Вопрос: Как установить Linux в Chromebook?


How To Get a Linux Desktop On Your Chromebook

Видео взято с канала: Chrome Unboxed


How to Set Up and Use Linux Apps on Chromebooks Chromebook Linux Install

Видео взято с канала: Gauging Gadgets


How to Install Ubuntu Linux on a Chromebook

Видео взято с канала: Andrew W


How To: Install Ubuntu on Chromebook and REMOVE ChromeOS

Видео взято с канала: DB Tech


How to Install Linux on Chromebook

Видео взято с канала: Dave Bennett


Install Linux in Chrome OS with Crouton

Видео взято с канала: Eevnos


Chrome OS сможет запускать Linux-софт

Видео взято с канала: Алексей Лещенко

66 комментариев

  • if i type » sudo apt-get install task-kde-desktop»
    it says
    E: Type ‘sudo’ is not known on line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list
    E: The list of sources could not be read.
    E: Type ‘sudo’ is not known on line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list
    E: The list of sources could not be read.

    what did i do wrong?

  • This is a great video thank you. It worked, so now i can run more and better software on my laptop.

    Also, what a great setup for learning linux, since you can just drop in from time to time from chrome OS and try stuff.
    If it doesn’t work, you still have chrome. You can flip back and forth between linux tutorial videos on chrome, and linux itself (and yeah, you might need to do this until you figure out how to get video to run on linux etc)

    The only things i’d add (for the benefit of complete clueless beginners [like me] who really needed it all laid out in the simplest terms) is some very simple info on how you start your computer after doing all this, and how to flip between the two OS’s when you have it all done. so…
    1. when you first boot up after doing all this, you have to first press ctrl + D, which will take you to your ‘normal’ chromeOS log in.
    2.THEN, to get linux going, open the chrome browser in chrome OS, and press ctrl+alt+T to bring up the chrome developer mode…then type shell….press enter…then type sudo startlxde
    3. AFTER you’ve got them both up and running, you can always switch between the two OS’s by pressing ctrl+shift+alt+back key and flip back to linux with ctrl+shift+alt+forward key.
    4 My only other suggestion is this why not instal the unity environment rather than the more stripped down lxde? it’s only another 500mb or something. If you have a slightly better chromebook, i think this is more rewarding. To do that, it’s all exactly the same as in the video, except, of course, you replace lxde with unity in some of the command line instructions as you go through the video.
    5. Also, remember, if you want to clear the linux thing off your chromebook, or get rid of the version of linux you’ve put on (or maybe want to scrub the one you installed and try one of the other linux environments) you can scrub your chromebook back to it’s original state when you bought it using powerwash (a reset function that is found in settings in the chrome browser in chrome OS).

  • windows atack linux now chrome, soon nobody wants to install orginal linux distributions from community and they try to get linux like app on they windows or chrome os expensive system only. I still prefer using normal linux distribution than this new option linux on windows or chrome os bcuse is so much eaiser

  • Need Some Help! Sound issues
    i need someone to help me with this issue

    So i successfully installed Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and im very happy it worked ‘Thank you DB Tech:)’ For about 20 Minutes of tinkering and updating the system and installing software i finally encountered a issue,The System would not output any sound, i began to tinker with it a bit and look up forums and even went to the back of google to find the answer and could not,i tryed installing drivers and configuring AlsaMixer i found the problem,My sound card Couldent be detected,i have configured with BIOS settings and couldn’t get a result, i made some assumptions of what could be happening but it never got to me

    Note: i might edit this comment with more detail later
    Note: in chroot/Dual boot it detects my sound card and displays it as CRAS and in the installation of ubuntu it says the default card

    if anyone knows the answer please leave a reply to this comment,Here is my chromebook details and install details
    if you need anymore detail leave a reply,i will be checking the reply’s Daily for the next 1-2 months

    Model: C302 CAVE D25-A4C-E2E-33A Flip
    Ram: 3.8 GB
    processor: intel Core m3
    Energy star
    version of ubuntu installed: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
    Sound card idk
    usb slot NO
    sd card slot no
    micro sd card slot yes Works same as all others

  • Do you know if this will work if I want to run the GalliumOS distro on my Chromebook?
    I’ve done some research and that OS seems pretty catered towards Chromebook OS swaps.
    But I figured I’d ask if the process was the same before I got all «weekend warrior» on it.

  • Just confirmed this also works with loading Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on an HP Chromebook 14 with working sound. I never managed to get sound working with GalliumOS until now. hallelujah! Did a minimal install, connected to wireless, did the updates and installed Visual Studio Code for a cheap coding dev chromebook.

  • Конечнр, хули. «Я игровой пека за 15к соберу, ежжи», тут та же ситуация. Да, можешь купить ноутбук, можешь накатить хром или ещё что. Но он выглядит как говно. Клавиатура прогибается, тачпад херовый. Нет поддержки пера. Да, на хромбук мало софта (а точнее, андроид-приложения). Но он сделан качественно, единственный его конкурент в этом плане макбуки. Да и нужны ли вообще ещё приложения? Вы что, на ноутбуке будете какой-нибудь проф.софт запускать, вроде автокада? Совсем ебнутые? Играть на ноутбуке тоже сомнительная идея. Монтировать видео опять нет. Остаётся только интернет-браузинг, офисные приложения, онлайн-видео и по мелочи. Со всеми этими задачами хромбук справляется прекрасно.
    Так что цена, может быть, и завышена, но я не вижу конкурентов для хромбука. Это ноутбук, каким он должен быть, лёгким, удобный, быстрым и красивым.

  • I found a way that should theatrically work for anyone to dual boot chrome os and ubuntu 20.04 or whatever Linux you want using this: https://saagarjha.com/blog/2019/03/13/dual-booting-chrome-os-and-elementary-os/ (It is for elementary os but just do the same steps for ubuntu 20.04 and it will work) It is kind of hard but if you follow along exactly it should work like it did for me. If you have only 16 gigs of storage then do not do this as there is not enough space. I used a 32 gig Samsung Chromebook 3 with an Intel celeron n3060 processor. If anything goes wrong then you can use the chrome recovery utility to make a recovery usb or use the other method in the website.

  • Success! Lots of caveats though. I would not recommend this to anybody who is not comfortable with command line, BIOS and has some knowledge of Linux in general. I had to color WAY outside the lines to get this to work, but your tutorial is a fantastic starting point for the adventurous. Thank you!

  • I installed Libreoffice on the Chromebook but the Libreoffice crashed in a matter of minutes after launching. I found that Libreoffice work s really week in Linux. Will running KDE on Chromebook with Libreoffice make a difference?
    Thank you

  • I have other question my acer cb5-311 with tegra k1 cpu have last update chrome os version 77 and google not suport this chromebok anymore… All work good now but i dont have any chance to install android aps or play mkv file all player is trash and i wont manual download and install new version chromeos. You think Mr. this is posible?

  • mine came up with this
    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

    sh: 0: Can’t open /home/chronos/user/Downloads/crouton

  • Ты меня реально бесишь уже.Во-первых, Chrome OS умеет нативно запускать android приложения, в отличает от debian. Во-вторых, Chrome OS это самый красивый „Linux дистрибутив».В-третьих, есть дешёвые Chromebook’и от сторонних брендов.В-четвёртых, не все, что имеет ядро Linux является Linux дистрибутивом (android например)В-пятых, Chrome OS в первую очередь рассчитана на школы.

  • Couldn’t get past the download/crouton part for a while, kept getting refusal to exec and so on! Figured it out by first typing sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user/ THEN typing in that command. Still got hung up when it asked for a password I did not set. Got rid of the -e for encryption and it finally downloaded. Hope this helps someone!

  • Ядро Linux (или ОС на ядре Linux) =/= GNU/Linux дистрибутив. Chrome OS (как и Android) имеет мало общего с GNU/Linux и не совместим с ним, там в основном только ядро и пара низкоуровневых компонент, да и то сильно переделанные. Также обычные Андроид и Веб приложения не привязаны к ядру Linux, Google может спокойно заменить его чем-то другим, например Fuchsia/Zircon, и судя по последним патчам в AOSP (и наверное также скоро и в Chrome OS), этим и занимается в последнее время.

  • Ну, начнем с того что хромбуки часто покупают разработчики и накатфвают на него вторую Ось которая работает паралельно.
    Цена нифига не 1000 долларов, их цены стартуют от гдето 300 если что, а есть ещё такая штука как хромстик, не говоря уже о том что операционка первично создавалась действительно под офисных планктонов работающих только с документами и веб сервисами, для менеджеров в конце концов, или для тех кто с программиста поднялся до менеджера и солидарен с мнением что винда достаточно дерьмовая ось. Кароче, мне хромОС нравится и мне интересно как она будет развиватся, хотя сейчас в топ 10 настольных ОС она ращумеется даже не претендует, но и не для того она создана.

  • For anybody who is stuck on Ubuntu Easy fix: hold ESC > Refresh > Power
    Then: Close and open back up your chromebook. Then: press space > Enter
    Then you will be returned to the rebooting screen.
    I hoped this helped some people with the same problem.

    Please like I spent a while typing this

  • Извини, но ты не прав. ХромОС, имхо, более перспективна чем линукс, за ней стоит компания в которой есть люди и деньги, а не просто комьюнити, как в линуксе. Рынок двигает не комьюнити, а вот такие гиганты как гугл в процессе конкуренции с другими гигантами. ХромОС имеет огромный магазин приложений не только ChromeStore, а и GooglePlay. (Пользуюсь линуксом 2 года, виндовсом 8 лет и полгода макОС и полгода ХромОС). Такой стабильности как в хромОС не было нигде, в родителей стоит несколько лет, а у меня летит линукс от обычного удаления какого-то системного приложения и уходит в бут-луп или от обновления граба слетает путь к системе или возникают сотни нелепых косяков. ХромОс сделана для людей, а не для тех кому в кайф каждый раз наблюдать за новой установкой системы…чмок

  • Hey does this work with Ubuntu 20.04? I tried GalliumOS (latest version) but it kept bricking when i logged out. I want to switch to a distro that doesn’t do that.

    Just to clarify, Logging out of GalliumOS does indeed brick it. I don’t know why but i have to reinstall it everytime. Really annoying.

  • Omg i love you for this video i hated the old OS on my chromebook it was so very restricted I was about to toss it in the trash. I tried this before using someone elses guide and it did not work correctly after i set it all up and did the command to start the new environment at the end it gave me a error and then whenever I went into recovery mode it would say the OS was damaged and missing and nothing would happen. Now it works in ubuntu and I am so happy. Now all i gotta do is figure out how to install the kodi on this system so i can stream thru my tv

  • Please help if you can

    In shell the Johnlewis file when you accept the risks and it goes to the options with numbers on mine it has only 3 to 7 options do i choose the option (flash a full rom to my chromebook)? Or do i click ( flash a full shellball rom to my chromebook)? Or restart the process? Thank you

  • бля кто тут пишет про стабильноть хрома оз бы дауны у меня i3 2350, 4гига ddr 3, intel hd 3000, у меня идёт сталкер в hd на максималках на windows7 без лагов, у меня rosa linux не лагает а хром лагал и глючил пиздец как

  • @eevnos now how do you install Linux through Crouton on Chrome all to an external 2T drive. And if you have info on “file system mounting with exec permissions” which is the error message I get when trying to get my steam game on my external drive on hp chromebook. Much appreciated.

  • Do I need to go through the terminal to start it up every time I use it? Or is there any kind of shortcut to launch it otherwise?

    (I imagine I’d probably have to go through the terminal, but it seems like that’s gonna get pretty tiresome after awhile)

  • Hola. Me sucedió un problema grande en mi chromebook c720. Le cambié la BIOS y le instalé windows 10. Por defecto tenía un disco SSD de 16gb y se lo cambié por uno de 128 Gb. Desde ahí tuve problemas porque la BIOS no iniciaba desde windows ya que cambié la SSD y para desgracia se quedó en pantalla negra con un mensaje que dice: grafics console started.
    La chromebook quedo muerta y no se que hacer en este caso.

  • I updated the password as instructed in the video prior to downloading. When downloaded I was Prompted to input the password. When I did, it said password invalid. I figured it just needed a refresh so I restarted the computer and now KDE Connect monitor won’t open. Any tips?

  • WARNING (Acer 514 Chromebook)
    Your HowTo works and I was able to install Ubuntu (exactly your described way). I already worked in my Ubuntu environment. Now my dev_boot_usb was set back to 0 after a reboot. So I am no longer able to boot from USB. But I am also not able to boot from Ubuntu-on-internal-SSD because I had to CTRL+L to select it. Funny end: I am also not able to enable USB-Boot again because……. no ChromeOS anymore to boot (CTRL+D)

  • hi, i just would like to ask something recently i tried some of your videos installing ubuntu on kali what happens is after doing that my chromebook cant charge anymore tried different chargers still no luck when i plug it in power led stays only for less than a minute then it dies meaning it wont charge. do you think this has something to do when i switch the OS?

  • Do you need to remove a «write to protect screw» on this Chromebook model? Samsung xe3030c12? I opened mine and I could not fine a write to protect screw, however I have tried to install linux using different methods and I have not been successful. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • The video and the article you posted is really helpful but I am currently stuck. I really need some help because I entered “startkde” but it’s says this command does not exists. I did some of the step in the article for the ones having trouble but I did not really help me. Is there another way to fix the error, if not could you give me a command to reset Chrome OS so I can try to get another Linux package?


  • Are there any chromebooks that don’t work with this? I’m trying to do it on my Samsung chromebook but after I do the username and password and try to do sudo startxfce4 the screen turns black for a second and it says there’s an error

  • I may change my opinion in a future but for now do not see much practical reasons for installing Linux on a machine whose BIOS is hacked by someone else and therefore security of the machine is not guaranteed… (you may say that security is never guaranteed with computers and I agree. I just try to avoid the word «questionable»)

  • Can you make a video on how to boot chromebook Acer R13 from a linux usb drive, I follow all the steps but at the login screen when I press CTRL+L to access the bios boot menu to chose the drive to boot, the CTRL+L function key do not work! so how to enable access to the BIOS boot menu on chromebook?

  • Лучше чем интерфейс Windows, в его классическом виде, уже придумать наверное не удастся, именно поэтом в свое время и вернули в W8 панель задач, да, есть попытки создать нечто инное, но без панели задач это не пользуется большим спросом, пускай даже и работают такие интерфейсы немного быстрее. И лучше бы Google задумался как её внедрить в Android чем изобретать ещё одну ОС для ПК, которых и так уже хватает.

  • Why did you choose KDe, as opposed to something like xfce?
    What are we looking at in terms of memory swap, gpu acceleration, and does crostini on stable provide the option to, essentially, mitigate gpu/cpu stress in chrome os, while trying to run and operate linux desktop within a container, like the one your built here?
    I ask because I believe that’s how crouton was designed.

  • С одной стороны смешно, с другой стороны это может стать одним из немногих линукс дистрибутивов, который доведут до ума)
    Ну а что, андроид начиная с 7 версии мне вполне нравиться. Сам пользуюсь и рад. Глядишь и Chrome OS станет неплохой операционной.

  • I’m guessing that this has progressed since 2018, but having tinkered with all manner of ‘frankenstein’ PCs over the years, I’m at the point now where I’ll just pay the extra hundred or so dollars for a cheap laptop running Win 10 Home and install Linux over the top of it. I’m fine once I have a booting OS and I can settle into the actual problems I WANT to solve, but prior to that point I find that my fuse can be awfully short good luck with this.

  • «Зачем было изначально ядра Linux что бы потом все это так возвращать еще и в такой постыдной форме»
    Да что бы она тянула на любом устройстве, в отличии от других Linux дистрибутивов, где крайне много устаревшего и не оптимизированного кода.

  • Полностью согласен. 6 лет назад Линус Торвальдс возлагал на хромобуки надежду, мол хоть здесь будет предустановлен Linux. Видео называется «Q&A session with Linus Torvalds: Why is Linux not competitive on desktop?»
    Интересно, что он сейчас думает об этом.

  • John Lewis left the Chromebook scene years ago, and his firmware was never the best option available. You should instead link to my site/firmware, which is actively developed and supports a much, much wider range of devices (it’s also Windows compatible). I’m tired of getting support requests for people trying to use his stuff because you recommended it =P

    firmware: https://mrchromebox.tech/
    support: https://www.reddit.com/r/chrultrabook/

  • hey there. i have HP cromebook 11. sad to say i could find linux on my cromebook. is not in linux beta setting side bar. i have updated the version also stil i dont get any result. is there any other way you can help me to DL different browsers

  • At 3:35 when i tried it it put E: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend open (11: Resource temporaril y unavailable)
    E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it? What does it mean does it mean bad or is it ok?


  • Thank you very much Andrew your a life saver. For me my chromebook isn’t powerful so I open it up and made adjustments I got a multi input and stuck as many usbs as possible so now I can play GTA 5 and COD BO3 thank you very much and I will link you in all my yt videos

  • Ты хоть бы послушал носителей как произноситься Linux, жёсткий ты. Так коверкать. А вообще ось и концепция огонь. Каждый кто против, задайтесь вопросом: как часто мы используем любой гаджет без инета:))

  • hi DB Tech, I recently bought a Dell Chromebook. I have trying to install google play store. I already changed to Beta mode, but no luck. I need the play store so badly because I need to download Microsoft Remote Desktop on it. please help.

  • Wow this actually worked. I tried it on an old Asus C300 which was no longer supported. I had previously dual booted this onto a usb stick but it wasn’t really satisfactory. I would let my daughter use it and within a day she had lost the dual booting. Also if the power ran down you wouldn’t be able to use linux without redoing the procedure all over. I was about to throw this computer away but decided to follow your video and it worked 1st time! Miracle! I have actually installed linux mint 19.2 and it appears to work fine. I know with 2gb ram it is going to struggle but to date I have not had a problem. Thank you

  • First off, never set a password for root (that is what sudo is for). You should be running «sudo passwd $USER» to set a password for your user. As for what the default password is for the user account, it is easy to see that there isn’t a password by default. Type «sudo grep $USER /etc/shadow» and you will see a line like «username:!:18523:0:99999:7:::» The! in the password field indicates the account is locked. If it weren’t locked, you would see a password field like «$6$stuff». That indicates the password has been hashed with the salted SHA2 512 hash function to keep it safe (or at least safer).

  • Thanks, everything worked good and was explained well, but if im gonna be completely honest. Once I’m in Unbuntu, what do I do, like what is the point of doing this. Can I now like download all the things I’ve been wanting to? Or like what

  • After the shell command and downloading the crouton list it shows all these variables with an “!” And in the end it states that releases with an “!” Mark should be avoided because they are up-stream end of life. Really confusing to me.. can someone help?

  • Awesome information, just getting started with my chromebook and linux. I’m a ham radio operator, so Linux is a big help. I put the KDE on my chromebook, when I go to start it up, a pop up shows up that says “system policy prevents control of network connections” and asks for a password. My Linux password doesn’t work, any ideas?

  • Согласно анализу данных в США, Chrome OS уже в 3 раза обошла весь остальной десктопный лунтикс вместе взятый.
    Раньше это были реально ОЧЕНЬ дешёвые ноутбуки на которых можно было пользоваться сервисами гугла и приложениями из их play store. И по большому счёту, большинству пользователей этого достаточно (онлайн офис, youtube, музыку послушать и тд). Зато ноут дешёвый, ось сделанная профессионалам и не глючит как например ебунту.

    Сейчас же они полезли на другой рынок. Алексей, ты странно отреагировал. Это то люди серьёзные, с руками, образованием и финансами. Может они и wayland поправят и wine, много чего нового придумают. А линуксоидам может объедки хоть достанутся и их встроят в остальные линуксы. Будем потом читать что инженеры линукса наконец-то изобрели нормальный wine на котором всё идёт, нет ебли с настройкой и практически нет потерь производительности. Я уже молчу про то что драйверы хоть начнут под линь делать, софт и игры (если конечно выстрелит).

    Я с тобой во многом согласен. По поводу того что сейчас это будет тупой обрезок за огромные деньги, что изначально это как-то через жопу делается. Но в итоге то, что плохого в том что они попробуют?

  • Well here we are in 2019 and my Samsung Chromebook is no longer supported by Google, so I’m looking to do what you have pulled off with what seems a success. The Chromebook is still a fine and like new unit and I hate to throw it away just because of no longer being supported by the company ( THAT DID NOT TELL ME THERE WAS GOING TO BE AN END OF SUPPORT DATE FIVE YEARS AFTER BUYING IT ), and I won’t be putting money into anymore of their products, but I will spend the time to continue to find a way to use what I have spent good money on and still works well with the new battery I put in it last year. Good video post, thank you.

  • Вы почему-то опустили тот момент, что chrome os не только на pixel book существует. Многие PC производители как HP, Asus, Acer, Dell и др. делают очень дешевые ноутбуки на ней по 100-200 $. В этом их главное преимущество, их может купить любой их заказывают для школ и институтов. Так что насмешки на мой взгляд не уместны. Linux даже Ubuntu не вытянул так что посмотрим кто будет смеяться последним.

  • Thanks, works great! Considered changing OS to win10 on my Chromebook but intel atom X5 not well supported and buggy I am told plus, must remove protective screw and reflash BIOS. This is much easier, better and works well for me since I mainly wanted a better GUI