Вопрос: Как получить отлично по SAT?


Как улучшить SAT Reading? Секреты SAT книга 501 вопрос Critical Reading

Видео взято с канала: Nick speaks: Английский с нуля и до Сан Франциско



Видео взято с канала: MBA Strategy


Improve Your SAT Reading Score by 140 Points | Why Nobody Scores Perfect (2019)

Видео взято с канала: Greg Smith


How to Get a 1500+ on the SAT

Видео взято с канала: Study To Success


How To Get A 1540+ On The SAT (with a PERFECT Math Score) | Best SAT Advice | Tips and Tricks

Видео взято с канала: RV Business


How to get 1550+ on the SAT (How I got 1580)

Видео взято с канала: Kevin T


Как Решать Тест – 5 Правил и 1 Секретное Оружие

Видео взято с канала: Томас Франк

42 комментария

  • Метод сдачи тестов «Дзен» (часть 2) В пустоте УЖЕ есть ответ. В пустоте НЕТ ожиданий и страхов, она безусловна. Посмотри на людей вокруг, посмотри в окно. Ветер колышет ветви деревьев, поют птицы. Нет ожиданий, нет условности. У всего есть ответ. Представь абсолютно спокойное лесное озеро, спокойную зеркальную гладь. Над озером плывут облака, отражаясь в нём. Облака в озере и в небе – едины, ничто не искажает их вид. Ты пуст, ты созерцатель, больше нет ничего. Минута, две, три. Ты читаешь вопрос и ответ. Первая мысль – правильная, она ответ, она отражение. Остальное уже волны, уже условность, уже рябь на воде. Поймай это состояние, отвечай на вопрос первой мыслью, убери рябь на воде. Снова смотри в окно, снова всматривайся в спокойное озеро, что отражает облака. Нет «Марии Петровны» и «Софии Павловны», нет «возможно» и «если», есть вопрос и первая мысль – есть ответ.

  • Метод сдачи тестов «Дзен» (часть 1). Когда я учился, то мы достаточно редко сдавали тесты. Тогда обучение было сродни получению навыка восхождения на скалу. Ты идешь по уже пройденной дороге, имея твёрдую основу. Если ты занялся научной деятельностью, то ты пытаешься проложить свою дорогу, если повезёт – по ней будут идти другие, возможно её даже назовут в твою честь. Сдача тестов – это путь по скале, что постоянно осыпается под ногами, стена из песчаника или глины. Чем лучше ты знаешь материал, тем сложнее делать выбор. Ты видишь не один правильный вариант, а несколько, но от тебя требуют выбрать «наиболее» правильный. Обдумывание ответа, сомнения – и ты ошибся. Я видел не один, а множество случаев, когда двоечники сдавали на оценку лучше, чем отличники. Этому нет логического объяснения, это противоречит принципу “рандомного” или случайного выбора ответа. Пустой ум без условностей и концепций, не подбирая красивую форму ответа для внутренней «Марии Петровны» сразу видит правильный ответ, прислушиваясь к первой мысли.

  • So I’m homeschooled and Canadian. SAT isn’t a mandatory thing here BUT I have to take the SAT, and I know absolutely nothing about it. I don’t understand the point system, and I was really hoping it would be explained in this video so I could get an idea on what’s good and what’s bad. I’m just really confused about it, and I’ve never had to worry about any kind of exams until now..

  • Great video! I highly recommend you subscribe! Check out this upcoming online SAT workshop by Dr. Lunsford, he was my Academic Coach for two years; he has a doctor degree in Measurement and Evaluation (test making). He is fantastic with helping people with the SAT or any other test! Here is the link! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-sat-workshop-hosted-by-dr-douglas-lunsford-tickets-70999478351?utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_event_email&utm_term=viewmyevent_button

  • Я его не люблю. Он задолбал говорить, то, что все итак давно знают. Никогда ничего полезного не услышал, есть много всего полезного, даже по этой теме, сразу отвечу на ваш вопрос, не буду я никогда, никому рассказывать свои секреты решения тестов.

  • я первый раз смотрю подобные видео но примерно 85% от этого уже знаю.
    Помню один экзамен я сдавал вообще не подготовленным, из 40 вопросов я точно знал только 1-2 вопроса, тесты было 5 ти вариянтными, шанс попасть наугад на один вопрос было 20%, используя подобные техники набрал 45 % вместо 20%, методы рабочие, но все же завалил тот экзамен проходной было 50 ��

  • I’m an upcoming senior, and I’m taking the S.a.t on November. I have never took an S.a.t before, so this will be a first for me. I’ve never felt stressed in my entire life. I have about 4 months to study.�� thank you for this video

  • I’m still not getting what I want from reading even after I read the black book. I am questioning if Erica’s book is gonna be effective. I need a 760 verbal to help with my goal score and that is seeming out of reach needless to say that I’ll still try.

  • Самый лучший.вариант которым я пользуюсь и которой почти всегда работает,представить что у тебя мангеке ширинган и интуитивно выбрать вариант ответа.Не знаю как вам но почти всегда отмечал правильные ответы таким образом)

  • My sophomore year I didn’t really take the psat seriously and I got a 930 and but I grew from freshman year when I got a 810. This year I plan I trying my absolute hardest and study hard and hopefully grow my 600 points ��. Is it possible?

  • If you’re going to charge others for your help at least provide your credentials and proof of your sat scores before and after because word of mouth isn’t good enough sometimes and there are tons of other certified professionals out there.

  • I’m training my little brother to do the SAT. Getting a perfect math is easy but it’s gonna be really hard to get him good at English. I’ve just been having him read every day as much as he can and in a few weeks I’m gonna start practicing SAT problems. He’s really bad at school though it’ll be super funny if he does good… but he’s already learned a lot so I think he could get a 1400

  • I graduated from high school in 1995. I do not remember what my SAT score was, but I do know it wasn’t high. I graduated from the University of WA and went on to Whitworth University to get a Master’s in Teaching degree. I’ve continued my education since then because my profession requires it and also because I love learning. SAT scores are necessary, but don’t let a low score make you think that you can’t have a successful career and a joy-filled life. Do your best but in the end, what truly matters is love. Do you love what you are doing? Do you love others? Do you love life? If so, then you have succeeded.

  • Hello. I am a teacher, and since quite a while I have been seeing this problem again and again in my students that though they have read the best SAT Writing books twice, and they can answer most of the questions in book exercises correct, they can’t score well in the actual test. What should they do to bridge this gap between books and SAT writing? Would you recommend making notes or cheatsheet?
    If you have any advice please let me know.

  • I have 19 months until I can take the first sat, and after that I only have 5 months to fix it if I mess up. I’m literally freaking out rn because I don’t know how to balance studying for the sat and school. Also, English isn’t even my first language so the English section is harder for me. Also I’m 13 years old. So yeah I feel like I’m gonna pass out during the exam. I took the sat last year just to try it, and I got around 1000 (ig that isn’t too bad for a 12 y/o but still not good enough). Alright, good talk. Thanks for reading me vent.

  • I took my SAT for the first time and I’m a junior but I don’t think I did very good. I want to do SAT prep at a school near me but since I took the SAT for the first time this March I’m not sure if I have enough time to take it again more times to get a good score. I heard that I have to get my final super score before January or February of my senior year because that’s when I have to apply for college. Is this true? Pls help?

  • Freshman year: 890
    Sophomore year: 1000
    These are my psat scores i really want to do better for my junior year psat so I can qualify for the scholarship, and of course do good on the SAT this fall since i’ll be taking it right after this fall/winter. Then maybe again spring 2021, and maybe summer 2021.

  • «1350 not that good,» me with a 1040. T_T

    I feel like it’s impossible; 13 minutes on the no calc section?!

    Really, I’m just wanting at least a 1290 to get my Bright Futures scholarship, but is there any hope with such a low score?

    Guess I’ll have to watch more of your vids!

  • Hello. I am a teacher, and since quite a while I have been seeing this problem again and again in my students that though they have read the best SAT Writing books twice, and they can answer most of the questions in book exercises correct, they can’t score well in the actual test. What should they do to bridge this gap between books and SAT writing? Would you recommend making notes or cheatsheet?
    If you have any advice please let me know…

  • Перед уроками обязательная молитва(для верующих).Сажусь с подругой за 3 или 4 парту у несущей стены. Записываем шпаргалки и слабо приклеиваем на парту под тетрадь. Некоторые шпоры крепим к подоконнику. Телефон ложим на парту прикрыв пеналом. Когда раздают тетради для кр –сразу вбиваем задания в поисковик. Если учитель палит какую-то шпаргалку– он её забирает не подозревая о других.
    В итоге: Учитель больше к нам не подходит (думает, что забрал у нас все шпоры).
    Со спокойной душой пишем контроль.
    Я пользовалась этим методом на контроле по биологии, алгебре, физике, русскому языку, украинскому языку и английскому языку. Все контрольные написала на 8-11 баллов по 12-ти бальной системе.*Боже, почему комент то такой большой вышел*

  • Wisdom that Estella has bestowed on us:

    Tip 1: Get the SAT Blue Book it’s better to do it on paper (1:27)
    Do two diagnostic tests, make sure you follow instructions and work through the entire four hour
    Taking one not enough to understand all your weaknesses
    Practice Test 5 onwards are actual tests that have been given to students, so do those to get a feel of what to expect
    Scores are pretty accurate if you grade yourself harshly
    Consider taking the ACT if you’re not scoring well on the SAT (esp after practicing)

    Tip 2: Evaluate your weaknesses and strength (4:55)
    Don’t spend too much time on the sections that you’re already doing very well eg. 790/800
    Work on those that have lots of room for improvement eg. 650
    If you’re scoring in the middle eg.700 for both, really look in depth on what your mistakes are and the areas you need to study

    Tip 3: Familiarise yourself with the test (5:45)
    Know the topics, the strategies required by reading the beginning of your blue book/practice book or searching on the web eg Prepscholar

    Tip 4: Go over the content (6:50)
    Look back at the types of questions that you’ve circled on your two diagnostic test/subsequent tests and study the missing concept gaps

    Tip 5: Do tons and tons of practice (7:13)
    Save full practice test till the end
    Take 2 to 3 full practices a week four weeks leading up
    Do tons of drills in the meantime in bluebook/khan academy
    Practice books like Princeton review is fine too but they aren’t too accurate

    Tip 6: Going over your mistakes (8:30)
    Keep a SAT notebook to write down the questions you’ve missed, the answer, your answer, why you’ve missed it and how you can avoid that mistake in the future

    Lets go get it guys!!!

  • i found this amazing video last year and it has helped me sooo much in studying for the SAT. in addition to taking prep classes, i took your advice to write down notes of math concepts that i would get wrong, and i would use that notebook to help me review for the math section. i also realized that just reading the passages all the way through and staying focused helped me soo much in the reading section instead of skipping to the questions or going back and forth like other vids say. with prep classes and your advice, i got a 1470 on my first SAT. i want to retake it, self study with the books that you recommended, and try the study schedule that you mentioned in the video. im hoping to increase my score and get a 1550+. tysm for all ur help! <3

  • I am from Turkey amd I am planning to take the test 2 years later. I think it’s not true that foreigners and native speakers of English taking the same test. Anyways i must improve mt English for the reading section. You guys are lucky and I think you can get high scores from the reading part…

  • Thissss guyyyy..he is my saviorrrr!!The tips he is saying actually makes sence and thats verryy rare!Damn im so impressed by how he analyzed his mistakes and found perfect solutions fr it..and thank god he shared it with us..God bless his soul!

  • I am doing good on SAT, but my writing section is the worst one by far. Also I always miss one question on math, but I think practice will help with that. My last SAT that I took, I got 3-4 wrong on reading, 2 wrong on math, and 11 wrong on writing! How do I improve writing. I think I would be in the 1500s if I just improved writing to even just 4-5 wrong. Please tell me how you guys improved that.

  • Thanks for the Video clip! Forgive me for butting in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you considered Bonaliyar Bizarre Blaster (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is an awesome one off guide for teaching your child to read minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my old buddy Taylor finally got excellent results with it.

  • у меня есть карандаш и он имеет 5 граней, я обозначил грани буквами и при броске он выдает рандомные буквы и я этим пользуюсь. из 12, минимум 5 будут правильные, как показала моя практика (прокачивайте удачу, может быть будет больше)

  • А я обычно используют считалочку
    Вышел немец из тумана вынул ножик из кормана буду резать буду бить все равно тебе водить раз два три четыре пять первым будешь ты гулять и на следующую ночь он зарезал свою дочь

    Очень добрая считалочка не правдо ли?

  • Еще способ неупомянутый статистика ответов:
    Многие вопросы выглядят так:
    1. А и Б
    2. А и В
    3. А и Д
    4. Б и Г
    4 отсеивается, так как составители не делали бы 3/4 бредовых ответов.
    Иногда компонентов не 2 а несколько и вполне можно подсчитать самый статистически вероятный ответ.

  • I took the psat and got a 790 on the WHOLE THING, to be fair it was in the beginning of freshman year I got a 400 on math and 390 on reading, I’m going into junior year now and I am having the hardest time studying, I can’t focus, i daze off and I always try to watch khan academy videos but the guys voice puts me to sleep, I don’t have a high expectation for college I live in Miami Florida and I’m considering fiu or university of Miami. I’m gonna try and study every day and hope for the best. Good luck on any one taking the sat, I understand the struggle.

  • Hey man I am manu from India your videos are really great and they helped me get a perfect score on the math section of the sat I have started a YouTube channel could you give me a few tips also could we feature each other’s channels on our channels to reach a larger audience

  • Ребят всем привет) У меня есть цель к 1 сентябрю набрать 100 подписчиков, я реально стараюсь снимать приятный контент для ваших глаз, без матов и полезный, кому не трудно поддержите мой канал подпиской, всем спасибо за внимание, удачи!!

  • So I used the method and watched it through and went from a 1410 to a 1550, by increasing my reading from 620-760, just like the thumbnail says. That’s literally insane thanks Greg. Thank you for the help and I will be looking into your advice on Princeton.

  • To everyone disagreeing with his statement that 1350 is not that good on the PSAT, the average scores for the psat were like 100 lower this year (2019 fall) than previously. I got a 1350 and it put me in top 2%-1% of test takers this year.

  • honestly if you are a sophomore and are thinking about taking the SAT your junior year do yourself a favor and study during summer. I just grinded practice tests for about 3 weeks in the end of summer, and then a little during the year, and then took the December SAT. Finish your SAT before your second semester junior year because thats when life gets stressful w/ AP tests, schoolwork, thinking about colleges, etc. There are like three or 4 dates in 1st semester (August, October, November, December) which should be ample opportunity to get the score you want. Good luck!!!

  • Hi Greg I am manu from India your videos are really great and they helped me prepare for the sat as well where I picked up a perfect 800 on the math I have started a YouTube channel as well could you take a little time and give me just a few tips on how to get better at YouTube also would we be able to feature each other’s channel so that we can both connect our channels to much bigger audiences thank you soo much