Вопрос: Как сделать Хикару Дороданго, или блестящий шар из земли и воды?


подозрительный стальной шар

Видео взято с канала: papa Slava



Видео взято с канала: TimOn ChaveS



Видео взято с канала: Букреев



Видео взято с канала: OVT


Натирание шара Dorodango

Видео взято с канала: Владимир Шилов


Как сделать дороданго (японский отполированный Clay Ball)

Видео взято с канала: The Nito Project



Видео взято с канала: 500FACTS Channel

13 комментариев

  • Wait, I need to know more about these clay buildings, cob perhaps? I came here from pottery studies-but also have an interest in natural structures. Oh I see, I’ll check out the others next. Great spheres too. I’ll have to give it a try thanks.

  • Watching you pulverize your dried clay bits, it occurred to me that you could make in inexpensive benchtop ball mill from an inexpensive rock tumbler and some cheap 4mm-12mm steel ball bearings although to grind the really light colors you would want ceramic media so it wouldn’t slightly discolor the clay power light grey like the steel media can.
    Either way for $75-$100 you could easily set yourself with an inexpensive starter setup to help improve your clay grinding netting you better surface finishes because the clay with be a smaller more uniform powder consistency.

    I’ve used them in the opposite manner, I used a super cheap tiny children’s rock tumbler and used super fine sand and saw dust to clean, smooth and polish several small delicate parts on a garden tractor restoration project I was working on,. What I found handy about it is that you can do other stuff as the tumbler is running and only need to check on it periodically.

  • Яяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяя яяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяяя

  • There’s an almost mystical reverence I feel by watching you make these exquisite clay balls in your experienced hands.
    I almost swooned when I saw your workshop with jars filled & labeled with different types of earth and mineral pigments. The whole process of grinding and sifting, forming, refining & finishing by hand is pure pleasure & meditation.
    I deeply appreciate your work, Nito. Your level of craft integrity speaks volumes about you and its bearing on your life…and even life itself.
    When you wish to REALLY understand something fully…you draw or render it carefully. There is an inner dialogue that occurs naturally whenever one engages with materials to be transformed by one’s hands.
    I will handshape & fine-finish wood for hours, using only sandpaper, and I will come away knowing something about the wood and myself.

  • I really love your videos. Where did you learn all this and how did you start? Is there anything written about your journey? How do you support yourself? Everything you show in your videos are so fine, so beautiful, I am jealous but in a positive way. Thank you for your work!

  • I’ve watched several videos on this since coming across yours, and yours is definitely the most professional production. Aesthetic, artistic and not ego-driven. I’ve just made my first cob and clay ball with a little final addition of red ochre that I found a tiny pebble of. I can’t get over how something so beautiful is achievable so simply. I’m going to master this and add it to my teaching list for glampers and forest school parties coming to my farm. Thankyou!

  • Тимон я очень тебя смотрю и хочу выиграть кс потомушто я не могу донатить у нас бедная семя я щас без шуток и я надеюсь ты прочитаеш всево лучшего каналу удачи бро если я выграю я буду очень щаслив всево лучего

  • Ive watched this particular video I don’t know how many times, but it’s a lot! I usually find myself fast forwarding through slow paced instructional videos, but not this one. In fact I’d watch it in slow motion if I knew how, as it’s that not often I’m inspired enough to actually try the things I like to watch and I’m pleased to say with 6 or so under my belt I think I’m finally getting the hang of making a passable dorodango…. But in the interests of balance and impartiality i thought I’d point out the bits I found less favourable in reality my thumbs feel like they’re going to drop off and I could fit the whole of “War and Peace” written in the dust that’s covering absolutely everything I own��

  • Еееее…… я нашёл этот шар…. ноооо, СТОП Я ЖЕ ИЗ 2020! Люди что не смогли вскрыть и вернули?!?

    Да ЕГО НЕВОЗМОЖНО ОТКРЫТЬ��, А Я ТАК ХОТЕЛ��, Ладно верну, может кто-то другой сможет��. Эх ну не повезло ((((

  • Dear The Nito Project guy.
    Simply fantastic and fascinating! I love quiet quality videos like this. No talking necessary at all. Therefore the vids become kind of meditational/meditative.
    Thanks a lot for making taping editing uploading and sharing.
    Best regards luck health and wisdom.

  • lovely authentic made video and well produced objects, although all that lovely silica dust in the air with no PPE has me wincing at the state of your lungs…….if we ( i work in the creative sector making, teaching and designing) are going to make videos for others to see and be a part of; then a little teaching/demonstrating good practice doesn’t go amiss……