look into my world, i would see that it had changed. I would get annoyed at my bot for doing this lol but then i thought it was weird how there were so many bots in the same spot. I guess this shines a lot of light on that haha, been playing since 2004 by the way, i still remember so much of the rs2 early years, right after the beta. There has been soo much graphical changes, its insane. Imps use to have a devil’s cane and a human face lmao.